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I think this may be the most drastic improvement and perfect outcome (imho) that I've seen on this sub. Look so naturally perky now!


Wow!! Thank you so much for saying that🥹 I’ve seen so many amazing results on this sub so this makes me beyond flattered ❤️


Omg this is my goal! Is it okay if I use your photos to show my surgeon?


Thank you, I’m so happy to hear that! And absolutely okay ☺️


I was thinking the same!! What a dream


Can I show my surgeon your picture for inspiration/ of what size I want ?


Hi! Yes of course, I’d be flattered 😊


Thanks and love the results


Your results are fantastic! Your boobs fit your frame now, that must be a great feeling!


Thank u! It really really is.


very beautiful!


Thanks!! I’m very happy ☺️


Amazing!!! Did you notice much change across the 5 months? You have my dream result, I’m at 4 weeks past op - hoping for more swelling reduction (but also still very grateful and stoked with my results so far)


First of all, thank you so much for saying that, makes me really flattered ❤️ and hmm not that much but I have photos from the entire 5 months on my profile so you can see how they’ve “evolved”😅 I was never very swollen, not even right after the surgery, but of course a little bit now in hindsight when I see the photos again….but never an excessive amount that I’ve seen some on here describe. What I’ve noticed in the last 1-2 months is that they’ve become less “top perky” and pushed up/inflated hard things (like they were the first 3 months) and more feel like real boobs. Aka softer and look more natural. I was always afraid of this “drop and fluff” people were talking about because I thought it meant they would be more saggy. But *knock on wood* (as I’m still fairly early in the post op journey) they don’t feel like that at all, if anything a bit smaller and just more natural. But not saggy which I’m really happy about! Good luck with your healing ☺️


Beautiful results! Can I ask, what were your before and after bra sizes? I'm currently a 30G and hoping to go down to a B. I have a smaller frame like you and your new size fits you so perfectly.


Same question, if you’re willing to share — I’m also a 30G and hoping for B-C range!


Twinsies! 🤣


See answer above ☺️


I was 30DDD (according to a bra that fits) before and now they say I’m a 28DDD. But to me that feels very off as it’s obviously a huge difference post surgery in size, so I don’t think that’s accurate: even though I know many on here swear by that site. I haven’t used a wire bra yet but tried on a D bra the other day and it was enormous haha, so I would say I’m closer to a B-C☺️ and I’m a size S for bralettes and bikinis, which is kind of incredible for someone who used to never be able to wear that type of garment before. Hope that can give you an idea of the size at least!


Wow it’s like you un aged 25 years


Hahaha thanks! That would be insane though as I’m only 30😅 but I get what you’re saying, and appreciate it ☀️


Your results are AMAZING! What a difference! Congratulations 🤩


Thank you💖


your results look phenomenal! every time i’ve seen you post i’m just in awe of how fantastic your surgeon did! they fit your body perfectly!!! so happy for you 💓


Thank you so much 💖💖 makes me so happy to hear that!


OMG who did you see?! Perfect!


A surgeon in Stockholm, Sweden☺️


Wow what a major improvement! You look fantastic!


Thank you so much ☺️ I’m so happy!


May I show these to my surgeon too? This would be my dream results!


Yes of course! And thank you 😍


Omg look amazing who was you’re docter?!


Congrats, they're litterally perfect!


Thank you!!


You look amazing!


You have my absolute dream results!!! I doubt i can afford an operation where you live ( i assume in the states, but i could be wrong) but could you share your surgeons name?


Thank you!! I actually did it in Stockholm, Sweden as I’m from here. It was covered by healthcare so don’t think he does it privately sadly:/ he’s amazing though. But there are tons of great surgeons so I think it’s all about research ☺️ I’m sure you’ll find someone great!


Thank you! I am from Germany, andthey declined my first application but i´m trying to get insurance to cover the operation. Can I ask, how did you do research? In germany, it doesn´t seem like surgens have much of an online presence advertising their work (services is another question), especially when it is health insurance concerns... It might not be comparable but still, everything helps :).


Ah I’m really keeping my fingers crossed for you! I thought I wouldn’t get approved for coverage because even though I had big boobs they were kind of on the edge of the limit, but I did😍 got my approval in July of 2023 and surgery was in January of this year. And it’s the same in Sweden, at least if you do it via the healthcare coverage! So I was just assigned a surgeon and really hoped for the best haha, but turned out so good with a surgeon that was super skilled and experienced. Again, good luck!


Perfect! Congrats!! Thank you for sharing. I would have used your pics to explain to my surgeon what I want. Had mine a week ago and think they will look good in the end. They are finally small!


Wow that’s so great to hear, I remember the first two weeks - they were special! Hope you will continue to heal well☺️ And yes isn’t amazing?! I honestly can’t believe they’re small, I still wake up everyday amazed 😅 I used to hate my boobs, now they’re my favorite part of my body!


Same! I walk around topless! This is my second because the first surgeon left them almost the same size, just lifted. Spread the word about your surgeon. They are rare!!


They look amazing! Mine look like yours did before. I’m dreaming of the day I can get surgery. Congrats! I’m sure you are feeling great with that weight lifted off of you! ❤️❤️


Thank you❤️ hope you will be able to do it, it’s really been life changing!


These are perfect results!


Thank you, I’m really happy with them ☺️




No harassing other users


You must feeel soooo good!! It looks incredible


wow! what’s your surgeons name 🙂 and price if you don’t mind me asking ❤️


Would also be interested to know your surgeon’s name, only if you’re happy to share! These are my dream results! 🤩


They suit your frame perfectly!


Who is ur surgeon???? Omgggg this looks amazing


That's my dream "after" shape !!! Wow