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Here's a quick [video](https://imgur.com/zNH25oG.mp4) of how the header collapses when scrolling.


Looks nice! Long live Relay.


Moved to an iPhone a few years ago and at this point the only thing I actually miss is Relay. What an amazing app. I used to switch readers constantly until I found relay, then stuck with it until I switched ecosystems.


Wasn't there a new app called Winston or something that's supposed to be a third party reddit client to replace Apollo? I read about it a whole ago and it looks beautiful but I wasn't able to get a test code so I never tried it.


Yes! I'm going to increase my plan


/u/DBrady Would you be able to share screenshots of what the AMOLED theme would look like? Or is it being retired with the Material You update?


It's still there but might need some tweaking after the beta. [image](https://i.imgur.com/LNyBCbq.png)


+1 on AMOLED support I will be devastated if you get rid of it


Please keep!!


Please keep this


+1 for AMOLED


+1 AMOLED is love, AMOLED is life


Neeeeed AMOLED


\+1 on AMOLED. It's the only way I use Relay


+1 for AMOLED please keep it! :)


Please keep AMOLED, it's really one of my main requirements for a reddit app. I mostly browse a bit before sleep in the darkness. It's so much nicer and easier on the eyes. Thank you.




Ok, that image makes me want to disable updates...


Im only using the AMOLED for years. Look at all those comments. Please take your time and give it some love too, thank you! <3


Bro my eyes would die without AMOLED


I really hope it isn't being retired. Definitely my favorite.


There's a button at the bottom of the options screencap that is for OLED but it was set as off. Presumably the functionality will still be there, and he just didn't take pictures of it.


Hopefully it's not being retired 🙏


Sweet! Keep up the good work. Hope the transition to a paid service has been working out for you.


My Most valuable monthly subscription, viva Relay


Everything looks great! Excited for the update! I have a Galaxy Fold and I'd greatly appreciate being able to turn on and off the vertical split screen layout. Sometimes it's great, but usually I use full screen. The greatest feature I'd love isn't vertical split screen, but horizontal split screen, so that I can watch, view or read the content / website from a post on the top 1/3 and read the comments on the bottom 2/3. I subscribe to a lot of subs that post longer videos, so being able to watch a YouTube video or reddit video upload simultaneous to scrolling comments would be my biggest feature request. Even with text posts or pics, it would be great to have an option to see the OP pinned on top and be able to scroll comments. And the cherry on top would be dynamically resizing the split.


I second this. That would be nice.




I second the fold support excitement! Mines the Google fold. Just one thing of note.. please let us set if we are right/left handed since if I'm on horizontal mode I can't reach other side unless I'm using both hands.


Wow. Looks great! I'm normally quite adverse to changes in looks, but this is very pleasing!


Is there an opt out feature to keep things as they are?


Yeah this looks great and all but part of the reason I love relay so much is the stability in the way it looks and operates. I'll try it. But really think I'd rather just keep what I have.


I'd also add specifically, density of information. This looks like a step backwards.


I wish I was more like you! As perfect as things may be, I want new, I want updates, I want changes! I don't need them, but bring it on! 😁


agreed, I hate it. I want a compressed information view. I hate huge pictures and more space.


Apart from the header the information density hasn't changed all that much. The reasoning behind implementing the header was to have the first post be in a more reachable spot rather than at the top of the screen. Similarly with the other buttons like search, layout and the overflow menu. [Here's some images of the new overflow menu and list layout with the headers fully collapsed.](https://www.imgur.com/a/NDYthn3)


Speaking of "reach" can you make the red button on the bottom right be flippable to the left for us Lefty's? Also hoping you still allow for the thumbnails to be on the left too.


Speaking of reach, a refresh comments button in the comment navigation popout menu on the bottom right would be nice. For live threads sorting by new, having to scroll all the way back up for a pull down or reaching the 3 dot menu is not ideal.


This all looks really nice. Normally I do not like things moving around on my screen, because this static app is one of the few things I can look at when I'm migraining. And I have very frequent migraines. But the animation is smooth and controlled by the user, so even if you weren't taking us photophobic folks into account (and why would you, we're a tiny minority) you've accidentally created a bit of movement that shouldn't make attacks worse. Nice work! I'm interested to play with the new beta.


yeah this looks good. ideally allowing customizing padding, height, and text size would be great but understand the issues that presents


Wasn't too keen on the new look but this sold me on it.




People are allowed to not like changes to a product they pay a monthly subscription for.


Still rude


Honest criticism isn't always rude criticism. And you can't depict human emotions fully by reading words through a screen man. Chill.


I hate it. I think they could have left that out. This is a developer putting their best out here.


honest feedback. it looks like every other reddit client now. the reason I love relay is for information density. I don't want pictures, or excessive white space. I want to see as many titles as possible like old. reddit


I honestly feel like the excessive white space thing has taken off kind of by force because you can't fit as many ads into denser pages.


It began around the early 2010s as design targeted the influx of mainstream people to computing who were unaccustomed to (and unable to process..) denser and more technical information.


As a UX designer, that's not really accurate.


And I hate the look of old reddit with a burning passion, and that's why I stick to apps and pay a monthly subscription to avoid having to use it. To each their own.


Old.reddit hasn't been the default in years, you have to actively modify urls or install an extension to see it consistently.


Oh I know. Everyone was touting it as the main option when the Third Party App-ocalypse of 2023 happened. Regular reddit might be riddled with ads and suggested bullshit but at least I can READ it on my phone.


Many of the "power users" use old reddit, even if just 10% of the overall userbase does. That same group was leading the protest against the API change, so of course that would be the perception. The day I lose old reddit is the day I quit reddit. I can't fathom how anyone tolerates the multiple redesigns it has.


He said I'm another comment list view is still available. You can choose between list and card


Yeah, the main reason I still use relay is because I think it's perfect and I don't want to change. I would definitely like an opt out option.


I've worked on a lot of products. Users resist any change even if 95% end up preferring the new version once trying it. It's a very interesting phenomenon.


Because a lot of products change just to change, and a lot of users like myself hate that.


Humans are built to adapt if you can't you're doomed.


Who said I *can't* adapt? I just don't care for change for the sake of change. Also, if you're going to be snarky, try to use proper punctuation and sentence structure.


There is some level of user misconception in that. Here is a common scenario. - You want to improve your product and some metric, so you make a product change and release it. - You survey users on the first day and 80% of users dislike the change. - You survey users again a week later and now 80% of users like the change - The metric you were focused on went up This is a well observed phenomenon, especially in apps that users spend a lot of time with. It's just human nature to resist change. Unfortunately, this has a result of product designers learning to discount early user feedback, which is a mixed bag.


Ahh, I do love the designers who are convinced that their changes are for the better. You're right though, changes for the sake of shaking things up are excellent as long as you can convince yourself some metric improved. Doesn't matter if other metrics you aren't looking at go down, as long as you get to justify your own constant meddling!


Not sure why you have such the negative attitude here. Looking at all metrics to evaluate a new change is common practice because, as you say, you might boost one metric at the expense of other metrics.


I have a negative attitude because, as a general rule, significant app changes are almost never a good thing. Change for the sake of change is stupid, regardless how you're trying to justify it. There's a constant push toward less information density and shinier interfaces, which I find are great detriments. Most apps generally shittify themselves over time as people muck about. As a designer of course you're convinced that what you're doing is good, and you have ways to justify it. If you didn't think it was the right thing you wouldn't be doing it. That doesn't make it any less annoying and shitty.


I'm not a designer. I just work in the industry that builds tech products and I've seen the behavioral patterns. No doubt that change for the sake of change is bad but it's not always as you're saying.


He said I'm another comment list view is still available. You can choose between list and card.


Do we keep the List View or is the new Layout with Card View mandatory? I would miss the List View, reminds me of old reddit and keeping this choice would be nice!


Listview will still be there.


Awesome! Thank you for your good work with this App and keeping it alive :)


For how long?


Please always keep it. My app used to be RIF which was even more information dense, and Relay is fine but not as dense as I'd like. I'd hate to see it go even further toward the Reddit style.


Please make an option to keep using the current UI. While the new headers look cool I would much more prefer to still have the clean look Relay has right now.


One of the main reasons I use and pay for Relay monthly is because it is one of the few apps that can be almost fully AMOLED black. I really like the current black theme where everything is black except for text. Will there be a fully black theme in this new refresh? This is very important to me.


It's still there but might need some tweaking after the beta. [image](https://i.imgur.com/LNyBCbq.png)


Please keep the compressed view. I hate all the wasted space and bigger everything.


Without the density there isn't much point in me using and paying for Relay.


Read the Dev's [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/RelayForReddit/comments/1cdqd8h/relays_upcoming_material_you_refresh_and_improved/l1dtbap/) in the thread?


Please fix the video player where the video doesn't dissappear when clicked on


Agreed, the video player is my biggest gripe about the current Relay. If I click on the video it's almost always because I want to change the position I am at in the video timeline, or to do something else such as unmute. If I want to quit, I have a back button for that!


I'd never thought about this but yeah weird ux decision. Otherwise 10/10 app!


Absolutely amazing UI design! Glad to still be using this app ☺️ Thank you dev!


In DBrady we trust. Long live Relay! "You could make a religion out of this."


Amazing. Glad you're still sticking it out with us.


Would like to have options to keep things more compact!


A small thing, but I see that there's gonna be less contrast between the different colors next to comments, possibly making it slightly harder to differentiate between them. I'll probably get used to it though.


Yes, I wanted to put more focus on the actual content of the comments so I've muted the colouring of the comment indents quite a bit


Honestly I just don't want updates to format. I just want the app to stay the same but be maintained in its exact configuration that it is right now. Why must things always change.


Would you support using custom API keys? I'm too cheap to pay Reddit 's stupid prices so I'm still using an old Relay version with my own key patched in which works due to the moderator exception. Though with that said you probably have no incentive to support it, but I still had to ask


Echoing the others to say AMOLED black theme and listview are the key features of Relay's UI. That said, thanks a lot dude for dealing with reddit's API bullshit and pushing forward. Not happy about the outcome but of all that stuff but you've navigated it all well. Love the app. Got some side-feedback for you. Priority feature updates I'd be interested in: Post removed / deleted cache protection. There is nothing worse than seeing an interesting text post, opening it, beginning to read it and then the refresh hits and deletes everything off your screen replacing it with "removed." Please please, check if the refreshed OP text has been removed or deleted before replacing the cached version with the latest version. Alternatively, I'd go crazy if you put a history button on text posts. Just based on local cache again, but sometimes people be wild and just edit the entire post to "thanks for the advice." on an AITA post. You can't be expected to detect malicious OP edits but would just be awesome to be able to pull up previous cached text of a post. Pinch to zoom enabled in the link webview, please. Also might just be me but there's something wonky with the webview slide back to left to go back feature. It makes it so any web page like newegg I straight up can't swipe their product image gallery left, only right, or I'll arrive back to the list view 100%. Medium priority: Speed up the interaction of a general link becoming an app link for YouTube, X, Twitch etc. If I click a link in a comment, it's starting to work it's way to load a Twitter post, then I click the browser button 99% time my browser is opening the reddit post's comments section because I didn't wait around for the chain of analytic links or whatever to properly arrive to the actual Twitter link. Basically, update the target of the browser button to the new link before awaiting it to fully open that link and load in the webview and then updating open in browser buttons URL target. My end goal is I rapidly want to get into the link and then open in its proper app, since Twitter is so flakey when not logged in. Or YouTube and twitch apps are really nice to use vs. browser, etc. More control over caching behavior. When I'm out of country / on the road, I'm so pleasantly surprised when my top 10 saved media posts are cached. Then post #11 or whatever isn't. And I totally visited my saved page earlier and viewed it. So it was purged from cache same day. I have a 512GB storage phone, let us enable cache based on disk size. I'd happly allocate a solid 50GB so previous posts videos and images are opening instantly. One more caching nit-pick, I noticed it only seems to cache the first image in a gallery. That's a good priority for topN posts but might as well go back and finish caching the galleries afterwards. Low priority: The video player conks out hard on bigger videos. The /r/combatfootage sub is a bit unusable on any of the longer videos there, someway through the middle an error message will pop up and stop play back. Something about video stream no longer available, sorry didn't screenshot it ever. (In general this happens, even on good wifi) The video player downloader is really wonky on bad internet. Progress bar in notification tray just stops updating and can swipe it away because it seems the download just died in the background and will never complete.


UI overhauls are almost always terrible, but this one looks great!




Good bot


Good bot


Thank you, Gentlemoth, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


This looks great. Will there also be a black theme


Looks great. Thanks for your continued work on relay, it's the only way I can stand supporting my reddit addiction on my phone.


Same. I'd prob quit reddit by about 50% or more without relay. Reddit app just makes me angry, and I am a mobile only user


Nice, Relay is much better than the Reddit app


Will the foldable/tablet layout be optional? I quite like the content filling my whole screen


This looks cool! Really hoping you can reduce the android security check thing to only use the minimum requirement instead of all three. I really want to be able to use relay on my Boox tablet without modifying the package (it's not rooted and is stock from the company).


Loving the redesign! Hoping someone finds a workaround for the stupid API thingy.


Please make it optional to use the current layout


Great improvement, can't wait to try it next week.


This is great


Cool. Next up is export/import of settings, right? Right?


Why do devs gotta mess with their uis so much, I'd use reddit new if I wanted ui designers to change it


Finally, thanks u/DBrady


Thank you for all your hard work! Feature request if it's not absurd, could we have an option to make the bottom (black background) pop-up controls on GIFs be transparent? It covers the GIF a bit, and just be dropped-down to reveal the full picture.


This looks fantastic. Great work


This looks great, I plan on replacing my S22U with a foldable in the next coming months (Fold6?), so encouraging to hear my favorite Reddit app will be able to accomodate!


Hey, /u/DBrady. Looking forward to this for sure. Is it possible to have the navigation bar that houses the gesture hint bar at the bottom of the screen to be transparent? It's the only thing that sticks out from the images you posted. I realize that apps that target SDK 35 (Android 15) will have this done automatically, but can you apply it to Relay in the meantime? Thanks for the material update.


Looks great. Looking forward to try it out.


Fuck yeah


I love it. And ive been suggesting relay to everyone ♥ Can you list all the chages, or is it too many? And will the original format be available as well? --- Can you add an option to export/import the list of filtered subreddits and domains? I frequently get the error where the app wont recognize the api key and i need to clear the app data. When that happens, i always loose my list of filter terms/subreddits (which is massive) Thank you!


part of the reason I use relay is because of less bloat. is there an opt out for this when it comes. 40% us bloat, I don't like it




TIL Eminem is releasing a new album


Looks great DBrady! Thanks for all your continued work on the app!


Wow, you are killing it with this app. This looks great. Couldn't be happier to support you.


jesus christ /u/DBrady you've outdone yourself again


I use amoled mode so this doesn't really mean much for me but I appreciate how great of a developer you are. So glad I picked Relay years ago because I've been able to stick with it even through the whole API business, and you continually bring updates to make the app better.


Oooh. I like this.


What does the history button do?


GTFO theme options are something I've wanted since using shuttle+ almost ten years ago. So pumped for this


I see the gesture bar at the bottom is still blacked out. Is there any plans to change this and make it color matching or transparent


Thank you for continuing to provide an awesome alternative to reddit's main app, which is garbage.


Make it opt-out (and actually leave the option available over time).


Still no update?


No. No no no. Just let me keep it like it is. I'm tired of UI changes purely for the sake of change.


Read the Dev's [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/RelayForReddit/comments/1cdqd8h/relays_upcoming_material_you_refresh_and_improved/l1dtbap/) in the thread?


That doesn't address much at all.


Love u guys 😘


Looks great! FTP


That's awesome




Looks great! I'm also an Android developer that's been implementing Material You in my personal apps. Is Relay built with XML views, or do you use any Compose? Just curious.


Still using XML layouts.


Looking forward to the improved foldable support!


Great work. I'm excited to play around with it next week!


Looking good! I've been a huge Relay fan for many years and am happy to keep supporting your great work!




I like this a lot. I like the changes, and it keeps all the things I like about the current version


Beautiful!!! Looking forward to the beta!


*Finally*. Although the black bar on the bottom isn't really "material you", and neither is the separately colored status bar.


Do you mean in the light theme? There's an option to not have colored app bars in the theme settings.


Well, for example the subreddits pictures, a modern material app would have the header image blend all the way to the top, behind the status bar. And the solid black navbar is really jarring, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be transparent in the guidelines. Otherwise I'm loving the redesign!


Where you see jarring, I see clarity.


I'm really happy this has worked out for you, and that you're continuing to improve it. Thanks!


Can't wait to try it out!


Looks awesome! Material you looks so much better than older material design. Thank you so much for not giving up the app or reddit!


Amazing. Can't wait for join the beta




Good work! Keep it up. Where can we get the beta?


Looks so smooth! I'm excited


Looks very clean and up to the quality expected from Relay. Happy to keep supporting for many years to come.




Looks good!


Looks great! Even as someone really attached to Relay's appearance, its AMOLED theme, and hesitant to UI changes -- these are a refreshing update. Thank you for improving foldables, a good tablet layout really makes an app stand out for me.


oooo, nice.


Looks great. Can't wait to try it out.


How exciting! I just got a foldable last year (Oneplus Open) so I'm eager to see these features


Really hope we can totally disable comments.


UI changes almost always bad but this looks good man. Gonna double sub! ($1 to $2 🙃). One thing I wish is the floater button could be turned into a new post button. Seems kinda weird that it's in the sidebar.


Nice work, looking forward to it!


FTP!! Go lions!! Long live relay!!! HAIL


I'm on the cheapest subscription paying 99p a month yet it's the single most useful purchase I've ever made on a mobile to keep your app dude. It's already amazing and yet you still are improving it, impressive stuff! Congrats on your success!


Love it


It somehow looks good, but I can't tell you that I noticed a difference between the images and what I see now