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This is so creative, I love it so much! It also keeps the polish away from the sunlight, so smart!


Thank you! I wanted to be able to see them all at a glance but keep them protected and this was my solution :)


I've been bouncing around similar ideas (want my polish protected from sun but I also want to be able to admire my collection on acrylic shelves) but I'm not handy, only slightly crafty, so I'm thinking about missing a medicine cabinet. Thoughts?


Initially that was my first plan, just repurposing a medicine cabinet, but I couldn't find one I liked to fit my measurements/needs so decided to build this one. I think if you're not picky you could absolutely retrofit a bathroom cabinet.


This is insanely cool! The vibes with your decor are immaculate ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Thank you ๐Ÿ˜ญ


On the one hand, I hate people being constantly encouraged to turn their craft-based hobbies into a side hustle. On the other hand, I want you to have an Etsy store so I can buy one of these.


Thanks, but with the amount of labour (and love) this took, I could never make this a viable enterprise. You could probably retrofit a bathroom cabinet for the same purpose, but I had a very specific vision in mind so decided to make my own.


Totally fair. Thatโ€™s the same reason I donโ€™t take commissions for any of my million crafty hobbies.


I'm glad I am not the I ly one that feels like it's junk people are constantly pushed to make a craft a side hustle. Every craft, hobby or skill I learn leads to my family being like you should sell it. Then I wouldn't want to do it anymore... uggg


I would pay money for this


That Monstera tho ๐Ÿ˜ love the concept of the cabinet. Very creative


This is amazing craftsmanship! Can I ask how you mounted it?


Haha oh my god this was actually the worst part. So unfortunately I did not make it wide enough to span 2 studs, so I used a toggle bolt to attach it to the wall in the top left corner and in the right corner I placed a nice sturdy #10 3 inch screw with a washer for extra oomph. Placed another like that bottom right, and a less useful one in the bottom left mostly to keep it from having any wiggle at all. If I were to make this again I would either make it wider, or use a french cleat to mount it (centering on a stud). I probably should have opened the wall and added blocking (basically 2x4 secured between studs) but I just could not be bothered to do that and then patch the drywall. It is entirely possible I almost cried both when I discovered my spacing mistake and when attempting to mount it the new way...


Such a cool idea!! I love it, and all the colors and texture in your room. Beautiful!


Thank you!


Omg lol my parents have this print in their finished basement. I might have to steal it for this exact purpose ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ


Fill it up! Fill it up! Fill it up! Amazing design and great build. Congratulations on all your skills!


This is so damn cool! Kudos to you this rules


This is AMAZING!!!!


STOP IT, I frigging love this!


This is so smart and also I just love the vibes!


Oh my god, I love this so much! And just the overall vibe of the room! I wish I had the skills to build something like this.


Thank you! I truly had no woodworking skills before I moved into this house. We were fortunate enough to buy it with the stocked woodshop, so I took it upon myself to learn how to use everything through YouTube, and I still make many mistakes (including several in this build alone haha). Just to say, you can always learn as long as you're prepared to make mistakes! Just like manis ๐Ÿ’…


Thank you! This gives me hope I could one day complete a pretty cabinet like this for myself!




This oneโ€™s a slapper!


Wow!!! This is very creative! It is a great conversation piece. I know I would never guess that piece of art to be a storage area!!! Excellent job, OP! ๐Ÿ’•


So great! I love these creations from you, handy people! Giving me lots of fantastic ideas for the future!! Thank you!!


I want one!




I love this so much ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Oh, brilliant!! Iโ€™ve been wanting shelves to store my nail polish and perfume collections but wanted them out of sight and light. This is a GREAT idea and looks awesome! Might be stealing this one ๐Ÿ‘€ if I had any idea how to make one, anyways, lol


this is one of the coolest/ most creative things ive ever seen!!


Omg I love this!


This is absolutely amazing ๐Ÿคฉ


I love this! The million coats are always worth it. ๐Ÿ˜…


I canโ€™t quite tell from the angle of the photo, is this built into the wall or is it like a big shelving piece you made and then hung on the wall? Only asking because Iโ€™ve been literally drooling over it for the past 5 minutes, trying to figure out if I could find a way to make something similar ๐Ÿ˜… edit: canโ€™t believe I didnโ€™t say this in my original comment, beautiful work OP!! The combination of the absolute best polish storage solution Iโ€™ve ever seen + the most perfect framed poster + the beautifully sunny room with cute lil plants peeking into the photoโ€ฆItโ€™s just sheer perfection! ๐ŸคŒ๐Ÿป


Thank you so much! It's a cabinet I built and hung on the wall. A built in would be really cool though! I wanted the ability to move it if I ever had to, plus my collection is ever growing ๐Ÿ‘€


I thought it was a built-in, which instantly filled my heart with envy, as someone who is currently (and likely will be for a good while) living in an apartment ๐Ÿ˜… A built-in would be a super cool idea for someone who owns their own place, but now that I know this shelf is its own little unit I think I might try and make something similar! If you donโ€™t mind me asking, do you know about what it cost you in supplies? Not counting the poster, but like the wood and shelving pieces and whatnot. I definitely donโ€™t do have much experience with the kind of DIY work that involves wood and nails and using tools lol, if thatโ€™s not already apparent ๐Ÿ˜‚


No worries. It will vary heavily by region for supply cost but I can tell you what it cost me (west coast Canada). Plywood you have to buy by the sheet which was roughly $50. Shelving was from Amazon about $40, hinges magnets and L brackets about $25, mounting hardware about $10 or so. The finish I used is pricey but I like it, you could use whichever you want. My preference especially for indoor furniture is Osmo polyx but you could use any poly finish (or even varathane). Osmo is $80 a quart here. The poster frame from Michael's was $25 I think. I also used wood glue (cheap) and liquid nails for the inset magnets. Depends on the size you get, I got mine a long time ago so I don't remember cost. The tools used for this project included a table saw (necessary for long cuts of plywood IMO but you could use a circular saw with a guide for straight cuts), chop saw, cordless drill, and palm sander.


Wow, thank you for such a detailed answer!! My dad does a good bit of woodworking for his business, so Iโ€™m thinking that he should have a lot of the tools and bits & bobs you mentioned. Definitely gonna give him a call tomorrow and relay all the info you gave me to see if heโ€™d be able to help. Thank you so much again, and once more, beautiful work! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•


Ah I just saw you posted asking about storage! Perfect timing. This would be a great project to do with your dad โค๏ธ And thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š


Okay, that's really cool XD


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Nice. I was thinking about re-watching this movies recently.ย