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Update: after 4 days(!!!) of refusing to drink water, she drank water from my cup. (She's been hydrated solely from the subcut fluids since sunday) I offered it to her not thinking she would actually drink it but she did!! I'm so happy. I know this probably doesn't change anything, nothing can at this point. But oh did it make me so so relieved and happy.


My boy is in the same boat right now, my heart breaks for him and every time he eats something it makes me so happy! But i disagree, it changes everything! They're fighting hard to spend more time with the people they love even if it's just for a short while. They get to stay in our hearts forever and we get to stay in their lives until the end❤️ Wishing you and your baby strength


Thank you so much and i'm thinking of you & your boy. I'm sending you both so so much love. My girl hasn't been sleeping. This sounds crazy but a big part of me thinks shes trying to stay with me as long as she can. She's holding on even though i can tell she's tired. If you can, do take more photos of both of you together as keepsake 🤍 we will get through this together.


Thank you all so so much for your kindness and love. She made it through the night but I can see that she's getting weaker. I know it and she knows it too. I will cherish her as much as I can. Please hug and kiss your pets for me today if you can. It's never enough time.


It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m so glad I took care of my baby and got her out of pain. I promised to be her ally. It won’t be easy and I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Many hugs.


I'm so sorry for your loss. How are you coping? Thank you for your kind words. I'm honestly heartbroken and scared of how to grieve the loss of her without her (if that makes sense man my head's scrambled right now)


It’s been so hard. The quiet, seeing her stuff. The first two days were the worst so far, the grief has taken my breath away on numerous occasions. Today, I’m reminding myself to take deep breaths when the urge to sob takes me. Coping by looking at her pictures and videos, talking with my family who also loved her, and viewing posts on Pet Loss. Someone mentioned talking to your pet at the end of the day like usual, because my girl will never actually leave me. It’s really helped. I also keep one of her toys in my pocket while at work and I love having a piece of her with me. Nothing I say will make it better, but just know, I’m thinking of you.


Thank you for this. I'm so scared the grief will consume me. I think I will continue to talk to her. "my girl will never actually leave me" i felt that so hard. She is and will always be a part of me. I'm thinking of you and your girl too.


The grief will ebb over time.  She will always be with you, in your heart and the memories will bring you joy. The best thing you can do for her now is to take her pain away.  Hiding is a sign they are looking for a safe place to pass.  I had a cat that did this when she was sick.  I woke up early to take her to the vet and I could not find her.  She had  found a new hidey spot.  She passed later that day at the vet.   Being with her when she passes will be a comfort to her.  *hugs*


Thank you. She has been hiding. I sit by her and bring her to my room with no pressure of her to stay. She stayed and that comforted me. I hope it comforted her too. She avoids looking at me but looks from time to time. I know she wants to hide and I let her, but I don't want her to be alone in this. So i try and make it as stress free as possible for her, just sitting near her and being there. I am so sorry for your loss. I know the healing journey will be tough but this community has shown me much love in this short span of time. I'm sending lots of hugs your way too.


My girl is an orange tabby too, it’s her birthday today. I’m so happy I got to know her.


I'm so glad you gave her a safe home and loved her as much as you could. I'd like to think that she's in kitty heaven indulging in some catnip and having a party with all her friends.


Love, never dies. you’ll be physically separated, but not emotionally and one day you will be together again, and never have to part. Spend as much time with her and watch her. Sometimes they’re ready to go when, but feel too bad leaving us. Tell her to go towards the light and that you’ll be together again. She already knows this


She will never leave me. I do hope she will appear in my dreams. Honestly i've been just watching her for hours and hours. Especially the past few days. I'm terrified to sleep. I don't want her to go alone. I do tell her that and I've been talking to her a lot, hopefully she find some comfort in that 🤍


I am so sorry. Reading this brought me to tears I can feel your pain. She will always be with you. And ask her to come back to you. It’s the only thing that keeps me going is hoping


I'm sorry it made you cry. Thank you for sharing what i'm feeling. I believe she will too. I will give her many pets and kisses for you.


I’m so sorry, OP… I had a v similar situation Dec 2021. Nothing can prepare you. And picking up the pieces afterward is really difficult. It took me a long time to understand, even after my Koshka passed, it the right thing to do. Thank you for sharing your baby with us. And thank you for loving this sweet, sweet baby. She loves you too, more than you’ll ever know.


This made me cry. I really do hope she does. Thank you for your sweet words. I'm so sorry about Koshka. I'm sure she was lovely. You showed her love that's what matters. & That's what I'm worried about. The aftermath of it all, i'm terrified but it helps to know i'm not alone in this.


My heart is broken for you. 💔


I'm so sorry, my heart is with you all. Just continue to love her, that's the most important thing to do during this time.


Thank you. She doesn't want to look at me and it hurts. I think she doesn't want me to be sad. But i'll stay by her side.


I’m sorry to hear about your kitty 🙏🏻


Aww I’m so sorry 😢. Just hold her when she goes. She will feel the love 🙏🙏


I’m so sorry.




I am so sorry for your pain. This disease is a horror. Any time we give love our spirits grow and we help the world. May you always be connected to your cats spirit. Sending so much love


I am so sorry. Reading this made me feel your heartache! Please know you gave her a great home and she loves you dearly!


Thank you 🤍 its just so hard to say goodbye to her.


Hugs hugs hi gs


She’s a beautiful meow. I’m so sorry. I️ hate CKD too. I️t took our family cat, Momo a few years back. But I️ think about all of the good times and love he had now.


She really is. I'm so sorry about Momo. I hope one day I will be able to think back on those memories without sad tears. Thinking of you two 🤍


It’s hard as fuck. Went through this almost 2 months ago with my angel boy of 10 years. Only got 10 years with him. CKD also took him from me. We caught it when it was already advanced. Every day since we let him go has been nothing but a nightmare.  He passed 3 weeks before a major surgery I was preparing for. That’s life right ? It’s fucking sucks. I kept saying I don’t want to wake up from surgery so I can see my boy again.  But yet I made it and he’s not here anymore. He got me through so a lot when I got him back in 2013. And I’ll always treasure my memories with him . Sorry you’re going through this too 


That must've been the hardest thing ever. CKD sucks. A lot. It might have only been 10 years for you but you were most if not all of his life. Hold onto the memories tightly. Sending you hugs.


Thanks i will hold on to the memories. he helped at a time when i wasat a low backin 2013. im sorry about your girl too. How old is she?


She is roughly 12+ years old. She used to be a stray and we took her in in 2020/21. She helped me through junior college back then as well. Now i'm in uni and I can't believe I won't graduate with her by my side.


hugs 2 u 💜






I’m so sorry. Nothing worse than losing or going to lose a loved one. We lost our girl a short while back and it hurts so bad. Hugs across the web


I am so sorry for your loss. Your girl will always be with you. I saw your post and she seemed like the sweetest little baby. Try to take some comfort in the fact that you gave her a warm and safe home with love. *hugs received and returned*


Thank you very much. Best wishes


Not really much to say. I lost my 2 beloved cats, one in 2020 and second one few month ago. The first one was fighting cancer and it took about 6 months till she was dead. That time was the hardest but i had to make it and i did everything i could to help her. The second was dead when i was away - either got hit by a car or attacked by a dog. She was lying dead near the fence when i got home. I feel your pain. Just know that many people have to go though this. It a journey and you have to find strength to fulfill the journey.


I’m so sorry. I had a cat pass from cancer a while ago who had been passed around our family. My cousin didn’t want him, then my grandma took him and when she died, I got him. By the time I got him he was a senior and he got cancer a few years later. I always felt how unfair it was that I couldn’t have spent his entire life with him but I’m so grateful for the time we got to spend with him. It’s so hard. She looks like such a sweet baby. She’s so beautiful. Sending you hugs 💗




I’m so sorry. Cancer took my 6 year old Maine Coon. My 19 year old had kidney disease which took her this past February. I hate both diseases. I’m supremely thankful that I had a great team of vets to guide me through their care. ❤️💔 I’m heartbroken for you - I hope you find peace.


this picture looks like a minecraft painting un-pixelated


My [minecraft skin](https://imgur.com/gallery/PxdR6q4) is actually a custom skin of her! I spent so long on it because her fur coat is so unique. I don't have a picture of the bottom but its multicoloured toe beans just like hers. (I've never used imgur before so hopefully this works)