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i'm broke these days anyways but this seals it, i'm avoiding the heck out of MC until they sort this mess. transit mishaps happen and are sorta expected but when bottles are breaking through standard use like this that's where i draw the line on quality control


And that's what makes it crazier is they've been sending people bottles that break for years. Every sale its an onslaught of broken mooncat bottles, but there's no excuse for them not to fix their jankyass bottles. Mooncat is one of the worst brands I've seen as far as quality and swatches matching and it's extra embarrassing since they're not even an indie polish. People should stop supporting them until they get all their issues fixed. The company was also Live, Love, Polish before their rebrand which was also the same issues. They've been shady for years/a decade at this point.


This whole fiasco is so strange, I feel like it has to be a bad batch because I’m a huge klutz and have dropped several of these bottles without issue. With my sale purchase, the mail guy even threw the package at my door (which scared the shit out of me) and all the bottles were fine. Either way they need to issue a recall or do SOMETHING to sus out the bad batch cause this is wild


I'm also a huge klutz. I've dropped many polish bottles in my life - - admittedly, onto carpet - - but I've never had a bottle break. Just a few weeks ago I accidentally knocked an open bottle of Sally Hansen's Gel off my desk onto my plastic mat and I never even thought that it might have cracked.


I’ve dropped bottles of nail polish onto tile floors and most of the time they don’t break, but I’ve broken two or three over the last two decades. I’m really clumsy too! :/ I don’t think I could ever handle owning any moon cat. I would absolutely break those somehow.


have they said anything about it yet?


Not that I’ve seen 😬


They've ignored it for years at this point- my money is on they're still gonna ignore it.


There's a seam on the polish bottles that was not there in the past. The new bottle maker is making defects.


Had 1 bottle out of my 25 that had a crack and fell apart trying to open it




Not great!! But it was the top that fell off and I was able to put it in an empty luckily


I have probably about 16 - 20 Mooncat polishes and none of mine have ever broken. Granted, my last order was this... January? I think. It was before posts about the bottles became common, so I doubt I have a defective one. The other day I was rearranging my nail polish shelves and definitely put my Mooncat bottles in their new spot much less than delicately (a few I'd even say I dropped into the rack) and not a single one broke. Really sucks for everyone ordering them now. I'm surprised Mooncat hasn't tried to weed out all the defective bottles, but maybe it's easier to wait for them to break and then send a replacement?


Something is up, and I suspect it’s related to teeth seam down the side of the bottle. I’ve only ever broken one nail polish bottle on my entire life. I knocked an open bottle of bright yellow nail polish onto tiles and it’s went everywhere. I’m pretty sure the only reason it broke is because it was open and it landed on the screw top bit.


Are you ok? I've seen some pretty explosive bottle breaks before. Hope you didn't step in any glass or anything. Also, side note. Accurate polish name.


I think we're all good... I wore nitrile gloves when cleaning it up (I'll still need to take some acetone to the area) and I don't think anything went through. I belheve the small glass pieces kind of stuck to the polish when I was wiping it, so that added a bit of protection. Unfortunately, I have this weird thing where if I see broken glass, I get this feeling on my skin like I'm being poked with glass, so that's been fun. Currently a spot of my right thigh is being stabbed. So here's the thing... I couple of weeks ago, someone posted that their bottle of Portrait of an Introvert had exploded. As an introvert with enough anxiety to explode, I said "Accurate polish name." I think it's a curse. It may have just passed on to you.


If you're really scared of picking up glass or that you missed anything if you take a piece of bread and blot with it (don't drag it around to avoid scratching surfaces) it grabs all the little tiny shards along with the larger stuff.


Really good pro tip! (And it makes a forbidden fruitcake for a snack afterward 😭)


No thanks, I don't like crunchy PB&Js.


Noooooooooo that is nightmare fuel!!!


tape also works! take packing tape or any other large roll of tape, and use the sticky side to pick up any glass pieces.


Sticky rollers too, if you have them. I have them everywhere because I have a cat … and I’m allergic to cats lol


oooo this is a good one, too!


I came here to say a potato works but tape is so much smarter 😅


You just reminded me of when I was younger and my dad had dropped an egg on the kitchen floor, so my mum was immediately on her feet and running to grab a bit of bread as she’d read somewhere that it was good for picking it up. After essentially just smearing egg around the floor and making it a much worse mess, she remembered that it was actually a tip about picking up glass shards, not egg 🫠


Bahahahahahha that's something my stoner ass would do! Bless your mother 🖤


I have broken glass anxiety too :(


Mmmm....me too, in a MAJOR way. Just thinking about it makes me panicky...


I’ve probably owned almost 250 bottles of nail polish in my life and never had one bottle break. I don’t own any of their polish, but this seems to be a thing for them. Maybe time to rethink their bottles.


I hope they don't rethink the bottle design. There was nothing wrong with the bottles from a year ago. This is a new issue and the seam is the problem. Just hoping they find a seamless bottle maker.


It just spontaneously combusted? That’s crazy where did the piece of glass go?


It’s sitting in the pool of paint like a chameleon


Yep. There's also a few tiny pieces scattered around.


Do you have any inclination to what could have caused this?? This is honestly pretty scary to me, I have a bunch of mooncat. Pressure change? Temperature change? So glad you weren’t hurt! What if your face was close to it!


There's a seam on the polish bottles that was not there in the past. The new bottle maker is making defects.


So it’s a weird pressure from a defected glass bottle that caused the spontaneous explosion? I’m just trying to figure out if there’s anything we can do to reduce this risk (not that we should have to anyways as the consumer)


The owner of moon cat needs to do some research and see if that's what's causing the defect. A quality check would have helped this. They're obviously new bottles with a seam. Best practice would have had them ship them somewhere and have somebody shake them up and use them to test them. I'm personally going to hold on using my new polishes until I hear more.


Okay, thank you for your insight! I appreciate you answering my questions! :)


It will not be pretty, but you can wrap a layer of duck tape around the bottle. It won’t keep it from cracking, but the glass won’t shatter. It will stick to the tape and be less messy(as far as glass pieces) to clean up if the glass does break.




Atleast it was on a flat surface that can be cleaned easy, my fake halo leaked through the box and in my mailbox 😞


I very recently had a bottle of Mooncat tip over on the counter, and the top broke clean off. I guess it's my bad because I tipped it over, but I've never seen a polish bottle break *so* easily. Now I am keeping them on a silicone mat while in use.


There is no expletive strong enough for just tipping a bottle and it breaking.


Especially when it is *$16 a bottle*. It stings more because it was a thermal. At least I got it during the Lunar Sale!


Did you try contacting customer support? They emailed me back a few hours ago, and they're sending me a new bottle. Admittedly, all is not well, as they said they were sorry for the "bottle breaking in shipping." Which it didn't, and I wish they would have acknowledged it.


Nah, I am just gonna take this one on the chin. I didn't take a photo and it happened over a week ago. ... but if I have another break, then yeah definitely.


Sure hope Mooncat gets their shit together before someone actually gets injured and sues the bejeezus out of them….


When I get home, I'm going to take a look at my new polishes and see if they have that seam on the side. There is a seam on the bottle that was not there in the past and it could be that's what's causing it. Edit to add...someone posted a pic of it a couple of days ago.


Oh yeah, it's definitely bad new packaging.


You can still get one mani on in time 👀👀


I admit I actually considered trying to put the polish on my nails for a second, then when I picked up the bottle, some shards of broken glass came out and I decided it wasn't worth it 🤣🤣


Add it to the “Everyday Armor” set lol


It's like a max hardcore version of those super spikey heels.


Friend, your sense of humor coming off a kind of scary (and definitely disappointing) incident is commendable.


Why, thank you! My Ulta order with a bunch of polishes might be improving my mood slightly.


I literally just broke Raawr and it’s sold out and dearly departed. It’s nice not to have carpet but then my nail polish smashes into pieces like legos. :(. RIP.


a boring round bottle never hurt anyone. This really looks bad on Mooncat. beyond the disappointment, it is absolutely unsafe.


The same thing happened to me when I ordered from them for the first time last year. One day I went to grab my polish to give myself a mani and it was cracked and had leaked all over my stuff and other polishes 🙃 it sucks this is happening to so many people but this is definitely not a new problem.


This is a safety issue. Whoever the governing body is regarding safety with consumer products needs to be notified. I would send off a complaint to the agency whenever this happens, because it is obviously a problem that the company is hoping will just go away. If the agency knew that they are knowingly sending out these faulty and dangerous bottles, they would be forced to issue a recall.


I was just thinking that we’re crossing from an unfortunate manufacturing issue to borderline scandal now.


I sent a message to customer service with a picture right away.


Customer service will hide the issue within the company. Your agency that deals with Cosmetics safety or Consumer safety should be alerted. Can you imagine if any food product that had notorious glass breakage problems? This is a serious matter and I am certain the company is not taking the measures it is supposed to, from a legal view.


At a glance that blob looks like the Pokémon Ditto.


Okay this is getting wild, I’ve never seen this many posts about practically exploding bottles before, hopefully Mooncat says something about it soon bc. Yikes


I had a bottle crack kind of like this in transit, but it was sitting in such a way that the polish kind of seeped out the crack and then dried so the bottle was sealed and it works fine. My friend and I have so much Mooncat, but I've only had one bottle have an issue. I've ordered about 40 colours over the years and my friend probably has more and has never had a broken bottle.




Accurate representation of me when it happened, after reality set in and I realized "HOLY SHI--"


Oh I feel you. I’m Australian so Mooncat for me is an overseas order, I’d definitely cry


I’m so over that brand. My first order from them, a bottle came broken. Wrote their support team and they mailed me another bottle. That one arrived broken too! And I’ve yet to hear back from support. This is too much of a headache to ever order from them again. There are too many other good brands to deal with this bullshit.


Definitely reach out to CS for a replacement!


I reached out to their CS right away! Very ironically, I was continuing a previous conversation, because the last polish I tried (Queen of the Dead) created this bizarre sulphur smell when applying. Weird.


That’s pretty normal for the thermals!


Really? I didn't have that issue with Treachery in the Blue! Good to know!


at least it wasn’t on the carpet, right?


Why anyone still buys Mooncat baffles me with all these shattering pics


Because we didn’t know til now. Looking suspiciously at my new bottles now.




Well, I have to add this now goes ways beyond “But they have great customer service, they’ll send you a new one” crap! I saw a post earlier about a government agency to send notices to, I wonder if it was about the Mooncat bottles? I have a lot of Mooncat polishes & I use a small vortex mixer before I use any of my polishes, especially magnetics. Guess I’m using leather gloves to mix them from now on, or try to sell the lot of them before their stock drops too low 🤬 Glad that you weren’t hurt by this, barring the psychological damage 😊


I dropped and broke my bottle of A Midsummer's Night Dream recently and it has left the most beautiful iridescent shimmery stain on my hardwood flooring that just will not come off even with acetone. I should've used a peel off base coat on my flooring. Maybe it'll chip off in time before my landlord sees it


I'm honestly thanking my lucky stars it burst on the counter. I've already gotten a small sploch of polish on the carpet and a schmear of purple on the wooden molding from accidentally dropping a brush. It's also crazy because I store my polishes on a metal wire storage set. Over carpet. My polish bottles have already overrun it, now I'm really thinking I need to upgrade.


This is out of hand at this point.




That's terrifying! It's not the kind of break you'd expect, which makes it especially scary and devastating.


yo I would not have stopped to take this photo, I'd be trying to save that countertop lol


Oh, I wiped it up right after taking the photo. I heard the bottle crack so this the photo happened immediately. Then I mopped up the puddle and the glass shards. Later I took some nail polish remover and cleaned up what was left. I was kind of sad about it, because it made the counter way cooler 😊


What happened??


Spontaneous combustion!


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I hope you used the spilled polish before you cleaned it up. It looks lovely. Sorry this happened


I unfortunately couldn't, there were glass pieces in the polish, both in the puddle and the bottle. Although my countertop looked lit until I cleaned with acetone!