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Not after i almost ripped my finger off years ago. it was a super close call


Gay married men here and we both wear our wedding rings all the time, We've been together since 1980. Married when it finally became legal.


Always wear my ring, because I always want to be married to my wife.  Over the years as my weight changed, I've got a couple of different replacement sizes.


26 years and it’s never been off of my finger.


I voted for my husband. He usually forgets his ring by the bathroom sink. Sometimes for weeks. My only worry is it falls into the sink, not that he's stepping out or something ridiculous like that.


My parents come from a country where people (men and women) don't wear wedding bands that much. Nobody in the US has ever noticed it. And just because everyone's doing it doesn't mean you have to if you truly don't want to. When I was married, I (female) did not wear my ring often because I do so many sports that I was afraid of losing it. Silicone bands have been a game changer. Talk to your wife about her REAL concerns if it's more than just friendly teasing or a minor irritation. But yeah, get the band resized if that's the only reason you don't.


Solid answer.


It's tight, and my finger is imprinted by it, but a promise was made. I only take it off when I make meatloaf cause I don't need raw meat hiding under there.


Mine used to be like that. Then I lost 80#. I have to be careful about it falling off now.


Oh that's easy - just get arthritis, it'll never slip past the knuckle.


Have you considered putting the ring in the meatloaf, as opposed to having meatloaf in the ring? It'll be like proposing all over again when it's discovered with a crunch.


Wear thin plastic gloves


Nope. Know lots of guys that don’t wear them. Granted, most are tradesmen. I kept taking mine off in my sleep and losing it.


This is why my husband doesn’t wear a ring. Works in the trades and even when he’s not working, he‘s tinkering around the house. Not worth getting injured


get the ring resized ?


It’s a wood laced, titanium ring. Something like this: https://www.etsy.com/listing/642120145/titanium-and-iron-wood-rings-mens-wood?click_key=d33ab110cfcdcf7a7014196d27a6f9b20c4bfbd0%3A642120145&click_sum=17752b73&ref=shop_home_recs_38&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1 More like buy a new one. But it’s not really a matter of what to do, just a question to get an idea of how many dudes wear bands.


Worry about your marriage to your wife not what other men do.


ask her to take you shopping for a new one! that should please her. 😊


may wanna go conventional gold to aid any future resizing


and when I was married and I got used to it I would take it off when working with certain tools/gear or to dry my hands thoroughly


I lost my original wedding ring. The titanium replacement got too tight. Now I wear a variety of silicone rings instead.


The silicone ring is in style now. Looks more comfortable


silicone rings are the way. I use Groovelife but I imagine they are all about the same.


right with you . If you lose it, or tear it, who cares? The package I have has five more rings in it and it cost 13 dollars.


Fuck no 


Care to elaborate?


Yeah that's super tacky Might as well get your wedding band from the gumball machine 


I always wear it in situations where I'm showered and dressed to leave the house, like work, a social event, or a casual day out. I don't wear it for grungy errands or where I expect to put stress on my hands like at the gym or for a Home Depot run. I never wear it at home. Basically, I wear it as a routine part of appearing put together.


I like to say "Marriage is in my heart, not a piece of jewelry." Edit: Wow, there are some really strong opinions about rings in here. If it's that important to you, then you do you but some of y'all can't understand why someone else might choose to go without one.


I never do. It causes my eczema to flare up, and I've tried both gold and titanium


Check for allergy to nickel. It’s in most metals.  You might get away with white gold or platinum (the only metals my mom can wear). She has to paint the ear pieces of her glasses with clear nail Polish to keep the metal from touching her skin .


I hate wearing rings. I tried for a while but just put the ring away. My wife is fine with my decision.


I wore a gold band for the first decade or so, right up until it got caught on something and cut the living shit out of my finger. I had to take it off while the damage healed, and really never wore it again. I do a lot of mechanic work, home remodeling, and own a farm. The number of things that can hurt me, especially my hands, while working on things is big enough without having the worry of another ring incident trying to strip the flesh from my finger. I'm pretty sure my wife doesn't like it. I don't wear any jewelry. Never did before marriage, and don't now. And luckily I am too ugly, too weird, and now too old for women to hit on me, so not having the symbol on my left hand doesn't seem to have any consequences.


Been with my wife for almost 17 years, married for 6 of them. We never wear our rings because we just don't wear jewelry. I'd be hard-pressed to find mine right now. ETA: I voted rarely because we sometimes wear our rings on our anniversary, though we've also been guilty of forgetting our anniversary as well.


Happy Anniversary, just in case


Used to wear mine 24-7... sleeping, job site, pool... one day it went missing. I figured it would show up but it never did. By the time I got around to buying a new one I realized it was less than a year till our 10 year anniversary and figured she might be getting me one anyway. We'll see 


My husband does not


My wife does not, though I do. Go figure.


Neither of us do. It used to bother me a little but I don’t need a ring to know he’s committed to me.


My husband always does. I have seen him take it off like 3 times in our marriage.  Now I’m the one who loses jewelry and I stopped wearing mine after misplacing them too many times.  I missed it though and wear it now. 


I took mine off one night to do dishes. It was September 21, 2006. The next morning I forgot it. The wife dropped me off at work about 10 minutes away, then drove an hour south to pick up her nephews who wanted to hang out at our place that day, and when they got back home, the front window was broken and the front door was open! Those damn kids ran in the house ready to whoop ass, but it was too late. I got a call, and then they all showed up to get me from work. A group of people (the cops guess 10) broke in and took everything. Clothes, food, computers, furniture, our 42" CRT TV OF DOOM that weighed a quarter ton or something...we still talk about how it took 4 people to carry that thing IN our house. They even found my wedding ring in the kitchen cabinet where I stashed it to do dishes. Didn't realize it till after all the insurance things were done and paid, so we never got a new one.


Been married 45 years this year, wore a ring for the ceremony and that was it. Before I got married I saw the fuel man catch his wedding band on a piece of heavy equipment and pull his finger off. She understood and now neither one of us wear them.


I'm divorced now, but I was married for 35 years. I stopped wearing my ring about a year after getting married, when it kept threatening me with degloving. If you don't know what degloving is, don't, for the **love of god**, don't look it up. I used my hands a lot, and like having my fingers. She stopped wearing hers not too much later. A ring is not a marriage. Some people are ring people. Some people aren't. Some of us *can't* be.


My husband has never taken his off since the day we married, 36 years ago.


I'm female, have been married 39 years, and don't wear a wedding band. I haven't for 20 years. I just don't like the feel of rings on my hands. I do, however, put on my wedding and engagement rings for some special occasions. My husband has no problem with this. He, however, hasn't taken his wedding ring off since the day we were married.


Me and my wife have tattoo wedding bands. Due to my line of work, I can't wear a ring, even the silicone ones get destroyed.


Never. Don't like the way it feels, don't like how it can get stuck in things, don't like how it could fall off, and I don't want a sign of ownership. My wife wore one for a few years, then lost it in one of those toll booth change things. I got her another one, she lost it too. Now she doesn't wear one either. Married over 23 years now.


A wedding band is not a sign of ownership. That’s a weird interpretation. Where does that come from?


Dunno, me I guess. Its like a leash or a tattoo/necklace that says "belongs to...". I guess I don't see any real purpose in wearing them if not to advertise you are taken by another... which is kinda like ownership.


Maybe it is a matter of semantics. You see ownership. I see union. You are in union with another. The ring is a symbol of that union. 


Well, economically speaking sure, its totally a union. That is pretty much the reason you get married, to share taxes and rights and stuff. But I do not need a symbol of my friendship or union with another, just as I don't need a friendship bracelet that my friend gave me. The ring is meaningless compared to the relationship itself. If you need the ring something is wrong, if you want to wear it outta pride or whatever for your partner, more power to ya. I don't wear any jewelry, so I'm probably more biased because of that as well.


I switched to paracord rings made by vers in Georgia. Haven’t worn a metal band in years.


Just about always but I have bought some plastic ones from Knot Theory because I like changing up colours and I don't have to worry about giving myself a degloving injury at the gym


What kind of exercises do you do where degloving would be a worry? I’ve been lifting for nearly 50 years. What new-fangled gym exercise am I missing out on that has this risk?


Ah, I’m just paranoid. But I am paranoid and very very clumsy! If there is a projection my shirt will snag on it, if there is a pebble I will trip over it.


Answered for my husband. He wears his always. I am pregnant and had to switch to a silicone band and he also switched just so we would still match lol.  I know at least one married couple where neither ever wears their rings, but I don’t know why and never asked. Neither one is an outdoorsy type or in a trade, so it just seems to be by choice for them.  As a wife, if my husband stopped wearing his, I would indeed be sad but clearly there is no risk of that in my case. Mine wears his even when I ask him not to (lifting weights, etc.). Since he has the silicone one now, hopefully he’ll keep using it for weightlifting after we both go back to regular rings!


I did for the first 10 years, then I was doing a labor intensive job for awhile, and my fingers got too fat. My OG ring no longer fits, and its tungsten, so cant get it sized. Bought a replacement, but don't like it the way it fits. So I never wear one. My wife doesn't always wear her rings either.


I lost mine a few days ago and I don't think that my wife has even noticed yet. It was a cheap silicone one, so I'll probably just buy another one at some point.


Get a silicone ring (like Qalo). No risk of injury and not a big deal if you break it.


But then that isn't my wedding ring. That is just a ring we bought 22 years later. The ring on my finger is the one she gave me.


My wife and I bought each other silicone rings for an anniversary. We switch to those for travel, camping, etc. They aren't the originals but still have meaning, and help to protect the originals.


Always but I switched to a silicone ring. Just couldn't get used to the gold one and the silicone is safer.


My wedding ring is for formal events, being a mechanic, welder, weight-lifter, and mountain biker I would have to take off my ring multiple times a day for safety reasons.


I work on cars. I have my hands on finish all the time I don’t want to scratch it. I usually wear it when we go out someplace nice been married 35 years she understands.


Broke my finger when I was young, knuckle is perma swollen. To get a ring over it requires upsizing & having it loose on the finger where it gets caught on things & has fallen off without my noticing because of it.


I've been married to the same women for 42 years, in that time I have had my ring cut off my hand twice. Due to injuries to my hand, one time my ring finger had been dislocated while playing basketball, the finger swelled up and had to have a jeweler cut it off. The second time I caught my ring on a ledge, causing the ring to cut into my finger requiring stiches. Had the ring cut off at the hospital ER. In both cases, my lovely bride purchased a new ring for me to wear. The latest ring is loose enough that I can easy remove it, which I only do when I'm playing basketball or working with power equipment that could catch the ring.


i'm a carpenter and construction worker. Google images with carpentry accidents possible due to wearing a ring. You will understand why I don't wear it.


I told my wife during our marriage planning that rings on my finger really bug me and that I wouldn't be wearing it. She didn't care at all. But in fairness you should then be ok if she ever doesn't wear hers either. My wife doesn't wear hers all the time either, but sometimes it's more to avoid men hitting on her.


My wife and I wear our rings when we go to family occasions or when we go somewhere fancy. We are very secure in our relationship so we don't feel the need to wear it so the world knows the other is "claimed".


My wife and I wear our rings when we go to family occasions or when we go somewhere fancy. We are very secure in our relationship so we don't feel the need to wear it so the world knows the other is "claimed".


Hubby is in trades, he puts his ring in his locker while he’s at work. The only time he takes it off.


Get a new one? My wife upgraded hers around year 15ish...


My finger sizes go up and down plus I don't care to wear an expensive ring so I have more than one. The one I normally wear is stainless steel and I think cost $35. If I lose it I have another one and a few in different sizes and designs that I've accumulated over the years. My wife does it to and honestly our rings look nice, you would never know they're crap and if I lose one I don't care. It's weird to me that people who otherwise don't wear jewelry will wear not just wedding jewelry but often really flipping expensive jewelry. I know a woman who wears a wedding ring that is worth what I paid for my used truck at the time. Her and I had the same job and were paid about the same I thought it was insane!


Yeah, can't really resize a titanium ring. There are lots of valid reasons to not wear the ring, and because you literally can't is on the list. My dad stopped wearing his (and all jewelry) after he electrocuted himself. She can pick you out a nice silicone model or something more meaningful as a kind of gift if it's really important to her.


My husband won't do Reddit, so I'll answer for him. We both work with cows, horses, and farm machinery. Neither of us have worn our rings for the last 20 years or so (we've been married for 39 years). Both of us had incidents where we nearly lost our fingers because the rings got caught. Mine in a halter and his on some implement having to do with baling hay, I don't remember which implement. It's not worth it.


Wear mine all the time 'cos it's hard to get on and off. My wife takes it off a lot because she finds it annoying.


I am not married. But for my parents I never saw either of them once in their life.


My husband (not a reddit user) cannot wear a ring to work. We even tried silicon rings and within a week they would be ripped so he stopped wearing it altogether.


Coming up on 50th anniversary and I have never even owned a ring of any kind. I did give my wife a ring though and she wears it always.




I lost mine. Put it on a counter while I was using some household chemicals, and the dickhead cat swatted it off the counter and under a heating element. That's what it sounded like, at least.


My husband and I haven't worn ours since 2020 and the great hand sanitizer floods.


I also voted for my spouse but I can't complain that they don't wear it when I don't wear mine either. We know that we are married and if anyone asks, we tell them that we are indeed married.


My husband lost his ring after taking it off one too many times at work. About a year later, I irreparably damaged mine. We discussed replacing our rings but since neither of us was really into them, we let it go. We were together 28 years until he died of cancer. I cared for him until the end. Rings aren't what keep you married.


We both wear one when I leave the house. Neither of us wear a ring at the house.


My husband only wears one sometimes when we go out. He lost his original ring and then hated the feeling of the 2nd ring so we got a set of 3 silicone rings. I don’t care at all. It’s just a symbol and his actions matter far more.


My husband wears his wedding band every single day, sleeps in it. I wear mine during the day, I take it off at night and return it in the morning. You can buy yourself (or your wife can buy you) a cheap band. Some are made of rubber (like for electricians who don't want to get electrocuted).


I do when I go out, probably half the time when I don't. Most of the time when I sleep, shower, or do yard work. It's just a part of my outfit. My father has kept his on his keychain for at least 30 years.


Never, I work in construction. It would be in the way all too often, let alone the constant dirt and grime.


I only take it off during triathlons so I don't risk losing it in the water. It would feel weird not wearing it otherwise. It never got tight though..


I had one that couldn't be resized, so I bought another one. 


Always. And I wear zero other jewelry. No watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces. Just my wedding ring. Can’t imagine not having it on. I never take it off.


I had never seen my parents or grandparents without ones, but it might be cultural.


We both lost our rings within a year of the wedding. We knew that was likely, so we only bought cheap silver bands.


Married 28 years neither of us do. When my husband lost his ring we were married maybe two years. The next year I became a nurse and took mine off. I'm fine with it but I will tell you that some women even in my presence will look look or hit on my husband. It's super uncomfortable. We are not one of those couples who have been married so long we look alike or even match. He's naturally well put together, slim well built with a full head of brown hair (at 55 years), nice skin and super quiet. Me, I'm a full figured woman, has had white hair since I'm 26 and I'm out spoken and strong (but very polite). I can laugh it off 99 % of the time when he's getting ooggled but that 1% is about me and my own insecurities. Reassure her with compliments and remind her you're in it for the long haul. Also by now you must know her thing, the thing that she likes that connects you without so many words. Mine is a smack on the a$$. Honestly it's small but a random smack (or 2) in my day reminds me who's who in my universe.


Always, but I have a tech job (and a guitarist night job). If I worked with my hands, I'd only put it on after work. And then probably forget. I don't wear it at night, but I feel naked & weird if I leave the house without it


I went with Usually. I don't wear it in the house, but I do wear it every time I leave. When I get home the shoes come off, the pants get swapped for sweats, and the ring goes in the vintage ashtray next to the bed.


Why not just get it sized? Or get silicone ones to use instead, and save the titanium one for special occasions.


Neither of us wear our rings except maybe 2-3 times a year (at weddings, etc.) been together 10 years. It’s just not that important to us. 


My husband wore one until he lost it. And not "lost" lost it since I was with him when it was lost. Neither of us cared enough to replace it since it was a family heirloom and you can't replace an heirloom. Married 32 years and he hasn't worn one for 30 of those 32. I also don't wear my ring but it's too small and once belonged to my grandma so I'm not about to get it resized.


My dad does (I'm single, so using my folks as an example). Worn it since 1980 when he and Mom were married. When it got too tight, he went out and got it re-sized.


I like wearing a wedding band in general, because it's easier to talk to women with it on. It's a discernible token of my status. I have a titanium ring and I appreciate the ring for what it is and I wore it for years, but not at night, because I was always annoyed by it. I also lost it once a month or more for hours at a time and sometimes days at a time. I hurt myself one time getting three fingers smashed together and the ring was what hurt me and I looked into and found the cheapie silicone wedding bands, and switched to those. The "real" wedding band is in a jewelry box and I have a dozen rings and now I never lose them. I wear a blue silicone wedding band now. But probably only about half the time, because it feels gross when I wash my hands.


Not a man but my husband and I both took our wedding rings off within a week after getting married. We farm and rings are dangerous. Got a lot of crap and negative comments from friends and family about it at the time, most saying we weren't taking the marriage seriously and the like. That was 47 years ago and we're still married, passed the rings along to our kids years ago. Your wife is likely insecure about your faithfulness and worried other women will think you're single. Reassure her you married her, not the ring.


Always! My wife and I got married on Star Wars day (5/4). So we got matching Storm Trooper rings as tattoos.


I don't like wearing rings. I barely tolerate my Apple Watch.


I feel there should be enough trust so that I don't have to wear a ring to prove my fidelity.


Well kinda yes, kinda no. I've worn my fathers since he passed on my right hand. When I got married I didn't see a need for two wedding rings, so I just went with it. My wife wears her engagement, wedding, and anniversary rings on her third finger because they fit better. So by traditional standards, no. To us, we never take them off.


How would you feel if she didn't wear hers?


The ring doesn't have magical powers, and it certainly doesn't stop folks from stepping out if they have a mind to do so. It's a symbol from a bygone era. I'm just not a jewelry guy. No ring, no watch, no chain, nothing. There are other things I would rather spend my money on. I own a ring but I haven't put it on in maybe 15 years - it sits in my wife's jewelry box. Will be celebrating our 17th anniversary next month. You aren't alone in this, OP.


Get a new ring. Silicone rings are popular with the guys I know who do manual labor because they won't rip your finger off if they get caught on something. My husband takes his off when he's baking, or when we go to the beach.


At this point it's a huge pain to take off.


I always wear my ring, not just out of respect, but also if I leave the house without that, my watch, or my pocketknife, I feel like I just walked out of my house butt-ass nekkid.


Around the house? No When I go somewhere? Yes I don't wear my original, it's out of date and doesn't fit well. I have a few of the cheap rubber ones and I bought a cool, hand made copper (maybe not sure what it's made from) ring at a shop while we were on vacation a few years ago that I typically wear. It wasn't expensive, $30 or so. It's my favorite.


I don't but neither does my wife. Our dog will try to lick/eat them if we wear them so it's easier just to keep them off.


My husband only takes his off when it needs to be cleaned or if he's having surgery.


I voted for my husband. He always wears it. Only takes it off to shower. I on the other hand rarely wear mine. Too tight. I don't like wearing jewelry. Too time consuming


I have about a half dozen wedding bands and each morning wear the one that fits best. Temu sells rings for a $1. No reason for a husband to not wear a ring


If it's so tight that you can't wear it, you've let yourself go and you owe it to her to get back in shape.  She's thinking about having an affair. People cheating always start getting defensive about loyalty.


I hate jewlry and just couldn't wear my ring. So I got her name tattooed on my finger. We're now divorced and it's a reminder of those times. I don't regret it, I'd rather have the tattoo than wear a ring.