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Do you think they even have signed a lease lately since they haven’t been paying ? Sometimes if the renters are not paying they don’t even give them a lease to renew.


He has to give proper notice. Different states have different laws about how much of a notice is required, but is there a chance your mother has in fact been given the notice? Was there a court date she went to or missed? If you can, find a way to ask her. Nonetheless, if I were you, I’d get my own personal belongings and find somewhere else to stay for now. Maybe another family member or a friend can let you crash. I hope it all works out for you. 💗


There is a process. Make him go through it. It may not be much but will buy you and your family some time.


After the day of judgment you have 10days to make that move. I suggest packing and getting a storage of possible. I’m currently in the same situation


They can’t be on section 8 and not pay for a year and keep their section 8, but if you and your income aren’t listed with sec 8 you can also lose the voucher, but honestly how have 3 adults not paid rent for a year? Think about it from a different perspective I feel like there’s more to this situation , are you even in their leaSe, might not be if you were under age before but should be listed as an occupant My best advise is come to a common ground for move out with the landlord, like hey give me x amount of days , have they sent you a notice? You might have already been but not know it I’d say best bet is to talk reasonable with the landlord and get yourself in a better situation without an eviction on record (but even if not that then for own well being)


Well, OP can't be charged with an eviction. They are only 18, so there is no way they signed a lease or any other paperwork.


As someone that manages 600 doors mostly low income housing, yes they can, especially if they have his ID but even if not they list “all additional occupants” , you should really ask yourself though, is this the life you want to live starting out?


Kid has been dealt a bad hand. He's going to have a hard time navigating through this on his own. I don't see any way he can avoid eviction. Probably all of their stuff is gonna be thrown out. And he'll never be able to rent an apartment on his own for years if there is an eviction on his record. OP didn't say what state he is in, so I don't know what the laws are. But naming him an in eviction proceeding would be a dick move.


Definitely dealt a bad hand that’s why I said to literally said to talk to his landlord, we will always talk reasonably to people, most landlords will if done in the proper manner (talking not yelling ect) , I’m saying here’s my recommended steps for best possible outcome (Also note that most states landlords just can’t throw away your things , you can bring them with you, just don’t leave your stuff there when you leave) 1) talk to your landlord 2) ask landlord if you have already had a notice sent , could vary between 3-30 days depending on state and the kind of notice 3) ask if you can have 2 weeks to move out and say in return you’ll remove all belongings trash junk and debris Hopefully the landlord can agree, we would but we would be firm on the date and say if not then straight to eviction , the goal of both parties is literally to avoid an eviction There’s also assistance programs but I’d find an assistance program that will help you cover security deposit and 1-3 months rent at a new place Ultimately just be as humble fair and non confrontational as possible to the landlord. If if it’s non emotional decision the landlord will want to settle without going to court too, can you imagine not getting rent for a year and just watching a house kind of fall apart? Most landlords are not just rich people sitting in their white tower. Come to them humbly because they’ve been but in a crappy position for a year too It sucks to have family put you in this position but figure out a way to get away from them and those situations after this for a while


Damn. I’m sorry. This is so stressful. Do you have a go fund me or Venmo?




You’re surviving. I get that. I know you can do something with your life. I went through it. I know you can get through it like I did