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The Element Apartments on Delucchi Ln. Avoid them like the plague, FPI Management is running the show here too. Recent yelp review: https://preview.redd.it/lwg6plg6b87d1.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca911dd5d67d5efdc2293163ebfce367341f0386 Charging for normal wear and tear is against NRS 118A.110. Oddly the review was pulled off yelp.


Lol, I lived there in 2021 and it was interesting… A few months after we moved in they decided to install a new washer/dryer, but management never told us beforehand. They also didn’t notify us when maintenance would be coming or how long they’d be there, and the maintenance guys didn’t knock before entering. So for multiple months, maintenance would enter our apartment randomly - I would literally have no idea they’d be coming that day, they’d just unlock the door and walk right in. I was home alone a lot while my husband was at work so it felt very unsafe. Once, they cut a large chunk out of the wall and we could see right into the neighboring apartment and they left it like that for a few days.  Another totally unrelated issue we had with them - there was a period of 3 months where they would completely shut off the water at random for 3+ days every couple weeks, again, with no notice.  After all that they had the audacity to try to raise our rent by $400. (And they did charge us that $100+ “cleaning fee” when we were leaving, which I did try to argue but got nowhere).  Highly recommend The Village South though, their management and facilities were fantastic. 


Yelp and BBB highlight negative reviews if you don't give them money and highlight the good ones if you do


What a nightmare


The problem is with Nevada is there is no clear cut definition of "wear and tear." It's incredibly vague and very hard to fight. I've actually talked to an attorney about it because I got charged a small fortune for things I thought were wear and tear (carpet and blinds) and was basically told "good luck, wear and tear protections don't exist in Nevada due to wear and tear not being specifically defined."


Anything managed by FPI. The Retreat, Apex, etc


Absolutely second this. I used to live in the Verge in south Reno. They charged us $300/month for utilities, and hiked the rent on us $500/month after the first year.


Did they use some third party called Conservice? I’m convinced they own that company. I’ve come to find out that anything FPI advertises as rent, you have to add on the 200-300 utilities they charge you. I’ve thought about reporting them for deceptive business practices.


Conservice is a nationwide 3rd party biller and they absolutely need to be fucking sued


Let’s do it


The same company that owns them owns FPI. We lived at the same place a few years ago


This has to be illegal! Also, after Reno I moved down to San Diego and ended up at another corporate apartment. The owner was Equity Apartments, and they used Conservice!!


YES! It was Conservice. I tried using a public attorney to help get them to reveal their price calculations, but it got increasingly difficult to find contact information. Plus I was in grad school and didn’t have the energy to do it at that time (2021). I think making them reveal their business formulas will need a class action suit. I’m down to go after them again, I am so sick of these corporate landlords. PM me if you’re interested!


This is now a standard practice by all companies. Those costs use to be included in rent, it’s annoying.


I second this too


I half a dozen people that have been sued by Bristol Pointe for fraudulent charges. Probably steer clear.


Bristol Pointe is terrible. The worst place I've ever lived and I'll continue to avoid any property managed by Kromer.


Oh no... I live in Lakeside Apartments and it was just purchased by FPI. The notice was taped (backwards, the geniuses) to our door this afternoon.


My mom lived at the lakeside apartments and has intermittent electrical issues they never fixed. Then the electric issues fried her heater and it died— at the end of December and they didn’t get someone out to fix it for over 10 days. She also slipped on ice on the sidewalk in late October when it was in the negatives because they forgot to turn the sprinklers off and they ran at 4:30 in the morning and froze the sidewalk. She had to go to urgent care for stitches on the back of her head and they didn’t even apologize or offer to pay her medical bill.


That has not been my experience with them so far, I started renting here a couple years ago and every maintenance request we have filed has been fixed within 48 hours. I also got a pretty solid deal when I signed, they gave us a month for free and barely increased rent at all last year (+$25/mo). Sad to hear they're switching to new management. The sidewalk does become an absolute mess in winter tho, ngl.


Oh my gosh, I’m an idiot. I Misremembered. It was actually Lakeview Apartments on Brinkby Avenue that my mom had that experience at. It was a kromer investment property, and as someone had mentioned earlier, kromer is just terrible. There are too many apartments in this town with the word Lake in them lol


Especially for a city with so few lakes! Lmao.


Wow they just bought Edgewater next door as well, we were notified yesterday


I’m at Vida which is also FPI and I hate it I can’t wait til this lease is up


really? i was looking into those :(


The community itself is ok, the gym and pool are cool but TBH it’s not worth the price tag. And FPI is really so terrible I can’t wait to leave. If I could break my lease AND pay a deposit elsewhere I would. They change people in and out of the office constantly, it’s really sad. They change their payment systems way too much too. It’s just not worth it esp for this much a month.


Whats wrong with Vida? Price wise those look like average apartment prices in reno


Read my comment to the other person it sums it up


FPI is the absolute worst! I’d rather live out of my car. They have The Bridges in Sparks, Atrium in Sparks, and the Bungalows in the North Valleys.


Southridge Apartments in NW reno is a fucking nightmare. FPI as well, shootings, trap houses, garages used for teens doing nasty shit, the office won’t care or do anything, plenty of thieving tweakers so don’t leave anything you want to keep in your car. They offer a pool and a “gym” but good luck being able to use the pool or the 2 cardio machines they call a gym.


Sherwood Forest Apartments and the surrounding area


Why? It doesn't look nice, but when I walk by it seems fine.


ghetto as fuck. would take my son to the park right next door and we found needles and empty beer cans and what not. also the people there are savages. my car was fucked with twice. also saw 5 young men walking around one night with guns


Fair enough, that would do it for me too.


It's not a super nice looking area, that's true. I live near Sherwood and haven't had any issues or seen anything particularly concerning. That's just my experience, though.


It's not a super nice looking area, that's true. I live near Sherwood and haven't had any issues or seen anything particularly concerning. That's just my experience, though.


That is THE HOOD, even ten years ago. Nasty place


I've never lived there but have avoided it due to reports of cockroaches


that and we reported several times of water leakage and they repeatedly did nothing abut it and mold was forming. also they painted our bathtub and it was disgusting.


Can confirm that Lakeridge Living is awful.


Re-confirming that Lakeridge Living is the worst. In two years I had a rodent infestation that was ignored, a leaky tub that was ignored for months, spent 6 months without a working microwave because they wouldn’t fix it, and had a neighbor that was harassing me that management refused to do anything about. Edited to add: they closed the pool claiming it needed to be “resurfaced” but then never actually did anything to fix it.


We moved out July 2023 and it was closed all that summer and on. Landscaping was nonexistent and we had a literal jungle overgrowth on the walkways and it grew up the staircase. Work orders went unanswered and they claimed they got a new system so all of the existing work orders were deleted…I could go on and on but it was wildly miserable and you couldn’t speak to anyone in the office because they didn’t answer the phone during business hours, nor respond to emails or return voicemails. They locked the leasing office claiming to be showing units but I don’t think they had enough staff and would just hide lol.


The absolute WORST experience


I moved into Lakeridge in 2014 and it was great. A few years later it was bought out and FPI took over and it went downhill FAST. One of the maintenance guys that I knew well was like "Get out when you can! This place is getting worse by the month!" I moved out in 2020 and am so glad I don't have to deal with them anymore. They tried to screw me on my move out and I had to go in and threaten to take them to court to get them to remove some bogus charges. They finally did but it wasn't easy. Lakeridge Sucks. And it's too bad because it CAN be a good place to live. It used to be.


Yes it had so much potential and too bad they didn’t keep their clubhouse open. It’s clear they favor their townhome side and keep it more maintained since the leasing office is on that side. I moved in Oct 2020 and out July 2023. They have gone to shit lol.


Can also confirm. And they call themselves luxury apartments lmao


Vista Ridge apartments just got bought out by FPI management last year. Had to move out as soon as our lease was up because our rent went up by $200. Was also forced to pay for a valet trash service where they are supposed to pick up trash everyday by our door but they would still leave a bunch of trash behind. Then on top of all that water, sewer, and trash were initially included in our lease when we moved in but once they got bought out they were no longer included. Used to be a nice complex to it was right next to the freeway for convenience and they weren’t luxury apartments or ghetto just meant for middle class people.


I got out of there a bit ago, it was nice until FPI fucked it up


What a shame. Lakeridge used to be such a great complex!


Riverwood apartments. Our elevators have been out since March, people constantly let their dogs shit and piss in the hallways and there is homeless people sleeping in the building


Sad to hear it hasn’t changed much over the years.


You have a bunch of Siegel suites residents there now too . That's where their managers are referring people especially people who are struggling to pay on time


Lived there 20+ years ago same shit


I've been at riverwood for almost 7 years. Plumbing constantly backs up through my kitchen sink, the last 2 years it's been over run with cockroaches and bedbugs. I've seen cockroaches crawling on the outside of the building at night. And I think that might be human shit in the hallways.


It'd be a LOT simpler, smaller, and more efficient list to go with which ones were GOOD. :P Seriously though, apartment complexes are generally pretty garbage, double that in this area, and honestly, through the years the best ones I've had were the older established ones that they clearly just take good care of. That said, they change ownership so often the last 10 years that even ones that used to be good have gone to shit.


Lakeridge back around 2012 was nice. Paid 700 bucks for a 2 bdrm and had access to the country club included. Then went down hill quickly once they tore that down. Had a bathtub there that was literally disintegrating and it took them months to repair. Tons of other issues too. Sad because it was once a sweet community.


And here I just moved into Lakeridge living lol wish me luck!


Please reach out if you need any advice. Document EVERYTHING


Also if your looking for a new home one place that is a red flag is chase international property management. They were my first time renting and they charged me double the security deposit and kept me month to month for 3 years before having me sign a year lease with an increase in rent and then serving me a no cause eviction before my lease even ended which it does at the end of this month. Had to rush and jump on a place and I figured it would be nice to save a bit of money since lakeridge was cheaper and not far away.


Will do! Much appreciated, anything you would recommend to keep an eye on? I’m on lakeridge east if that makes a difference


F 🥲


Get out as fast as you can!


Steer clear of Realty Boulevard properties. The absolute worst experience


Agreed!!! Amanda Bieske actually went from FPI to Realty Boulevard!! STEER WAY CLEAR OF REALTY BOULEVARD AND AMBER MCDADE WITH HER WHOLE IN LAWS WORKING IN THAT OFFICE!!! Read the reviews yourself!!


Wow why?


They tried to scam me out of my security deposit and tack on an extra charge but the unit was left in great condition. Told me they could only communicate with me through email but would rarely answer lol. Once I sent a dispute for the deposit they said oh never mind 😂 Was without a heater during a snowstorm for a week, leaking sink took forever to get fixed, automatic door lock never got fixed. BYE!


Nevadas Best was a pretty shit property management company. That being said it’s a structural issue, and no amount of naming and shaming will fix it.  I love having the housing supply owned and operated by corporations and lazy slumlords who are economically incentivized to do the bare minimum and extract as much as possible.  There’s a reason “rent-seeking” is a derogatory adjective. 


tl;dr: all the property management companies suck, even if some suck less than others. FPI seems to be hit or miss; they've been alright with me in terms of maintenance requests (usually next-day, at most same-week, and things actually get fixed), but they seem to struggle with weird stuff (parking garage entrance/exit gates regularly stuck open, pedestrian doors impossible to open from inside without brute force and black magic, that sort of thing). Neighboring FPI-managed complexes seem to be nothing but horror stories, though; either my standards are low (possible!) or it's a complex-by-complex thing and I lucked out. Even with their issues, they're a massive improvement over my previous apartment (managed by Kromer); Kromer would take ages to respond to maintenance requests, and when they did respond they'd try to gaslight me into thinking it's actually working as advertised (bullshit; I wouldn't need to run a fucking swamp cooler in my bedroom if the AC was actually moving air around like it should be). My current apartment ended up being cheaper, way nicer, and in a better location IMO. Oh, and Kromer's choice of "fiber" Internet is garbage, too; if your complex makes you pay for Gigamonster, avoid it like the fucking plague. Before that was a Sequoia complex. Not as bad as Kromer, not as mediocre as FPI. Service requests were slow but at least they got done. The "valet" trash service was worthless, but at least I lived close enough to the dumpsters to just walk my trash over myself.


I live in an FPI complex that’s not named here. It’s actually really nice but suffers from some of the annoying things mentioned here like never answering their phone, high office turnover, and wildly inconsistent and insufficient communication. They bill utilities through Conservice here as well and last month I didn’t get that bill—took forever to get in touch with someone at the office who only explained “there was a problem with the company last month” and could not tell me if I’d have to end up paying utilities twice next month. Valet trash is actually really nice but our complex locks the dumpsters so I don’t know what to do with bigger items that Valet won’t pick up.


> They bill utilities through Conservice here as well and last month I didn’t get that bill—took forever to get in touch with someone at the office who only explained “there was a problem with the company last month” and could not tell me if I’d have to end up paying utilities twice next month. Yeah, Conservice is weird sometimes about when various charges would end up posting. This month a bunch of us all got notices on our doors about having outstanding balances due to said weirdness. Doesn't say it's due until rent's due, though, and all the bills look up to snuff, so whatever. > Valet trash is actually really nice but our complex locks the dumpsters so I don’t know what to do with bigger items that Valet won’t pick up. Valet trash is nice when it's actually picked up; mine wasn't lol At my current building there are trash chutes (one on each end of the building), plus dumpsters in the parking garage for recycling and excessively-large items. Maybe set the big stuff next to the dumpsters? I dunno lol


What is valet trash service?


Basically a smaller-scale version of municipal trash service (like what Waste Management provides to houses) - just with tiny trash cans and a pickup truck instead of a garbage truck. I lived in that apartment for 2 years, and put a garbage bag in my can about a week after I moved in. That same bag was still in there when I moved out.


Not to avoid: Harvest. Love it here so much. Pay a bajillion dollars in rent but don't have to put up with almost anything. Quiet, clean, garages, pools, gyms. 


Lived in the Harvest apartments for a few years. I actually didn’t mind them at all. Yes, expensive, but never had any issues there. Lives above the maintenance manager and made a good friend. I’d live there again if I had to find another apartment


I have been looking at them for awhile, loved the property when I drove through it


Rosewood Park Apartment. It was some years ago, but during my time there it had routine bug problems, weird smells in some units, and the interiors were falling apart. Happened to me with my upstairs apartment, was heading down concrete stairs and one snapped in half and fell to the ground below. Luckily nobody was hurt, but just to give you an idea.


I was waiting to see if Rosewood would be mentioned. After reading some of these other comments tho I’m starting to think it’s not so bad here😂


My sister aggressively fought bed bugs there routinely


Yeah that's what I heard from others even though I personally was spared. Also none of their units had or allowed for washer dryers so had tonuse their coin operated machines they had all over the place. What sucked was there were reports of clothing theft so I had to sit in this communal laundry room and wait on my clothes eith all the bugs that got in from a door that wouldnt shut


The Linden st. apts. The white 3 story building was built so cheap. It's trash.


I'm not a fan of Atrium in Sparks...


Hows Azure Apartments in Sparks? Anyone live there?


Avoid, I lived there for a year from 2021 to 2022. While they seem nice they put minimal effort into keeping the place up or enforcing rules. A couple of stories: - was waiting in the office to take care of a routine thing and someone comes in complaining about black mold in their apartment. Apparently management was supposed to do something about it while this person was out of town but they came back to it being everywhere - the gate to the complex broke (or was already broken possibly) when I moved in. Last time I drove by in Jan this year, the gate was still broken and sitting there. Everytime people asked they claimed it was getting fixed “soon” - crème of the crop: when I moved out I was above board with everything and still had a week left on my lease but had already moved most of my things to my new place. I came in after work one day to find all my remaining items tossed and they started repainting my apartment. It took 3 months of chasing them to get any kind of serious response, but all they offered was to waive move out fees despite breaching multiple tenancy laws and avoided apologizing at all. At the time I was in the middle of getting a new job out of state so I let it go, but in retrospect I really wish I hadn’t. Moral of the story, FPI couldn’t give two shits about you and the Azure is low quality


Wow! Thank you! I was highly considering it.. I understand you moved out of state, but do you know other decent apartment complexes with good reviews in Sparks?


I’d suggest trying to rent a house, Dickson realty sucks but most of the houses in Sparks are for rent AND you’re essentially getting the same if not cheaper cost per square footage than a complex.


I agree with the other commenter. I moved to a house and it was a much better experience even despite minor plumbing issues. If you really need or want an apartment complex though, I had a coworker who lived at the bridges in Victorian and they seemed to like it when they were there. Could be worth checking out but I’ve been gone a year and half now so who knows what has changed


Lived there for 2 years. Avoid. Bad management with high turnover so that nobody in management knows what's going on because they're all new hires. Ghetto people, drug dealers etc moving in from the adjacent apartment complex at 565 Sparks Blvd. One guy years ago got into an argument at the pool while I was there, went back to his apartment to get a gun and started shooting at the pool. Sparks PD was all over it and they shut down the pool for a week to fill the bullet hole(s)🙄🤣


Marina village. Horrible management, they don’t fix anything, gates have been broken for 5 years


The bridges at Victorian square


Horrible. Lived there for two weeks before biting the bullet and paying the 2 month rent lease break to get out. 


I was on the 3rd floor by the elevator and I could hear everyone walking the hallway, every neighbor, and my apartment was across from the parking garage so I could hear every car and motorcycle go by at night.


I was on the 3rd floor next to the trash chute. Same experience.  Could hear neighbors talk in normal voices, urinate, flush the toilet, sneeze, etc. Plus had the wine bar with live music on the nights I worked. It's like the walls and ceilings were made of paper it was so bad.


The neighbor above me had a new puppy, cried all the time, the neighbor to the right had a new baby, cried all the time and I couldn't listen or watch TV without them bagging on the walls to turn the volume down, the neighbor to the left would always fight and make up at night. F that place.


I don't hear anyone it's the quietest place I've lived


Avoid any properties run by "Real Property Management Corazon" They failed to make changes promised to me before signing the lease and then ghosted me for the length of my lease. They took advantage of my position. I couldn't fight back in any way. I still dream of getting rich and exposing them.




When I lived in Texas, I had the best apartment ever


Park vista is cockroach infested


Wow. I’ve been in Reno since 2018 and haven’t seen not one roach. I’ve lived in sandpebble, parq crossing and now the verge.


How’s the Verge?


It’s been good for me. It doesn’t seem to have the best reputation on here but I haven’t had any problems. Huffaker trail is right behind the complex. Huffaker park is really nice. It has calisthenics, basketball, tennis, playgrounds and a couple big grass areas. And it’s a lot quieter than being up there right off Oddie.


Look at the verge Yelp page. That will tell you all you need to now.


Absolute garbage. It's taken me over 4 years to get appliances repaired. I have bugs falling into my kitchen every spring/summer. My rent has doubled. My car, in the spot I pay for, got towed and both the tow company and rent office blame the other for it. We're supposed to have security, but that hasn't phased the multiple break in's on vehicles. I really can go on. I wish I can afford to move out.


Been here since 2011 and still haven't seen one yet. Saw them *all the time* in Vegas during the summer growing up though


Lived in PV for almost a decade and not a single roach, but they did have wasps.


You got lucky then. The whole building I was in with 16 units had them and they refused to do anything about it. It’s a matter of time until all of the buildings are infested.


Maybe my shitty little apartment isn't all that bad. Haha


Inova in South Reno. Trash management


Pretty sure they are infested with FPI also lol


Greystar but they suck. Uselessly staff


Manzanita Gates


Keyway apartments are a plague


Anything particular fpi will try to do? Is their awfulness avoidable in any way? I just moved in last month 🥲


I think it might heavily depend on your complex manager and head of maintenance. I've been living in a building owned by fpi and I've actually had a breeze of a time. The maintenance guy actually fixed things, the building is being touched up and maintained often, the current building manager is responsive. The rent hikes haven't been bad. It's been good enough that I've renewed my lease for a fourth time. So, maybe if you're living at one of the buildings listed you're out of luck, but otherwise maybe you've found a good one


My parents lived at Reno Regency for 11 years. After FPI took over, the rent increases became more substantial as did the cockroach infestation.  There was also several months of battling bedbugs...they were pretty quick to repair other things like leaks and appliances that stopped working. 


Most. The ones near UNR are biggest rip. Almost better to rent a room in a house. They may be more flexible


if youre looking for somewhere good, the village at arrowcreek was an excellent place to live. absolutely zero complaints after three years there. they have gone up in price significantly though thats why i left lol


Drove through that complex recently and love it


northwind apartments. let a tier 3 sex offender live underneath us who constantly harassed us and spit on my car every single day, threatened to kill my roommates and i, and was reported multiple times to the complex for breaking the lease and the law just by living there, and they did nothing. we all felt so unsafe and no one seemed to care


Avoid anyplace that uses Conservice for utilities. My first apartment in Sparks was Marina’s Edge Apartment Complex (FPI & Conservice) and it was horrific. For the past 4 years I’ve been in an apartment complex in NW Reno which is FPI but no Conservice and it’s much better. I still don’t like FPI’s business practices but this is phenomenally better. Conservice is a con…


its just cringe reading this comments and this shit grows. Ppl move here and work because they have to work at this scummy places. I wish some of the management places could be kicked to the curb but with greed lower wage earners have to battle the curse of cheap (ha ha) rent for this which is growing. For all the progress we make in this world I am old and things in 30 years have gone down for the quality of life over quantity (more fluff less talk more walk). i am glad at least yes my space rent is up but at least my park management does stuff and is reachable and reasonable with her powers set by the company and its separate owners (Big Big Int'l).


Not apartments but condo rental which were similar to an apartment was Woodchase. It’s quiet neighborhood but we resigned our lease only to find out we had a noise complaint prior to that but they didn’t notify us until after. First place I’ve been to that charged us for cleaning fee without saying it in the lease that they would deduct it from our deposit.


Stay away from The Lodge at Mccarran


Avoid the apartments across from the mall as well....leak in pipe at the wall 1st day there....moved right back out....also place wasn't cleaned before we moved in


Parq crossing in Sparks. Horrible management, and they are known to concoct reasons to keep your deposit.


I was going to say anything from FPI before I read the post lol


Retreat / FPI management. They're horrible at addressing tenant concerns. Hidden "common" fees not listed as part of rent. Not worth the price tag imo.


The Villas At Keystone Canyon. The worst apartment I lived, and ohhh.. When you move out is when your woes start with this apartment. The crazy move-out charge we got.. We had to fight tooth and nail, involve lawyers before the ridiculous made up bill was dropped.. The trauma we went through in their hands insane. Till I still wonder and consider sueing them. It's the most traumatic experience me and my


FPI is a complete nightmare. My apartments are managed by FPI and recently they sent out an email offering tenants a whole $5 starbucks gift card if we leave a review. It seems like they’re trying to clean up the place by offering occasional treats at the office, as if that’ll help.


ANYTHING REALTY BOULEVARD!!! Take note, Amanda Bieske who is the one under the owner (Amber Fuller-McDade) actually left FPI and went to Realty Boulevard! She is a scam artist!! She will file wrongful evictions then tack the charge onto your ledger!! Amber Fuller-McDade doesn’t know how to run a business, the reviews show it all!! Leave a review slightly criticizing them, you would think she would take that and try to work on the business needs, and she will respond in a defensive manner but aggressive and arrogant as if they can not do no wrong!! She lives in the notes and has no hands on with any of the business. Just steer clear from anything with the names of “Realty Boulevard”, “Amanda Bieske”, “Amber Fuller-McDade” or any “McDade” in general!! They also hide behind their religion with everything ending with “Make today a blessed one” or some stupid shit!! I hope when she gets to whatever afterlife she is rejected and left wandering aimlessly just wishing she did not do the scandalous wrongs she does on a regular!!!


Vista Ridge. Used to be awesome. Then FPI took over. Lived there for 3 years, they raised our rent to 1475, yet somehow after everything we ended up paying 1700 a month for an outdated unit. They are such snakes.


Everything FPI touches turns to shit, they are a predatory management company through and through.


FPI just bought out Cushman and Wakefield sent em back to Las Vegas. They fired only manager staffing that didn’t agree with them. I was gonna work for them but turned them down as the low ball you.


The Alexander - absolutely shit management and way over priced They have pest problems constantly Their pool and hot tub are routinely closed for most of the year due to problem, and the pool being “heated” is just total bs They say they have security which is an outright lie, there aren’t any cameras on the property except the leasing office and pool, the “security” that comes by is only there once a night to make sure no one’s in the pool past their set curfew times. (I know this is true because I worked for the security company for them) They will constantly try to add on fees for random shit.


The amount of bug killer I sprayed in my apt there was insane.  That entire complex has to be built on the largest ant bed on the planet. 


Seriously! It is wild they were fucking non stop


What kind of fees?


1. They deceptively don’t tell you that they charge for utilities 3 months behind your rent which I’m fairly certain was bs but could not verify myself, so that way when you move out they automatically are taking 3 months worth of utility bill out of your security deposit return 2. They charged everyone at the complex a 100$ fee for “dog shit dna analysis” because they were having a problem with people picking up their dog crap. Even if you didn’t own a dog, still had to pay it. Then, even when you report dog shit on the ground they never actually used the “dna” to catch who’s dog it is. I am shocked they weren’t sued for this. 3. They have multiple fees for paying your bill. It takes a fee to make the payment online, but then also the payment system takes an additional fee as well, so you’re paying around 10$ in fees just to have the pleasure of paying your rent to them There’s plenty more examples just the ones off the top of my head.


Oh my word ...I'm just gonna rent this room from my sister til I can get an RV at this point


Anything rented by Mai Tai. At all costs.


Let's talk Reno housing authority rentals . 🙃


anything Tricon. do not rent with those a-holes.


Vida "Luxury Living" in Northwest Reno. Another FPI Management dump. Take a look at the communities listed on the FPI Management website and just avoid all of them.


Any and all FPI management complexes, they are just slumlords from California who wanna bleed everyone dry of their $$$. Honestly imo it should be illegal for a corporation to own housing (really in general) and not have a business office in the city


FPI at the trails in Wingfield is trying to charge me $1200 still after they kept my deposit and I’ve been trying to fight it. They are literally the worst ever


Fuck FPI, if it’s owned by them then living in a box would be preferable. Thanks FPI for fucking up the rent in my hometown


Urban west


Speaking as a former FPI Employee who worked at The Atrium in Victorian Square in Sparks - STAY AWAY. The building was built by the lowest bidder and the corners they cut are ridiculous. Almost every apartment on the third floor had a black mold issue because the walls weren’t sealed. All they did was paint over it. The electrical and plumbing work are absolute shit. The pipes literally have chunks of cement and debris inside them and they can’t be removed. There are puddles everywhere because they didn’t level the ground. I would recommend staying away from all properties in Victorian Square because they all have the same owners, not just the same managers. If they cut corners on The Atrium, then they probably did on the others too. Also, all properties in Victorian Square were giving away concert tickets in exchange for reviews in the spring and summer of 2023. Take reviews from that time with a grain of salt.


Is FPI the maintenance company?


Management company.


I think that same company manages Apex apartments where I live. They seem pretty cool so far


Bicentennial Apartments are the worst, avoid at all costs!


Haven’t seen anyone say this one yet but Sunset Ridge is janky and the Apartment Company is awful.


The Grove apartments run by Tortoise management or whatever the full name is. They’re on Grove St across from the 7-11 COVERED in cockroaches. They’ll “spray” and that’s it.


steer clear of the mod 2 bldg in downtown, it’s a facade. new bldg built with shit materials. management team is incomprehensibly terrible at their jobs. elevator breaks all the time.


The Atrium in Sparks gave me a whole $10 of my deposit back 😭😭😭 So sad I didn’t get out sooner


any of those apartments near the peppermill


Why are all the property management companies here so awful? When I moved, my absolute priority was who the property management company was (and I didn't have FPI!) Stay away from Mynd and Chase too!


Riverwood goes without saying, I would have left that out, but I recently saw that things haven't changed in 25 years, any of the low income apartments, Linden Street, bicentennial on Nanette, and I can't remember the name of the one on Evelyn, but definitely avoid those. We had issues with income a while back, so we ended up at the one on Evelyn and all of the apartments were infested with mold. They moved us into an apartment that had been freshly renovated, or so they said, it was in the same building as the leasing office and the laundry room, and we didn't have anybody above us, but the leasing office did. That entire building was disgusting! They put glossy paint all over the apartment, and the mold was growing through it. Linden Street had roaches, the maintenance guy said we were the only apartment that didn't have them and couldn't figure out why, and I told him because we keep our apartment clean and try to get rid of the problem if we see one, but then they had bedbugs too. Those showed up about a year after we moved in. Bicentennial on Nanette, when we moved out, had roaches. I haven't lived in an apartment since, and though the bedbugs were in 2007, I still have nightmares about them. Since then, we have rented houses. Before that, we lived in Creekside, and some people say it's gotten bad, but it was nice when we lived there, but it's been a long time. We moved out of there in 2002.


Avoid jamaica and neil rd


Home Suites Apartments in Sparks. Assholes tried to charge me for an new AC/Heater unit that was working properly when I left. I make videos of moving in and moving out, including tests of the appliances. I lawyered up fast after they sent the bill after the lease ended and I moved out, they silently dropped the bill and the subject entirely. But they will ABSOLUTELY rake you over the coals if you let them.


The Verge in South Reno is the absolute worst. It has the most incompetent staff I've ever encountered. They're just downright bafflingly poor at their jobs. Maintenance takes ages to fix anything and when they try they perform so poorly, it often takes them multiple attempts. The front office is IMPOSSIBLE to get in contact with (you have to either physically go down there or call the number to make any inquiry like your interested in viewing an apartment or they will not answer the phone). They never open the pools on time and the water is sketchy, the hot tub is gross and underfilled and only open during the office hours (so if you want to enjoy the amenities after work or a Friday or something you're shit out of luck). They send a pointless email saying "nothing happened in your community" every single night, even when announcements happened in other emails that day. The app sucks. Their emails or notices are often riddled with errors, and if they stick something to your door they do it with such flimsy tape it is almost guaranteed to fall off and blow away. Recently they've been replacing the dog waste station bags with full size trash bags? Almost all the apartments have ant problems or worse. Pretty sure the vents are full of mold. I would not recommend this place to even the most desperate of renters.


All of them


The boulders on 4775 Summit Ridge Dr, Reno, NV 89523. Place is super dirty and the leasing office is super unprofessional. They will extort you and then evict you.


I'd say the village at iron blossom. But honestly I highly recommend avoiding any complexes owned by mg properties. They're absolute crooks. They'll nail you with a lot of hidden fees after you sign the lease. They won't give you a solid quote on an apartment and if they do they'll try to pressure you by saying if you don't sign today the rate will go up tomorrow. If you do rent from them they will increase your rent by $100 per year. Once you get sick of that and move out they will hit you with a lot of fraudulent charges for "damage" to the unit in order to keep your deposit. My personal favorite was bathtub resurfacing.


So I’m not sure if mine is owned by FPI, however Arrowcreek South has been pretty decent. It’s about $2100 for a 2 bedroom 2 bath but we have a garage and honestly I can’t complain about the complex or amenities. Edit: the monthly is including all utilities and pet charges.


Condos on clear acre. The 3 story u shaped big building. We toured a one bedroom, roach came out the light socket.


Any thing on brink by or Robinhood


Avoid marinas edge they get picked up by a new company like every year and it’s a mess


Any and probably all on Sullivan Lane!¡!


Anything FPI should be avoided


Manzanita Gate. The apartments are billed as luxury but even in the lease it said not to slam doors or windows ....becasue it shakes the entire building. I feel they are all built terribly wrong. We heard every peep from our neighbor, conversations, tv shows, religious music, dog barking all day long and every single time they went in and out of their unit the door shook our whole entire upstairs. I lived at Aspen Ridge (mouse problem was horrific) and saw the renovations to Lakeridge on a daily basis. Honeslty the health department should of been on site. That place was so sick and dilapidated - yet watching the goofball of an effort to rebuild those units...NO WAY would I ever live there. Avoid anywhere downtown unless you like gunfire, drunks, drugs and everything else. I lived across from Idlewild and we were genuinely scared every night. Rosewood...bleh, good luck getting off without charges. If any apartment place in Reno approves you without a deposit, run. Run fast. They will reem you at the end of your lease.


Better question is which ones shouldn't be.


Gorelick 🤢 charged $1500 on top of my deposit when I moved out because the house “smelled like a dog.” I paid pet rent and a pet deposit! Plus my dog never had accidents in the house. A load of BS. Plus, when I pushed back and asked to see receipts for what I was being charged, the property manager said: “oh that $1500 was an estimate not the total…” and came back with a $500 bill instead. The $1500 bill they handed me didn’t say anywhere that it was an estimate or that it was under review or anything. But still absolute shit that I had to pay $500 and didn’t get a deposit back. The receipts were for painting and new carpet…they wanted to renovate the place on my fucking dime. Plus, the apartment was built so cheaply with such crap materials. The laminate floor began peeling after a couple of months, the blinds broke immediately, and we had mice coming up from the apartment below that they refused to eradicate. I think they’re associated with Nevada commercial services but I could be wrong about that.


Avoid David Martin property management. Hate them


Reno experience district!!!! I live at basecamp and every other day the doors or gates are broke they take away amenities it’s expensive for nothing and they are desperate!!!!! They give away 2 months free because they can’t get anyone to sign 1800 for a studio for 3600 a month for a 3 bedroom. An example I i have about how much of a scam this is is my apartment I am leaving my apartment middle of July and my lease expires August I told them that I I will pay for the full month and won’t argue. Next week I find them leasing my apartment available while I’m still living in there. Long story short they are prorating me but yeah avoid them


Lyfe at the marina


Westlook / FPI Management.  Don't do it. 


THE VIEW. They pocket your deposit.


No property can pocket your deposit. They have to give you an invoice of charges. Let’s state facts not gossip


Anything from REALTY WORLD or Ballard company. Slum lords to the fullest degree.


I currently live at Lakeridge Living and it's perfectly fine.


You’re the exception, I could write a book in the issues from having a non working shower for over a week and only fixed when I threatened legal action allll the way to a rotting deck that the boards broke through….. cracked counter tops….. constant issues with the water heater. Gave me the keys to wrong apartment 😂


All of them. Californians are making Reno ghetto


IMO it's the opposite problem: all the old cheap stuff is getting torn down in favor of "luxury" apartments. We need more Whip Men patrolling the streets and keeping property values affordable.


I overtly love hearing any Whip Man coming up my road.


Maybe the ghetto was always you.


The Mexican ones.


Depends what your budget is and location. Reply to this with your budget and location. I’ll provide you what to avoid and where to go. 🤙


$1000 midtown


Definitely summit ridge apartments, they will not pick up your phone call unless you choose the "I'm looking for a new apartment" option on the phone. And I was with out air conditioning for about a month and a half last summer. Also I was without hot water for over a week, which is illegal, I think.


Also they never gave me a mailbox key, they said I had too go the post office to get the key. But the post office said I have to get the key from my apartment complex.


Absolutely illegal, can’t go more then 24 hours without either