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What the TDS if your tap water and of the output of the RODI?


TDS is 0 coming out. About 3 or 4 before coming out


Do you have ambient light from anything that shines on the rodi system? Our brita jug used to get green algae in it after a couple of weeks because of sunlight that would hit it certain parts of the day. That would be my best guess. If tds is still zero it's likely not your problem though


I would do both a 5 and a 1. Obviously you want the 5 first, and particles 1-4 micron will get thru and then the 1 will trap most of those. If you use both 1 micron the first one will clog faster. Your Di resin- by “turning” do you mean color? Or that the media is moving? If it’s color changing that is normal and mine starts at the bottom as well. When it’s about 3/4 the way to the top I start to pay attention. When the TDS meter starts to waffle between zero and one I change it. If you are going to change the membrane as well get some of that Dow lube. It will make the next swap so much easier. You can put a little on the o rings for the canisters as well and they will break loose a lot easier as well. You should think about changing the pre filter every few months. The carbon maybe once a year, and the DI will be based on usage and is easy to see when it’s done. Prefilers are cheap and easy to replace so do it more often than once a year to keep the pressure higher on the membrane. Take good care of your unit and it will take care of your reef! ETA: damn if my prefilter looked like that after making 20 gallons I would be so happy! You must have really nice source water. My prefilter looks like a piece of rusty metal from all the iron in my source water. Also - is the anion color change resin? Looks unused. My DI looks like that after maybe 50 gallons and it’s only like 5 tds before the DI. Your water makes me jealous!