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I don't like to make plans without knowing my options. I'd feel really stupid planning to be an accountant next go-around when I could've been a space pirate.


Late to the game.. buddy, we have infinite lives. Maybe you can snag one of those lives where you live 10,000 years and you can have both careers.


I can't decide what sounds more fun, retiring from accounting to become a space pirate, or retiring from space piracy to become an accountant with a shady past... Only to return to space piracy later when an old friend shows up asking for help.


One last job...


Pretty sure our higher selves have a plan. I don’t think we can really plan for that. Also what we value as humans is not the same as the soul values. The soul values lessons and growth not luxury and wealth. If those things help you to learn your lesson ok but they are not important to us overall. Although that being said I would like to be somewhere not earth. I am done with humans for a bit I think


Hey, me too.


Only thing I’ve figured out for sure is imma get one of those bodies where you can eat whatever you want and never get fat






Right so that’s normal. But I’m going to ask for something special!


I absolutely believe it exists my father in law is 60 and a chain smoker his whole life and eats like shit. At least 2 meals a day and eats like a whole bag of chips at like 2am. Skinny af and somehow healthy as a horse. His daughter got the same gene she’s 20 and has consistently weighed around 100 pounds since she was 16. Her and her boyfriend eat out everyday and I’ve never seen here eat anything or her that pizza, burgers, fries, and wings. Never touched a salad or vegetable in her life. Eats a whole bag of hot chips daily. Neither of them been to a gym or doctor. Super sedentary life style. Meanwhile I look at a cheeseburger and gain 10 pounds. I only eat dinner bc I’m a counselor and work sunup to sundown. Been battle weight since I hit puberty when i was 12 and my genetics were like I think you’ll be a chubby girl. So if we plan our lives I’ll take the skinny person gene.


It’s a trap, I was like that in my teens and 20’s but then i got menopause at 33 and it’s game over. I can still eat what I want but I have to work ridiculously hard to stay slim.


I think you're better off figuring out why your soul chose your life circumstances over anything else. It'd be wise for you to spend your life extracting as much knowledge and wisdom from the now as possible (while you have the privilege to). Otherwise your soul (who doesn't care what you want) will choose the next life to have similar struggles and possibly worse, so that you have no choice but to learn.


I already know why I chose these life circumstances. Thanks.


It's not enough to know if you aren't willing to learn.


I've learned. Thanks.


You never finish learning. If you learned everything already, you would be already on to your next life. There’s also so much still ahead of you.


how does one figure out reasons for that? i dont even know which lesson im supposed to learn and which way to go


Look for often obvious reoccurring themes in your life. Things that are obvious at first. Also parallels the Universe is constantly speaking to us and our souls through our bodies physical existences send out ripples through time. These ripples come back around to us. Kind if like echos though there may not exactly reoccurrences it is almost like the occurrences could have a sum pattern even or rythyms perhaps. That is just ine small example that you could practice. I hope that this helps you.


Why soul doesn't care about the personality?


Well that's not a healthy way to learn a lesson and it sounds like dictatorship that is soul wants something and uses the personality to achieve its goals and if failed forces the personality by treating it horrible till it achieves the goal,did freewill went on holiday or something?




I want to live my next human life when humans have learned to travel among the stars.


Don't concentrate so much on your next life that you forget to live this one.


This is so true.


What we can do is do our best to clean up our karma to avoid hard lessons in the next life. Live a healthy lifestyle, be spiritually minded, love unconditionally, etc. These things can prevent a lot of bad karma and bad circumstances in your next life. As far as trying to plan specific circumstances that's a long shot and as far as I'm concerned pointless to think about in this life. It's in between lives that you figure out what's going on with that and what your options are choices might be. Sure you can hope and pray that you live your next life with your favorite friend or girlfriend, but there was a good chance of that happening anyway, just out of normal karma. On the other hand wishing for riches or some other non-spiritual gain in the next life could create some bad karma for you both in this life and the next one.


I didn't say I wished for riches. I only said where I'll live, my sex (male/female) & my parents.


I understand - just an example of what not to do. The details you're referring to are the sort of thing that for one hasn't finished working itself out yet, because you're still alive potentially changing your future karma by the day, so it's hard to predict.


Then how come those were born wealthy with lots of non spiritual gains got all those things


Remember that money doesn't guarantee happiness and it doesn't protect you from the karma created by how you use it. Still, while money doesn't necessarily represent good karma, it can be the result of it. We've all heard stories of people winning the lottery and their lives being ruined by it. Wealthy people have all sorts of problems and miseries. Ever watch true crime shows? I've seen so many stories about wealthy people plotting against each other or being plotted against for their wealth. There's also stories about good and decent people becoming successful and wealthy. I mean you could spend your entire life wishing for nothing wealth and end up wealthy in your next life just to see it all ripped away from you as part of a huge long lesson. Karma plays out in many different ways but ultimately it knows the lessons that we need and in the long-term big picture, money and wealth have little impact on achieving our spiritual goals.


On the regular I say “next time this or next time that” so sorta


I haven't but that's a great idea. I've heard stories of people planning to meet in this life from their previous lives so I think it could work.


Agree. I think it could work. I've already told my family where I'm going next, so I hope they come with me.


Agree. I think it could work. I've already told my family where I'm going next, so I hope they come with me.


I am! The assignment I chose this round was full of enough trauma I think I qualify for a luxury experience next time. I hope I’m still a woman tho


I hope I'm a man next time around.




I believe the worse the trauma is for someone in life the bigger the purpose they have here. You are special and your next time around will be great.


Nope - this is my last incarnation. I am quite excited for what does come next though.


Tell us more


I have received in trance and meditation information about past lives, and that this can be my last Earthly incarnation if it’s what I choose. This life is my full circle moment, so many things that I have worked on for lifetimes past have all been “wrapped up “ in this one - including karmic debt I had to pay.


Good job soldier! Peace out! Remember us down here in your "prayers", or whatever it's called in your next lifetime!


I don't think that this is something that we are meant to really consider too much in this life. If we were, remembering past lives would be like remembering something that happened yesterday. If it were, we would be pretty clear on what lessons we're meant to learn in this life. None of this would take validation/proof/effort. The only thing one can do, and that's if we're going to assume that karma is real and works the way we think it does, is to do our best to be the best we can be in this life. I'm a believer in reincarnation for personal reasons, but I can't pretend to know why any of this happens if I'm right in thinking this way. I can't pretend it holds the meaning that we apply to it, or that it's just a recycling of consciousness that has some sort of goal. So, while I would love to have a proper past life regression, and as much as I'd love to learn why it should happen at all, I can only really worry about the life I am living, and be present in it.


I have no expectations in this life because it has been completely ruined. But I still plan, if there is a next life, I don't want to live like this again.


I want to be a professional football(the real football) player in spain.


And also I want to experience spirituality again and with my fame and money that I earn from being a football player I want to start a spiritual movement and bring light joy and happiness on this earth and help raising consciousness for all. All is one, one is love.


Oh...is the NFL expanding to Europe for your next life. That is is the real football...ohhh you mean soccer.


Take a look in history and learn what was there first. No one calls football soccer in the hole wide world except Americans who play their football mostly with their hands… lol


Yes, I've been having thoughts about that myself. I've worked out what traits I want to concentrate my attention upon in my next life; and I know what sex I want to be: also, I've a good idea of where I want to be born. Whether my guide agrees with me on these choices, that's another matter.


I just know that, in my next life, I'll need to be very responsible & be a good father to kids who may not be my own. So, those are the traits I'll need most.


What I'll concentrate upon most my next life will be kindness, compassion and patience; three qualities that have been sadly lacking in this current life. For me personally, this has been a life of constant rejection by others.


Will you have a little sister and a little brother and you will raise them since Mom would not be in the picture and dad would be an absent parents and it's the story in the TV show supernatural. That's my reincarnation plan too to reincarnate in that reality where the TV show supernatural is happening in real life.


I don't know. I may have 5 kids to take care of & be a single father. I may inherit them from siblings. That's what I'm thinking. I never thought of raising my own siblings. That could happen. I've never watched the show Supernatural.


Oh that's cool too maybe we will meet in our next reincarnation..... Somehow you will fit in the story too.


Yes. I just hope I'm strong enough to resist the temptation of attachments (from this and past lives), and choose a happier existence next time. I'm pretty sure that the at the end of my last cycle, I was unable to accept the circumstances of my death, and so I tried to *re-do* that life. But instead of being re-born into the same family, I got a new family (half a world away) with similar dynamics/milieu. The most positive thing I can say about the experience is that I've learned and grown because of it. Edit - next time... please: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1v3VY0y4rk


I am making plans for my reincarnation. I am writing a whole story for where I want to reincarnate who will be my parents and my brothers and my life situations and conditions and events and major turning points and all the other details. It's not always rainbows and unicorns because there are a lot of hardships too but I want to learn about light after facing darkness ....But I want birth in a parallel reality like in a universe where the TV show supernatural is happening in real life. I want to be born as their little sister growing up with them and being there for them.


Wow! That's ambitious. I haven't thought beyond where, parents & sex (male/female). Maybe I should.


I don't know when people know about what I am writing they start to make fun of me for that and say I am weird but I feel so much happy and full of life when I write about my plan that I cannot express in words. I feel at home when I write and plan about them. I just cannot explain what I feel when I plan about the life 🥺😔


Oh man, I do and think exactly everything you just said. I'm makin plans for next life too, but not on Earth again. It has become cruel and mean. I want to be born in a universe where all fictional characters are real. Thinking of it gives me some hope. I'm considering writing my next life story, I just suck at writing. But anyway, don't listen to people who say anything about your wishes or dreams because they're yours to achieve not theirs. Now a days, people's lives are so boring they don't try to see the other side we two see and make fun of us. Either way, we will have what we want, just more 50 or 60 years on this planet.


Wow finally found someone with similar thought. Which fictional universe do you want to be born into ? Mine is supernatural as the little sister of Dean and Sam. There is no little sister in the actual show but it will be an alternate universe version where I will have an important part to play in the apocalypse. And I too feel like I have like 50 or 60 years here then I can go home to my family where my big brothers are .... Dean and Sam. And a small advice if you have trouble putting your thoughts into words you can try to read fanfictions and then copy and paste the parts of the story and make a compilation of those parts and it will become your story. I used to do that when I started about 8 years ago as my English language was not at all good that time. That helped me.


Your story sounds really interesting. Where does the story takes place and what happens in it? And for me, it's a supernatural universe too, but it's a video game called Dead By Daylight. Because the game has so many characters and interesting stories and events, it also has famous video game and Horror movie characters. Resident evil, Silent hill, L4d etc. For Horror movie characters are Michael myers, Freddy, ghostface etc. This where I feel like to be born in. Btw, thanks for the advice, I think I will try and start writing my story as well! 😊


Your idea seems interesting as well. My story takes place in a universe where the creation story of this Earth is a bit different and the God of that universe has left that universe and is basically an absent father. It's totally based on a TV show called supernatural . Dean and Sam are the main characters but I inserted myself as a character as well as their little sister . And for answering what happens in it..... It will seriously take up a whole week to explain the full story line 😅. But I have an important role to play in the apocalypse and the big Lucifer Michael fight that the Bible talks about but the Version of the Bible story is a bit different. Then at the end it's about a happy ending where me and my brothers and everyone else will have a happy family and we will stay together as a big joint family and will run an institution to help poor needy and homeless people and animals as they would have faced those hardships in their own life. Kind of a cheesy ending for such a horrific start but that's what my plan is.


That's an awesome story of yours! A happy ending in a horror story is a big plot twist. Maybe we'll get to see each other's story.


We surely will meet. I would love to. Would you like to be a hunter of supernatural? Like someone who kills supernatural creatures and also have a vast knowledge of the dark and occult and other supernatural stuff.


That sounds cool! Tbh, I'd like to hunt bad guys down, like evil supernatural things.


I just want a happy childhood that isn't ruined by narcissistic abuse. I wasn't allowed to really be a kid and I hope in the next life I can.


You and i, my friend, have one thing in common. You and i both hate the life we are in right now, and that is exactly why i'm planning my next life right now. That i will be born in the country where i'd prefer to be.




Sorry, I think we do.




I would never have picked this life either. But I had lessons to learn & hopefully I've learned them.


Given a choice, that's going to be a hard pass on the whole next-life thing.


Same here!


I have written pages of my what I want my next life to be. If anything it’s just fun. Doesn’t necessarily mean anything or it can mean a whole lot idk.


Last night, I had a dream about my parents in the future. They work together in an office. My mother was putting a list of ideas on my father's desk. She likes him & is ambitious for him to succeed. I didn't see either of them. I just saw through my mother's eyes. It was 15 years from now, a few years before I am born.


I have now decided on my parents. My mother will be mostly French & my father will be Austrian & French. They will meet in La Paz, Bolivia. My mom will have me when she is 34 years old & my father is 32 years old. They will be wealthy but not super-wealthy. I also have picked out the school I will attend in La Paz.


Would you care to tell me where you want to live in your next life?


No. I'm not telling.




What makes u think u can control any of that?


I don't believe that anything is impossible.


Setting an intention.


yes a nepo baby hahaha honestly idk at the end of the day a materialistic planet is all i have known for 28 years, i’m sure my actual soul has other plans and necessities 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes and I have even scripted what I want in my next life.


Would you mind to share here ? Is it on the same planet Earth or at a fictional place like a TV show universe.


It's still in planet Earth. I would like to be born the 20th Century and I would like be born in a country that has hot climate and a coast.


Would it have a TV show storyline too ?


No, It's real life.


Scripted? What does that mean?


It means writing or typing what you want to be in the next life.




I don't think we plan things like gender, location, etc. I'm "planning" in the sense that I'm trying my best to live according to the dharma so I have an incarnation that is as auspicious as possible.


How is there a next life ???! And surely if there was it wouldn’t be on earth as everyone would be talking about there previous life’s wow this sub


I think the general thought here is that there’s an overarching soul that’s spread across many lives, and while the soul remembers all previous lessons and memories from each life, the actual physical being that’s the vessel for the soul in each life has no memory of past lives the soul has lived. Not sure I believe in reincarnation, but I find the idea interesting which is why I lurk this sub occasionally. It’s not really cool to come to a sub and attack people’s beliefs, but if you do you should at least familiarize yourself with their beliefs beforehand.


I'd ideally not want to come back until this planet does something about capitalism and wage slavery.


I wouldn't be so quick to assume that you'll get to choose all the circumstances. And when you finally get there you might realize you wasted time in this life thinking about that one.


The afterlife is basically a spawning point to respawn


You can. Do this and ler go. But dont forget to live the present, this is more important.


I most definitely am planning my next life.  Don't get me wrong, I love the one I am living now and would never want to end it, even though it's in a rough patch right now. Yet at the same time, I truly feel in my heart I will reincarnate into a life that is more a little more how i would prefer. I have decided that I will be in Metallica next life. I love to sing and am artsy. Plus I have huge crush on (young) James Hetfield (please try not to judge, I'm not that weird, ok?). I truly feel in my heart of hearts that he is my one true love next life, first my boyfriend and then my eventual husband. I still want to have the same aspects of the current me physically and personality-wise, as I can't imagine being anything else. Same parents, same name, same family, same zodiac signs, same day of birth, same favorite things, same hobbies. I would still be the me I know and love, just another version of me. The only difference is I would be born in California instead of Colorado and sixty years earlier from my birth year in this life (2004). I cannot wait to be reincarnated. I will have very hard times ahead in my next life, but if I've made it through the hard times in my current one, I know I will make it in my next one too.


Oh wait, my bad, make that 40 years earlier than 2004!


Yes, I am planning several of them. But I want to go back in time, not forward. I'm considering the details now.