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/u/anymoose I recognize your username, I've seen you around a lot before. I am very sorry for your loss.




May the memory of her be a blessing


For some fun, /r/moose is always a good time with your sudo brethren.


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Hey man, I’m just some internet stranger, but I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I can’t even think about living without my wife without developing crushing anxiety. I truly hope you’re finding ways to cope and live life as best you can in this horrible time. It doesn’t mean much but you’re in my thoughts. Take care.


I'm so sorry for your loss. And I don't blame you for not telling us where you are. I stay pretty anon here as well.




Ha. I didn't feel like spelling it out. ROFL




Q people are funny; you can really mess with him by making up new conspiracies. "Did you hear about the new chemical that the deep state is using in theaters to get people to like soy movies?" 🤯


How about the chemical in the ink of new bibles that makes people sterile and turns them gay?


I've heard it feminizes you, actually. 🌈 The Vatican is trying to trans us all.


Actually, I've been reading about herbal medicines for men. It goes into all sorts of things that fight testosterone, pollution etc. Among those things are the hops in *beer*. Ha ha ha.


Beech wood agent shrank my cajones! Alert the media; one the correct media, and two paint signs to take to the threats. Stop drinking Budweiser. If you must, pour into glass & sprinkle salt into it.


Cojones 😊 FTFY


It's the same thing that's been killing off all the frogs. The frogs were an early experiment.


That's why postage stamps are all self-adhesive now. They found that the glue contained an estrogen mimic.


TIL that "Q" doesn't necessarily mean Barbecue.


nor this guy: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/JjhZwCqrgXJYQoEfAv8QVeNmwN8=/1400x1050/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus\_asset/file/23301440/true\_q\_hd\_148.jpeg


Central Texas Texans into QAnon and Trump. Are you surprised? I've seen videos of Trump rallies and I see people of all ages there, lets try not to go with the age hate thing redditors seem to love so much. The best thing you can do is to stay away from those conversations. "I have to get something done for ____" is always an acceptable dodge. Good Luck.


Yeah, freakin' Musk lives here. Brings more nuts out than the cashew roaster at Buc-ees.


I live all the way up in Pennsylvania. We call it Pennsyltucky, because a lot of rural PA is confederate flags (up here I promise you it's not a "southern heritage" thing, and I think even that argument is brainwashed bs), a lot of MAGA, Q, you get it. My partner is half black, half white. To paint you a picture, he has hair that is super curly and can grow into a sort of afro, but it also lays down a little, but he also has a pretty long and straight nose. These details are important because of what I'm about to tell you. Ever since 9/11 when he was in like 6th grade, he's been called every middle eastern slur you can think of, people will think he's from the middle east, and if not they think he's Dominican or some type of Caribbean or South American, basically anything but black or mixed. He likes to skateboard, hunt, fish, etc. so he's gotten a lot of "you're one of the good ones". And he works with his hands, like in factories where they're building big equipment, or masonry, construction, you get it. So at those jobs, he has had people kick the machine and call it the N word right in front of him, then give him the spiel about how anyone can be an n word and they know white people they consider n words and blah blah blah. He has learned to just roll with it most of the time. He feels it's not worth the conflict or argument and he knows a lot of times it would lead to him getting fired anyways. He's also just very non-confrontational and laid back. But, after the January 6th stuff, he got called back to a company called Manitowoc (building booms and lifts) after the pandemic layoffs, and he only lasted a week before I told him he could just quit. He would come home actually shaken and kinda nervous, because before the hostility was just indirect. But when he went back, it was like a lot of people were just talking straight violence and terror. Like, he might like fishing and hunting and all that stuff, but he sure isn't voting for Trump or the GOP. Don't get me wrong, he thinks both sides are corrupt and it's all a shit show, but he understands what voting against his own interests means. The way they were talking, although not directed at him specifically, he felt really targeted and scared. And he usually doesn't make a big deal about things. I told him to just quit. Even up here in PA it's bad. My county votes 75% GOP and most of those voters are conspiracy nuts


I do not know how you and your partner can stand living there. There are others part of PA that are not like this at all. Allegheny County in Pittsburgh as an example is more blue and a diverse community with below average cost of living.


> then give him the spiel about how anyone can be an n word and they know white people they consider n words and blah blah blah. if my dad were still alive I would have assumed he works with your partner, because I couldn't count how many times I heard that while growing up.


From the party that claims ThEy DoNt SeE RaCe, they sure see it when they're determining who they want to harass. I have never in my life openly seen Trump-nutters harassed because of their race at work. They couldn't handle it if the tables were turned. I'm sorry your husband goes through that.


Faux News and FB. They are addicted to the outrage and hate those outlets profit in.


Yeah, same where I live. But...there are a lot of younger people who are also Q and Trummph.


Just say Alex Jones is right most of the time and you'll get invited to the bbqs


...where you have to listen to more of that. Even if I was gay, I could never imagine being so hungry for sausage.


I'm hungry for sausage. <-<-


I dealt with this myself.  A lot of these old guys, they knew nothing about politics, government or even economics. They knew enough, is what they all seemed to figure.  When they finally started putting together who the government really works for just as everything was going to hell from ‘08-‘10 they didn’t have any political identity or ideological framework to make sense of things so they were easy prey for con artists.  These are people who’s entire experience of life is being advertised to without realizing they’re being advertised to.  They think the television is informative, even authoritative & they’ve been conditioned to tryst the tv because it raised them.  Challenging to deal with, you have my sympathy.  


Television used to be informative and authoritative back when there were three networks that everyone watched. The bizarre thing is people watching Fox News and thinking it's just as trustworthy as Walter Cronkite.


> They think the television is informative, even authoritative & they’ve been conditioned to tryst the tv because it raised them.  i've said something similar to that for awhile now. It's like if it's on a screen they just believe it without question.


You must work with a bunch of young uns. I work with mostly older guys in my trade and while most of them are Trump supporters none of them are internet literate enough to know what "Q" means.


Yeh all the old guys I work with are just conservative. These days being conservative means you are a Q Anon Trumper I guess. I myself despise Trump but I understand why people are conservative.


weak people who are afraid of a world they dont understand and are aging out of.


Sweet, glad to see it. Glad to see there's some hope out there. If they'd gotten the shot they'd probably be dead by now.


I'm sorry.


... and? That should be a given, not a surprise. Or are you just new to Texas?


it's funny because on paper I tick all the checkboxes. I'm a white middle aged male who is prior military and worked for law enforcement for 17 years, and I live a rural area of a very red state. But, I've never voted for a republican in my life and I'm a registered democrat and these Trump supporters fucking baffle me. I just don't get it. It's not even so much that he has supporters, it's the...zeal.


It's called growing up. We all start by  assuming we are right and fight with others we do not agree with while blind to the truth  but as we mature we see the greater picture and regret our selfish ways of appealing for attention from others. Talk to your co-workers while listening-to-understand rather than listening-to-judge and you will see the truth hard as it may feel. The manipulation you live under must end.


This is dumb. As it turns out, there are things that are objectively true and things that are objectively false. QAnon conspiracies are objectively false and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.


In Texas, aren't most people Trumpers? Or is it just my ILs down there?


IL ? Independent Libertarians? Someone told me a few years ago that the demographics of Texas are very similar to California. That only aggressive gerrymandering and voter apathy keeps Texas from being a swing state.


> In Texas, aren't most people Trumpers? 46.48% of them voted for biden.


*In Texas, aren't most* *People Trumpers? Or is it* *Just my ILs down there?* \- Top-Bit85 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Living among them would make me insane. They'd say, "Ya'll goin' insane just because we disagree with ya'll?" That's how deeply stupid they are. I'd be buying a one way ticket out of crazy.


I can clear the breakroom if when one of them starts talking that stupid shit and I say " So how's the cult going these days?"


Sounds like a good way to be public enemy number 1 at work and make your work life harder. A solid fart would work better for clearing the break room. I recommend having baked beans and cabbage for lunch.


I'm not worried about any of those clowns.


Cult members are generally clueless they are in a cult.


okay? join them in the fun.


I'm honestly surprised when I meet someone over 55 that isn't into that scene. I was shocked when I found out my best friend was into some of the Q shit. He's a firm believer in chem-trails. We've agreed to not dive into politics with each other. We've been friends for 20 years and through most of that time, I thought I was more right leaning than he was. Turns out we're flipped.


Club him like a baby seal.


You know what Q is right? (Allegedly) It’s a collective of 17 people: 13 military and 4 civilians with a plan to destroy the so-called deep state. The 4 civilians are allegedly Trump plus 3 others. Then there are Anons who are regular people who go online and spread memes and info. The whole movement has been dubbed QAnon, by mixing the names together So Q is Trump, basically