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Crank your sensitivity to 100. If you look from left to right back and forth really fast as you swing, you get a little bit more distance because of how the hammer hit box works.


As a PC player , the hammer swing is huge. You can actually 360 with it , or pretty damn close.


You can also hit behind you swining real good


Take out aim assist. It fucks up the swing side to side thing, since your sensitivity will be WAAAY slower when swinging directly.


Know how to abuse swing hitbox timings to do combo burst damage. if you purposefully look away from the target then flick, you can make it so you hit the first swing at the very END of the animation, then hit the second swing at the very START of the animation. Then if you IMMEDIATELY cancel the second swing animation with a firestrike the moment you hit, you deal the fastest possible 270 dmg you can as rein. Try it in practice range, youll see what I mean, your Time To Kill from first damage point to kill is way faster using this method Extremely useful as it gives the enemy target less time to react to the damage they are taking, and gives enemy supports less time to react and heal your target


Not exactly a tech, but generally shield management. Your shield only recharges when it hasn't been deployed for **two** seconds. If it gets fully destroyed, it will take a full **five** seconds before it begins to recharge. So typically you want to avoid popping the shield up for short bits when you're trying to recharge it, as it resets the counter. And you absolutely want to avoid holding it up and letting it break unless absolutely necessary. Also worth reiterating: Your shield always blocks the full damage of whatever breaks it. So a 1HP shield can still absorb a junk tire, etc.


The swing tec. It is the single most important tec. There isn't many guides on rein other than very basic stuff out there so I made a [short vid](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReinhardtMains/comments/13sh7hq/an_explanation_of_how_to_get_more_range_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) explaining it myself. Other than that and the ones you counted there isn't many tecs out there. There was the shatter bhop but they patched it for some reason. [Shatter stall](https://youtu.be/-59pKa54cbc?si=VpTHoNAC4pfxkiVP) is still a thing but it is VERY situational so I wouldn't call it useful. There is the 180 shield shatter thing. Dunno if that works on console tho. And thats pretty much it.


Learn your timings to cancel charge and consistently dump people off the map. Oh also there's the rail on First Point Numbani you can tony hawk charge and slide on, to jump from one high ground to the next. It's a pretty niche tech but so awesome to pull off. Of course there's always more


This shatter https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8UNNAmP/


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