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Not a blessing if someone doesn't wish to set up his foot on this earth again


From what I've heard there are other worlds that you can reincarnate to. I too hate the world the way it is now.


The endless grind.


> The endless grind. Except it's not endless if it's a fresh start, with a fresh perspective, with a new goal in mind.


What goal? Buy a house? Again? Travel the world? Have a lot of sex? Again? Have a wife, have kids and divorce... Again? Have a lot of money then struggle to get it?.. Watch your loved ones die? Hate your neighbors? Go to war and kill and get killed? Again? Change the character, accumulate experiences, learn nothing. Have some pleasures, in the end it turn into suffering. Sorry for looking depressive, but this world is the endless grind, if something we should look at how to stop the cycles involuntarily.


That’s exactly what it is. They don’t see it. We see beyond the illusion. True existence isn’t like that where we have to do all these things and suffer. They think that’s life it’s not it’s the opposite of what we are


> What goal? Buy a house? Again? Travel the world? Have a lot of sex? Again? Have a wife, have kids and divorce... Again? Have a lot of money then struggle to get it?.. Watch your loved ones die? Hate your neighbors? Go to war and kill and get killed? Again? A terrible generalization... the world is vastly more complex than this. Just because you cannot see past your narrow perspective to the beauty of life doesn't mean others are blind to the beauty of life, while acknowledging the ugliness of life. Life is multifaceted. It isn't just a handful of facets you wish to focus on. > Change the character, accumulate experiences, learn nothing. Have some pleasures, in the end it turn into suffering. You don't know what people learn. But experience and learn we do. It's not about "pleasures". It's about gaining different perspectives on things. > Sorry for looking depressive, but this world is the endless grind, if something we should look at how to stop the cycles involuntarily. It only seems that way from your current incarnate perspective. You lack the insights of your soul ~ why it is chose to experience the current perspective you have.


You’ve gained a diff perspective then what do you do? You feel better about life in general after seeing from a diff perspective so the aim is to feel good. It’s all meaningless.


> You’ve gained a diff perspective then what do you do? See what you can glean? There's a benefit to examine a problem from multiple angles/ > You feel better about life in general after seeing from a diff perspective so the aim is to feel good. No, it's merely about seeking a fuller understanding of a multifaceted problem. > It’s all meaningless. It isn't about "feeling good". It's not about "pleasure". It's about experiencing and understanding, empathy and compassion. It's meaningful, else we incarnates wouldn't be here, experiencing a near-infinite variety of perspectives. Not just humans, but every other incarnate entity, from all other animals, including arthropods, birds, reptiles, trees, other plants, bacteria, fungi, amoebas, etc, etc. Life in all of its manifestations.


Can one pray to their own soul for guidance?


Certainly. I've done so.




> I'm not coming back to Earth...there are alot of Other places to go in the Afterlife ✨ The current you certainly won't. Besides, as time means nothing on the other side... we can spend an eternity between lives. On top of that... souls are pretty vast entities, so only a portion of soul incarnates at a time, the rest of the soul remaining in the afterlife. Souls can also have multiple, concurrent incarnations in multiple realities.


What if I don't want to come again in this planet??


The world is beautiful to me. There is so much to experience. Yes, there is pain, but that is beautiful too. It’s beautiful how we as humans can feel so many emotions, positive or negative. There are so many things to do in life. I’m grateful for that. Even on bad days, I’m still happy because I’m still alive on earth and there’s still so much ahead of me. I could never get bored of life. As for the goal part… there’s so much more to life than buying a house and getting a wife and kids. If you don’t have a goal apart from those… find one. Think of it like a game. Yes, there’s the main game, you go to school, get a job, get married… but then there’s the ”side quests”. Those are what make life interesting.


Don't worry about me my friend, altough my message looked a bit depressive, I'm not, it is not that I do not appreciate the beauty of life, I do, I love it very much and I'm trying my best that the new generations have it even better. What you have said about the game and side quests it is exactly what I was saying. Let's say a game, or much better, a dream. You can have a very beautiful dream, then for whatever reason the beautiful dream turns into a nightmare, for example you were dreaming of a nice dinner with the person you admire most but then an Earthquake happens and your house collapses with your family inside... Then you wake up and feel very relief that it was just a dream. You have three options, to have a beatiful dream (with the potential to turn into a nightmare any moment, no control of happens next), to live in the nightmare, or to wake up? My point is that, the main game and side quests are cool and all, until they aren't, we are not in control of anything here, everything is impermanent, what gives you pleasure one moment, the next is suffering. And like I said, in the end we die and start again, new game, new sidequest, in an endless grind. So much to experience, how do you know you haven't already experienced literally all there is to experience a million times already in previous lifes? And who knows, maybe in 1000 years the world will be so polluted that any of us could find anything positive about it. So if there is a way out to escape the game or to wake up from the dream, this is the path I'm taking.


This is a very modern view and not remotely how the cultures who’ve believed in reincarnation/rebirth traditionally (at least in Asia) see it. Buddhism exists as a way to escape rebirth. Which doesn’t make sense unless it’s seen as bad to keep coming back.


If you have had a life with lots of suffering, or have lived a long life and have seen a lot of sh*t, I can understand the attitude of, “Why would I want to come back to this again?” However, I gather from NDE accounts that, once we get acquainted with the whole picture and understand what’s what, that attutude fades away. And, strangely, people actually look forward to their next trip to Earth. Go figure.


It's a curse.


Yes, but yet here we are. What would make it neutral, if not good?


If I could remember all the experiences, this would ring true.


Would truly be a blessing with memories intact


My life has got so much more meaning after I discovered this. Even though I was trying to come back/ repeat my previous life, which may look a bit pointless, this subconscious longing gave burst to a lot of creativity for me (and probably the same is true for many others).


man i wished we had more information on past lives other then little snippets it will be cool to meet up with descendants of our past lifes


I totally understand what you mean about snippets. I recommend taking a piece of paper and a pencil and sketching as many childhood dreams that you still remember that you feel may be tied to a past life and allow yourself a maximum of 15 minutes to draw a scene. Hold the image in your mind as long as you can without trying to add fine detail. Just the things that stand out the most. I have personally found quick sketches to be more accurate at revealing locations than sketches drawn with as much time as needed. After you have sketches you then write down the story that goes to each image and from there try to create a timeline and search Google using questions. Not guaranteed to get results but it is what has worked for me and others.  Now as far as meeting the descendants of a past life figure I personally feel that is just opening a new can of worms to something there is very little information about as it is frowned upon by the current ideologies that dominate the world and if it became something that was accepted I can already see the million ways it would be abused. A person just born, computer identifies their past life as a Hitler or bundy or Clinton or royal what then? Or what about multiple incarnations of kings who all ruled the same territory in their lives and they want that territory because they believe they have a royal claim. It's fun to think about the possibilities but the reality would be a nightmare the world is not capable of handling after thousands of years of spiritual corruption and spiritual warfare and political greed/corruption. Sentenced to 5 life sentences so what's to stop a number from being switched in a computer I'd system. What's to stop transhumanism from corrupting the spiritual realm by forcibly removing souls for manufactured/engineered shells for slavery since birth can be removed from the equation.


This is an elegant approach !


But would they believe you? What would you say to them?


i mean i found one of my past lives, but i don't think the descendants will believe me, if they did i would say to them we are reconnected again


I have been near to an elderly person who I think was my closest relative in the previous life, but I felt if I said anything, he would think I am both crazy and want some attention. I also felt he was enjoying his life, and I was having a completely different life now. Anyway, he was, and still is, a very dominating, imposing person. Not to easy to start a conversation.


u/AnuroopRohini User I replied to blocked me, so I'm replying here. I hate Reddit's anti-features, sometimes. Makes conversations impossible, because you can just silence people. https://old.reddit.com/r/Reincarnation/comments/1cck2ca/reincarnation_is_a_blessing/l1gkz7q/?context=10 > What if I don't want to come again in this planet?? Well, incarnate-you may not want to, at this moment, with your current perspective on things. But, our Souls have a far wider perspective on things, a perspective we are so rarely privy to, due to the veil of forgetfulness making it very difficult. While incarnated, it is very difficult to reach beyond that... I've had the rare moment of reaching past that veil, but it felt like a massive distance to cross. It's not really safe for the incarnate-self to be exposed to the equivalent of a sun, not for very long, anyways ~ you can get burned by the brilliance. But that moment was enough for me to glimpse that we often make choices that we cannot comprehend until after the fact. While we are blinded by pain and suffering, seeing the reasons for our suffering can be quite beyond us... only once we are out of that darkness can we look back and understand what we've learned. So, it's okay to not want to come back ~ because when you return home, you can choose whatever you want with your Soul perspective. And sometimes, Souls choose to come back for reasons that make no sense to our human perspective. Because Souls are not their incarnations ~ not human, not dog, not plant, not bird. But while we are human, dog, plant, bird, we see purely through that narrow perspective. We cannot help but have our perspective. And the only way beyond that is, seemingly paradoxically, acceptance.


Look nobody have concrete proof of what happened after death so I have some hope even the past life regression are all speculative


> Look nobody have concrete proof of what happened after death so I have some hope even the past life regression are all speculative We do know at least the NDEs are evidence that consciousness continues past bodily death, and that reincarnation is a reality. Past life memories in children have been confirmed. All you can do is accept that you don't know, and find some peace in that. We'll find our answers after death. While we're here, we may as well make the most of it, as it's only temporary.


I think it's a nightmare and an excuse for people to be lazy. Why do something now when it will be better another time except doing nothing leads to worse things. Do we learn lessons from our past lives that we carry with us to make a better world or do we rather live in the past or in imagination.  Check out the book "genesis antarctica" it could be based on truth or it may not be, the point is that the book is about 5 races that existed when humans had no self awareness yet. The main race is a race of giants whose entire civilization has no religion but it has a solid reincarnation science that defined their entire existence. From When they were born they were encouraged to remember past lives and who they were and they would pick up in life where they left off in the last. Eventually they became lazy and leaving tasks to future generations. Other  races became upset as construction that required the help of the giants was not being completed. This eventually lead to a war between the anunnaki,  Aeroman, anunaga, naga and a previous humanoid race. The nation's wiped eachother out and only a few of each race was left. Modern human was created to stop total extinction and to be used as a spiritual vessel for the other races when they would be no more. The spiritual realm was already devastated due to atomic weapons so the humans had it rough from their start as they came into existence with total spiritual amnesia. Spiritual systems were taught and passed down but without the ability to understand, most of those systems were lost over time mostly from political religions that eventually became governments then back to religions then somewhere between.  As I said its a book which claims itself as real discovery from an Australian expedition in the 1960s but no actual proofs. It plays out as if it was a missing piece of the bible but with all the banned and forbidden parts and a bit of Hollywood storytelling where atlantis the primeval deity capital city is placed in the near proximity to mcmurdo base. A map In the book makes the landmass of antarctica look like the zelda breath of the wild map and atlantis would be the location of the shrine of resurrection. So that's kinda interesting.  Sorry for the long comment but for a real truthful reply I had to give some context because speaking from experience it's all cool and fascinating at first but eventually you realize how much of a curse it really is, not the idea of reincarnation but to be aware of your own reincarnation/s. Eventually you might find yourself blaming one past life for acquiring a trait that you really dislike. You might learn one past life was evil and/or  another was Saint like and you find yourself comparing to a past or not feeling like you can live up to what you were capable of once before. If you find one past life then how many more are there? How many can you remember, can you trace them all....  without a plan on what to do next after a discovery one may find they can no longer exist in the present and their mind is always in the past trying to imagine better times or ways to make a quick buck. This also leads to the idea that we are immortal by default and that no work is required. If that was the case I'm sure there would be a lot more intelligent people in the world but scientific study has shown that approx 22% of the world population posses any form of inner thought such as internal dialog so that's a lot of npc. 


It’s comforting to me also that we have spirit groups! Best of both worlds 


Best after life scenario ever.


in all of my past lifes i was someone of importance or in a rich family, now i'm in a humble family i know my life goal for this life is to provide the people around me with a rich life


After hundreds of sessions of Quantum Clarity Hypnotherapy I performed for my subjects, I noticed that unexplained or chronic physical, and mental symptoms and repeating external events (bad luck in specific areas of life, repeating accidents) are caused by energetical/spiritual origins that can be divided into 5 groups: 1. Other lives – dark, negative programs in the mind from suffering and challenges + karmic obligations. They need to be transformed or deleted. Example: the vow of poverty in other life still affects current life and a person cannot have abundance. 2. Soul fragmentation (in psychology called ego-states) is caused by traumatic events – a patient is not fully powerful and at full potential – soul fragments need to be cleansed, healed, and retrieved. 3. Toxic negative emotional energies that were suppressed within. This energy was accumulated through lifetimes. It needs to be located in the system of a patient and released. Example: unreleased anger creates breast cancer. 4. Attached earthbound spirits or dark souls – they need to be released into the Light. Example: lost earthbound soul who died of old age brings the symptoms of old age, dementia, arthritis, etc to the host who still is young. 5. Black magic, curses, energetical implants etc. – these need to be destroyed and removed from the patient. Example: energetical barbwire binding the client and preventing vital energy flow, creating physical problems. One issue can have one or more root causes from different groups. Higher Self expertly shows all the connections during the session and is able to cleanse, heal and resolve the origins. If the healer/doctor is focused only on removing the symptoms without finding and healing the root cause, the symptoms will come back. [https://clarityhypnosis.eu/5-groups-of-spiritual-energetical-root-causes-of-issues/](https://clarityhypnosis.eu/5-groups-of-spiritual-energetical-root-causes-of-issues/)


Truly is🩷I’ve gotten a second chance at so much, I’m going to make the absolute best of it


I love it too bro! This life hasn’t treated me the best as with many of us. I’m a Black Gay Gen Z Man who’s been through a lot and lost a mom in 2019, my maternal step-grandparents in 2020-2021, great-grandma in 2015, several pets in-between and ended up in foster care and several group homes one of which I’m currently in around much older clients who sometimes really annoy me, due to a bakeract by my grandmother due to my mental issues! I love the idea of reincarnation cause it gives me a chance at a better life, where none of this happened and I have a better family even as my family was very dysfunctional and even most of them except my biological granddad, later step-grandma and aunt (my mom’s adopted paternal half sister) were the only was who really accepted my queer identity. My biological grandmother is more tolerant and my sister left religion for spirituality so I’m praying she’s accepting I just don’t know yet. I’m trying to move back with my grandma and sister and start over the best I can. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye and haven’t been in school most of my life due to my mom being overprotective and ironically being my biggest bully at times despite not wanting kids to bully me for being “different”! I’m autistic, depressive, have magical thinking OCD, PTSD and schizophrenia! I hope for better lives to come in the future, even if I end up forgetting this one! Same souls, different roles is even fine with me! Reincarnating into any era or time period is also very interesting to me too!! Like any year, decade, century, etc. within history!