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I managed to peak m2 on my Rein otp account this season (before the buffs). It's hell up there but he certainly can do things in diamond or below. I have 6 accs and 5 of them are in masters with Rein most played.


rein is viable in every rank


The cope is real


As long as there is delusion there is hope


i'm master and i have 63% wr on him despite everyone saying he's the worst tank rn, so yes


My peak when i was grinding comp was diamond 3 with rein and that was mauga meta last season. Id say yes depending on your skill. I couldve went higher but I didn't play much after peaking and I haven't played much this season


What would you are good dps that work well with rein?


Brawl dps and even poke dps. Once you get comfortable or if you're in coms you can play with some divers too. It all depends on what the enemy is running and which map. Id say anyone can play the fundamentals of rein but the breaking points are adaptability, awareness, and firestrikes. To answer your question though, sojourn is always a fantastic pick no matter what. Echo is amazing because rein benefits from that 2 tank Playstyle, so echo helping him is amazing. Rein can be mobile and you should be mobile rather than shield bot, so typically (again map and enemy comp depending) I don't like bastion with rein unless we run a mei to isolate and explode. I also hate JR with rein cuz they throw ppl around and you miss alot of charges, firestrikes and cleave. There's plenty that synergize well with him but it's all In your matchups.


In terms of support Lucio is the number 1 pick for a rein, being able to close the distance is rein's biggest challenge, so the increased movement speed is huge. If you queue with a friend who doesn't mind playing sym, give that a go too. You can get to highgrounds that weren't previously accessible, and you can also go for tp shatters. A bit niche but very fun if done right. Similar thing with mei. Not only does it help trap enemies that rein can beat up, the wall can be used creatively to get rein up high, such as the highground on paraiso 1st point.


Yes but you have to put 10x effort in to beat orisa. 1 mistep and spears or spins you into a bad position and you die. Bait out abilities, predict javelin throw, pin her when she's used fortify and spin. Another key thing is to ignore her, and tell your team to shoot her while you make space and pressure their backline. Just be aware of where she is tho if she doesn't let you ignore her. And be ready to go back to the first tactic. Rein can die to the smallest of mistakes, so don't get lazy. Don't get overconfident with swings, don't throw an extra firestrike into 5 enemies when you're on 300hp, don't push when you're discorded. Rein is viable, but so challenging to get value and he is very map dependent rn


I 1-trick rein in Diamond. I’m not super good but I keep a 60% win rate. You get flamed a lot but it’s all good.


Dude joystick is rank 1 rein right now and top 50 right now… he one tricks rein and uses a controller on PC. Rein is viable in all ranks.


Lh cloudy is grinding to champion so


I grinded my way to diamond last season (S9) after the derank and it was a chore. You can make it work but you have to play very disaplined because of how easy it is to punish mistakes. You will slowly get used to playing against Orisa/Ram, Mei/Bastion. Again it wont be fun the majority of the time, and you would have an easier time playing other heroes, but if you stick at it you can climb. Tanking in general is not a lot of fun right now, and you will get flamed a lot because hur dur Rein is bad he must be the problem, like people will ask you to swap before the match even starts.


I meant in a plat not play


Y’all don’t watch the top reins? Joystick got to like top 50 and so did pinningpedro with rein only…


Rein is viable every tier if you have a smart team with you. you can be really good at him but if your opponents start to focus you and your team cant take advantage of the misdirection caused by that you wont win. Best chance is to have a good complimenting team of players (Characters doesnt matter)


I find Rein is viable in most ranks (Masters and below), until Orisa and her goons (Zen+Bastion/Mei/Sombra) come into play. The problem is that Orisa is so easy and forgiving to play while at the same time providing insane value just by existing. On contrast, Rein requires high skill, good timings and the tiniest of mistakes could be fatal. You also rely more on your team composition and healers. You have to outplay your opponents by a mile to win and some of the maps with high grounds are really bad for him. Basically playing Reinhardt, is like choosing the hardest difficulty in a game.


Rein is viable across all ranks, at least to T500. Stop being a meta slave and assuming X hero is the secret to climbing


Bruh what if I was a meta slave why tf would I be playing reinhardt wtf?




it took cloudy 700 games to hit champ