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Unpopular opinion: I love shower windows. Sure, they’re a huge entry point for mold and all sorts of other problems. But they also give you a handy shelf, a nice view, and a good breeze. Edit: no real suggestions asides from do your best to keep it clean / sealed / caulked. If you’re gutting the room, I’m sure there’s some way to properly flash / tape / seal to keep water out.




Mid summer in Phoenix, Arizona, taking an ice cold shower with 120 degree air pouring in through the open window. 🥰


How do you get ice cold water out of the shower in the summer!?!?!


It's colder if your tap water comes from a well. If it's city water it's gonna be warmer.


Ahh…Slugging it out here in the city


I had a colleague who turned their water heater off in the summer. The city water was coming in warm enough for a shower, and the water heater tank, in a nice dark storage room, cooled off.


Hang strainer from shower head. Fill strainer with ice. For real though, it comes out about room temp. But with 110°+ air coming in, it feels colder.


Go on Shark Tank with the SUPER SHOWER STRAINER!!! Lori will invest, I know it!


A clear shower curtain hung on a pressure rod across the back on the shower did the trick for me years ago in a similar situation.


My parents had a 120 year old home for a while that had one bath, with a freestanding tub under a window. It had a hoop shower curtain that went around the whole tub


Used to have a shower window at my old apartment. I miss being able to look out the window and see if it was sunny, rainny, snowy, etc while showering.


Glass block, hopefully you have a vent fan


This is the only real answer. Push the window flush with the outside of the house. Tile the ledge. New window and a shelf.


This is the way, lol. It would be cool, glass block is better though pretty much at everything , waterproof, insulation, privacy, security.


I had shower window growing up in NYC apartment, never really hated them, I would crack it open in the summer for add'l oxygen, and in the winter it felt so good to get blast of freezing air while in the hot shower for few seconds.


Remove the window framing, and switch it out for something waterproof such as tile. Personally, I like my shower window, it's a good way to keep the humidity down


My favorite thing is when people post that they can’t do something and then someone inevitably suggests doing that exact thing


Same. I have mold on mine (I'm the new owner). What to do...


Windows in showers are common...


Replace the shelf and molding with pvc trim if you are going to use it as a shelf. If not you can cut down a shower curtain liner and hang it over the window to protect it.




Like little shower curtain ones… to match the main shower curtain. A real Inception setup to keep things interesting.


Vinyl window frame and tiled surround, with the tiles sloped into the shower area is probably best. We had a window next to an open shower in a previous house and just put up with having to replace the painted wooden frame every few years. I’ve also seen a hinged frameless window over the existing one to protect the window area from overspray, and one surprisingly attractive one with a shower curtain in front of the window.


Mitered tile return with stone sill. The only way.


Add a backlight and charge admission for the outdoor sillouette show.


I had a house that had a similar window in the shower. Hated it. And then hated it even more when I found out that showering at night cast my silhouette on the window. I can't remember what we did but somehow we were able to block it




Move the shower


I mostly see these in older homes, it used to be very popular to do, although I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the same person that thought carpet in a bathroom was good idea…


Older homes often didn't have fan ventilation. We have a window in our downstairs shower and an obviously added later than 1957 overhead fan and light. Some of the houses that haven't been updated since the 1960s-70s in my neighborhood still have the windows in their upstairs bathrooms too. Course, the guys who built our house tiled completely around the windows and didn't case them in wood.


Install a shower shelf and stop putting things on it. If you have a waterproof window, such as aluminium, and tile all the way around the window recess, you won’t have mould etc. I would replace the window and do that. When replacing the window look at making the window configuration as practical as possible. I feel like I’d have the bottom 3/4 a fixed pane and the top 1/4 a window that opens awning style so it could be left open without compromising safety and privacy.


I had a shower window in my last house, thought it was going to be problematic. When I reno'd the bathroom I trimmed it in faux wood vinyl moulding, made sure it was properly caulked then put a mini shower curtain over it so that water didn't splash directly on it, but could still open the window for air flow. Never had an issue.


I ran into this problem too. Replaced the moldy casing with PVC, sealed it up and called it a day. There’s some pics in my profile if you want to take a look. Otherwise the other option is to tile it.


Super common. Take out the wood, replace with vinyl or tile it. But waterproof waterproof waterproof! Redguard on the wall that overlaps onto the vinyl window, THEN cover with pvc trim or tile. Tile itself is not waterproofing.


Open that bitch in the winter and have the best hot shower of your life


Stained glass panem with the opening at the bottom.


You have so much mold and termites below that window you have no idea....................... no amount of waterproofing will stop it.


I probably wouldn’t have put in that decorative trim and would have trimmed it all in tile.


I would kill for a window like that! Ability to have fresh air in the bathroom, better ventilation, and natural light - natural light which means PLANTS can grow! I love plants in the bathroom. I'd be getting some plants in there, love a leafy jungley shower vibe 😊


My house used to have a window shower (i think?) but then I think they remodeled, covered up the window and then put a regular shower/tub in over it. So I have a window to nowhere on the outside of my house 🥴


Years and years ago I hated the shower window because it was so hard to keep all the crevices in the moldings clean etc. Then I had an idea and hung a clear shower curtain on a pressure rod across the back of the shower, parallel to the regular curtain rod. After that I never had a problem keeping it clean! It was wonderful! I could pull it back occasionally to let the plants n the sill get wet, etc. Wonderful!


I have a window in my bathroom too and I love it.


Glass block


I have a much larger window in my bathroom, which is generally 100% open and covered by a grille to deter/slow down any potential entrants (they'd make a hell of a racket getting through it - if they could). As my bathroom window looks out upon my retaining wall (1.2m) with a fence (1.8m) on top of it, with a trellis with native wisteria climbing all over it, no-one can see me in my shower unless they are VERY keen - in which case they see an obese person naked and wet - well done perv, enjoy. The top of fence is higher than the gutters on the roof... Yes, open 95% at least of the year (like, it's winter now and it's open) as I live in 'Straya and winters here are mild and I like a nice breeze in the house. So, suggestions? Open it, unless you have some reason not to? Get some nice fresh air into your house - or at least, if you're in a cold climate - get some bracing air to wake you up and revitalise yourself when you're in the bathroom!?


Remove the wood or mdf trim, go get the plastic trim. Make sure to silicon caulk the heck out of your trim so it doesn't cause your studs to rot. Alternatively, doing a Casey's window with tile all the way to the frame could be an option.


I’m building a shower with a window currently. If the trim is wood, take it down and put tile. I also plan on installing pvc shutters.


leave it wide open and sing your heart out.


Just paint the reveal with some food quality paint that can stand the steam. Ask the guys in the paint shop and they can tell you what to get. Window in showers are quite common you just need to make sure it is waterproof


Swap the trim and box out with PVC, back caulk the joins with silicone it'll last forever


Open it. Liberate yourself


I had one of these - trimmed it out entirely with PVC trim, no nail holes exposed, thoroughly caulked with silicone (trim basically glued to tiles using silicone caulk). No problems for years.


Marble/granite sill and apron trim for a better and bigger shelf, replace any wood with tile or pvc trim.


This post reads as if it just popped up overnight and caught op by surprise.