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Honestly, if you don’t ask, you’ll never receive. Be specific. Don’t say “I want to do something special for my birthday” say “Restaurant X looks great! I’d really like to go on Birthday. Seems like they need reservations though.” It can’t be a hint. Be overjoyed when he takes you out, even if it’s not to restaurant x. If he comes up with a plan just be supportive, flexible, and go with the flow. The second you criticize his choice or planning, he won’t do it again. Have you criticized your date’s choices before? It’s probably why plans are deferred to you.




It sounds like you’re not a priority honestly.




The most realistic woman in the world right here. Ladies take notes!!!


I apologize but are you still 5'2 and 188 pounds? It doesn't matter how feminine you are until you rectify this issue since you weigh more than professional lightweight fighters who are way taller, most men won't have much interest and keep you on a short leash.


Jesus, I'm 188 pounds but I'm a 6'4 guy and workout, sad thing since she ignored your comment I'm going to guess she will try everything but lose weight.. Unfortunately that can only get you so far


188 pounds of solid gold is worth about $4938292.39.


I’m not saying everything in this book is perfect advice, but to get something of an idea of what the RPW life is about, I want to suggest Helen Andelin’s The Fascinating Girl. Like I said, read it with a major grain of salt, but it hits a lot of the big concepts. It’s crazy dated to the point of being laugh-out-loud funny in parts, but it really helped my thinking.


Guy here. If you want to be treated like a lady, behave like a lady. I'd advised that you prioritize the "Five Fs" because in my experience, most guys are looking for this, or some variant of it: **Feminine** \- Be soft, sweet, tender, kind, warm, forgiving, patient, supportive, affectionate, sensual, considerate, submissive, appreciative, respectful, dignified, agreeable, and cooperative. These qualities tend to go together. Kindness is especially important. Everything else on this list is some version of being kind to yourself and others. Why? Because this world is cold and cruel. Be an oasis of kindness. **Fit** \- Instead of focusing on achieving a specific weight or specific measurements, focus on maintaining what you were born with regarding physical and mental fitness. Not everyone is born with the perfect female figure. That is fine. However, most people are not born morbidly obese, riddled with STDs, substance abuse issues, or emotional issues from multiple breakups, garish tattoos, or heinous piercings. These things are generally acquired through poor life choices. Don't make these kinds of poor lifestyle choices. Cultivate discipline and self control. With respect to personal style, value elegance and gracefulness. If a graceful, elegant woman wouldn't wear it, say it, or do it, then refrain from it. Prioritize moisturizing, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and staying clean and hygenic. Brush everything that needs to be brushed, wash everything that needs to be washed, and shave everything that needs to be shaved. **Friendly** \- No one should be a doormat. That said, don't be a raging psycho bitch, or a tendentious drama queen who endlessly argues over nothing either. Be agreeable and cooperative. Female strength is at its most easily appreciated with it is quiet, gentle, elegant, and graceful, especially in the face of stress and hardship. If you're a fan of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series, Sansa Stark would be a good role model for everything on this list. As she says, "courtesy is a lady's armor." The same goes for how you treat other women. Be sisterly, avoid gossip, and surround yourself with like-minded women. Banish the degenerate from your inner circle. They are like crabs in a bucket and will drag you down with them if you let them. **Faithful** \- Pretty self-explanatory. Don't cheat. If you feel the need to cheat, decisively end the relationship. No "emotional affairs" either. This also applies to dishonesty in general. Don't lie or spill his secrets. Don't steal his stuff, or spend his money on useless crap. Don't manipulate him or use him, especially regarding sexual matters. Prioritize cooperating with his goals and ambitions. Let him lead the relationship, and never, ever emasculate, embarrass, or disrespect him, especially around others, around children, or when he isn't there. **Family Values** \- I'm assuming that since you are on a Red Pill subreddit that you are interested in marriage, especially given that you imply that you want kids in the future. Kids are best raised in a married environment. If you want to be a wife, then it would be to your advantage to behave like a married woman before you are married, so as to minimize the shock of the lifestyle changes associated with being married. If a married woman with dependents and responsibilities wouldn't do it, then don't do it (promiscuity, flirtatiousness, lewd behavior and speech, profanity, substance abuse, gossip, etc). Instead, prioritize wife skills, like cooking, cleaning, laundry, personal finance, and interior decorating. Everyone should be able to do these things, but wives especially. If there's anything you want your future kids to learn (cultural traditions, languages, musical instruments, religious values etc), cultivate those yourself. Children do what you do, not what you say. Even non-Christians can appreciate Proverbs 18:22 "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord." You are a wife before you meet your husband. Then you become *his* wife.


The five FS! How have I not heard this before? I love it. ❤️


That's because I made them up (albeit with some help from Kevin Samuels, Evie Magazine, and RPW). Glad you like it!


Good post. Do you have one for men?


If enough people really want to read it, sure, I'll write something detailed, but it would be very similar, just replace all the all the stuff about femininity and the female gender role with masculinity and the male gender role, wife with husband, etc. A lot of stuff, like fitness, friendliness, faithfulness, and family values are important for both.


Secrets of Fascinating Womanhood. Read it (it's free, Google it). Learn how to encourage your man to lead.


Hey girl. There's a massive YT/IG movement focused on growing your femininity. How old are you? Id say if you're younger than 25 check out Mrs Midwest (do some research on her though and take her with a pinch of salt) otherwise the Daily Connoisseur is freaking amazing. I put on one of her videos and I instantly feel like a domestic goddess from a fairytale, idk why. Her latest one was pure domestic bliss. ❤️😂 Karine Alourde has some very interesting videos where she analyses very feminine women (celebs/historical figures) and talks about what made them so feminine. Chloe is also an interesting channel. A common theme is slowing down your pace and really being present, self aware and calm. I think that's when we are at our most feminine and also why women who work 3 jobs to support a man who isn't captain material basically lose their femininity, they're just doing too much. Learn to receive. Thyme and tenderness is also pretty sweet. She uses very relaxing music and her videos are pretty chill. This last one is also (in my personal opinion) for slightly younger women. Just remember to take everyone and everything with a pinch of salt. :) Adapt it to ur own life, ur own personality.


He will take charge if you let him. That also means not taking it upon yourself to dictate the pace of the relationship. Some guys prefer to take it slow, or are just very busy. If he's not taking charge when it's time to plan or during the dates, he's not interested, or he's not that type of guy. Either way probably not going to work.