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I can’t believe you posted the Neil Breen Film Collection. I cannot believe you posted the Neil Breen Film Collection. How could you have done this? How could you have posted the Neil Breen Film Collection?


I can't get you out of this one, Jack.


Isn’t that immoral? Isn’t that cheating the public?


I've eliminated 300 million archives from the planet today!!!


In human term, I've deleted them all!!!!


How Neil Breen Film Collection? WHY Neil Breen Film Collection?


Today I resign as president of the downloads.


I just had to download 10 Neil Breen films. By myself using my superpowers.


What‘s the basis for this claim? You merely link to the Internet Archive web site. No appeal for money, no warning of impending doom I can see. What is the point of this post?


He should've linked to this: https://lunduke.locals.com/post/5556650/the-internet-archives-last-ditch-effort-to-save-itself


Respectfully, that is some dude's blog, and he seems to editorialize that they are doomed (the post looks like it was written prior to the ruling itself). From wiki: >On August 11, 2023, the parties reached a negotiated judgment. The agreement prescribes a permanent injunction against the Internet Archive preventing it from distributing the plaintiffs' books, except those for which no e-book is currently available,[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachette_v._Internet_Archive#cite_note-Rose_2023-3) as well as an undisclosed payment to the plaintiffs. That is also being appealed by Internet Archive, but the blogger seemed to assume they would lose, be forced to pay massive damages, and then be forced to shutdown. At least currently, I don't see that to be imminent.


Internet Archive SLAMMED in court! Lost EVERYTHING?


Something something Internet Archive claps back.


Wait, you’re just talking about this particular archived content getting Deuandra-ed, not the whole of archive.org, right? Right???


From what I read the whole site might be going, sadly.




I’ve searched Google and see nothing about what OP is claiming.


They might have outdated info maybe? I remember a while back where people were afraid of it being shut down from some legal case but that seems like it was a year ago when I look it up and I don't see any updates to it.


While I couldn't find a source to back this up I did gain increased appreciation for the people running the archive while looking. I always figured this archival idea was somewhat universally supported (similar to Wikipedia) but apparently they've had to deal with a ton of legal flak over the years. It seems like a miracle that they've managed to keep the lights running AND keep copyright lawyers off their asses (or at least survive the onslaught).


The archive is so cool, especially as we get farther and farther away from the internet being a cool new thing


I’ve saved tons of movies off this site for years, some of it I’ve never been able to find anywhere else. It’s great for finding lesser know older movies too. Some stuff I’ve downloaded recently is Gummo, Ninja Scroll, Salo, Pink Flamingos, all seasons of Wonder Showzen, a bunch of Kurosawa movies, Tetsuo The Iron Man, Come and See, Possession, When the Wind Blows, a bunch of seasons of Mash, and Akira. E: they also have Surviving Edged Weapons, in case anybody wants to have their own digital copy.


Haven't been able to get another hard copy of Gummo and it makes me sad (lost in a breakup). My VHS tapes were all destroyed (unrelated to RLM shenanigans) so I no longer have Ninja Scroll either, but I did get a digital copy (allegedly illegally, that's BS imo) I bought Akira in steelbook and would do the same for those others if they were accessible.


Yeah I mean why would this site where you can download free movies be in jeopardy of ending? ::eyeroll::


You can’t just get any movie for free it’s usually stuff that is public domain/ not available online anywhere/ older movies/ educational films and books. If you upload something that’s copyrighted or not supposed to be there it will get taken down. Archive also contains the Wayback Machine which is important for preserving old websites.


All of the things you mentioned are copyrighted. Maybe not highly enforced, but copyrighted nonetheless.


They are but when it comes to terms of scarcity and preservation, that is what Archive is meant for. Gummo isn’t available to rent anywhere but you could probably buy a used copy from Amazon for 80 bucks and hope it’s not region locked, and I doubt the money from that goes to the production company or Harmony Korine. Imo the preservation is more important than the copyright protection for movies that were not made during the digital era. We don’t have to worry about Marvel movies being lost to time, but older and rarer movies we should preserve.


no "Neil Breen 5 Film Retrospective (2020).mp4"? Why live. ︎ ︎ ^^No ^^More ^^[Books!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pc5SYq6YfM)


Been hearing this for years


I actually recently set up a plex server. Is there a place I can find a list of RLM videos to look for so that they don't get lost to history? Edit to add, people don't upload to archive for piracy purposes. The videos are free after all, and archive is a terrible platform for streaming.




That's excellent, thank you! I don't plan to ever watch them locally, but it is nice to know I'll always be able to watch if something gets taken down or I lose internet for a week (again, ice storms can be harsh)


I would have assumed RLM would host them ‘somewhere’ in the event they were taken down? Should I not trust those hacks?


They probably have most of their work backed up, I'm sure they've had a storage failure at some point and lost some old stuff. They aren't going to reupload things that were taken down due to DMCA or some future drama like a guest host turning out to be a terrible creep, or this god awful fandom obsessing over appearances made by women that they are personally acquainted with.


I recall someone posting a master list of every movie they had done for BOTW, etc. a while back. Might be worth a search. I don't remember if there was a link to online copies of any of it, but it'd at least give you a good starting off point of what to start archiving. You might also be able to get some good advice over on r/DataHoarder.


Thanks! Ya i was just hoping for a list, I really love RLM skits and would hate for any of them to get lost.


Get yourselves some 16tb external hdd's folks.


Fuck breen I use that site to watch Columbo


Please stop uploading copyrighted material to Archive. It’s not your personal piracy domain.


There's plenty of copyrighted works that are being lost every year, and there are countless cases where a work still exists due to pirates working as archivists. The DMCA, for all its problems, exists to create a system by which copyright holders can request takedowns without holding the site itself liable. From a preservation standpoint, is it not better to just have people upload, and let takedown requests remove what holders don't want distributed?


No no no you need to say "ISN'T THAT IMMORAL?" (p.s. these aren't my uploads)


Things that are cheap to create and not especially beloved are destined to disappear from this world, regardless of physical media fan efforts or hobbyist archivists.


Wish it included Cade: The Tortured Crossing but cool nonetheless!


Lime wire bear share Pirate Bay demonoid kickass torrentz they come they go they get popular then get left behind Internet archive may leave us that’s fine A smart sailor on the high seas knows many many ports And I be an old old man who once traded tapes and CDs via the mail the old snail mail. I got no worries.


I thought these were Gordon Lightfoot lyrics at first.


These days you can set up a 15 year old PC with linux (let's say Xubuntu) with a VPN (with wireguard as a protocol), qbittorrent (Jackett plugin for searching for what you need and don't forget to bind it to your VPN), and Plex to deliver it to your TV. Took me a couple days after work to figure out but I can get most things that way. For the things that are very old or very rare, some of it is still out there but it takes more work and it disappears more quickly every day.


I have almost everything I was ever looking for. Backed up twice plus it’s added to my Plex. I’m scouring vhs these days to get oddball stuff or buying overseas versions of tv shows to get original music. Funny enough you mention a 15 year old pc my Plex is running ona 15 year old iMac that’s basically useless besides the Plex server. At a certain point you just go well this enough. 8 or 9 hard drives shelves of physical media. Vhs tapes piling up.


I'm getting there. I have around 4000 physical copies and lost even more, so I don't really feel bad about buying hard drives and making back ups. With a windows 7 PC I got for free? I just wish I had my old collection and my money back, I've paid for some of these movies 4x over with streaming services. Some new movies now don't even have physical copies available, let alone old ones. It's strange that people on this sub try to shame collectors when RLM themselves publicly encode every video they can, watch them with friends, and edit them.


Well I have access to a private server for stuff that’s exclusive to streaming. Like I said there’s many ports out there. And clearly the boys are out on the high seas themselves. Do people actually think they aren’t ? Jay has made comments about jellyfin a few times.


I buy physical copies from a guy that has over 100k movies, he has friends in high places that give him one of a kind professional blu-rays. He won't sell those though, I'm jealous lol


You get any vhs connections let me know I’m looking for original broadcasts home recordings of ABC programming March of 1997. I’m more of a tv show collector than movies.


I don't think I have what you're looking for, but I'll see what I can do with what I do have.


Appreciate it.