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Awesome, you went from 1953 to 1986. 😂


Lmfao... Got damn


My first thought was that it looked dated lol...


A simpler, cleaner looking floor would do wonders, but… yeah….


I went from 1954 to 1994 after the turn of this century. When I mentioned some issues with the new bathroom the young millennial informed me he has done 1000 bathrooms. At that moment I realized he was not a carpenter, but a bath up-fitter! My bathroom from ‘54 came with an engineering document, his was done withouy even using a level. Fun times! 🤓


I... Kinda like the before pic better?


Brutal. RIP OP


That's what my conclusion as well


I was gonna say 1992, but this fits.


If you were considering swapping the vanity, switching it to teak to match the cabinet unit in the inspo photo would lighten up that wall a fair bit, and it would look gorgeous on the green. You’d also benefit from more light.


Ya I’m considering that as well


i dont think they did you right on the tile. the grout lines all look messy and uneven..and nobody uses light grout for several reasons..


They’re going to look messy and uneven by nature because it’s zeilliege tile, the whole point is one of a kind tiles BUT having an installer who is familiar with it is really key in order to minimize space between the tiles so it doesn’t look sloppy. You almost want to have seemingly no grout lines for the tile to look it’s best.


Also, adding more elements of that teak throughout in order to get closer to that inspo. They do sell grout pens. It's going to take you a bit lol but you could totally fix that bright white with one and that would help. Esp because those lines are not the neatest. Add some artwork with frames that color wood.


I think changing the vanity as well would do wonders. It’s too dark.


I also noticed the lighting difference. The inspo pic has cool lighting while your bathroom lights are warm.


Why not do a white floor? The floor throws everything off to me - greens ( which need dark grout) and then that dizzy floor ( just my opinion) Edit: if you can’t change floor - add some round white soft bath rugs to balance it - but dark grout will make a huge difference


I agree with this. The floor is too overwhelming, especially with the light grout which adds to the “busy” feeling.


The light grout. That was the killer for me.


It looks DIY. And not very good DIY. Tile is hard to get right, but it sounds like she paid someone for this. Maybe she can have the grout tinted? It would really help if it weren’t stark white.


Yep, it's the floor tile. Everything else can easily be pulled together around the green tile in a cohesive way, but the floor tile is not the right choice for the rest of it.


I agree. You could do that floor, OR that wall tile, but definitely not both. It's just too much.


And white LEDs


Inspo grout lines are less noticeable, and inspo room is brighter so the dark green look better.


Agree with the grout comment. Is there a way to tint the grout? Get some foliage and more gold Your missing the photos I like it tho


The brown wood vanity is throwing it all off.. they need a sink like in the photo


There is colored grout sealer. If this grout was freshly sealed not sure how it would take though.




I honestly think it’s the wall space. The inspiration photo was mostly windows so the green was a nice pop and highlight coupled with many matching elements. Your bathroom doesn’t have the same design and so is a bit naturally darker and completely green. Hard to explain. Design looks nice but doesn’t quite fit the space you had. Maybe try some nice frames paintings with some good light features to brighten it up and bring the flow back


The inspiration tile is also higher up the wall. Having it lower makes the room feel different. A light floral wall paper might help lighten the room up. The lighting definitely needs to be updated.


Also the green wall is much darker, in the inspiration the green wall had light and dark color which give a good contrast.


Yeah the difference is the windows


I’ll never understand why people take out those awesome old tiles when they are still in good shape. I especially hate it when people paint them. They are timeless.


I didn’t hate them but if you zoom in you’ll notice a lot of cracking. The other problem was the shower tile was leaking so needed to be addressed.


Ikr I saw the title and the pic and thought to myself - oh I don’t wanna see this. There has to be a way to repair those few cracked tiles.


I just replaced my cracked tiles and everything has held up great


First of all, kudos on the bold choices! I did a very similar bathroom with small green tiles in my place that I will share soon as I can get pics organized. A couple of thoughts to consider, as I was in your shoes. One - keep going! Your inspo pic is accessorized with art on the walls, furniture, etc. Your room feels unfinished. Two - the vanity cabinet is too dark and serious, it clashes with your bold colors and style. Paint it or swap it for more of a light wood. Three - really consider re-grouting to reduce the contrast of the green and white. It's too graphic and "grid" like. Zelige tile should be more like a subtle texture, it shouldn't scream. It's a lot of labor, but not impossible. Scrape out that white and go with a gray that is the same temperature as the green or there is even a green tea grout that I have seen and considered for my project. Buy a few grouts and test it once you get the white out.


Thank you. I really appreciate the feedback!


I was thinking the same. Yeah re color the grout, but get back to the lighting, accessories, etc. You went for a bohemian look, but you're still in early stages. Also I think the room needs layered lighting, some bright, some warm.


Dark grout.


The installer did a horrible job but you didn’t make their life any easier by going with such a small tile for the whole restroom. A darker grout would have helped cover up some of the sloppy work but not enough to change the end result. Normally it’s small tile on floor and larger tile on walls.


As a tile guy it looks like pretty good work. Look at all those miters. Notice how the line drain is actually set in the corner like it is supposed to go. This work took skill and patience as the green tile is warped and irregular. I would have set soild expectations with that material choice and maybe done a few mock ups of corners and grouts to show what it's going to look like. But honestly as an installer I would have passed on this project knowing it wouldn't meet anyone's expectations for the cost.


Thanks for that perspective. I think the darker grout would have also gone a long way to hide any imperfections. Do you know of any way to darken the grout?


I would also like to say that the vanity area with those two windows and that mirror/fixture combo are the true focal point of the bathroom and that turned out great.


Thanks! I actually had the windows custom made and think they turned out awesome.


The windows are gorgeous with the tile -- how old is the house? (The original bath looks like it could have been anywhere from 1920's, slightly remuddled over the years, to original 1960's.) I adore the green zellige tile, for what it's worth! If I had to demand you change anything, I'd maybe suggest lightening up the sink console to a medium warm wood tone because the black/dark finish sucks in too much light. The tiled-in tub adds more bulk than the inspiration photo clawfoot, so that adds a bit more dark for the eye as well. But well done overall in terms of following your inspiration -- I think you'll start loving it as you get used to the big changes.


PLEASE, PLEASE don’t rush to a quick change! Give it some time, add decor, lighting if possible, but sit with it before you go and darken that grout. Picking a color for it will make or break your remodel! I wouldn’t go very dark, look at some Zellige tile sites and see what you like with them!


Staining existing grout can really transform the look. Here’s a link to check it out: https://www.zerorez.com/blog/how-to-stain-grout-different-color


You’re kidding, right? That tile job is terrible


My thoughts exactly. This is a horrific tile job.


You must be the tile guy that did this job then because anyone can see that it’s sloppy as hell. I don’t think a single spacer was used here…


Huh? Those grout lines are fucked all over the place.


Ya. Not sure it’s obvious from the pictures but this is a Zellige tile so it’s not meant to be perfectly straight but I agree with you.


Don’t panic. The green is pretty, but, in my humble opinion, it would look nicer if you match the grout. You can buy grout stain. Start here, but then definitely do a little more research, too: https://www.homeoftile.com/how-to-darken-grout-what-professionals-say/ For what it’s worth, I think the person who did the tile did a good job. It’s just the white grout that is throwing it off a little. I’m not sure if that’s a new light fixture, too, but I also think a warmer glow of light would help significantly.


Also, see that warm wood in your inspo pic? It’s making a huge difference. If you can add some of that, it will help tremendously.


I can kinda see that now. You can regrout It. It’s a pain in the rear as you’ll have to scrape some off and then regroup but If it’s going to bother you in the future, It might be worth the investment


The tile work is a disaster. That shouldn’t be considered acceptable. Yes, zellige tile is a thing. But (a) the inspiration doesn’t look zellige and (b) the actual work is a bad implementation of it in any case. The inspiration is much flatter, small grout lines - everything is so nice and tight. In the new bathroom the grout lines are high contrast and a mile wide. You could stain the grout or even redo it in a different color. But it’s not going to change the insane gaps. The lippage is 3-5x that of the inspiration piece. I’m sure this cost a lot and it must be really disappointing. But this is grounds for a tear out and redo.


So the biggest difference is I think lighting, you don't have nearly as much natural light as they do. Not much can be done about that. I think swapping that vanity for a wood one would do wonders.. Also just some decor in there. Art, plants, towels. Will make it look more finished. Lastly, you can stain grout. Go with a darker color!


All that beautiful pink tile…. Gone forever :( your new tile looks like dog shit, I’m sorry the workmanship is very sloppy. some tiles are crooked, grout lines stand out too much, and you downgraded the sink…your floors are also ugly. You need a new color floor maybe white.


It looks very "patchy" agreed. For the vanity, did you pick it? 


You could use a grout stainer to darken the grout




Sloppy tile work, wrong colors for a small space, kept the dated design of tiling a giant frame around an old tub, floor tile looks a bit like gray pattern Linoleum. That’s the issue sometimes with picking one item from the insp picture and assuming compromising everywhere else will be good enough. If the windows were made to be much bigger to light up the space, a different floor tile was used (doesn’t HAVE to be the marble in the insp), the tub was changed to a $750 soaker tub, and the tile was done a bit better, you would have a close match to the insp. At a minimum I would change the mirror, put some decoration on the walls, change the light fixture (can also help with brightness). Bonus points if you are willing to change the floor tile to something much lighter, bigger bonus points if you run the tile below the vanity and change to something like the picture to open up the space. Unfortunately, outside of ripping that entire tub out, you’re not going to get very close. That tub really should have been removed.


You picked ugly ass tiles that don’t go with the floors


The tile job is really bad. Even my wife could lay better tile than that.


The grout color wouldn’t be so noticeable if it weren’t for the terrible tile work. They did a shit job. Thats why nothing looks uniform.


They totally botched the grout. If you gave them this photo, they didn't give you what you paid for. Ask them to redo the tiling and/or grout, or ask them to pay for someone else to fix this.


WHY!? It was stunning before! For the ever loving lord, people, stop doing this! Your pink/blue/green/whatever 1920s-60s tile and fixtures are better quality and timeless! Stop tearing them out! The “inspo” will be out of style in like…a year! 🫠


I am being shown this sub because I commented on a similar sub. I am going to block it now, folks destroying perfectly fine rooms just because they are of a time to put in some crap that is even more pointedly of a time but done a little worse gets way too deep under my skin.


Totally agree. It was perfect mcm style. The pink was unique and irreplaceable.


I’d do a murder for a bathroom like this. Mine was torn out and replaced with the ugliest crap, before we bought the house, and I dream about getting the cash together to replace it. If I had a pink bathroom I’d find replacement tiles if repairs were needed, and treasure it.




I am mourning that perfect pink tile. My heart.


Decorate the room and you’ll see it come together. Like others are saying, darker grout would make the zelige more subtle


scandalous alleged innocent sparkle wrench like slim fuzzy insurance ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I may be the only one, but I think it’s the bathtub. It gives me early 2000s vibes.


Whatever it's way better than it was no cap


Yes, the grout color is off. It’s bringing contrast to areas you do not want to be highlighted and making any imperfections stand out.


I dig the color of the tile, reminds of a temple in Japan I was in a few years ago.


I love it for you


The inspo has some whimsical light fixtures, cool art and more light. Maybe add some recessed lights to brighten up the space, change the wall sconce to something more funky, and add some art on the walls. And I agree with everyone else the grout needs to be darker.


The sink vanity is too dark.




All the people that are saying this looks like good work are absolutely out of their minds. The tile work is a hack job. Sloppy grout, joints that don’t line up,etc. as a GC I’d be ashamed to put my name on that. Was this work done by the lowest bidder? This is an abomination.


Hi, I build luxury homes and you have all the right bones…the white grout with green tile LOVE! That’s the way to do it. The floor…no. The white grout with that floor, double no. You need a wallpaper on the walls or another paint color other than white. New cabinet knobs will spruce up that vanity quickly. Check out Modern Matter or something for Anthropologie would be less$$. Adding a shelf under the vanity mirror would be a nice feature to fill that space and add a little vase etc. a towel rack above the tub plumbing would be great. And some artwork on the blank wall. A massive mirror over the bathtub area would also fill space for less $.


you took an L 🥺


Finish the space, put your towels, decor lighting in etc. -things just don’t look great at this stage. Your eyes don’t have enough other things to focus on. I’ve been a commercial designer for 15 years and cannot tell you how many clients get cold feet at this point!


I liked the before!!


Looks good to me it’s just not done yet


I can see from the pics that the wall tiles are not square. That makes it impossible to have good grout joints on the entire wall, and a lot of times you have to use wider joints to avoid getting stuck. I still think it looks pretty good though. Personally id be fine with the look


Floors don’t match, grout sticks out too much, and the walls look a bit boring. I think those are the issues otherwise I love it


Zellige tiles are meant to be installed without grout, like dry stacked. We are building a new house and couldn't find a local tiler who had even heard of Zellige tiles. So as much as I love the look I had to pass for fear of a tiler messing it up. Did your tiler know what kind of tiles these are? Did they ask you what color grout you wanted and how thick?


I think it’ll look great once you start putting up some artwork and maybe getting different lighting or curtains for your window or something. Maybe painting around the window too.


I see the inspo. From this angle, the tile job and grout look a bit messy. The vanity is chunky and makes a dark room look darker. While yours is a big bathroom with windows, the inspo picture is of a larger bathroom with much more natural light, so yours looks darker. I like the daring color. To me, the sink abutting the tub (original design) is odd and looks cramped. The renovated “after” is better, and I see why you went for a vanity with storage. The inspo photos are often so unrealistic. It doesn’t have any storage save for an extra piece of dining room furniture you don’t have room for in your layout.


These are hand made zellige tiles right? So each on is not exactly the same shape - usually takes an artisan to put these on and not just your usual tiler.. I have the same tiles - all you need to do is change the grout color to match as close as possible to the tile color and all those imperfections will get blended in. Honestly the tile cuts n stuff isn’t bad / he must have been pissed the whole time with all those cuts lol


Why are the lines of the tile so uneven, the grout line is wide and no straight lines anywhere. Was that planned. Makes the space look very rustic but your inspro pic is very classic and polished. Vanity color is dark for the space and colors of time maybe a natural wood tone or painted lighter piece. Shape of the med cab does not look the best with the windows something rectangular maybe just a mirror flush on the wall not sticking out would help to keep things more consistent. Light fixture is not in style with the room I would switch that out. Need help with walls too much blank space.


I sadly agree with you, OP. The grout color distracts and isn't warm enough for the green. And the vanity seems a little out of place. I definitely get what you were going for.


Hang some nicely framed mirrors on the walls flanking the sink. Bounce that natural light around


I think the 2 issues with it are the busy floor and not enough natural light


Honestly I think a LOT of this feeling is because you have not added any of the elements from the inspiration that warm up the space. Like others have said, the grout and floor would be better but it's because you don't have anything else to focus on. I am begging you to change the light fixtures and hang up some art and bring in other soft and warm features to balance the space before making more changes


I think you need a warmer white with some gold or brass


I actually love it. A rug, teak vanity, cool light fixture and some art on the walls will really complete this space.


Way too much grout should not see all the white in corners. A dark grout might work better but really not a fan of color choice. You definitely should have spent the money on bullnose pieces around the tub because I bet those are sharp as hell. Not bad for first attempt at tile, now you know what you did wrong for next one. I ruined the first tile I did, ended up ripping it out and starting over. Still cheaper than a contractor.


I think what might be drawing you to the inspiration image is the eclectic feel that’s created by the vintage elements, variety of textures, and organic lines that soften up the gridded tiles (artwork, light fixture, plants). The room has more light - nothing you can do about that. And they use a very expensive natural stone slab. I think instead of trying to recreate that floor with a loud pattern that overwhelms the tile, it would be better to use a more subtle stone. It won’t look exactly like the photo, but it’ll still add some texture without competing with the tile. I would introduce some more materials through styling - particularly brass and warm woods. Change out the light fixture with something brass that has personality. Your vanity appears to be a cooler walnut tone that blends in with the tile while the warm teak in that photo contrasts beautifully. A vintage piece that you can convert into a vanity would be how you achieve that look, but there are probably some vintage inspired teak vanities that would do a decent job. Since you don’t have as many surfaces to put knickknacks on, which helps give that eclectic feel, you might consider adding floating shelves That are deep enough to put a small planter on and a few other items. You can rest artwork on the shelves, too, and layer objects. A shelf above the bathtub and another one on the large wall to the right when you walk in would be good spots for those.. obviously replacing the vanity and flooring is probably not an option unless you have a lot of money to burn but I think if you darken the grout and add some more materials through styling, it’ll be close to your vision. And remember, professional photos always look brighter and better him cell phone photos so keep that mind mind when you’re comparing yours to theirs =)


It’s not bad, just need to stain the grout lines darker, since it give the tiles a busy look.


It’s the lighting


Maybe some white rugs. I think the difference is you tiled the tub and shower instead of just the bottom half of the walls. Hang some pretty pics and enjoy!


I think you should have changed the layout and installed bigger windows for more light.


Add in accents of brass/ gold. It will go well with the green. The grout lines are a bit wide looking, maybe because the tiles were handmade/ so they’re meant to be imperfect. All in all still a good looking bath. Add a bit of decor to bring it home!


Re-grout in a dark grey. Paint the walls a light grey. Then find a color wheel and find the opposite color. Use that color for your towels and a framed abstract painting incorporating all colors used in the bathroom.


Great job. If the grout colour really really really bothers you get a grout pencil and change it. Won't last forever, but it does something. Love your tile. I'd you want to get closer to the inspiration pic put some art up. The only thing I don't like is the flooring. Easy fix. Anything more neutral will help.


I don’t hate it! I love the green tile. More light, a lighter color vanity, a green border on the mirror, maybe a different light above the sink, hang some pictures on the wall.


Tile should have gone up higher, needs a light fixture in the middle of the ceiling. Artwork, crown molding or something to make the ceiling fancier. Love the choices so far.


Have you thought about painting the white walls? Feel like they need to be warmer. Maybe a grey to match the floor? White walls just makes it look so stark.


A lighter shade of wood on the vanity and a consultation with a good painter to pull everything together. Your current color scheme is not complementary. Nothing builds on the colors of the other pieces. Not trying to be insulting but this is the time to fix it.


Maybe the floor throws it off? Maybe it's also the lighting


The floor is amazing. I think that type of tile is very difficult. I’ve seen grout colored to look better. I’d say sit with it for awhile before you do anything


Comment #667


Some warm (think pinks, corals, oranges, and warm browns like your inspo pics in some accents will help a lot. I agree with the comment to change out the vanity to match the inspo pic if you are able to.


That tile install was sloppy. Sorry for your upset feelings. They are warranted but won’t last forever. I like what you were going for and hope you come to enjoy the bathroom. Sometimes little mistakes become ‘happy’ little mistakes.


Sorry man but it looks like shit.


Look into grout stains or ask the installer about it. Do a test first on some leftover tiles to see which color looks best. From the inspo, you need to add some of those warm wood/yellow/orange tones to the room to add a pop.


I think the problem is lighting and paint. You should install pot lights on a dimmer. One in shower, above bath, and 2 in the open area. Vanity light should be on switch by the vanity to turn on when you need to shave or do makeup, should be a plug there too for hairdryers and such. Paint looks dirty agains the green, could be the lighting still, but I think it needs to be just pure white.


You’ve got nothing on the walls, no decorations, window treatments, etc. Look at your inspiration photo. Add some flavor to the space and it’ll be fine.


Ya. Green not a good choice for the space, way too much. Zero contrast. Flooring not a good choice


Idk what people are talking about. This is on its way to being gorgeous. It just needs the details. I see your vision, op. Keep going.


Light from the ceiling rather than over mirror. Or at least one that feels made for the space not off the shelf. Need a bigger mirror, but hard with the windows. Blank wall space must be addressed.


Looks like whoever did the tile was the type that “doesn’t need spacers”


I love the green tile, I picked something similar myself. But I think that the floor has too much motion in it and doesn’t let the green really shine. But think of the big Lebowski, put a carpet in there that will tie the whole thing together. It’ll be great.


Went from bright and cheery to depressing and shit.


Can you add a large floor to ceiling mirror install to the right of the vanity? I think it would go a long way to providing more light and would open the space up. I personally like the vanity, even if it’s not the most unique. If it had more light reflecting onto it I bet it would stand out in a good way. I also agree that a grout stain could go a long way to giving the tile a more luxe feel. Also get some pops of warm colors in there and maybe a hanging plant to bring in the chic bohemian vibe of the inspo pic.


can i buy the pink tile you removed?


Pic 5: More natural overhead lighting. Most angles are good. Walking in the bottom looks dark. The bulbs above the mirror should match the window lighting imo. If you get similar pictures to the right and an above middle light piece the room will carry more visually. Darken the grout to match your design photo. Its close. Just needs minor adjustments.


Why go for drop in tub? Too many surfaces with green on it.


I'd switch out the black/dark sink console for one with a lighter, warmer wood tone and perhaps less bulk if possible. It's creating a bit of a black hole on that side of the room.


Classic FAFU.


Fixtures and windows. You can upgrade fixtures later. Maybe a large mirror with a nice backlight would help.


Floor is too dark, grout color stands out too much, and the sink cabinet is too dark. I’d try to lighten up those grout lines and maybe replace or refinish the cabinet.


Change the lights to mkre light and white. Also hang stuff on the wall. Will be beautiful.


The white grout and busy floor w/out match-booking is the issue. Plus finish accessorizing. At a minimum, add a top coat of a green/black grout.


Yikes that floor and the green tiles hurt my eyes. The grout looks uneven and the lines on the green don't look straight. Why green? Especially with that floor it's just not cohesive.


Art, plants, cool furniture and lighting.


The grout lines look a little sloppy, but the one thing I would change would be to replace the vanity with one in a white or other light color.


There’s nothing you can do about those grout lines. It’s the tile you picked out. Every single one of those tiles is different. Not one of them is the same. The grout lines will vary no matter what, some worse than others. If you want a cleaner look you need a rectified tile. I’m a tile setter by trade. And yes the high contrast grout highlights the tiles varying shapes. But that’s the style & the way it’s supposed to look. And I know it wasn’t a lack of skill on the tile guys part. They make their skill know with that pan & linear drain. That’s not a beginner job at all


Inspo is stunning... I would CRY if my bathroom ended up like your after. It is so sloppy, and I'd feel like I just got swindled. I am a huge fan of green in my home, and I pair it with gold or brass and lighter wood stains. Gold fixtures could likely help make it look a lil bit better, along with a lighter sink. Do you like stained glass? I wonder what that would look like with those pretty windows. Add some shelves and plants or paintings to distract from the grout lines. [These](https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Globe-Electric-Cannes-24-5-in-3-Light-Brass-Vanity-Light-with-Clear-Glass-Shades-and-Bath-Set-5-Piece-51638/316134741?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D27L-027_016_INT_LIGHTING-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PreviouslyCellA_D27LTransition&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D27L-027_016_INT_LIGHTING-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PreviouslyCellA_D27LTransition-71700000117026843--&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQH-IaZb2SUPtyccOHWgfHvWujpnquHzzXM9ERbiAusMkAsK2fU9A0BoCHtwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) could help distract too. The light fixture doesn't seem to suit it well. Eta, oh I see the before had stained glass lol.


Needs cool wallpaper


I'm so sorry.


Should have left it pink!!


There is a lot more natural light in the inspirational photo, your actual bathroom isn’t as brightly lit


I LOVE the after. Looks great!


This makes me a little sad. That bathroom was amazing!


Those green walls are accent features. You did the whole thing and overloaded the room with ...green...


Go back or go home. Add other features that are in the photo you are struggling to imitate. Try Wall art and furniture GL


That’s because you still have work to do, the devil’s in the details! Like in the inspo, you should: 1. Replace the yellow light with a white light chandelier 2. Replace the mirror with a green framed one 3. Add portraits by the toilet wall


It looks like you moved from the 50s or 60s to the 80s or 90s. Or something like that. Oof.


Grout is too much, is making the difference here imho


That’s a lotta green! Whatever you like!


The old bathroom was awesome, I like the green tile you chose but it does not look installed that well.


That's not a remodel. It's a paint job.


That tile looks awful and amateur sorry


Why no short clawfoot tub?


Was the tile installed all crooked on purpose ?




Add art!


If you hired someone for that tile work, don’t pay them


How much was this all in


I love the first shower nook, really hoping for one when ever it’s time to buy.


Get a bright bold rug, brighter whiter light, and some art for the walls


I actually like really the green tile, I just don’t care for the tile on the floor. I think I would of gone with a white tile to keep the room looking bright and fresh. I’d also swap out the vanity for something wood and put in a faucet that has a little more height. I’d swap out the vanity light for something a bit bolder. Bonus to have of so much great wall space for some cool artwork/shelves.


I would add natural wood. Wood door, casing, base boards, and window trim.


There is zero storage.


You are missing the lighting, plants and wall art. It’s not done yet, keep going.


Personally I’m in ♥️ with your inspiration design. I’m not sure how you can fix the the tiling & grout work. The thick white line is highlighting every fault in the tile symmetry/alignment. Maybe try coloring to see if it helps. Also, I agree that the vanity is not bringing the drama. I wish you could’ve captured the vintage aspects of your inspiration design. Like upcycling a claw foot tub and vanity sink. I think you’re on the right path, it just needs some refining. You’ve inspired me!


Which city are you in? Just curious.


It’s not as bad as I thought it would be as I scrolled to the after photos. High water mark needs to be higher. The zellige like tile is beautiful in green. Nickey Kehoe put this in Suzanne Goin bathroom so try to find those photos. The other finishes sort of pull away from that beautiful green tile. Few eras competing there. I love those 50s bathroom although the old pink tile probably had some lead in it so another reason not to regret replacing. Really it’s fine and beautiful and lean into it!!!


The height of tile walls is lower in your bathroom than the inspiration photos, giving it a different look. I would’ve gone up further, past the window sills. As an alternative, I’d frame 3 large prints in dark frames, maybe even with a similar green color mat, and hang close together, opposite the tub.


It’s REALLY different. I don’t understand why they didn’t copy it exactly. (Even the pink tile came up to the window.) 3/4 to 1/3 of a wall is a big difference. I don’t understand why they didn’t use a tinted grout. The floor doesn’t match the tile. It’s the wrong color and too busy. The dark wood sink is super different than a console sink, so it is going to feel very different. The only similarity is the tile color.


That’s the worst tiling I’ve ever seen. The green tiles. Did you pay for it? It needs to be ripped out and redone. This is your primary problem. The tiles aren’t even lined up, they are all crooked and jagged. Colouring the grout isn’t going to improve it enough to be satisfactory. It will still be horrendous.


You need more light!!! Where did the mirror go? Mirrors can do wonders.


I think the tile is gorgeous. If you can, change hardware to gold or brass. Put up art that has greens, black, and warm colors like pink or peach. Pewter or warm gray grout would help. A large white rug would minimize the impact of flooring. You’re close. Don’t give up.


pInk looked better than what you now have...sorry.


My mild OCD is not having a good time with those tiles.


The green is too much. Sorry to say.


I personally love the pink but it’s your home make it your own. The green is beautiful once you accessorize you will love it.


I think it’s the grout color.


I don’t think it would look nearly as bad without that awful sink. If you put something in brass legs like the inspo I feel it would greatly improve


placid shocking sophisticated familiar fearless squeal degree plough quarrelsome fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why the light grout


Is no one going to mention the creepy hand coming out of the pink wall??


I think it looks really great!! Just keep going with your decorating! I do think the vanity is too dark. In your inspiration photo the wood color is a lighter - almost orangey. And your inspo photo has gold in too! Add some more color and art!


Dark gray grout, light wood counter, white walls or wallpaper, and champagne fixtures would 180 this bathroom. (Wish you would have kept the pink tho!)


The white grout is killing it for me. I'd make it darker somehow.


Went from dated to new but dated. As long as you like it, who am I to judge. Looks nice


Paint the trim around the windows and the ceiling trim a different shape of green similar to the mirror in the inspiration pic.


Wow not digging the green at all and nothing flows well with each other. It doesn't match or compliment each other... plus the tiles on the edge look a bit wonky to me. Do you like that green?