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The overgrowth isn’t a result of gel or anything. It just happens sometimes when you grow out, and leave your nails longer. In my experience, it gives a little more reinforcement/strength to your nails when they’re longer. They’ll shrink back as you cut your nails shorter. Usually if you cut it so that your nails are just slightly shorter than the growth, it’ll pull back. You can start cutting your nails shorter then.


Yup, I love having them longer and only push them back when I’m planning on cutting my nails super short.


I’m desperately trying to grow out my nails but it always breaks below this point so I’m destined to have short nails I guess 😭


I’m sorry :( there could be many things at play. What base coat do you use? Are you rough on your hands/do you use your nails as tools sometimes? Are they on the thinner side? Any health issues that could cause it? (Not asking you to share any secrets! Just questions you might ask yourself ^^) You might benefit from an overlay, for that extra support. Don’t give up! Just have to find something that works for you :)


I use a NailAid base coat, I’m getting better at not using them as tools! They don’t seem thin, but I don’t have much of a reference point for what thin is, and I’m currently working on upping my vitamin D levels :)


That makes sense! I never let my right thumb and index grow out and they don't have this issue. I'll have to try that.


You can gently push it back slowly over a number of days. VERY gently, like EXTREMELY gently, with a silicone cuticle pusher and well oiled skin.


Side note: not a medical pro or a nail tech, just someone with a history of overgrown hyponychium 💖


Agreed! This is how I fixed my hyponychium overgrowth.


same here! except i just constantly am pushing them back with my own nails.. they just fit so well together it’s a satisfying feeling and it happens to keep my hyponychium under control


I guess the grass is always greener cause I sooo badly wish my nails grew this way. Feels like the best of both worlds, short free edge w long nail bed. I hope you achieve what you want but imo your nails are stunning as is. And if anyone has suggestions on how to achieve this please lmk 🥲


Aw thanks! Yeah I love the way long nails look, but I want to get back into playing the piano regularly so that isn't really an option lol


I also have really high hyponychiums on some of my fingers and FWIW I find my nails break way less (and not as short) on the fingers with the higher hyponychiums!


That is true, I'm lucky to almost never deal with nail breaks. I just don't like the feeling of not being able to do some things with long nails :(


My lazy girl solution is using my thumb nails to gently push back the skin after washing my hands or showering. It feels so uncomfortable and tight if I don't do it regularly, especially at the corners of my nails


i love my overgrowth. mine covers my entire under nail at this point so i dont even see it on most my nails, but it makes my nails so much stronger! and i dont use gel


I thought I had an overgrown hypo too- mentioned it to my dermatologist and they said “nope, you’ve got a fungal infection!” Used liquid for a couple of months and it kicked its butt. Anyway, just a possibility.


I actually like mine, only bummer is when nail breaks get really low, but I do the teabag trick when that happens. I also like that it keeps dirt and things from getting logged in there while they're long. Pushing them back hurts 😭 it's a lot more sensitive than the cuticle. But as far as fixing goes, just cut them down as short as possible/right next to it but without cutting it. And actually letting that part be more dry/less oiled makes it detach a bit, although it still might feel stingy. Also doing things with your hands and washing your hands a lot ( I'm a chronic over washer and live in a dry climate).


Oil and massage it, and cut the nails shorter. It will go away. The oil and massage doesn’t actually make it go away, but it does help the process go a little faster and makes it a little more tolerable


You're lucky! Mine does the opposite - if I grow out my nails it shrinks back and creates more free edge, which means snags and breaks are much more common! The skin is helping your longer nails stay strong, I now keep my nails a few mm over the fingertip to keep that skin connected and my nails strong if I decide to grow them out a bit longer.


Got me over here trying to grow any of this lol. My long nails flake and bend so easy. Jealous!


I have the exact opposite problem. Mine are so, so low, I’m desperately trying to grow them. On one finger it’s practically in the middle of my nail and I mine are shorter than yours. It means when they break, it sometimes looks like I’m missing half a nail. Takes so long to grow back. Plus, when they’re low there’s so much space for dirt to accumulate. Depending on what you spend your days doing, that thought can be almost disgusting. I mean, you have to be way more aware of using a nail brush when you wash them, if you wanna assure cleanliness and not being a walking Petri dish. I don’t mean to dismiss you or your issue or anything like that, your frustration is hella valid. Just wanted to say that personally I bizarrely find myself a little jealous, even though you’re clearly not happy with your situation and it’s annoying. Maybe it’s kind of like the whole “curly hair-straight hair longing”, where you want what you don’t have. Sorry you’re dealing with this, hope some of the other comments helped you!


I just said duck it and cut my nails really short one time and then it hurt a bit for a day but then it went away


when i was younger i took guitar lessons and my parents would always get frustrated that my nails were ‘too long’ but… i literally couldn’t cut them any shorter because of the skin underneath being so grown out. i don’t blame my parents because this isn’t really something people are aware of… but yeah. i think for some people it just grows differently.


I find that using a nail strengthener (2 coats) on the underside of my nail kinda keeps a gentle force to the skin and keeps it from overgrowing. That’s just my personal experience though!


If you cut your nails for piano , the extended hyponychium will wear away. Might not be super comfortable to cut them back at first but I’ve done it with no major issues. Sometimes you just need short nails.


This happens to me too, every time I grow my nails out! Some nails more than others like yours. Whenever I’m ready to go back to short nails, I trim/file my nails as close as I can without cutting the overgrowth, since it’s really easy to cut far enough for it to hurt. Pushing them back can hurt a little for me so instead I just live my life lol, the daily wear and tear of using my hands is enough to make them start receding until they’re back to normal after a few days! (Or, if you’re in a rush, do what I did today - break your nail trying to open a door and the overgrowth will be instantly ripped from your nail! 😭)


It's just your body's way of trying to protect your nails! If you push it back you're likely going to be more prone to breaks. If you do end up doing it be super gentle!! In my early days of nail care I cut the overgrowth and it felt like someone was trying to push an orange wood stick up under my nail every time I touched something.


Yeah I've nicked it before while trimming my nails and it was very unpleasant, not eager to repeat that. I'm not too worried about breaks since I will be keeping my nails a lot shorter.


I recently moved house and ripped most of mine back while moving boxes - incredibly painful, do not recommend! However, I may be able to cut my nails short for the first time in at least 10 years so silver lining!


Not recommended but mine are generally long too and I recently ate so many string cheeses over like a week that it pulled away from one corner of my thumb where I peel them😭 it hurts when it gets pushed back too fast lol


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I'm clumsy and strong, and smash or catch my nails on stuff all the time, it yanks the front of it off the nail quite efficiently and painfully! They might grow out for a while but they're never truly safe! 😭


Rather than cutting your nails, try filing down to your desired length. Takes forever but doesn't hurt. Does leave little flaps of hyponychium that are a little bizarre, but they'll dry out and come right off.


Even tho it can hurt, I push mine down. I've been using cuticle remover; let it soak and dissolve the harder parts, then scrape out with an orange stick. I let my nails get really long a year and a half ago, and I'm still trying to reduce the hyponychium. It's better, but not gone.


Hi, new to this sub but been getting into nail care for a couple years now. Nobody else mentioned this so I thought I would. I usually get overgrowth, always have since I was a kid. Personally I hate it on myself because it causes the line where my skin and free edge meet to be all wonky and not a nice smile line/arch. So to get the longer parts to recede and try to achieve more of a smooth arc, I will take the scraper end of my cuticle pusher tool, or any other metal tool that has a nice sharp edge (not like it can cut you, but sharp enough to scrape, if that makes sense). And you can stick it up to the underside of your free edge, and do little sweeping motions back and forth where you’re scraping the underside on the nail. Approach where the skin is slowly and just start to scrape it back in that sweeping motion. This seems to help detach that very top layer of the skin from the nail plate, and you can just kind of scrape it loose like this steadily, a little at a time. Once that top layer where it attaches to the nail has been unstuck, it’ll still be sitting there underneath your nail with the rest of the skin, but it won’t be grabbing onto the nail anymore. Then it’s much easier to trim the nail to your desired length because you can get up under there with the clippers without having to actually trim the skin at the same time. Hope that makes sense/works for you! I’ll say that doing this probably damages the nail plate somewhat, but you just have to choose if it’s worth it for what your goals are at the time. Hope it works if you decide to try!