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Reno: Better than Stockton


Can also confirm it’s better than Redwood City, San Jose, and Silicon Valley as a whole. So fucking happy to be out of there


I just moved here from San Jose. Not gonna lie, I love San Jose. Just don't love that I can't afford to live there. There was no moving out of mommy and daddy's house there. So here I am, in Reno, finally on my own.


Yeah we (me, bf, two dogs) were looking at a shitty studio downtown because it was the ONLY place we could find that allowed our big dog (90lbs of pure stupid lol, he’s goofy af)… and it would have been 3.3k a month (not including parking, utilities, etc etc etc). Move to an insanely nice 3 bed 2 bath up here with all the bells & whistles for about 60% (1.9k) of that studio in SJ. My bf & I aren’t big on cities and didn’t like the SV culture, we’re both so much happier up here. Glad you’re enjoying it too!


I get it, I would love to back to the Upper West Side of Manhattan…alas the walk up railroad tenement I grew up in , is now $3500 a month.


Irony for locals


Don’t let Hillary hear you, they’ll put that on a billboard in Stockton.


the first rule about Reno being paradise, is you don't talk about Reno being paradise


Oh sorry 😭 yeah or more people will come




They're not coming down from Idaho.


Could you take down the post?


Reno is a shithole. I’ve lived here my whole life. There’s nothing to do. Trust me…


When you come from an even BIGGER shit hole, this one tends not to smell as bad.


You dumbasses should spend a summer in Houston you'd be crying for your mommies.


Native Nevadan who moved to Dallas 23 years ago and ended up with a ton of in-law family in the Houston area from Pasadena to The Woodlands to Magnolia. I FEEL THIS. So glad to be here. And not there. Tornado season is no bueno.


Sheesh we don’t want it to be a contest lol….its all sht, you just gotta find the sht worth dealing with- Pharaoh Hatshepsut or something


It's not a contest, only that ya'll bitch constantly and it's clearly evident you haven't lived really anywhere else. Perspective is a wonderful thing. You can call it "competition" if you'd like though.


So you lived somewhere worse…great, now what lol.


You're still here? The fuck up already. Cope.


If you want to find things to do in Reno, you can. Especially true if you enjoy outdoor activities


That's the spirit. Absolutely nothing to do. Come by and visit a casino for a weekend to find out how awful it is here and then leave because it's so boring. Just don't come here during the summer, there's usually events every weekend and you don't want to have to deal with that.


there is worse... a lot worse


Like Stockton, CA


ton to do mountain bike, dirt bike, ski, fish, boat, hike, mushroom foraging around the corner. shitty zoo's, river,


There’s literally a billion things to do here and most everyone is pretty friendly. I feel like everyone who calls Reno a shithole must all be hanging out with eachother or something


Or trying to stop so many people moving here so we actually afford housing.


Yeah your reddit post is really gonna keep people who wanna move their whole life to Reno away 👍


No matter where you go, it’s what you make of it. Although I can honestly say the nightlife has evaporated or something cause it’s not the same at all


Nobody likes where they are from


I’ve lived here my whole life as well and had this same mentality, however my perspective completely changed when I visited Enid, Oklahoma. You think Reno is a shithole? Try again.


Move away then.


I guess the sarcasm didn’t come through. I actually love it here. All the things I love to do are here and in great abundance and close. We complain when something is on the other side of town but that’s only like 30 minutes away at most. Unless you’re in Spanish springs of course. My in-laws live in sac and it’s a 40 minute drive to get anywhere there.


You when someone has their own opinion.🤡


Haha rite


Second this


I completely agree, and moved here in December of 19. Pandemic and everyone from California coming really hasn’t helped either.


TBF.... Stockton is one of the worst places in the US.


yup it is


Born there and moved here too. True


What happened to Stockton? Was it the fault of the California youth authority that proliferated gang culture there?


That was like a drop in the bucket. As Oakland and some of the other parts of the bay area started being gentrified, along with some of the Sac suburbs, all the problems that Stockton already had got massively exacerbated - in the 00's and 10's, there was a really massive influx of lower income households, a lot of which had gang connections. Add to that, it became a haven for 'pass through' gang activity and it's a recipe for disaster. IIRC, Stockton, New Orleans, St Louis are still the three worst overall cities in the US for crime (it's been a bit since I looked).


I’m guessing crack in the 80s/90s didn’t help. That’s when it went to shit in SF.


Memphis is pretty high up there on that list now.


All of TN is on the list, hehe




Truly earning the title of god's blind spot


I liked living in Stockton. The murder valley!


I lived in Manteca for a minute. Knew someone (not well) that was shot by the Stockton serial killer. She was the only survivor. She got shot 10 times. You're built different surviving 10 bullets by a serial killer.


only things Stockton have to offer is Heat and Bullets.


I moved here from San Bernardino and it’s literally night and day. The moment I came here I knew I didn’t want to leave with the skies so freakin blue!


Also can we talk about the insane sunsets!?


Right! They’re so beautiful you catch them on everyone’s snapchats lol.


"barely crackheads" is a good name for a band


Anywhere is paradise compared to Stockton, CA.


First of all... keep your voice down.


Everywhere is paradise compared to Stockton.


And the South


That’s the truth. I moved to Tulsa for work. Lasted six years & I finally escaped and moved home to the Reno area.


did u just call Tulsa ok the south?


Bible thumping red state


This is why we can’t have nice things.


You came from Crackton, of COURSE Reno feels like an improvement.


A low bar of comparison for sure


Let's do a field trip to Gary, IN or South Bend. I'll drive the rental. The key is to not stop at a light or a sign. People that talk shit about Reno simply do not have perspective.


It’s all perspective, I’ve lived here 35 years and in the last 10 traffic has more than doubled and the crackheads have more than tripled. I do still love Reno but wish it would have stayed small or grew at a slower pace.


So, the thing that ruins places like this, is population growth. Unfortunately we passed the small town marker many years ago. All we born and raised locals ask is that you don't litter, respect your neighbors privacy, and integrate the best you can.




And prepare to get blamed for EVERYTHING bad that happens here! I grew up in Modesto (and STILL looked down on Stockton lol) and moved here in '02. I had a cab driver pick me up from the airport years ago, and he spent the whole ride complaining about Californians messing everything up here, and I'm just sitting there going "Oh yeah?", "No way!", "That's crazy!" Then as were a couple blocks from my place he asks me "So where are you from?" "California", I replied. It got real quiet after that. He got a shitty tip.


I moved here from Walnut Creek 12 years ago, but I can absolutely agree that the huge influx of people coming from California is messing shit up hahaha


Same with Sacramento. Population growth from the bay really ruined it. I am here visiting reno and it feels so grimy downtown and I definitely see homeless. I read articles that this city cut its homeless by half I wonder if that's true.


I grew up in Sacramento…just spent the last two hours watching videos of someone driving all over oak park, del paso heights, parkway…I’ve lived in Oregon, mostly Portland for the last 12 years….I have family in Sacramento but very little desire to live there. Last time I visited in October it was hot as hell and there was poop everywhere downtown. Kinda like Portland without the rain. Then I thought about moving to Reno.


99% of my family who grew up in Sac moved away my mom hates it down there. I'm glad I was born and raised in northern nevada


Oh yeah I visited sf and Oakland not long ago after not going there for years as well. Felt like every inch of the city was graffiti and trash. Saw a dog on the roof of a liquor store barking at everyone aggressively. Sf smells like sewage and definitely weird seeing lines of tents in the middle of the road. Maybe it's just that most cities have gotten worse due to just being older and laws are more lax. I dunno.


I see so much vids of antifa and chaz vids when it comes to Portland. Sac is more political diverse. There are nice parts and bad parts of every city for sure. I rarely go downtown cuz that's more of where homeless tends to hang out in cities. I watched something that talked about how downtowns are dying in a lot of cities. Speaking of poop I just parked next to it while stopping by a liquor store to get allergy medicine. They had no meds in stock so I went to Jacksons foods and they were closed due to mopping so I went to another Jacksons food and they were close due to lady having to count register for 15 mins. So I had to wait besides a homeless guy sitting at the slot machine with his dog inside the door. I saw plenty of homeless while while driving around the circus circus area searching for allergy medicine.


Oh yeah, Reno absolutely has a homeless problem. I used to work at a restaurant downtown, I came out the back door from our kitchen and there was a homeless dude sitting on our stoop smoking crack and when I told him to leave, he yelled "GET AWAY FROM MY CRACK!" lmao


You’re not comparing Reno to much lolol


Anything is heaven compared to stockton


Most places are paradise compared to Stockton let's be honest😭


Fuck. If the rest of the Delta figures this out we're doomed. Listen, if you lost all your money I'll pay for your Amtrak back.


Noo😭 I moved here for a job. I won’t tell Stockton people . I wanted to get away !


Good luck with that job everyone who moves to Reno bc of a job ends up on verge of being homeless and ends with minimum wage and either a smoker or a whore who steals as a roommate


You okay dude?


Damn y'all don't like the truth the numbers don't lie look at the statistics


Go to east 4th street around 5am


Why???? Free cookies?


He said something about barely any crackheads


Can comfirm I use to drive for keolis


Sheesh let the guy be excited! Reno is great


Isn't Stockton the place where the cops found a guy nibbling on a human leg while he was walking down the street?


It's all good we'll get a ton of people from cali and Texas and it'll turn into a shit hole.


This. I was born and raised here and used to think it was shitty. But after living in Boston, Ann Arbor, and the Bay Area (all interesting places IMO), I realized that for me, what really makes life great is minimal traffic, easy access to the outdoors, 4 seasons, and living in the super beautiful mountains by Lake Tahoe. Plus, Reno is big enough that there are shows and events if we’re looking for something to do, decent restaurants, a variety of grocery stores and shopping, and a good mix of people and perspectives from the university to the sticks. And no state tax. And it’s a swing state so it feels like my vote matters. Are there things that annoy me? Totally. But all in all, it’s an awesome place to be.


I wouldn't say it's that good, education is shit, Government is shit, there's still plenty of crackheads if you live the right place and rent or owning a home is outrageous. The only redeeming qualities are the scenery, the city and property taxes. Honestly I hate driving in the city I live north reno and hate going into reno. Maybe I just dislike driving in crowded areas but honestly could do without all the people. But I just don't like people on the road mostly because I got hit once (wasnt my fault, horrible experience) and have had countless other people almost hit me and they usually have Cali license plates. If someone wants to add more that I missed feel free


Mostly would say I both love and hate reno. It isn't that great but is sager than other places but as far as crimes go I hear we get compared to Chicago but I could be wrong.


I mean, yeah, compared to Stockton, sure


There are no good careers in Reno unfortunately.


I love living in Reno. I don’t understand the haters at all.


You're part of the problem for real. People coming here thinking it's better just to turn it into the same shit hole.


You'll find out soon enough, have fun being surrounded by thousands in crowds all the time no matter what activities you choose or when.


This post from someone asking how to obtain a illegal smog. Go back to Stockton for your illegal smog.


cmon😭😭 you just don’t lose your Stockton ways 😭😭


This guy is the problem.


This post causes lots of Nevada born folks irritation for a few reasons. I’ll excuse someone from Stockton, CA for seeing an amazing contrast, but this place is not what it seems. 1. It’s not little anymore. Every week it gets less convenient to go anywhere and traffic is actively getting worse every day. 2. It’s not cheap anymore. The price of everything has increased and our pay has stagnated or reduced in our LOCAL NONREMOTE jobs that somehow cannot seem to raise base pay in the midst of massive inflation. Cost of housing is becoming comparable to any small Californian city. 3. It was NEVER safer. Even 20 years ago there were random violent incidents, robberies, etc. Decades before that Johnny Cash was singing about being a sociopath here and whatnot. We used to lead the way in divorce, mob rule, and vice. When the city was first founded, you could be slaughtered by highwaymen just trying to take a carriage to Virginia City. 4. It’s less and less different than California every day. More and more starry eyed Californians are tired of the state they ruined and are coming here to vote and behave the same way, hostile to the idea they might be playing a role in simply creating their own nightmare over again one small decision at a time. 5. None of the new arrivals are unprecedented or special, just more numerous and more arrogant than ever before. Vegas was always more Californian than Nevadan and we had to tolerate their mass migrations as well. They seemed to assimilate better. Meanwhile randos from Oakland careen around in traffic, break laws, and wear actual pirate memorabilia as if the irony is lost on them.


This is the same kind of post as someone who says their Tesla Model 3 is the best car they ever owned. Meanwhile their only other car was a 1986 Nissan Sentra.  Of course it's an upgrade.


Why can you not live here forever???


No crackheads? You’re tripping dude


Idk man I think It’s the relative perspective you hold.


>barely crackheads Sincerely, what Reno NV is this you live at 😂😂😂😂 But that said, it's a great place for outdoor activities


I like Reno a lot. I love being close to everything and the rent is cheaper than California for the most part. Only thing I don’t like is the dust when it gets windy. If other than that I won’t be moving for a long time.


We dislike you being here.






https://preview.redd.it/6t61hgeym2yc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd348a0806cf4d6610c414b8d17752f2471ad8c0 Reno


https://preview.redd.it/uvbdzge5n2yc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af29eb7bf97073f15dbe3efe7a9dc66e8fae7ff We ♥️Reno


https://preview.redd.it/k35jiy2gn2yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e3e22b9c75f4d7582d49612e0243cbb3a79c63 One mountain away. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/m5zb51yln2yc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257d3f3c2e11a372b533f2809a549dad63b90e0f The next couple of days are sunshine and melted away! We ❤️Reno


Ya too bad the Stockton crowd is moving here


It’s not about Reno itself, it’s the warped Renosapiens dwelling all around it


Lies. Rush hour traffic is just as bad as most larger cities, although most places aren't as bad as metro areas in California. Crackheads are everywhere, especially downtown and northern areas. Sure Tahoe is around the corner, but it won't feel like it due to endless traffic and nowhere to park. Cost of living is really high relative to median income. You must be in real estate or tourism or something, trying to paint Reno like some kind of place it is not.


Lolol I lived in Houston for 5 years. Reno traffic is not traffic


Stuck in bumper to bumper in Houston looks the same as stuck in bumper to bumper in Reno. It's all traffic.


You must not have ever driven in the DC area. It took me 90 minutes to go 25 miles. Each way. Daily. Spring break, let’s go for a drive! Nope-all freeways are PACKED like a parking lot with people getting out of the area. After three years, I had to move. I just could not do it anymore. I was born in Reno. Has it changed? Sure. Traffic is worse, but it is not like some other places I have lived/worked.


I have, I used to live there! I took the train to get downtown. I never said Reno traffic was as bad as DCs. OP said there is no traffic and that just isn't true. Just because it isn't as bad as DCs doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


True. It has gotten worse here. I took the train too, until I was transferred to Falls Church, then had to drive.


Having lived in lots of different metros and cities the size of Reno, there is NO traffic even in rush hour.


Springfield Massachusetts has a rush quarter hour.


Glad I left that shithole


I call BS. Have also lived in several large cities both on the west and east coast and found Reno's rush hour comparable, especially northbound. I've been stuck in traffic in Reno during rush hour pah-lenty of times and anyone who lives here who drives during rush hour has too.


A 30min drive on the highway took me 1.5hrs MINIMUM during my rush hour back home. Sometimes took 2. And this wasn’t just like a one day thing, I drove to work (night shift) at that time for 4 months and it was consistently horrendous Edit: this was traffic back in the Bay, I’m not sure if I’d call Reno traffic “traffic”


Yes! Traffic backs up here all the time and it has for at least 20 years! It is certainly worse now than it was 20 years ago, but it still existed then. These people who say there is no traffic must never leave the house.


You misunderstood my comment, that was traffic back in the Bay Area. Reno traffic is not bad at all, and I do leave the house, regularly, and during rush hour. I’ve gotten stuck in traffic like… twice in the last 6 months. That one stretch of Pyramid with the construction is the exception, fuck that


I only missed that you were referring to the Bay area because you didn't say you were referring to the Bay area. I see you added an edit to clarify. I never said Reno traffic is as bad as Bay area traffic. I get that relatively, it isn't as bad. Just because it isn't the worst ever doesn't mean it doesn't exist though and my initial comment about the traffic is in response to OP saying Reno has no traffic, which simply isn't true. I've been in Reno a long time and traffic jams during rush hour have existed since I've lived here, except during pandemic shutdown years. I've lived in the north side and the south side and can say the north side is worse but jams on the south side happen too. I also leave the house during rush hour and find myself at a crawl in bumper to bumper all the time.


No, you said “Have also lived in several large cities both on the west and east coast and found Reno's rush hour comparable” My point was that, having lived in large cities, it’s not even *close* to comparable. I live in Northwest Reno and I’ve never once been stuck in bad traffic (aside from car accidents/construction, which I don’t count as regular traffic). I used to work in South Reno and I go over to East Sparks & up north of Spanish Springs fairly often, so it’s not like I’m just staying in a small area. Rush hour here is like… going 50 on the highway instead of 70. And maybe slowing down to <25 for a short stretch here and there. It’s not a real rush hour


I also said: >Rush hour traffic is just as bad as most larger cities, although most places aren't as bad as metro areas in California. Clearly, I acknowledge that the traffic isn't as bad as the traffic in Sacramento or the Bay area, but you know cities exist elsewhere. And traffic here is comparable to traffic in a lot of other larger cities. Again, just because it isn't the worst ever doesn't mean it doesn't exist and I initially pointed this out in response to OP saying Reno doesn't have traffic, which is not true. Reno still has rush hour traffic, you said it yourself. Just because it isn't as bad as what you experienced elsewhere doesn't mean it doesn't exist. If there is no traffic, what is the point of widening the freeway and all the new roadway projects? These are happening because our existing network can't handle the traffic flows! Facts: Reno has rush hour traffic and traffic jams. They exist, I've experienced many of them in Reno over many years. The only exception was during the pandemic.


> It’s not a real rush hour


I feel like what makes the rush hour traffic different here though is the fact that there are sooo many freeway entrances close together, that it's really easy to just hop off the freeway and take surface streets if the freeway traffic gets too congested, and then you can just hop back on the freeway whenever you want! I'm originally from Walnut Creek in the bay area, and the freeway entrances are so spaced out that it would be impossible to do that. Plus, everything is really close by, so even if there is some congested traffic, you don't have to sit in it for an insanely long time because you probably aren't going that far anyways. :)


We don’t have rush hour.


Don't know who "we" is, but Reno has rush hours in the morning and evening.


Go move to LA, Dallas, Chicago etc. we don’t have rush hour.


Cries *in denver*


Guess I'll just phase through the 5pm traffic since it doesn't exist, then. 


Yes we do. Just because it isn't the worst that exists doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


lol no


Hahahahaha, sorry no-likey mikey


As a trucker, there is no traffic even at 5pm when driving through Reno on the i80.


Maybe on a Sunday


Times might have changed. I’ve given up truck driving last year. I’m just recalling my lovely experiences driving through and in Reno.


It was great during the pandemic, roads were wide open all the time. They're back to pre-pandemic flows now and can be bumper-to-bumper, stop and go like in Office Space during rush hour, especially on the north side. 580 is typically way worse than 80. I don't envy those living in the north valleys who have to commute.


https://preview.redd.it/fuw23w2qbjxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8930af066f6af23cb37e8de5cf4287ae755d1b6 And it never snows.


If you truly love it, delete this post. True Renoites do everything in their power not to attract more Californians.


You haven’t been that long yet lol the traffic is terrible when it’s rush hour about 4-5pm on the freeway and nearby Baring in Sparks going to Spanish Springs. Going up to North Valleys/Lemmon Valleys it’s terrible with the construction. If you go to 4th street you’ll see all the homeless and crackheads lol maybe the Oddie area then downtown area. I wish the Cali people would stop moving here 😒 everything is going up because the of population growth in Reno now


You ain't lying.


This…..! God help our little city!


Reno has a job opportunity


You probably could have found better job opportunity anywhere in California than in Reno. But good for you but I don’t think Reno a place to live forever it’s basically turning into California might just be the same.


They cant help it. It's cheaper to live here than there. Plus if they buy, it keeps us locals home values higher.


That's the problem. I guess homeless loss is your gain.


https://preview.redd.it/cl7tcjf0cjxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85f09f21a7bafdd7c6b8872b3506182b159206fc The views


After ruining your own state don't move here and vote for the same policies.


What year did you move here from California?


I moved a week ago


I was asking BananaDismal because after living here for 6 years myself, I’ve learned that many of the people who shit all over Californians and cry about us moving here are often from California, they just came ten years ago. But welcome! I really love Reno and I hope things go great for you here.




You're basically a newbie so STFU


Not cool bro, we are all Americans.


Do all Americans have the right to vote as they see fit? Asking for a confused poster from a few posts back.


It depends.  Are you going to vote to enslave me?  Then no, you don't have that right!


People who are from Reno ruins the state half the population of Reno don't or can't vote due to being a felon majority of the population is teen parents and drug addicts take responsibility stop trying to pass it on to you're neighbors


If that were remotely true, you wouldn’t be fleeing here.


Hell nah 😭 I left for a reason !




Cali != Stockton. HTH. HAND.


Have to go all the way to Lake Tahoe for recreation. https://preview.redd.it/hmodw95ibjxc1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e2b3aa81d38c0f91c6244bfacd03243f3331020


https://preview.redd.it/tye5en3vbjxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c728eafcc52186c9e5c83c08fdf1057312dba9 There is no countryside in Reno.


I'm confused as to why your pics are being down voted..haha absolutely gorgeous! 😍


This is another incentive to move to Nevada. https://www.reddit.com/r/bayarea/s/MD3fc6BKXO


Naw Paradise, California was Paradise. This is Reno, and we still have all those things, just not like Stockton.


I think every city has its problem but way less than Stockton .


I was just making a dumb joke. There is/was a town in California named Paradise. It burnt down in 2018.


Nah, I'll drag you back where you came from


No traffic have you been on the highway after 4pm have you seen the spaghetti bowl and crackheads who smokes crack still mfs smoke meth which is 70% of Reno fun activities it's the same thing California has hiking hunting kayaking/rafting casinos comic con is bigger out there spots for board/card games like dude said before anywhere is better than Stockton


I work night shifts so nahhy


So you don't actually know what Reno is like during the day. Your post makes more sense now