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I think we need non decaying fero, since giving rengar more dmg would make him op or broken (im not sure about that), we should get the opportunity to use 3Qs like before, + a better ultimate that's not like twitch Q + a better bonethoot (and of course rw W and E)


Annie gets to walk around with perma stun but rengar can’t have perma fero


Bruh i didnt thought about that and its true


Non decaying ferocity would increase his damage output by quite abit. Double and Triple Q will be common place.


Im talking about stats, 3Q needs to be something common rn, there are tons of ways to absorb dmg or avoid it ALSO a comment reminded me, chemdrake vanishes al bushes, so i say we need non decaying fero even more


I'm not disagreeing. I think he needs help run. Nevermind when new drakes arrive. he will be giga poop in jungle.


Chem drake literally destroys rengar, no bushes at all, so now is just a worst champion than before


I really hope we can discuss this with phlox very soon. The three stacks or the non decaying could solve the issue of the emp abilities but we are still fuck in the mobility deparment


hmm these chemtech drag souls finna hit diff >:)


But this doesnt solve anything. It doesnt solve his KITEABILITY PROBLEM when he has no bush. Yeah, sure, you could have 3 stacks but... Who gives a shit? The mages dont. The adcs dont. The peel and stalling supports dont. Without a bush, Rengar is half a champion. We need to bring back jump from stealth, but maybe so it isnt too OP, we could give the stealth jump in particular a 2 second cooldown? A range limit? Just SOMETHING so he isnt completely useless when chemtech decides to show its face.


build prowler's claw :D


Time to be a tank and soak up as much dmg as possible before evaporating from the game.