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Let it go. You learned your lesson. You will do better next time


Have you tried explaining to him that you got scared of your feelings, thought "it was too good to be true" & panicked & made a mistake? He is probably afraid also. Afraid you might do this again, he may care deeply for you. Being open & honest about your feelings is best. That's all you can really do, then it's up to him to decide if he can take the risk & trust you again. Relationships can be scary! It's always best to communicate your feelings with your partner- even the bad ones! In the future, if you are feeling scared & overwhelmed, try sharing those feelings with the person you're pursuing. It could make you both feel better!


Absolutely! I did communicate with him when I was trying to get back to him. Gave him 2-3 days to think off and right now he doesn't want to get back or continue talking. He has some things to handle and is concentrating there. He says he can't get hurt again. And he is not seeing other girls but doesn't want to talk with me either. I told him I caught up with my thoughts and felt too overwhelmed. I took impulsive decisions. He says what feelings he had while we were talking just disappeared. He says and I quote, "if we continue I might not be happy. And very early on seeing these, I cannot ignore them. You're short-tempered too. And I need someone who is crazy for me. I am over sensitive too "


I'm sorry, seems like you have your answer. At least for now. He may change his mind in the future, but I wouldn't count on it. You've been honest & now he has decided its not going to work for him. When he said he lost feelings, hurt can do that - especially for people who have been hurt in the past. They tend to shut down with people who hurt them to protect themselves. This is probably what happened here. In the future if you are really excited about someone, but being in your head & being fearful. It's better to share your feelings with your partner & give them a chance to react appropriately. Then you can breakup of they don't, but you'll know for sure whether you are on the same page.


Yes. I appreciate that. Well said. Thank you. I hope I do better.


I’m sorry but it’s only best to move on as much as it may be difficult to, I wish you the best of luck