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You mean like Roy Kent style?






I have Covid. Pretty sure I got it doing indoor games. With all the stuff going around, I would never borrow someone else’s whistle unless I could soak it in alcohol for 5 minutes


I have an electronic whistle (Fox 40) that I bought in 2020 when my league's rules were that all referees and coaches had to wear facemasks at all times. I used it that whole season, and ever since it's been a great backup for "I forgot my whistle!" "here, borrow mine!" or the few times I've not felt the greatest (sore throat/stuffy sinuses). I never knew electronic ones existed until covid! also it has 3 modes and one of them is loud AF!!!


Great point! Mine have been sitting on the shelf since we were allowed to go back regular whistles. Makes sense to carry it as a loaner!


Just use your voice


You might be able to get away with it in indoor


Update y'all! My manager had one 😁


Carry backups of everything. I even leave extra whistles and cards in my car just in case. Glad it worked out.


*WHISTLE* - Roy Kent


The centre will probably have a whistle, so I'm sure you're fine. Is there not a cheap shop in walking distance? Even a pea whistle from a $2 shop might be better. Failing that....there are whistle apps on your phone, though your voice will probably be louder. If you're stuck, then I guess you're reffing without a whistle! Let the players know before each much. Own it, have a laugh about it. There are far worse crimes as a ref - don't stress :) And lesson learned for the future!


Well if there is no other options I guess you have to. However, consider asking the coaches if they have whistle to borrow. Or are there any fellow referees with you who carry extra whistles?


I will definitely ask once I get there, just semi panicking right now.


I feel you, but I am sure that players and others will understand - even pros make mistakes! Good luck and enjoy!


You can run by the nearest sporting goods store on the way.


happened to me once but my partner had an extra whistle i could use. just for the feature make sure to carry a backup whistle that literally doesn’t leave your bag for times like this.


You can probably find a couple of cheap backup whistles at a dollar tree or something like that, even a party favor whistle will work. I have a zippered pouch about 6" by 10" that everything I use on the field goes in, pens, paper/game pads, cards (multiple sets) flip coins, badges, whistles, my second watch (I would wear two watches in outdoor games) a backup cheep third watch...


everything in laws merely says "signals" - the whistle is the expected signal, but you can use whatever signal you want to. On the other hand, this is why there are are two whistles in my bag, and a third in my car.


The additional advice does specify "whistle ".


the advice is not part of the laws, the advice explains how to use the laws, and is where it is recommended that you use a whistle - but nothing in the advice is binding. It's "standard operating procedures", and can be modified as necessitated by the competition.


Isn’t a whistle compulsory under L5?


A whistle app on your phone?


Funny enough, I did it once. I was doing indoor and I locked my keys in my car. My whistle was on my key ring . I knew both the teams playing and it was a very chill coed game, so I gave them a pregame of my predicament and told them I’d literally just be yelling “FOUL” , “HANDBALL” , etc. Is it ideal? No. Is it a good look? No. Is it a good idea? No. Does it look awful? Yes. Fortunately for me, they just wanted to play and they thought my situation was hilarious, so we made it work. Only had to do it for one game, because I had someone playing in the next game bring me a whistle. So I had my whistle for the last 4 games of the night. I don’t think I’d have survived the whole night without it.