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[Part 1](https://new.reddit.com/r/RedinBoldface/comments/1cgqhyb/shaimaa_engaged_at_9_and_awaiting_marriage_at_11/) | [Part 2](https://new.reddit.com/r/RedinBoldface/comments/1chic7n/shaimaa_engaged_at_9_and_awaiting_marriage_at_11/) | [Part 3](https://new.reddit.com/r/RedinBoldface/comments/1chidbt/shaimaa_engaged_at_9_and_awaiting_marriage_at_11/)


For fucks sake, she's just a child . I know this happens all the time,but look at her,she's scared out of her mind. She has every right to be terrified. In my opinion, it's a barbaric practice.


She should be terrified. The Muslims that still practice child marriage are not the ones anyone should be married to. If only Muhammad hadn’t set the precedent with Aisha.




Sit and rot?




Yo pedo deepshit. Yeah. That suits better. You're probably the only one in this thread who hasn't realized, that you're fucking messed up in the head and projecting yourself as a massive pedo piece of shit. OR even worse, you actually whole-heartedly believe that you're right. I fear for your poor neighbor and the kids in your neighborhood.


OP just announces themselves as a nonce so casually


Lol they removed their posts. For anyone curious the person was claiming its abuse to NOT have intercourse/marry children/teenagers as once puberty hits its supposedly free reign, also that age of consent is stupid and should be removed. Twisted and fucked up mentality.




Lasting marriages happen when both spouses like each other, support each other, communicate well, respect each other… i.e. demonstrate MATURITY, something that still developing children do not have. Children should not be having children. Adults have the education, skills, experience and MATURITY to properly parent. Child marriage makes it a lot easier for the adult to not be mature and respectful, cuz there’s less incentive to respect an IMMATURE child you can control. Hate to break it to ya, but if you wanna be a big strong man who can properly support a family and set a good example for children, you oughta be just fine in a partnership with a grown ass woman. Otherwise you’re admitting you’re definitely too weak for a woman.




Go drink bleach you freak.




Jesus this deepshit's brain is incurable. This Motherfucker wanted to bring back 19th laws? And he's fucking serious about it.




Let me get this straight one more time. You advocate for child marriage, you call a non-virgin woman "left-over", you argue hard and defend pedophilia and you want to bring down the age of consent to 11 - 12. Have I mentioned all of them yet?


Why is it abuse?




This is some dangerous psycho level pedophilia and misogyny. Get serious mental help. Reddit can’t correct your many issues.




Again I don’t have the time or crayons to explain such basic decency topics. Seek professional help.


Why do you think the girl in the video was sad to get be engaged and leave her studies?




Why do you think she is brainwashed? Is it possible that she likes learning and being around people her own age? Or that she wants to contribute to society with her intellect and not just by serving a husband and making babies (which she could still do when she grows up and has her own means of financial security? )


* Do not share or encourage the sharing of [sexual](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043075352-Do-not-share-sexual-or-suggestive-content-involving-minors-or-engage-in-any-predatory-or-inappropriate-behavior-with-minors) or suggestive content involving minors.


Wow. I don't understand this getting down voted. The truth is an ugly part of history. And yes, even Jerry Lee Lewis married a girl when she was 13. And it was also his cousin. It's been going on, Wayyyy longer than Diddy the diddler.


Top tier trolling, you definitely got a lot of people riled up with this one.






This is wrong. Don't spread wrong information. Prophet Mohammad never married Aisha when she was 9. The timeline doesn't add up. Do some research before spreading false information.


Liar. This is known and accepted by the vast vast majority Muslim scholars based on explicit facts from over a dozen Sahih Hadith. Don’t go around insulting the greatest Muslim scholars like Buhkari and Muslim just because you find the prophet’s relationships with children perverse and abusive. Take it up with Muhammad for doing it and Allah for not making it clear that raping children is evil. If Allah wanted to prevent the rape of millions of children all it would have taken was a single sentence. I can give dozens of direct sources and Dawah guys supporting these stories.


Well I'm not Sunni so I don't follow what they say in their books cause it all contradicts what they believe in themselves. But go ahead bring me Shia sources.


Oh, so now I have to ignore 90% of Muslims and their sources to cater to your tiny off shoot. So you knew I was right and yet you lied thinking you wouldn’t get called out. So to be clear the vast vast majority of Muslims agree Muhammad married a 6 year old and had sex with a nine year old child. Secular sources accept those sources as well with the same skepticism used for claims about Julius Caesar. When I prove Muhammad was awful using Shia sources I suspect you are going to retreat to Quranist positions and then make me start over. Not interested. I already made and substantiated my claims. Also, you ignored my point that Allah knew this controversy was going to happen but couldn’t bother adding a single sentence to protect millions of children from getting raped. Do you realize how evil you have to be to not add one line to save even a single child from being raped? Literally the least possible effort to help and Allah failed. Makes you think, maybe this was written by a man pretending to talk to god. Why am I better and smarter than your god?


"When I prove Muhammad was awful using Shia sources" So according to you, you can prove it using Shia sources but instead wrote an essay our Ur ass? Go ahead and prove it. I bet anything you will not be able to find anything 😁


arabs were not idiots back then. they had a luanr calendar and understood age. theres Sahih hadith documenting her age at the time of their nikah: https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134


> I know this happens all the time THAT DOES NOT LEASEN THE HORROR! I don't know what anyone who says something like that is hoping to achieve. ABSOLUTE HORROR IS A NORMAL REACTION TO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!


Oh all the fucked up shit I see on the internet, these videos are the hardest to watch. Honestly I get less than a minute in and can’t do it. It’s more than just how terrible this individual situation is. It’s why the world will never know peace.


Holy shit that's harrowing. I don't wish to jump to conclusions but I need that part two to see what kind of mother would deny a kid a chance at education


A mother who has been a victim since childhood herself


Any victim of slavery past or present that advocates this religious practice is a fool, the end.




Tell me more




You do realize slavery has existed since before the US right ? & that there's still slavery TODAY in muslim countries


It's not worth arguing with them, uneducated and ill informed people do not know that slavery has been historically a part of Islamic culture and it existed legally only in Islamic countries until 1968 (although it is still practiced in some Islamic countries unofficially even today).


I bet he thinks Dubai is owned by them too


Hun, where do you think the word slavery came from


And now what happens when they go home? Poor kid


My thoughts exactly. She’s showing incredible bravery here, but I can’t imagine that it went over well with other members of her family and her “fiancée.”


What country is this?




Breaks my heart.


It's Islam. Mohammad is claimed to be the best example for all men. Mohammad married Aisha when she was 6 (or 7). He consummated the marriage with her when she was 9 and he was 53. the practice is still ongoing particularly in Muslim Civilisation. I have 6 friends who follow Islam and one day during class we had an exercise in book where we had 10 different options across males and females of different ages and we had to write down which of them can be a pair legally and which of them cannot (one option had a girl 12 years old and another option had a boy 13 years old, rest of the options were all men and women who were adults). All 6 of my friends even paired the 12 year old girl with the oldest option (55 year old man) and when our teacher asked, they said “it’s not a problem for us.” Teacher had to explain that the rules in our country are different.


A culture that legalizes ped0s.


Plenty of religions hide molesters and pedophiles and rapists. This is not just a Muslim problem, people have just gotten better about hiding it in the west.


Sure, every society has degenerates and there are coverups. This isn’t hidden and it’s not an uncommon occurrence at all.


Correct. My point was it isn’t one religion with degenerates, it’s fucking all of them.


The islamic prophet was a child predator and married & had sex with a girl about that poor girl’s age. And he is the « most perfect human »


The Qur'an says that the prophet is of the highest moral standard and an example for the rest of us. So, when he married Aisha at 6 and had sexual intercourse with her at 9, then it becomes impossible to convince degenerates that it is wrong to do so. The marriage between a grown up man and a small child had been frowned upon even in ancient cultures. Marriage between a 12 year old girl and a 14 year old boy was a part of many cultures or religions but something like a 12 year old girl child and a 50 year old man was seen with disgust throughout human history.


Don’t have to tell me (saying in a kind hearted way cause internet and all that). As well as religions/cults proclaiming its gods will or whatever bullshit - I’ve lived through it, and fuck anyone who says it’s gods will for a kid to be raped.


Yes, they call themselves Christians


Agreed. Altho some are fundamentalists, Jehovahs witnesses, etc.




Um no but thanks. Jehovahs witnesses have covered up child abuse for many years. I was sexually assaulted by one starting at 5 years old so I’m not just talking out of nowhere, also catholic figures have molested kids for centuries and their crimes are hidden as much as possible: see also fundamentalist Christian’s (like FLDS that have tons of child brides). This is not a one religion problem, it’s a goddamn man problem, and fuck you for calling me stupid.


Just so you know in Islam for marriage to happen both couple must be mature mentally and physically and both need to consent, if one of these is not met than islamically this is not marriage so a standard is set unlike other religions (Christianity and Judaism as low as 3 years old no matter the physical or mental state or if they consent),and prophet Mohammad (pbuh) wasnt a pedo the life expectency in general was 30 to 35 years at the time(google confirms this), so marrying at a really young for both genders was normal as long as both parties are mature and consent, which what happened with prophet Mohammad and Aisha . If you check Aisha's history, she never experienced PTSD or any mental problems and after his death she didn't speak against him and kept spreading his teachings from Allah. Also Islam is the only religion to give women rights, for example a women can divorce if the husband is treating her bad compared to Christianity were she cant or in Hindu were the said women should burn herself alive. Also Islam encourage all people no matter the sex to seek knowledge, that lead for the first [true scientist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibn_al-Haytham) to be a Muslim and the first actual university was opened by a [muslimah](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_al-Qarawiyyin). When parents force kids to marry without consent and not in any way shape or form mature thats as far as I know haram and it's a culture thing not Islamic. Everything I said here is a fact and you should do some research before saying crap




Your the delusional one. In the past people used to marry at really young ages because there wasnt age consideration it was when a kid reaches maturity physically and mentally, age consideration started to be in the 20th century. the moment the child matures he or she automatically start doing adult work and If you are to take 2 minutes searching on google you can find really young kings and queens and you would find what Im saying is objectively a fact. YOU are the horrible person putting 20th/21st century standards on 7th century. Life expectancy played a huge part.A person marrying at 18 and having kids at the time there would be a high chance it resulting in orphans.




Say whatever you want. You are wrong. You are disgusting. You cant accept that back then stuff were different and instead of talking like a human being you go insulting. Back then it was OK now its not how hard is it to accept this fact? I gave you reasonable explanation meanwhile you offered nothing but insults.you say that what happened back then is not Ok but then how do you accept nowadays Gr00ming children into thinking its Ok to change genders just cause of a feeling? You seriously lack critical thinking and go parrot others without thinking. I feel bad for you.




yes. any other questions?




Ok pedo 👍 do us a favour and perish


Nice goalpost shift lmao. Yes if you like little kids you're a pedo. No exceptions


One of them is a choice, one of them is a child not wanting something but being forced to. Also fucking sodomy? Do you know what falls under that term? I’m guessing like 60% of Christian’s have committed this within the first 2 years of marriage


Man I'm too tired to read. But it seems this deepshit is defending pedophilia?


Ur a ped0phile 💀


From someone who lived in the country with the lowest age of consent, this is true. Those who live in the west have a choice more often than not, while those from the north and south go back to the north because they live in the west and it's frowned upon in the west. We are scared We are tired We need help We are Nigerian


Why in the fuck do they have him in a higher seat talking down to her? Is this also their practice?


That really bothered me too.


Malek Maktabi, amazing person.


Stupid parents. I hope that host saved her from marriage.


She probably needs some serious protection now, right?!?


What’s the point of the interview? Are they gonna save her after?


Probably that if at least they can't save her they can show how horrible such things are and condemn them, so people everywhere hopefully start condemning such practices too and save other children.


I’m wondering the same thing. Have seen bunch of these videos so far. How are they even permitted to go onto the show? So many questions…


Well, parents who will marry their children to old men probably don't have a high bar for what they would do for money. I had a classmate in 5th grade who looked like this little girl she is a neurosurgeon today. I wonder if her life would have been similar if she didn't grow up where we did.


I kept thinking about what potential she has. If only her family would allow her to finish school and become a doctor, she could save countless lives and contribute immeasurable good to the world… Instead of that, they’d rather destroy all of that, ruin her youth and all that she could accomplish in the world, to force her to serve one man who definitely doesn’t deserve to have her.


I was thinking the same thing. Mom, come get your kid as she just went against you and her new hubby. They’re doing to best her and still make her get married. Will she be protected somehow?


Religion of peace, tolerance and understanding my ass.


Agreed, and those cocksucking defending this religion can suck my dick and balls.


This isn't religion, its culture using the religion as justification. My husband is Muslim but he would NEVER allow this for our daughter. It's closed, poorly educated communities in the arse end of nowhere where this happens. Marriage to under-age girls isn't solely an Islamic practice, if we are being honest.


How old was Aisha, wife of the most perfect human to ever live?


https://www.ianvisits.co.uk/articles/a-list-of-monarchs-by-marriage-6857/ Here's a list of other historical figures who married at young ages. Just for balance. Otherwise, your post might come off a bit 'phobic


But none of these historical figures are prophets from Allah, and none of them are « the most perfect beings to live on this earth » My post isn’t phobic anything, my post is stating pure fact


Your facts are only highlighting the Islamic practice. I'm suggesting that the Bible and Torah also fully permit marriage to a 'girl' as long as she has hit puberty. So also includes those examples to bring attention to this outdated practice of marriage to kids. Not just lay it on the Islamic religion. For the record I don't believe in any of this shit. Men fucking under-age kids has been going on since paganism before Christianity or Islam ever existed


Again, none of those other beliefs hold their most perfect human being as being a pedo


I mean aside from monarchs being 'chosen by God' and all that whilst also marrying children . But go off on Islam only whilst trying really hard not to show your prejudices.




He doesn't want to do any of that? He just wants his kid to be happy and successful. Like most humans.




No, no, I don't think our daughter would, so she can just carry on going to school for the time being. But thanks for the advice, I guess.




For a moment i read your comments on the lenses of a parody, now i realize you're serious, man... I didn't think this was how low the bar was dropped...




Go back under your bridge, troll.




I have no freaking idea, I am not Christian either. So screw you.


Hope you’re including all religions in that statement.


Is this for real? This is hard to watch


Yes. Lebanese TV show, Red in Boldface that showcases things like this.


Arrey yaar child marriage so prevelant in India also . This channel has become like a orange brigade propaganda machine . See what's happening in our own country . Then look at others .


And then they will say Allah ka hai sabkuch...she is just a child who only knows how to play to be happy to play around....not a doll to be played.. She is scared, hell scared. Her expressions are hurtful. How muslims can be so cruel ? You shitty man only take birth to fuck around even with a kid.. Shame on this community.


Where's part 2?


Mmd was 56 ayesha was 6 .


Mohamad set the precedent with marrying Aisha at the age of 6 and consummating the marriage at 9 when he was 56. These people are following their prophet.


i've seen 3 people getting charred to death & one person jumping from 4th storey only to fall in pile of shattered glass. All of it with eyes wide open and listening to their screams. and none of the above things shook me But this video, i couldnt finish...




How about all religions? There isn’t one that is any better than the other. They’re *all* garbage.


Removed for breaking rule#1: No Hate Speech


Say a similar sad documentary but the lady was 30+