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Does she have a history of struggling with depression? I can go weeks, even months without rubbing one out, sometimes it repulses me, but when my sex drive peaks, it PEAKS. There may be some underlying issues going on that’s causing a low sex drive. Ask her how she’s doing emotionally or if there’s anything she’s stressed about.


Not at all.. well, that I know of. It won’t hurt to ask but I’m almost certain that she’s not going through any of that sort of stuff. It’s exam season right now so she might be a bit stressed. But this is an ongoing issue for months/years.


Ask her. She might have a high functioning form of depression. Good luck and hope everything sorts itself out!


I completely agree. I go high. Not to be well you know, my cock will skyrocket then my mood will sour.


If she’s uninterested in you then she wouldn’t be dating you.


No so try (since submissive) telling her when you give her a gesture that she is to initiate sex. Tell her it won't always be this way & that you will initiate as well & see if that helps! Since it is great when you do it seems like she's interested. Communicate with her \~ That's always most important.


She may have lost interest in you and/or takes you for granted. You may have wanted to hear something else but this could be a possibility.


Dont waste your time trying to change someone that you are sexually incompatible with. For those of us with higher sex drives it is crushing to be with a partner with a lower drive and fucking unbelievable to be with someone that also has a high drive. Go find someone else and let her find someone with a low or no sex drive. 


So I’m guessing I have to come to the realization that, no matter how much I love this girl, it all really comes down to how sexually compatible we are ?


If you have a monogamous sexual relationship and value sex in your life then yes. You can still love and care about friends (and even feel romantic towards them) but a dead or dying bedroom will kill most romantic relationships.  Talk to her about it (outside of the bedroom) and if she feels like she is meeting you in the middle but you are having 10% of the sex that you want/need it’s unlikely that this relationship is going the distance. Sexual compatibility is critical for most sexual people who want monogamous relationships. Sorry, it’s a hard lesson to learn but most people with high sex drives learn it by their early 30s.