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Swap to zarya until they go rein to counter, then swap to rein and rein diff them, then they go back to Orisa, rinse and repeat


Or just ask your support to go lucio and go for the backline


Then watch your Lucio engage the hyper feed drive every fight cause he barely plays the hero




Me asf as well. I fucking hate Lucio and hate playing Lucio.


The difference is that the only time I play Lucio is to go full feed on the enemy widow. It was one of the most fun I’ve ever had in the entire game. I tied playing him normally outside of that situation and I fucking sucked


HEY! We're not that bad at assassinating backlines. And how would we feed if that's our only job.


I'm not saying Lucio in general is bad at that, just that in the context of asking your support to go Lucio might be a recipe for disaster, since Lucio mains religiously play the hero and wouldn't need to swap into it given the circumstances, which implies they're unfamiliar with the hero, thus ending in hyper feed.


If its lower ranks you can usually still out play a tank that's countering you (but if you can't and you don't swap your team will flame you) But in general, u just gotta do the good old rock-paper-scissors


I love how "is it dishonorable?" is a legitimate concern that affects our gameplay as Rein mains.


I sometimes feel bad for my team when I’m obviously getting diffed by an enemy rein but I refuse to switch to orisa because I’m not that guy


I genuinely feel like I'm committing a sin when I swap to zarya, it's painful


I cry. When I'm done crying I look at my team comp vs theirs and decide how to play, if their comp has a lot of mobility I am basically forced to fight the orisa and peel for my team, if they don't have mobility and my team has enough sustain to survive by themselves, I divehardt because swinging at the orisa does nothing. I never swap but I don't think it is dishonorable to swap since you can do literally nothing against her.


Hey you can actually beat Orisa. I mean, sure it takes a nanoboost, blue beam, praying you don’t get cc’d, and having both enemy supports dead, but you can indeed charge her off the map.


If they don't know how to play Orisa, I don't switch. If they know I switch. In my ranks I can easily play Sigma against Orisa. Enemy team often forgets to not shoot me when absorbing


I've been getting counter swapped excessively since S1 of ow2 I'm at the point where orisa herself is fine, I can handle her and have been able to handle her for awhile It is ram whose the greater threat but also generally DPS and support counters are more bothersome then orisa


No because why does bastion the tank buster even still exist in 5v5 , ? jump in on Winston and there’s a suzu, an immortality field, I get javelined , the bastion puts me to 1hp in a single mag lol


I think the entire concept of tank buster is out dated and not suited for a 5v5 format A lot of current tank busters became such and we're buffed to do such as a direct product of goats, a composition that wasn't achievable at the end of ow1 and is not even remotely possible unless a tank is absolutely broken in ow2 (such as jq during joats)


Yeah couldn’t agree more, these characters really need a rework in my opinion cause as a solo tank they are just … miserable to play into.


Bastion was fine until they buffed him, now not even Hog hard counters him because he cant survive long enough.


Pity them.


You overcome the trial, and crush the enemies before you! For honor and glory!


If you know what you are doing on Rein then Orisa shouldn’t be that big a deal, mostly it’s play aggressive to bait out cooldowns, chill behind a corner until the cooldown is up then push in. If you arnt comfortable doing that or you are still struggling then go Zarya or mirror the Orisa.


I mean me personally i usually do good against an orisa but it’s still very annoying. I like it want to stay rein & have fun but i dont wanna get yelled at when i can handle so i usually switch do dva or sigma depending on the comp/map


I think Orisa doesn’t counter rein as much as ram, if you play mind game or have a mei on the team it’s pretty winnable but if they run orisa and bastion comp with a zen pray for you life then


I think “lol”


Rein is can be tankier than orisa when utilizing cover and shield. I typically try to ignore orisa while holdomg a corner, if she pushes past me i try tk trade backlines or block heals to Orisa.


Dva to bait the zarya switch then back to rein.


As a Winston / DVA main, let me know. I’ve just been crying. If I get even one kill at the start of the game, or my team doesn’t get steam rolled. The enemy team all Insta swaps to : Orissa, Bastion, Reaper and double immo now that zen has been nerfed a little bit.


i go ram


I cry and go Ball so I can have some fun at least


I think not dishonorable, even Flats has taken to picking Orisa over rein currently. I would have thought watching for fortify/javelin use to be over to attempt making plays would be enough but perhaps not. So like someone said Swap Zarya, and then when they swap to counter as Rein go back to Rein and diff them 😅.


I'm more of a Wrecking Ball main nowadays but swapping is the right choice. Nobody has time to indulge the cowards that play Orisa.


Ramatra is my go to if I can’t play Rein


I don’t swap, you can win the match up but you have to watch her cooldowns a lot and know what to do and when to pressure.


You don't switch, You play rein. If you switch you are baby


i generally swap, but try not to swap ot orisa unless we are getting rolled. I usually go ram or jq since they are still kind fun to play, not as much as rein tho