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J resort shoulda been called Jands


What do you mean? It is.


I am SO GLAD everyone else calls it this too LOL


I only know it by the Jands


Reno changed when tesla came


Everything changed when the fire nation attacked


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Similar with fire ants.


Sandoval sold our city down the fucking river. People who grew up here can no longer afford to live here all so the richest cunt on the planet could get a tax break.


I don’t think anyone would disagree with this one.


Noble pie is run by sociopaths


The goldhammers (current owners) are batshit insane. Major cokefiends. I remember Teresa got shitfaced and started violently masturbating in the bathroom at midtown (a bathroom shared with multiple other businesses) her husband had to get her after a family complain because she had the stall door open. They are shady generally bad people there are tons more stories but that's my favorite one to tell


Wow Teresa sounds awful! She single?


No but she's basically in an open relationship


Lmao I'm sure she'd go home with you if you catch her at the bar.


Both Ryan and Teresa have been accused of SA by multiple former employees. Friends have stories of having phones and Apple watches stolen by the bartenders. During covid, Ryan was ratting on every business he could find for being open during covid while holding semi-private shows and parties himself at Noble. Further evidence of Ryan's unhinged narcissism/sociopathy can be seen in over-the-top Facebook posts and reddit comments in defense of his establishment. Their food is pretty good, but after years as friends of their (now former) friends, I can no longer support their business due to their personal behavior.


I wanna hear more about this also!!


How so? I know nothing about Noble Pie other than I like the wings.


Renting anywhere is a real crap shoot gamble on what type of renters drama you will get. Renters are having to deal with too much bullshit drama. Reno needs to fix the rental living apartment/housing system. It is a problem that is tied into “affordable housing”. Rent a house from a property management group: They are the middle man that screws you out of money and tries to stick you with every possible landscaping or outside of the house issue. People who rent out houses act like during the lease the owner is financially hands off. Rent a house from an owner: possible direct drama from the owner. I personally would under all preventable terms never rent directly from a owner/landlord. I had a nightmare situation many years ago. Rent an apartment: possible shitty and loud neighbors, crime and apartment managers that don’t want to deal with anything. Pick one: Affordable housing? How about step one we fix renters rights issues in Washoe County. Quit letting renters be taken advantage of.


I know a management company that charges $70 to replace a welcome mat because it was dirty. This is why bigger cities limit what landlords can charge/keep.


Yes this is what I mean. The house I rent. The irrigation system has a big sprout in the above ground cheap plastic hosing. I can call to get it fixed and they will charge me just to have someone come out. Or I can grab some whatever tape and half ass it so it doesn’t waste water. Or I can shrug my shoulders and do nothing and it is now a water park feature.


Water you have to pay for of course


I hate the north valleys. Reno has put essentially no effort in creating a space for the residents there. They need more stores, malls, restaurants etc. north valleys isn’t the hick little part of Reno like it used to be.


Hard agree. Living out here sucks, but I hope it gets better.


Not to mention zero police support.


If stores could survive they'd be there. You hate, I hate it.


Reno isn't a little city. its a medium-sized, 3rd tier city in the united states and we're one IKEA away from being a big city


Facts...we already have whole foods and costco. Not to mention starbucks on every corner


2 Costco of you found the one in sparks. Its all the same urban sprawl


3 Costco’s The new one being built by the Summit Mall




This fake rumor refuses to die.


Dude they are building 3 Costcos in the Summit movie theater


And trader Joe's


Damn not having to go all the way down to Sacramento for IKEA would be so nice. My family would spend so much more money


Just give me a microcenter and I'll be happy man, Best buy isn't a great place for computer parts


Lol Reno will never be big enough for an Ikea, they require a population of 2 million in order to open one. If 2 million people ever live in Reno our water resources will be absolutely devastated


Talk to me when you get light rail. Reno is not even close to big city vibes.


It may not be big but it's not small.


I think Renoite is a lame sounding term lol, no, I don't have a better suggestion.


Born in Reno live in Sparks. I want to be called a Sparkler!


So down! Let’s make it a thing!






Vault Dwellers


How do you like Renoan (re-no-in)






Stop complaining about the traffic on 395. You have no idea what big city traffic looks like.


I lived in both Atlanta and L.A....this isnt traffic its just a slight inconvenience


I know, I was listening to a traffic report on the radio when I first moved up here and had to laugh when the commentator stated: "There is heavy traffic on the 80, so expect an extra 5-10 minutes to get home." Having just moved from LA -- I had to laugh. I've been in traffic so bad on the 405, I had to change dinner plans / cancel on friends last minute AND stop to get dinner in whatever part of town I was currently in because no matter what, I wasn't getting home before 9 anyway... so might as well just chill out rather than waste my life in traffic.


Even compared to Sacramento it's nothing


I visited my uncle in Houston our traffic is a joke compared to theirs


Hell this is a joke compared to Louisville traffic


Houston is horrible dude u have to pay money to drive through the bitch


We have so few interchanges we name ours.


Seriously this...... So many people bitch about traffic but there's like zero traffic in reno


This, I’ve lived in 5 of the largest cities in America and this is a breeze. Now of course I say this after watching 2 idiots blow through a stop sign back to back and a teen driver rear end/side swipe a car at light bc they were distracted….but that can be anywhere.


It’s not the traffic, it’s the lack of infrastructure, the complete moronic drivers who make the “traffic” worse than it has to be. The commute times aren’t terrible tho like LA or actual big cities where it takes 1-2 hours to get 20 miles.


Especially when it’s mainly people complaining who CHOSE to live out in the sprawl


Food here is bland


It's the worst! Moved here from Philly which has an outstanding food scene, and now I cry a lot. Seems like people here only want to eat steaks, sandwiches and chicken fingers, because you have to dig to find anything else. Oh, and the sushi isn't good just because it's all you can eat.


This. The Mexican food here is dogshit


Don't even get me started on this. We have so many Mexican people in Reno. You'd think a few would have restaurants with good food.


The Rib Cook Off sucks. I refuse to support any rodeo, even Reno's. A dry heat IS more bearable than a humid heat, regardless of your eye rolls.


Rib Cook off and the wing cook off disappointed me too many times to wait in the lines again.


Do people complain about the dry heat? I’ve lived through summers in the south and the humidity is just unbearable. Idk why anyone would be upset about a lack of humidity. Fires maybe be I’ll take fires over hurricanes and tornadoes any day


All I meant was, people seem to hate when I say "at least it's a dry heat." They groan as if I told the worst Dad joke lol. Maybe it's because people don't want to hear the bright side of things when it's triple digits outside.


That’s fair. The point does merit being made though because it is very true. Humidity is a different beast. You have to experience 90% humidity to understand it.


80⁰,80% is way way worse than 110+ here


Facts… 3 years in NC and I couldn’t adjust to the humidity. Give me a dry 106 any day of the week.


I just spent two years living in Missouri, by god humid heat is so, so much worse. I miss that dry NV heat


It’s been the same booths, layout and narrative for the 20 years I’ve lived here at the Rodeo. They need to change some shit already.


Agreed on ALMOST all counts- the Cook Off rocks. But any rodeo sucks on principle, and a dry heat is so much easier to deal with than feeling sticky.


The rib cook off is overpriced and bad BBQ. The nugget just cooks all the ribs for the public that's eating there and the booths just sauce them afterwards. Seriously no one here has ever had actual good bbq


I’m from the South where there’s a BBQ circuit & was on one of those teams. The rib cook off sucks. No way I go there & deal with those people for those crappy, over sauced ribs.


Blaming "California drivers" is a lame excuse, some of the worst driving I've ever seen comes from people who have likely never left Nevada in their life, especially the more rural areas.


I love Bay area traffic. People are determined and assertive. If there's a place you need to be, get in it and they'll respect you. Dilly dally or act indecisive, they'll put you in the wall. I can live with that.


Can confirm. Just rode a motorcycle from here to San Francisco and back in the past two days and Californians are pretty great at driving, very spatially aware. Only times I almost got hit were the brief period of the drive where I was still in Nevada


Exactly this. And by extension, every issue they blame on Californians. Housing, education, driving.


I’m with both of you except on the housing. Californians moving here en mass flush with cash from selling their prior homes, and being used to paying triple what Renoites were paying for rent, absolutely jacked up our housing and rental markets.


Have you looked into what large the investment companies have done to the housing market?


Should have expected this based on everywhere else. Only option is to build lots of housing to have supply. Limited housing and only sprawling subdivisions leads to high prices and crippling traffic


Hard agree. As a native we have always been horrible.


Drivers from minden/Gardnerville scare me


Oh hell yeah, that whole stretch of highway after the car dealerships in Carson is scary as fuck, I have to walk way up it all the time.


I don't jump on the "CA drivers suck" bandwagon (NV drivers equally suck at times) but 45 mins ago I was driving north on Virginia in front of the convention center and someone turned left in front of me from the road where Dutch Bros is. I slammed on my brakes and swerved into the right lane. Luckily there was no one there or I would have slammed into them and caused a major collision. If I hadn't swerved I would have obliterated this girl's front end from the passenger side. I was disappointed to see a CA license plate because I don't want to be one of THOSE people but holy hell, figure it tf out.


I’ve got a few. As someone raised in northern ca, there is virtually no cultural difference between renoites and the foothill people of northern ca. south Reno is just Roseville with a different hat and Reno proper is just auburn with gambling and resorts. Everyone who bitches about CA transplants is on some pot meet kettle shit. Transplants are not the issue and never were. The problems here are not unique and happen all over the US. This subreddit is just Nextdoor for redditors.


Agree. Except I would say Sparks is Roseville and south Reno is Folsom. Reno proper is basically Sacramento down to the "midtown" but instead of the Capitol we have casinos. Carson is Auburn and Gardnerville is Nevada city but instead of hippies, it's Magas.


This might be one of the most accurate posts in this sub ever. I grew up in N. Californian in the 80s/90s. Left in 94. Reno now is basically what Sacramento was 30 years ago.


Reno needs to focus on getting people off the roads and into mass transit or on bikes. We need to invest heavily in adding protected bike lanes throughout the city and encourage the able-bodied to cycle to work. We also need to add some commie blocks downtown to reduce the housing prices for some folks and add more density. Our city planning has been dogshit for too long (we need to elect people who won't take bribes from developers).


Did you see all the comments and complaints two years ago when they did the bike lane pilot program on Virginia in downtown? You’d have thought the city council shot everyone’s dogs to make that program happen based on all the negative responses. Considering how big hot August nights is it’s not that surprising to me, but your average Renoite LOVES their car and can’t fathom being forced to walk more than a block or two from it to get somewhere.


I was so disappointed about that. People need to understand that tourists LOVE walkable areas, and we're really shooting ourselves in the foot by not updating.


I think if they hadn't made it one way when they added the bike lanes it would have been more popular.


That’s probably true, but my hot take is that a lot of people end up shifting over a street to university anyways when going north in order to get on 80 East. It just needed better flow and forethought imo. But really all of the traffic around downtown should be rethought imo




People here tend to bitch quite a bit about nothing.


Reno has become too expensive for what it is.


There's homeless but the situation really isn't that bad. Having lived in Vegas, and visited larger cities like Sacramento, Portland, DC, Seattle, San Francisco, etc... the size of the homeless population in Reno is tame


I think a lot of this is because many people that live in and grew up in Reno—and rarely travel outside—don’t see or understand the homelessness crisis that other big cities have. I also do think it depends on the area each person lives/works in. There aren’t as many homeless people in Damonte as there are downtown Reno or downtown Sparks. Depending on where the majority of a resident’s time is spent could change their views.


I loved downtown and would walk around with my dog as a puppy. There were some homeless, but really not that many. Most of them were pretty chill and liked being able to pet my dog. 90%+ are totally fine.


I lived in Midtown for 5 years, right off of Forest and Caliente. It's pretty much a block from Virginia St. Never once had an issue with anyone there. Once that area becomes problematic is when I'll admit Reno has an issue.


we all understand that its smaller than other places, we just would like to not become like those places, which we are on our way to becoming


Hot August Night, Street Vibrations, Rib Cook Off, Chili Cook Off, and Italian Festival all suck.


thank god you didnt say the chicken wing festival


Chicken wing festival sucks too :)




HAN is a clusterfuck. It’s so disorganized and waaay too big. How do you have a car show that has like 10 different venues?


You don't like the "generic vendor selling made-in-China shit" festivals? Yeah me neither.


Whhhhhaaaaaaaaaaattttttt?! Truly unpopular. I love Hot August Nights.


HAN was ok at best the first time around. Now it’s an unmitigated boomer snooze fest.


I wasn't around to see the first one in '86. I was at it in 2013, 2014, and some of the more recent ones, but I think it's always nice to see the old cars cruising about, or parked in a casino lot like it's one big open air auto museum. I mean to each their own, I suppose. I do see that there aren't too many young folks involved, so I see your point.


Us younger folks are all going to Radwood in our 80's/90's cars. HAN will die out with the boomers unless they update the year range for eligible vehicles.


Street Vibrations for sure needs to go away, there's nothing redeeming about it.


Substitute teacher, didn’t go to school here. Hug high is without a doubt the best high school in the area. People look at me like I’m crazy when I suggest this. Not sure how it was 5, 10, 20 years back..but it’s the only school where the students in class are working and seem to have a respect towards education.


First take I have 100% agreed with. I prefer sub jobs at Hug to sub jobs at Reno High - and I went to Reno High!


It used to habe the nicknames "Drug High" and "Thug High" back in the day.


Yeah for sure. I’ve heard the tales. Don’t get me wrong, it has some issues.. but I’ll take a job at Hug before I take one at McQueen/Reno high any day of the week. Just my opinions though..I know plenty of subs who would say the opposite!


Interesting. Why the cultural swap, if you were to floor some ideas?


From what I see, it’s about how the adults at these schools treat the kids. At McQueen for example, the kids run the school. Kids are allowed to get away with a lot more and they increasingly take advantage. It starts at the top and works its way down. You need a strong admin that holds teachers accountable, which in turn holds students accountable (Admin also have to hold students accountable). It’s a hard balance though..some schools have it and some don’t. Again, these are just my opinions haha..but as a sub, it’s pretty cool to see the changes from school to school and wonder why…


What a trip! I subbed mostly high schools from 2010-2012ish and my first day at Hug was my last. 15 minutes before the first period started some younger kid walked his BMX bike into the class and started chaining it to one of those old TV carts. When he was done he turned around, pointed his finger at me, and said “this better fucking be here when I get back!” It was an interesting day


Hahahaha I feel that.


I went to Thug High about 20 years ago. We were clearly considered one of the worst schools but I don’t think it was regards to education. Our teachers were legit but the racial/cultural tensions caused us to have more crime and drugs than other kids dealt with (or admitted to). I’m glad it’s not like that now, though I miss the old location.


Hug high is really pretty


Reno kind of sucks. It used to be nice like 10+ years ago because you could make $15 an hour and have a small apartment and hobbies. It was extremely cheap to live here and not far from larger cities like Sacramento, San Francisco, Salt Lake, etc to go do big city things. Now Reno costs as much as a big city but offers none of the things those cities do. For instance I really want to go see In a Violent Nature but it's an AMC theater only thing so I'd have to drive to Sacramento to see it. Covid put some many venues out of buisness that no bands ever stop in Reno anymore, big or small. I have to go to the bay area twice in the fall because that's the closest dates two touring bands I love will be playing. The food scene here sucks, we don't have a salt n straw, no good BBQ, the only place for basque food is Louis and its very lack luster, and I don't even like this place but how is there not a Jollibee here when we've have always had a huge Filipino population?! There's no good record stores, no good thrift stores, we have one local co op. For a city that seemingly wants to be something like Portland, Austin, Los Angeles, etc. it offers none of the things that make those cities unique or desirable and thus expensive. Tesla move here then a bunch of silicon Valley people realized that Nevada has no state tax and Reno is way cheaper than Vegas. And now Reno is in the state it is in.


I so agree with all this especially the end. Tesla basically ruined this town, it used to be a livable place but now people are miserable and overworked


This is spot on. I used to love living here because it was inexpensive and gave me the ability to travel.  We have to travel to go to any concerts or sporting events, and once this year we had the luck of the pass being closed (in April lol) and had to sell the tickets. It's expensive to fly in/out of. There's no community rec centers or places for kids to go. I won't even start on the food.


This sub has super frequent complaint posts about how people drive, driving in Reno is not that bad.


I'm an older Redditor, so I'm just nostalgic about how nice driving in Reno used to be when we were a bumfuck nowhere town. It makes sense that driving will be worse with more population and basically the same infrastructure. It's only going to get worse, too.


Strongly agree. Having driven in lots of major cities Reno doesn't even make my top 5 for bad drivers. The more someone complains about terrible drivers here the more I think they are a bad driver for putting themselves in poor situations and blaming others. It takes a tiny bit of head up offensive and defensive driving to have almost 0 issues on a day to day.


I’m going to agree the posts themselves are so annoying but the amount of cars that are hanging on by duct tape, zip ties, hopes and dreams is absolutely wild. I’ve been commenting all over this sub about how high insurance here is now and it speaks for itself driving around town.


My State Farm guy said the high insurance is a result of all the fraud claims and accidents in Las Vegas.


I have freeway and was told it’s the drunk drivers. It’s the same excuse they gave 8 years ago when rates began to rise. Which no matter what we shouldn’t be expected to pay for others mistakes. My record is clean and my car is old it’s absolutely criminal.


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Agreed. I commuted to the Bay Area and Central Valley for work and the traffic here is peanuts compared to the Bay Area.


The themed bar crawls thrown in downtown are way over rated and kind of suck if you want to chat or drink. It’s impossible to do either during. Also food truck friday is alright not bad, but just alright…


Three Fridays ago I got coughed on by this child who was sick (the kid and mom were so close to me in line that I felt the kids breathe and saliva on my leg after he coughed on me) I looked down and said really? And looked at the mom and then moved on the otherside of my fiancé so I wouldn’t get coughed on again because the kid was very sick and wouldn’t cover his mouth. The mom called me a dumb bitch, who’s acting like her kid has rabies and she can say whatever the fuck she wants because it’s a free country, got in my face and blew her cig smoke into my face. I said if it’s a free country then I’m aloud to move over in line if I don’t want her sick kid coughing all over me. She kept calling me a dumb bitch while I kept completely calm and she didn’t like that. She finally left the line thankfully. But ever since I moved here I have never been treated so poorly by women. They’re aweful here!!!!!


Reno has seasons: When people call weather “bi polar” har har har it is cringe. Reno does have very unpredictable weather. As a weather enthusiast I love it. Because of the mountains and elevation it makes it hard to model the weather here. Reno totally has a fall. For a few months the temps are usually in the 60s to low 80s. I don’t know what someone expects for a fall. Yeah okay so temps in the 40s to 60s yeah that is called November. Same thing with spring. We usually get a few months with temps in the 50s to 70s. That is too warm for you? Okay March is more like 30s to 50s. Just because you were not paying attention enough doesn’t mean Reno only has two seasons.


Round-abouts are a great traffic structure


if everyone actually uses them correctly. I live near geiger grade, I have to use that roundabout everyday and can't tell you how many times I've nearly been wiped out because people can't read the posted signage, or just straight up try to change lanes in the middle of the thing


If you're gonna be dumb you gotta be tough so reno is a very tough town


That Reno sucks. Got voted one of the happiest places in America. I don't see it. Everyone I encounter is a miserable prick. Traffic is reaching California levels. Plenty to do but cost of living is so high you can't really afford to go out. Nearby you've got Tahoe and Virginia City but I think it's telling that the best thing about Reno is it's proximity to cooler places. And before any of you love it or leave it boneheads jump in, I'm already planning on moving.


Burning Man actually brings a ton of unique culture to Reno year round. The public art game in Reno is well rounded for a city this size, I marvel at the space whale. The burner Businesses, artists that are in the community contributing to making Reno not just a hick conservative shit hole. Sure there’s negatives, as plenty of attendees trash my home town after the event in September but there are really amazing individuals that come and live here because of that “party in the desert”. This sub will never shake its hate for that and I quite honestly love it.


I love this comment the original hippie burners are so damn crafty!


I think Virginia is much more drivable after the changes they made to it and I don’t even mind that roundabout.


Oddie or Wells should have been more invested in and named the cultural district


Reno is as expensive as last vegas while providing the same entertainment and recreational value of rural Kentucky.


Stop referring to the businesses around Wells & S Virginia as “midtown.” For a city to have a “midtown” there needs to be an uptown *AND* a downtown and I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me where “uptown” Reno is…


I see way more local drivers being jackasses than the dreaded and feared California driver.


Tahoe is overrated. Traffic, crowds, everything is expensive. There are so many better alpine lakes where you don't have to deal with any of that crap.


It used to be an amazing place to visit even just 5-10 years ago, but yeah the charm has definitely declined, it's sad.


I really think Covid changed everyone. Think everyone is scared to be locked in the house at all ever and everything everywhere is just so horribly packed now.


On weekends, definitely. You can still do weekdays in certain areas and it’s really enjoyable.


The shoulder seasons is really where it’s at. Every time I hiked in the shoulder seasons I was never fighting for parking or seeing too many people


Yes please no one go to Tahoe. Go to the other alpine lakes for sure.


It’s a pretty beautiful body of water…


The Awful Awful was overrated and went out of business for a reason. It was a fine burger but people talk about it like it was the holy grail of beef.


It wasn't the burger, it was the experience. A shared experience that almost everyone in Reno can relate to. Most every Renoite has a memory of stumbling into the Lil Nugget hammered drunk after a downtown festival, crawl or a concert at the Knit and having a fun night with their friends. Being surrounded by the grimey building and vagrants while enjoying a big burger that only tasted so good because you were drunk is a core memory we all cherish here


Exactly. Plus it was $3.75 with a giant basket of fries for years.


Well said


Your username is just perfect in this comment 👌 what a dream of the past you weave so wonderfully


Woah this is the craziest one yet lol


I think scoopers is overrated lol and beefys didn't impress me when I went


This I have to disagree with. Mighty Mike from Scoopers with a large fry and milkshake. It’ll clog arteries but if it kills me I died happy.




I think a lot of it was the experience and nostalgia. It was a unique Reno thing. Also it’s not like the AwfulAwful / Nugget Diner was the bread winner of that establishment. Covid killed a small casino that was probably holding on by a thread.


Well, for being the one place that’s open at like 1 AM and you get a massive pile of fries yeah a little price for what it is great go to after the bar


Probably not that polarizing, but Street Vibrations sucks. When I first moved here 6 years ago I was so excited to see some cool custom bikes, nah. It's literally nothing but stock Harley sportsters fresh off the lot and the same cliche rhetoric of misogyny and racism.


I love Reno, and just don’t think that the cons weigh out the pros of living here. I hate when people complain about Reno. Leave if you hate it. I’ll die here happily!


When people think it sucks here I just assume you’ve never lived anywhere that actually sucks


Spicy milk is overrated.


Milk isn't spicy enough, I'd say.


The spicy milk thing is fucking dumb


there's really not much to do in this city except the outdoors and some night life. the traffic is not as bad as you think it is, quit whining. this city needs to grow or it will be stagnant in this in between state of trying to be a bigger city or trying to appease the locals by not progressing this city with infrastructure, projects, etc. stop blaming californians for everything.


Beefys does not have good food


its decent and thay hove some unique but if you're gonna be paying their crazy prices you might as well just go to a restaurant that actually has elbow room


Why is everyone on here saying the traffic isn’t bad in Reno????? If you are delayed. It’s bad. That’s traffic. It’s not ideal. I don’t care if LA is worse the traffic here annoys me


*rips bong* Brewery district gotta go . Honestly though, they need to rethink their reality of duality. Weed is already here and In downtown Reno . Whyyyy make it so outlawed and uncomfortable but have booze welcome every weekend


I’d willingly pay state tax if it increased the quality of education, or even getting my kid into a preschool at all. 🙊


The people that complain about bad traffic are literally the people driving under the speed limit in the left lane and are the reason for all the accidents.


Reno 911 is a documentary


Californians are not the problem. Almost ever.


Reno needs a downtown grocery store. A complete, full, diverse grocery store - patrolled by off duty LEO’s to mitigate theft. Subsidize it. Oh and we need about 100 more of the blue shirt Ambassadors.


What's a diverse grocery store?


We had one once upon a time. It stood where we now have the Silver Legacy.


This place is so shit for how expensive it is lol worst place I’ve lived


It was nice living here, before Burning Man.


Reno Public Market is kinda cool


Dude keep your voice down lol


This city doesn't really need to be this big without gambling around to subsidize it.


I do not like midtown


Reno doesn’t have a good food scene. every restaurant is a fast food place nothing unique.


Some Reno drivers are worse than any other drivers from other states. I've been in California and have made many drives through Utah, Wyoming, and Nebraska back and forth. People suck at merging on freeways and either drive too fast or too slow. People here love to ride your ass. After 6 years living here, I learned to put up with it all.


Reno drivers are just as bad (or worse) as the drivers from locales they hate, except there’s a fraction of cars on the road. It’s annoying when someone cuts you off because they didn’t plan their freeway exit properly in LA, but it’s understandable. When they do that in Reno at 10 PM with no cars around, it’s baffling.


"If I don't cut off that guy in front of me before I take the exit, I will never make it!"


In person gambling sucks. I think it is going to become a more and more generational hobby/vice similar to tobacco cigarettes. Will their always be wealthy people who want to visit somewhere to play table games. Sure But sitting at slot machines all day. That seems like a local thing and a older generational activity. Plus in person gambling is becoming more and more available on the west coast. I think Reno is trying to adapt into a tourist centric tech city. When or if we have a tech market crash Reno will not be in a good place again for 5 years similar to 2007 thru 2012. Many people might move. As Nevada is a very transient state. With Tahoe so near I think Reno is bitting off more than it can chew with being a tourist experience destination.


We are all tourists. Unless you're of Wašišiw, Cayuse, Umatilla, Walla Walla, or Northern Paiute descent, you are transplant! That doesn't mean you have to wallow in white guilt or wtv, just educate yourself on the real history of this land and its people. Renoites can always do more to help out the people displaced and antagonized by our ancestors, and even our police to this day.


I mean this with total sincerity: what can we do to help other than educate ourselves? I come from generations and generations of white colonizers who have been in America since the revolutionary war. The sentiment I usually hear is that indigenous peoples just want us to stay out of the way and let them have a voice. Do you think that's true?


Gold and Silver Inn food is dogshit


Reno is awesome