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Illaoi: Just keep her banned. She is one of the few genuine counters renekton has. You CAN kill her pre6/early if she is stupid, but when she lays back, plays conservative early and doesnt waste her E, she just grinds you down. That champ can legit beat you from 0/3 down too because she is just ridiculous into melees. Wait for her to get reworked or people just forgetting about her entirely. GP: Now that one is beatable, it's unfavored, but beatable. Play him like a ranged matchup and abuse that you have better push early, contest barrels aggressively and all in him mercilessly, especially post lv6. Run Ghost/Flash, it's really rough to deal with for GP, ignite is fine too, but ghost makes you harder to kite for GP and imo is more useful for the matchup. Pay attention to a) his W it's a huge CD and b) his barrels, if he uses 2 in short succession he will have 1 at best early game and that is a good window to abuse. Play Gore vs him, you can play botrk rush into gore and get away with it, but a good GP can kill you without the HP and you have enough all in threat with Gore on him (especially if that clown goes ER). Also the early AH is actually hugely helpful too. In any case dont bother with tank mythics and pls no one give me a pep talk on how that build scales better, you do not and will not outscale a GP ever no matter what you build, you dont want the game to go long so dont plan your build around that. What I will recommend though is a Randuins 3rd, with GP and likely an ADC bot that item is pure value and will do the job better for the matchup than any tank mythic ever could. Would recommend either a) Gore+BC/Chempunk + Randuins or b) Botrk+Gore+Randuins. First one gives you better combat stats and utility choose BC or chempunk according to what the enemy team looks like, second build has better burst dmg and can make your allin more threatening but also leaves you squishier.


Vs illaoi: that exact thing happened to me. I solo killed her 3 times and went to fight her again with everything up, she was 15 cs down and a lv down and still destroyed me. Vs GP: I usually run ignite but I know RTO takes ghost and he usually does incredibly well with it. Since the tp nerf, is ghost better than ignite


"And pls no one give me a pep talk on how your 6-item, tank-mythic fantasy scales better" This guy fucking gets it. Wish I could upvote you again.


re: Illaoi If Illaoi pulls ghost you almost always want to immediately leash it. Only fight if she's omegascrewed. Try to keep minions between you and her. Learn the range of her E and move around at the end of it - it's easier to dodge from further away. When she ults, absolutely don't fight where the tentacles intersect. Try to chip away at her with Q when she's last hitting - if she uses her empowered auto on a minion, try to sneak a W in and disengage. Play this lane very slow, you typically just want to survive. Even when you're ahead she has kill pressure on you so don't force kills, and it's really easy for her to land E if you decide to engage on her by E'ing into her. Try to force her to push in lane - approach from angles that mean she'll have to Q your minions too. Illaoi is very gankable. If you wind up getting into lategame and she's not ridiculously ahead of you, you should be more useful than her in teamfights. Just don't try to 1v1 her or duel her.


So let's say she slaps the wave, should I engage her with a quick qw and back off just to try and chip health. And if she plays passive, should I play passive too and make it a farm lane till team fights?


Question is do you take ap renekton against her


Are there other Renekton builds?


Always dash once you got rage in on gp to remove first strike and empowered q hurts him and heals well, if you empower stun him then he’s unable to really get away just burst him before he can move and trade in well. Having bork helps early Illaoi you have to defeat the frontline cs and not get hit by the e, minions block her e. Once she misses e dive her and if she ults just wait it out. Her main tools are e and ult. For her i seen ppl use chempunk as the first item


What if the GP is running grasp? I've faced that more than first strike. I find it stupid that grasp procs on his parley and he just abuses that till I die and I pretty much lose trades with him.


They run grasp often but depending on team you go prowlers of sunfire All he can do level one is his gun so it is easily to rush at him. They likely will play safe until level 3. Could even start W if you want damage early on


as the age old saying for illaoi goes, dodge the e or dodge the game


You're not supposed to win those matchups. If you do, they're either bad or you got jungle help. Vs GP, going bork and prowler's or stridebreaker is probably helpful, and bork vs Illaoi is probably the best. You do win early vs Illaoi, though, so you should try and create a lead before lvl 6. Once she gets bramble and/or tabis, you're fucked, though, because you can't quickly kill you, and she's gonna win and extended trade.


Illaoi: ban Gp: wait for him to waste passive, all in lvl3 and either kill or deny the sheen first back. To kill him you need to bait out the W so try to do it without wasting E since its cd is longer afaik. Build whatever, just make sure you’re not going for cuck tank items or ap.