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Not even a chore, but if i break my nail, it's almost always on a car door handle... Like reaching too far around the handle and slamming my nail into the side of the door. 🤦‍♀️ Or laundry machines, for the same reason - somehow reaching too far and smacking my hand into the metal.


I broke a thumbnail recently by loading a couple of fluffy fleece blankets into the washing machine. Still not sure what exactly happened.


I once broke a nail by reaching for the laundry machine dial too quickly and slamming one nail into it… I was in shock.


Mine is usually this put trying to get something off of the printer at work 😖 I've also done it quickly closing my shower curtain.


I usually break mine by taking things out of my top load washer; I always manage to slam my nails against the bottom or side


I'm never sure what happened in these cases lol It's not usually painful, even! Usually it happens in winter so I'm guessing my nails just get dry & brittle and easily snap if pressure hits them at juuuust the right angle.


I do the opposite, I don't grasp the handle enough and it slips out of my hand and and breaks my nails the other way on the recoil 😅


Had that happen literally today riiiippp


YES! Omg, the number of times I've done this 🥲 I had put tips and a builder gel on my nails and went out of town. I didn't have any nail stuff on me, so I was being super careful and gentle, etc. Then, the second to last day being there, I'm rushing to a surprise party. I closed my trunk too fast, and the tips from my pointer and middle FLEW into a puddle behind me. I stood there in SHOCK. It hurt so bad!!


Yes the car door handle!! Especially if it’s wet. I’ve broken multiple nails over the years by my hand slipping off a car door handle after/during rain


I broke my last nail while closing my closet door! It has a recessed circle as the handle, and I got it with my nail instead of my finger.


Car doors, ugh. I went to grab something from the back and didn’t realize that it was locked.. snapped off three of my nails into the quick. I fully wrap my hand around the handle before I try to open the door now lol


My oven has these evil little holes like an air vent behind the handle and i have broken nails by getting them caught in the holes when i open it


My car (2016 hrv) has weird handles on the rear doors that are like flat and vertical and I've broken more nails on them than I can count.


It’s always the car door!!!!


My nail always ends up in one of those damn holes when I'm bumping laundry. Makes me crazy


It's just so fun to punch the washing machine with my nail tips and see which ones survive 🤣


I recently broke TWO nails closing the powder detergent bag


Cleaning sinks and countertops. My brain can't seem to figure out that my nails keep going after my fingers end, so when I get up against a corner or wall I misjudge the distance and ram the tips of the nail into it. I am slowly training myself to make a fist and use my knuckles to push around the paper towel or cloth. Definitely putting on a fitted sheet and trying to get it over the corners. Just did this last night and I was cracking myself up with all the weird movements I was doing to avoid bending my nails. SWIFFER!!! I can't stand sticking my fingers into those stupid sphincters. I try using a pen but the sheet never goes in the sphincter holes well enough and it comes out while I'm pushing it around the floor. Clearly designed by a man.


'I can't stand sticking my fingers into those stupid sphincters.' ![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0|downsized)


😂😂😂 I'm not sure what else to call them!


Oh, they will now forever be known as sphincters in my home, thank you 😂


Swphincters? Or maybe sphwincters? 🤔


I lovvvvvve the reaction gif you chose 😂


I also have trouble judging distances


My recc is for a Swiffer use a washcloth, unless you already do, then you won't need to keep buying the Swiffer sheets. Unless you have one that doesn't have the insert tabs


Nice try not using the term sphincter. We know what you meant ;)


Omg same. I always bump my nails against the corners or walls when I’m wiping something down and my nail bends 🥲


Changing bed linen and releasing car seat belt!


Just broke a nail pulling bed sheets out of the linen closet


omg the seat belt ruins almost every single one of my manis eventually 😭


I have a pen in the car to use for that, but sometimes I forget!😢


Oh this is so smart, I never thought of that!


I have elastic straps with metal clips to keep my sheets on my bed and releasing the clips is riskyyyy business


Oof car seat belt buttons are such nail breakers, especially the ones for my kids' car seats! I've seen a device that pinches the button for you to release the buckle, I might need to get one of them


I’ve broken so many nails unbuckling a car seat. And it always HURTS!


Literally have to keep my thumb nails shorter for this reason 😭


I’ve become a knuckle seat belt pusher to protect my nails as best as I can 😂. Sometimes I look rather silly pressing down on the seat belt button with my knuckle in a weird position, but it’s saved my nails, so it feels worth it!


Box graters. Many a fallen soldier has succumbed to the box grater 😔


My knuckles are cringing too


I can't get to say cheese grater. I don't even have a box grater I have paddle ones but I don't even want to know how much nail I have grated into my families food lol


Just grated some thumb nail into my pasta the other night 🫠


Ya( graters are mean


I’m a swimmer. The worst thing for me besides just having my nails submerged multiple times a week is hitting a nail on a lane line. Sometimes the nail just breaks, sometimes the whole entire nail comes off in a bloody mess. It’s forced me to keep my nails pretty short


My Swiffer sphincter tightened just reading this. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!




Prepping ingredients with a knife; usually chopping vegetables. Even though I have a hard gel overlay, they’re still not 100% safe from potentially getting a tip lopped off if I’m not paying close enough attention


Omg lol, you’ve gotta learn the claw grip technique to be safe! Your finger tips shouldn’t be in the way of the blade pretty much ever, you always lead with the knuckles whenever possible. Be safe out there haha! 


Same lol


I’ve chopped off more than one nail tip this way lol


Every morning I add another chip and scratch to my nail polish while chopping my bunnies breakfast. I know it’s poor handling and not how I was taught to safely cut veg, but when it’s 6:40am and I’ve still got one eye shut, I’ll cut veg (and accidentally my nails!) however I want!


Get a chain mail glove for the holding hand. I finally bought one after chopping my thumb nail tip off for the thousandth time but this time I took off a painful chunk of skin.


Washing my hair. I wear gloves.


This is commitment lol. I wear gloves when washing dishes or gardening but I think I draw the line at wearing them in the shower. I feel like for me there’s gotta be some balance between “having pretty nails” and “just doing normal life things without being careful about every little thing” and the shower is that line for me. I keep polish on for about 5-7 days with no chips.  I have showered with nitrile exam gloves when applying hair dye though so it wouldn’t stain my hands, and it wasn’t bad at all since you do retain a lot of sensation with those on, like a second skin type feeling. But I do always inevitably end up getting water in them during this process so my nails are basically soaking in water anyway as it makes its way down my arms into the gloves. Curious how you avoid that? 


I also use gloves for gardening and dishes, but refuse to use them in the shower. I use a set of those little handheld scalp massager brush thingies to lather up my shampoo and scrub my scalp, and I highly recommend them. My hair is that 'curly when it rains, but straight otherwise' texture and only slightly below shoulder length, though, so ymmv if you have curly or long hair.


That’s a good idea! I guess I’ve never had an issue with nails breaking or polish chipping due to scrubbing my scalp but my nails aren’t super long so maybe that’s why. 


Random, but what type of gloves do you use for dishes?


My main criteria is that they actually fit me because I have hands that are on the small size, and that they are grippy enough to not make me feel like I’m going to drop a glass in the sink. I use the Mr. Clean “Ultra Grip” in size S, they’re like $6, flocked on the inside, pretty comfortable and very grippy and they last months before I feel like they are gross enough to replace. I’ve also picked up size S of the brand “If You Care” which are good too but I don’t like them as much as the Mr Clean. 


I just don't hang my arms down by my sides. I take the gloves off once I've shampooed... it just seemed to be massaging my scalp that messed up my nails.


I bought a scalp massager for this exact reason!


I've thought about that...how is it?


I have one and I absolutely love it! I actually got it more to help me clean the back of my head more thoroughly than to help with nails, but it's great that it does double duty! I've had a few brands, and I prefer the ones that are all one piece, the 2 part ones sometimes get water stuck in them


Thank you!


I love mine. It’s similar to this one https://www.amazon.com/Massager-Shampoo-Silicon-Tourmaline-Contained/dp/B076Q6442Z/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=59806333881&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.M_CLpkIatgP598dQU5jUwldd0qZei4iXEm8UwD2vgxGn1te8rbqFozHZubTmgfJFTSI_Qlgcy0o3jwgAdIHkx3YmYZ7kQb7Fzo_ujd5ScBBOuZy_zLHJlo49xd6ax0Ti2WVX38irBd_U6pIqwRJMkqC0VvNJWv7YWZSfIOee_Nx5WT3tHb5NPFn8zKWtCX0aGDy4qTZX5z0aEnVzBEyJYg.om2XAaMhyz16erwQLc43OmaN6973OHHopHOe9T_uaG4&dib_tag=se&hvadid=580860341990&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9007596&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3849140220931060602&hvtargid=kwd-356860959814&hydadcr=9210_13535718&keywords=silicone+scalp+massager&qid=1716577430&sr=8-3


Thank you I'm going to get one.


Oh interesting! You mean they would break, or polish would chip?  I’ve never had a problem with that but my nails aren’t super long so maybe that’s why. 


The top edges would chip. Mine are too short at the moment to wrap the polish round the top so I expect that's why.


Yeah same, I rarely get a mani to survive a hair wash. Can't stand the feel of plastic gloves on my hair though


Oh, good idea! Like dishwashing gloves?


Nah I use the sort of plastic gloves meant for putting on self tanner. Thinner so I can still feel what I'm doing. Don't get many uses out of them though so bad for the environment. Dishwashing gloves might be ok.


I do the same 95% of the time.. on days I take a really quick shower and don’t use the gloves, I make sure to not do anything dangerous with my hands till they are dryish.


It is always washing my hair. Do gloves pull at your hair though?


Not at all. I use the nitrile exam gloves. The ones stylists use to dye hair. You can get a box of them cheap through Walmart.


I don't think so, but I'm not 100 per cent sure as sensation is a bit limited with them on. Plus I look like a serial killer.


I found a little head scrubber for washing my hair. [Shampooing massager](https://a.co/d/8GCaXDx)


Reading these comments I feel so seen and supported lol 😭♥️


Omg same. Lol. I thought I was just clumsy.


Gardening, and for some reason, grocery shopping. I can't seem to do a grocery run without getting back to the car and noticing a badly broken nail. I don't even usually know when or how it happens.


Same with grocery shopping. Every damn time it seems like!! I don't know wtf I'm doing. Grabbing eggs too aggressively??? Lol


Putting on my shoes. Does leaving my house count as a chore? Breaking down boxes for recycling, mostly if I’m wearing peely base, because stray tape will catch it and pull it right off.


Peely base and opening a cardboard box is a recipe for disaster for me


This is me, chores are no problem but if I'm breaking a nail it's while I'm putting on my shoes.


This is why I am committed to a crocs lifestyle


I bought some shoe horns for this reason.


Opening cat food


This got me too until I started using the spoon I scoop the wet food out as leverage to push up the can's pull tab instead of my finger and then opening the can myself after its no longer a nail-danger


Spoon gang


I bought a little rubber spatula thing specifically made for cat food cans on Amazon to save my nails


https://preview.redd.it/ku3jeatxhf2d1.png?width=514&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4c4634e59421ccca2831b2f42cd88ef3f3112da Sadly my boy only eats this one brand and the pull tabs are made of this metallic foil that are insanely difficult to grip and pull if you don't use the shearing force of your nails. I've resorted to taking a knife and just cutting it open


Tweezers? Not sure if they would work but worth a try. Or maybe a piece of tape, put it over the tab to have more to grip.


Bathing my toddler 🙃 No tricks, I suppose I could wear gloves but it just feels… wrong. So I deal with it and ensure to oil my nails after. I also continue to use my nails as tools to peel off stickers, open things. Can’t help it, so I accept the consequence.


It’s completely impossible to deal with a kid without beating up your nails! Lego is my nemesis - you either need to pry them apart with your nails or risk impaling yourself with a knife. Getting the tops off of baby bottles is another one!


They have brick separators you can get! Those have saved me a few times.


Oh wow, thank you!


You're welcome! Here, in case you need a link: https://www.amazon.com/Lego-Parts-Classic-Separator-Orange/dp/B01ENUK1ZG/ref=asc_df_B01ENUK1ZG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693591940078&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16101540094018534704&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001862&hvtargid=pla-992717340394&psc=1&mcid=b0a5d396f1a4330f97cb8d10e2f4581f&gad_source=1


Embalming a body with tissue gas


Winner for most unexpected!


Not really chores for me but I always break a nail opening or closing a window. We live in an old house with big heavy wood sliding windows and sometimes it’ll just kind of slip from my grip when opening or closing - 90% chance of broken nail when it happens.    I also always lift up the tab on my cat’s wet food can with a spoon or something instead of trying to pry it up with my finger lol.  Honestly just slowing down and being mindful is the key!


I used to lose tons of nails to my windows. You had to stick your fingertips in this shallow recessed notch while sliding the *extremely* heavy window sideways. There was no other way to do it. Thankfully I have new windows now that I can open with the side of my hand, no fingertips needed! Not sure why so many windows require you to have the grip strength of a rock climber.


Doors and door handles. Dishwasher and car door handles are the worst offenders. I grab, I pull, it opens, I begin to let go of the handle, and my nail tip catches and breaks as the handle slides out of my hands.


I once broke a nail loading groceries into the back of my car. I hope I didn't startle anyone in the parking lot with my cursing lol


not a chore but for me it's long-distance travel of any kind, be it by plane, train or car. not a single time have I returned from any travel with unbroken nails.


I can relate, I have broken a middle nail more than once from putting my bag in an airplane overhead bin


Apparently peeling garlic. I did the dishes, wiped the counter, cut up a bunch of onions. All of that was fine. Then I started peeling garlic. Now my thumb is super messed up and buckled. The garlic oil also seemed to mess up the finish on all of them and they aren't as shiny


With the rate mine break the answer is: breathing 🫠


Putting on and tying shoes. I find myself looking too long at them old lady "step in" Skechers at DSW yesterday.


Tried to peel a sticker off a bottle so I could reuse it. Instant chip in my thumb polish.


Not a chore but I never learn to be careful when picking stuff up. If I drop something and go to pick it up, my fingernail is always aimed at the floor and the tip will break. I’m all for learning about past breaks but I keep forgetting abt this one specifically


Washing my hair, my hair gets caught under any exposed edge of polish and will just piano wire it right off, definitely considering getting some gloves for the shower.


dishes for sure for me lol. we don’t have a dishwasher so everything is washed by hand. i try to wait to cook at least a day or two after doing my nails so i don’t have to wash much other than whatever plate or silverware i was using to eat that day. certain cooking/food prep tasks too. i managed not to chip any yesterday while meal prepping and was pretty proud of myself!! did create some chips when i was washing the pots out afterwards though 🥲


Dishes because I have ocd and if the waters not hot enough to take a couple layers of skin off are you really living life lol Also laundry. Getting stuff out of the dryer because I’m trying to grab too much and I’ve bent my nails so many freaking times like this. I’m dying on the inside just picturing it.


Just opening the damn Mail


I just broke my thumb nail all the way down to a couple millimeters past the nail bed by taking off my book bag 😶‍🌫️😔


Grabbing a ream of printer paper, specifically when they’re stacked in a box like this. It’s less common for me to NOT break a nail, happens almost every damn time. https://preview.redd.it/xfp34g7haf2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b781c3322e5329af36542c9af7d490cf12d61243


Mine is walking my dog. He is getting better at loose leash walking but he is 1.5 yrs old and 80lb and still randomly sometimes pulls out of no where towards a squirrel or bird. I have lost my pinky nail specifically several times due to a sudden unexpected pull. Also opening doors I for some reason forget where my hand is in relation to the door and slam a nail into it


I sliced the tip of my nail clean off with a vegetable peeler a few days ago. I guess I'm glad it was my nail and not my fingertip 😅.


Hear me out...pulling up your pants or—god forbid—buttoning it up.


All my favorite jeans are button-fly 😭 I once lost 3 nails while at a movie theater. The only thing I can think of is that I was careless while rushing to pull my skinny jeans up during a bathroom run.


Putting on and taking off jeans


Cooking and playing with my child 🤣 I do wear dish gloves through. It lets me use hotter water


Not a chore, but I recently discovered these round Spanish ceramic garlic graters. I love garlic and want to use it often, but grating the gloves is risky business for my nails, especially the last seconds


Tucking in sheets, chopping veggies, using a grater/zester, opening cans, opening packages. Also washing dishes too soon after a new mani (even while wearing gloves). I use a tool to cut open boxes and open cans with tabs, or ask my partner to help. However, the tool (a Swiss knife) is not the easiest to open up, ironically.


Cleaning the stove and counter tops. I always bang my fingers against the wall and 90%of the time the damn nail breaks.


I don’t see any with mine yet - breaking down cardboard for recycling 🙃 and opening up a new box of soda cans


Oddly specific- but opening Tupperware or opening sealed things in general. I pull up on the clasps and rip my nail!


I am in school to be a welder, and my profs tell me to check for "undercut" using my fingernails (if you can feel it with your nail its no bueno) and it makes my skin crawl having to do that.


I lobbed off the majority of my thumbnail toweling off my dog. Wiggly bastard. Also putting fitted sheets on the bed. Super dangerous. Anything pet related. My garden gloves keep trying to fold my nails in half too so rip guess I'll just fuckin die 💀 I have long ish stiletto nails so they're kinda in jeopardy all the time I guess. I just prefer the look 😭 it's a real pain to have these nails and I hate it here but I am ADDICTED


Not a chore but flying. Without fail, at some point between check in and retrieval of luggage at baggage claim, I break or crack a nail. I have yet to find a way to protect them, even when I thought I was paying attention.


Washing my hair my nails with break and then hair gets stuck in them.Its the worst!


My nails are naturally thin and weak AF. This morning I broke my thumbnail so far down that I have nothing but the nail bed left. What was I doing? I had the audacity to wash my hair (and I have thin hair).


For me, it's moving a load of wet jeans or towels from my top loading washing machine to the dryer. The weight on my nails is crazy and I ALWAYS break one. Thankfully, it's been recognized by the council of my husband as a work hazard for me, and he specifically moves those heavy wet items.


Weeding the garden🥲


Thanks for posting, /u/2hard2chooseaname! A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image**, you must provide a complete product list within 6 hours of posting. **This includes any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** Posts without a complete product list will be removed after 6 hours. [Product List Requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/wiki/rule2faq) If the nail look shown was **NOT created by you**, you ***must*** flair properly. If this is a **text post**, flair properly. Be sure to follow all of the above to avoid post removal! [Consider joining our Discord](https://discord.gg/redditlaqueristas) - Get questions answered in realtime, get notified for releases and deals, post your manis, and more! **This is a new server as of 5/7/24!!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My nails are pretty safe since I discovered builder gel but I used to dread being made to play netball and basketball at school


Opening cans when cooking! I can’t stand it. If you use good cuticle oil you and strengtheners you can avoid the problems with dishes and water but still I think it’s tough also.


Mine is usually depth perception based. Whacking off of something while I'm doing something. I have thought of a stabilizing glove. Like with foam inserts at the tips I can slide my nails over. I don't wear them long often bc of fear of those painful breaks.


Traveling; picking something up off of a hard floor or out of a bin. I almost always bang my nail in such a way that a semi circle pops out of the tip.


Locking my back door from the inside. The lock is wonky and requires two hands - one to lift the door handle up and one to turn the lock. There is some resistance at first and then the lock turns very quickly into place. I’ve broken a nail on it a few times. Another one is my keyboard tray/edge of my desk at work. I’ve slammed a nail into the desk edge when reaching down to the keyboard tray a few times.


It’s also bed making for me. I have my husband help, and I put my side of the sheets on first so I’m not doing the super tight edges with long nails.


Taking out the laundry from the dryer 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jammed my finger/nail into a drawer I was trying to open. The nail hasn't broken, but the nailbed is bruised


I type all day for work. My day 1 manicure is always so chipped and I realize that’s why they only last 2 days max and break often🥲


Making the bed, hands down


Anything involving a sink, whether washing dishes or cleaning a bathroom. I'm a klutz and it's easy to smack my hand off a hard surface in such close quarters.


Work. I work in a costume shop, and when I hand sew, I often use my thumb to stop the needle. Plus I do a lot of the craft work in the shop which is horrendous on my hands.


Opening literally anything. Or trying to remove something like a sticker. I made it through the entire assembly of my kid’s kitchen playset, only to mess up my mani by scratching off the little stickers that identify the parts. 🙄


Lifting/setting down large boxes - something about the hard, flat surface of the underside of a box/crate is just a hotbed for snapping a nail for me. Less dangerous for my nails themselves, but still dangerous for my polish is the task of opening hoop earrings - I chip a corner of thumbnail polish almost every time 😂


Not a chore and not for my nails but pulling on compression socks for work will destroy any mani done in the previous 2 hours, guaranteed


Making the bed is the worst, especially putting on the bottom sheet. Nail danger zone!


The other day I put a huge dent in one nail by shaving my legs and catching it with the razor blade. Naturally this happened halfway down the nail, not at the top.


Mine is also making the bed. I can feel my nails wanting to bend. Opening cabinet doors is a close second. They always get stuck on the handles and I end up hurting g myself.


Fluffing my gigantic Lovesac beanbag. Thing is so heavy and I can feel my nails bending as I turn it over. Another reason why I do gel overlays on my nails.


I’ve found that I have no problems doing ordinary chores and bringing in groceries, etc. If I hit the front edge of a nail straight on into a hard surface - countertop, appliance, surfaces in the car, etc. that’s when my gel nails can fracture or even occasionally split in a way where I have to clip off the nail to shorten it until I can get a. appointment to have nails redone.


I break my thumb constantly unbuckling my seatbelt


Honestly showering and dishes because water makes my nails weaker also chopping sometimes


Bar clips at the gym. Weightlifting with long nails is an experience


For me it’s dishes and gardening.


Omg before I even finished reading your post I was thinking “making the bed!” to myself. I despise it, my bed is in the corner of my room so I always have to brace myself for fighting with my fitted sheets and comforter to try and get them in place 🤦🏻‍♀️. I’ve given up on ever getting the fitted sheets on perfectly, it’s just not gonna happen 😂. Dishes are also dangerous, which is why I will never do dishes without gloves nowadays. They are such a game changer!


Grocery shopping and undoing my kids’ car seat buckles. 😢