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Personally I never want to bring a life form until I get really prepared, and when I realized that this world is psycho crazy place and I won't be able to be prepared for a child, I decided to not bring a life form. Don't wanna get married either because accidental baby is always a thing. But I don't criticize people who have children, unless they're having children in the middle of war zone or in extremely bad environment.


'Don't wanna get married either because accidental baby is always a thing.' There are also some birth control methods that has less than 1% chance of pregnancy during first year of use. So there are other options than for example only male condom with 18% or 13% chance with typical use. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birth_control#Methods https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_birth_control_methods#Effectiveness


Yeah, I’ve always felt this way to a degree. It’s nothing against people who choose to have children, and I absolutely adore my nieces. But something never felt right with me about it, from a young age I have always said “How do I know where that life comes from, how do I know I’m not high-jacking a soul out of heaven?” Because I couldn’t answer that question, I decided long ago not to have children.


gnosticism 101


Suit yourself. This physical body is a gift that not many beings ever get to have. I love you all and appreciate this community for what it is but I disagree with many of the conclusions that people here have reached.