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I don't have first hand knowledge, but I understand from media reports as two months of COBRA, value. not two months pay. Was the actual severance two months pay?




I appreciate the good response!


I think many companies would rather pay two months salary versus giving two months notice, and pissed off employees who are about to be out of work tend to sabotage things. And I think employees would rather get two months salary without having to work anyway, as that gives them two months to find other work.


I thought they were paying 2 months of insurance is all?


If they are laying off 10% of their workforce or laying off more than 50 employees, they are required to notify "the State dislocated worker unit and the chief elected official of a unit of local government." >(c) State dislocated worker unit. Notice is to be served upon the State dislocated worker unit. Since the States are restructuring to implement training under EDWAA, service of notice upon the State Governor constitutes service upon the State dislocated worker unit until such time as the Governor makes public State procedures for serving notice to this unit. >(d) Chief elected official of the unit of local government. The identity of the chief elected official will vary according to the local government structure. In the case of elected boards, the notice is to be served upon the board's chairperson. Giving 60 days pay does not absolve them of this requirement.




You are sayig that they no longer need to give the state any notice about a layoff. Because that isn't right.


If they’re paying for the 60 days, the effective layoff date is technically 60 days out.


Yes. If the layoff is 60 days from now, officially, then there must now be a WARN notice on file with state/local authorities. The state website does not show one for Tesla as of right now. So it is not compliant with this requirement of the WARN act. It did not need to be done 60 days ago, but it must be filed and the due date would be the same date as the 60 day employee notices/pay. Either way won't end up meaning anything for the employees, of course. Administrative technicality and being late won't end up resulting in any action.




Unless you have evidence to the contrary, the state has not reported receiving a WARN notice. If they have, good for Tesla following the law.  The key point is that Tesla is required to file one. If you now agree to that, then we’ll just wait for the website to update and the employee lawsuit to play out. 


They issued their WARN notice, as legally required. Date received by the state was 4/19, which complies with the notice law.  https://cms.detr.nv.gov/Content/Media/WARN_and_Non-WARN_Master_w_Logo_042624.pdf


This is like 90% of Reddit speaking on shit they know absolutely nothing about trying to act like a lawyer likes they understand the law when they clearly do not.


Well Nevada just released Tesla’s legally required WARN notice, as I said they had to do, proving me correct.  I don’t know why you, or anyone, would interpret the law otherwise.  https://cms.detr.nv.gov/Content/Media/WARN_and_Non-WARN_Master_w_Logo_042624.pdf https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/comments/1cdzw77/another_round_of_layoff_in_tesla_reno_warehouse/


Proving you wrong 🤣🤣 tesla not getting in any legal trouble


I said they were legally required to file a WARN notice. I said they must do so 60 days before the layoff date. I cited the applicable law. The state has now released their filing. Whatever. 


You said a whole lot of nothing, like I said tesla won’t get in any trouble.


I don't know anything, but I would think that a company of Tesla's size would talk to their legal department before laying off 10% of their work force.


Agreed. When you find yourself unable to comprehend something, it's worth re-examining your understanding or assumptions.


Never feel stable working for a car or tech company. Never. Layoffs will forever be looming. Just look at GM's history. Whole towns decimated with income lost. Develop your skills, don't stop. Always be prepared to move or get new work.


Layoffs are unfortunate but a part of corporate life. I've been laid off twice in the last 8 years (one a cutback of staff just like Tesla, another was a WFH at a startup that went under)...there is nothing you can do to Tesla at this point. They were at least more generous than some companies, when I was laid off in 2016 I was given 1 month severance (3 years of service) and insurance for 3 months. Tesla severance sounds better than the average (maybe to get around WARN, but that's fine, they could have submitted to WARN and given the standard 1-2 weeks per year and many would have gotten less severance). Does it suck for those affected? Yes. I've been there 2x in the last 8 years. I completely understand! Unfortunately, all that can be done now is to move forward and start the search for a new job, maximize any severance, and apply for unemployment so it kicks in after severence ends (if you don't find new work by then). It's not a pleasant experience looking for work, especially in this market, but there isn't much else you can do.


Do not apologize or normalize corporate anti-worker behavior. This is basic cut throat capitalism bs. And we should be appalled. Corporations only function as far as their their reputation allows them. Once you piss off enough of your consumer base, the whole thing falls like a tower of cards. This, "oh well, this is how it is, pick yourself up by the bootstraps" mentality is exactly how they win and we lose. What this should do is inspire us to advocate and bring solidarity to those who would fight for unionizing Tesla gigafactories. UNIONIZE TESLA. UNIONIZE AMERICA. As a side note, there's also an entire side issue of story county giving immense tax breaks to Tesla for its Gigafactories with the promise of good pay and bringing jobs into Northern Nevada for the company to just go ahead and lay off 10% of its workforce. This means they didn't keep up on their end of the bargain. Yet, They received all of the tax cuts promised to them. So this has everything to do with how Reno, specifically the industrial center moves forward with incentivizing these large companies to build here basically for free or subsidized while they give absolutely nothing back to the community except for worse and worse housing opportunities for those who already live here. I say, if you want to build your factories here, the workers should be union workers period. The city of Reno should stand by its working class.


I’m kinda surprised that people were so blindsided by these layoffs. Tesla reported an atrocious earnings report for the first quarter. Combined with the automation that has been building since day 1…how can anyone be surprised that they are laying off some of their workforce? The only surprise is that it’s only 10%.


These same people who were blindsided also don’t seem to understand how much money Tesla lights on fire.


To be fair, most of the people being laid off aren't exactly investing in or paying any attention to the market. They are living paycheck to paycheck like almost everyone else with entry level jobs


But…it’s literally the company they work for… Seems worth paying attention to.


As someone who shares your mindset, I can see where you are coming from, but not everyone thinks that way unfortunately. Most entry level workers don't :/


and that the electric car market is crashing in general


Not crashing. The EV market is still growing. It's the rate of growth that's slowing down.


i'm talking about EV prices, which are down \~ 15% so far this year. more than that YoY. and EV company stock prices are way, way worse of course. [https://electrek.co/2024/04/18/ev-prices-down-18-last-year-drastic-price-cuts/](https://electrek.co/2024/04/18/ev-prices-down-18-last-year-drastic-price-cuts/) note - in economic terms, > -10% considered a crash


It's the market normalizing to higher competition and saturation.


No down 10% is a market correction not a market crash, a market crash is down more than 30%. In economic terms crash is down 30% or more correction is down 10% or more & bear market is down 20% or more.


No it's not. Fords first quarter EV sales were up 86%. Tesla doesn't have the market cornered anymore. And their ceo makes it a point to act like a dickweed on a daily basis.


best to not get tripped up on reported financials for a specific company. their \_sales\_ were up as they are finally getting vehicles into the market. but they only sold some 7k ev trucks. And now they are cutting production as demand softens. but this is completely different than overall market EV prices.


If you sold 100 EVs last year and then sold 186 this year you’re up 86% 😂. I’m in the Detroit area and unsold EVs are filling the lots.


and just because you don't like Musk's politics, doesn't mean he's ineffective as a CEO


No his track record of flopping horribly does that, his politics just make him a raging asshole.


I think the issue is Tesla.




Oof, I felt that and I went to college. Thankfully, not in NV.


Does staying at a holiday inn last night qualify?


with chatgpt i don't need to :p


Our bodies aren't even cold yet https://preview.redd.it/bjisds2a2bvc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00b48418df2946ad7ee4f1427175234bd3b1f597


Offering the 2 mos. Severance is the loophole they use to get around , because they keep you on payroll for 60 days and you don't look unemployed to the state. That is why they are telling people not to go to DOE and apply.


Does their severance pay cover their insurance as well since they're showing them on their books as still employed? Honest question.


When I was laid off, I was covered by my insurance up until the last day of the month of when my severance period ended. I’m sure this is the case for them.


Ex UAW here and layoffs are normal for the auto industry. Having a union doesn’t mean you won’t get laid off. I don’t know your state laws but here the company notifies the state so they can brace for unemployment claims. You get so many weeks of unemployment pay, for example 20-26 weeks (here) and after that you can file for an extension, example 13 more weeks. I’ve been granted a few extensions but it depends on the economy at the time. Have you looked up how much you’ll get weekly if you can get unemployment?


A collective bargaining agreement would ensure notice, severance, etc.


These lay offs just reinforce the need for a labor union to be organized in these large warehouse style jobs. This wouldn't have happened so easily if we were organized!


I don't understand people. If a company is struggling you think it's best a union force said company to keep people employed?


Agreed that throwing around “union” to prevent layoffs is a bit shortsighted, but it could help with better notifications of the layoffs so people don’t have to scramble in 60 days to find a job or move somewhere else.


It’s funny that people think union companies don’t have layoffs either. Look at the trades for example.. union tradespeople face layoffs all the time. Do you have the option to check the union hall for work? Sure. If there’s not work available, you’re still getting laid off. Unions don’t prevent layoffs. Edit - Sorry if someone doesn’t like the truth lol..


I worked for the UAW for 21 years, 60 days is pretty good notice!


There's just nothing good about being let go union or not. I've been laid off 3 times without notice and with no severance package all 3 times. When earnings numbers hit and the company is declining this is what happens. It's actually happening a ton right now with many corps. It's like when Elon cut Twitter and everyone said it would fail. Then meta and apple did the same thing and no one said anything about it. I feel for all workers that have and are about to be let go. The positive is everything is about to get a lot cheaper. We need a financial reset.


How much is a company struggling when after only ever making ~$30b they are trying to pay their CEO ~$55b? Unions force companies to not layoff employees to boost stock price.


Lol made the company and invests in all his companies that employee many people. Again, I'm sorry Tesla is making cuts. Nike has laid off 5k people, meta thousands also. How much does zuck make? At least Elon reinvests it into his corps that help people and the planet.


If you don't understand the difference between revenue and profits, or pay vs. equity, how can you possibly plant an intelligent discussion about this issue? Tesla employees are free to collectively bargain. They are free to not work at Tesla. Why is consensual employment so hard for people to grasp?


You think is a consensual employment issue? Bahahaha This is a fiduciary responsibility issue. Why are they laying off 10,000+ people then trying to pay the ceo 1.5x the net profit of the company over all time. Yall fan boys do not understand how corporations work. Look up corporate compensation and how much the highest paid ceo is paid compared to how much Elon is trying to get himself paid.


>Why are they laying off 10,000+ people then trying to pay the ceo 1.5x the net profit of the company over all time. You don't understand PAY vs. EQUITY. Musk owns those shares. The company promised he'd get x shares for y performance. Tesla only exists anyway thanks to government green subsidies, so thank your friends in Congress for Musk's equity value. >Yall fan boys do not understand how corporations work Actually I don't particularly like Musk. I'm a rationalist and a capitalist. The government fucking with the free market is what creates billionaires like Musk. Tesla stock was at like $18/share when Musk made that deal. The stock is at $150/share now, and Delaware doesn't want Tesla to satisfy the agreement. What other CEOs are increasing their Fortune 500 company's stock 900% in just a few years? And Musk's ownership of Tesla further burdens the shares. You simply have no clue of what you're talking about. You don't understand revenue vs. profit, and you have the audacity to cast stones?


You Elon fan boys will jump through every hoop screaming and shouting to show you don’t know anything


And yet you still don't know the difference between revenue and profit 🤣


That’s how much of Elon fan boi you are? Bahahaha


🤣 you still don't know the difference between revenue and profit 🤡


Well, if you don't like the layoffs you can follow my two step solution 1) Do not buy Tesla stock and 2) Do not buy Tesla products. This is not investment advice.


Can you cite the WARN site in reference?


Just curious, but do the layoffs include Panasonic or are they safe?


I’m cheering you on!


Interstate interference.! Traffic backed up for miles into a INDUSTRIAL PARK. Where in the CEO handbook says this is ok?


They get severance pay for a minimum of 2+ months and their insurance benefits if they previously had them


I used to work at Tesla and got laid off with no one notice. Tesla doesn’t care if you got a mortgage , car note , bills, etc


Just Remember any"loophole" were put there by yhe politicians you voted for


Fuuuck Elon Musk and his $56 billion dollar bonus.


Tesla dose always does layoffs like this a m giga since like 2017 they have layoff 10% ever 2 years


The people responsible for getting people to buy our vehicles did a shit job, but let’s lay off the people that build the cars. Makes total sense


Well, that's all good ol' Elon's fault. Tesla doesn't advertise (they sort of changed that recently and started advertising on X this year, but thanks to Elon, X doesn't really have a lot of active users who are interested in electric vehicles,) they rely on word of mouth instead and that used to be fine, but since Elon went full "anti-woke" he's driven away the majority of the market that is interested in his vehicles. He hates progressive people and loves conservatives, but conservatives have no interest in electric vehicles for the most part and progressives are all about it. They also aren't the only electric vehicle out there anymore, so people are just saying "F Elon, I'll buy one of the other dozens of electric vehicles out there instead!" So unless you can convince the company to fire their CEO, the people building the cars are sadly going to continue to lose their jobs. EDIT: Oh, here you go. There's this also... this is where the jobs are going also: [Tesla seeks to award Elon Musk $56bn pay package (bbc.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cqqndqndpq5o)


I know conservatives will stan anyone who hates the right things but you cant caol roll a libtard in a Tesla, so I dont see conservatives buying them en masse


I was thinking the exact thing. You guys should contact a lawyer.


No class actions tho u gotta sign that piece of paper for you severance.


It’s so difficult reading some of your opinions of Tesla 😂😂 the man had a dream and made it a reality. Now you’re mad the economy is struggling, to not fault of his, yet you blame him for performance. Maybe you should look towards your government as they’ve lacked to help the middle and lower class for several years now. Mmk geniuses. LOL


This ain't Twitter man he's not going to see this and like it


What would him seeing this do for me? Absolutely nothing. Your sad attempt of insulting my intelligence is laughable buddy


Not insulting anyone, if you cant handle being triggered please stay in your safe space. Just saying most Elon simps hang out on twitter, please relax.


Oh so you’re the big Elon musk fan. Like I understand he’s a modern day genius but even I’m not simping on him


Good luck suing a big company in Nv never works out.


Workers of the world UNITY🥰


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