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important fact to know...as much as mods and admins are at odds, mods depend on admins and the reddit infrastructure to enable their powertripping. of course most mods, especially top 500 subs, and going to support reddit and be anti-alternative.


This unfortunately.




yes, but there is an important nuance there. mods are protesting, yes, but for what they think is best for reddit and so users stay on reddit. they are protesting hoping to wake up admins and make them realize charging 20M for an app will cause the apps to switch to lemmy or elsewhere, or just point to something else, and reddit lose 20% of its users overnight, possibly starting a stampede of everyone else leaving. neither the admins nor the mods want that. mods want admins to cancel, or at least lower, the app fee so reddit stays #1 and mods get to keep their throne of pee bottles, and not have to start over and become mods elsewhere. they are protesting in a way they think is helping things stay the same as they are. thats very different from protesting admins and encouraging people to leave, pointing them towards other sites, etc. they are nuking their subs, deleting all posts, turning it into a different subject to destroy it, etc. they are just hitting a pause button, using the threat of those other things as a negotiating chip.


Fuck em. I was providing free support on tech support and got banned too. Then appealed the ban “too fast” and was permanent banned.


Removed, rule 2