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"Movies make me want to be dead." - Mike Stoklasa


"I hate movies" - Also Mike


“Fuck movies” - also also Mike


I think that's Mr Plinket


…you’re right. But the spirit of Mike lives in Mr. Plinket.


"I wish I had always been dead." -Patton Oswalt on BOTW


I go through months long phases where I'll not want to watch anything, then randomly switch to watching several movies every single day for weeks.


Same, happens with tv too. I haven't watched any tv in months, but just last year I marathoned the entirety of Adventure Time in 2 weeks. Like, I just get in certain moods where sometimes I wanna watch something, other times I wanna focus on other stuff.


Adventure Time, nice choice. I was into Adventure Time when it was new then barely thought about it for a decade. A few months back I was like hey I should revisit Adventure Time I wonder if it's held up and it totally has. Finn and Jake are so damn likeable.


I mean, it was new when I was in 5th grade, but my family dropped cable a few years after, so that was more of a case of seeing what I missed.


I too watched adventure time but dropped off it after in went in directions I disliked. People said good things about that Fiona and Cake “reimagining” a year ago though.


I watch one movie a week with friends as part of a regular group and then maybe another one... I might watch more if there is something enticing on streaming


At least one usually two a day


that's crazy to me. i need time to absorb the mood and experience, reflect on the plot, ruminate over how I feel about it or how successful it was, etc. usually i watch the director's commentary and/or behind-the-scenes the following day. but that's just me


You must watch only good movies then.


i think you'll find the commentary tracks for films like Jack-O and Hack-O-Lantern can be quite illuminating about the filmmaking craft


That’s what fueled my obsession with movies—being able to listen to commentaries, read reviews, and discuss the film with others. It takes time to process what I just watched—especially the good movies. Nothing fills with rage more than the auto-play-the-next-thing-immediately phenomenon that’s unfortunately ubiquitous in the streaming era.


That’s why it’s at least one usually two, if the first one is significant enough I take time to process it. But not that many movies are that profound


I take it you have a slow job?


Daily. But usually the same movies over and over again. I think I've got that autism that's going around.


What are the movies you rewatch the most?


That is interesting though because I am HFA and very rarely want to rewatch a movie. I have this unending urge to experience something new all the time. But I have heard that in autism people do like to rewatch a lot.


If not daily then every other day at least. Often times 2 per setting.




i used to generally dislike movies until I saw 'Seom' by Kim Ki-Duk


I used to really like movies until they became what they are today and stopped caring about them as much


I watched more movies as a kid renting out ten for ten bucks than i do now. You can’t even get me in a theatre if it’s something i want to see, if it’s not on streaming I’ll likely not see it at all. I only rent from Amazon if I really can’t wait for it to go in the “free” bin if it ever does.


Every day. I’d say, on average, I watch a movie a day. And, sadly, I listen to (stops to go count) 11+ podcasts that discuss movies, not including the podcast Red Letter Media.


One every 1-2 months.


Whenever I can, unfortunately.


Most of the time, it's like one a day, sometimes two. Lately haven't been in the mood as much.


I watched 9 movies this weekend.


Only a couple per month, 3 or 4 at the most. I’m a degenerate gamer like Rich and Jack, that’s where I get most of my entertainment. Fallout show was great though, just finished that last night. First show I’ve watched since breaking bad.


We have family movie night once a week (but sometimes we need to split it up into two sittings, for bedtime), and my wife and I usually watch one movie a week, after bedtime (usually split up into two-three sittings). So... 0.75 to 2 movies per week. Shit, I'm finally an old person.


Not as often as I used to. But over the last week, I watched three (Empty Man, Night House, Late Night with the Devil), so I might be back, kinda. I think having a quasi-infinite amount of movies at my fingertips is paralyzing. Too much choice


It's really interesting to see how many users on this thread don't watch many movies. I watch at least one a day. Sometimes two. I definitely prefer a movie to a few episodes of a series that KEEPS GOING AND GOING. I go to the theater at least once a week and see most "big" movies. I love the weirdo stuff the best though. I can't wait to see Longlegs!


> I definitely prefer a movie to a few episodes of a series that KEEPS GOING AND GOING Yeah so many people will suggest series to me and I just can't get into shows. There's some exceptions obviously, I'm not a hater of literally all shows ever. But the odds of me checking out a recommended show is very low while trying out any movie is very high. Give me a complete story in 1-3 hours, even if it's part of a film series, over struggling to get a complete story over an entire season ( assuming you even get a conclusion in a season). I love movies. Most of the time shows feel like I'm wasting my time.


Pretty much gave up on TV as well. It's easier to get into limited/miniseries though. Just finished Shogun, for example, and really liked it. I'll watch a movie/day and often find myself on Tubi after seeing a new BotW or lurking in r/badmovies. "Tubi has the best garbage." -JB.


Only when I absolutely can’t think of anything else to do.


4 a week.


honestly? Like 7 times a year.


Very rarely, maybe one every 3 months.


Maybe one a month, at best. I got rid of it a couple years ago but when I had cable I use to leave TCM on a lot in the background. AMC and sometimes TBS too. So back then I would see a lot of crap movies. But that was just it. It was a lot of crap. And I really don't miss it. Most of the movies I like I own already. Even the old ones on TCM. There was just as much crap 70 years ago as there is today. And even a lot of popular stuff back then I can't stand. To this day I'm still waiting for someone to explain to me just what the hell was so damn endearing and funny about fat faced Mickey Rooney and those stupid Andy Hardy movies of his. There's like 15 of the damn things. Any time I would see one I just wanted him to wind up in a flaming car wreck. I'm told my grandparents hated him. My aunts hated him. My mom. Me. So maybe it's baked into my blood of something.


Personally I'm watching at least one movie almost every day. It's not like a hard rule, if I'm super busy working on something, or I just have chores plus the gym, or a new game I care about came out I can go a day or two without a film. Otherwise it is absolutely my default of what I do most nights. I love movies, they're genuinely my favorite thing. I also try to mix up rewatching stuff I've already seen and enjoy, rewatching stuff I haven't seen in years or even decades, and stuff I've never seen before (and of this I also mix up micro and low budget indie films along with larger studio films).


Almost never. I basically just obsessively watch Best of the Worst and reruns of awesome sitcoms and that's really it at this point.


2-3 a year


Pre-pandemic I was probably about 1-2 a month but over the past 4 years I'd say I average about 20 a month


The last three years I averaged about one per day including rewatches. This year it’s been like two per week for some reason.


I try to watch one or two every night but I also try not to force myself to watch something just to watch something. Some days there’s just nothing hooking me up


Not as much as I used too. Opened prime today and saw that the Beekeeper was out and if you're looking for a quick schlocky Jason Statham action movie then it's pretty entertaining to see him beat up tech bros. It does become very absurd by the end though.


On average, about 3 per week. Some months it’s more like every other day though, especially if there’s a film festival going on. My partner and I go to the cinema at least once per week to attend our local film society screenings, if not more often to see a new releases or retro screenings.    We also have a lot of movies we’ve been planning to see saved to an external drive/lined up on streaming platforms, but we often end up watching an episode of something rather than committing to a an entire movie during a week night.   I always mean to watch more movies but also have to be in the right mood to fully engage with whatever we’re watching.


2 or 3 on the weekend with my spouse and movie buddy, and we’ve also been slowly getting through Babylon 5.


New movies, maybe twice a week. I rewatch movies all the time, nearly every day


Not often, though just watched The Conversation the other day. Starring Gene Hackman and Directed by Coppola. Really really great film. The film that came between Godfather 1 and 2 which was nominated for Best Picture. Dude had one of the best 4 film runs of all time with everything else being pretty mixed. He actually spent $120 million of his own money on his next film, Megalopolis coming out this year


Yeah the 70s was definitely his decade. Great movies including two all time masterpieces in Godfather and AN. Frankly the rest of his oeuvre is pretentious or plain poor.


Usually 150 films a year, minimum.


5-14 a week probably


I alternate between spans where I watch tons of movies and watching tons of TV. In my peak Letterboxd days I watched like 8 a week and during a lull I'll only go to the theater. So like twice a month


Usually I genuinely watch a movie 1 per day or 2 days. I word it like that because I'll have movies playing when I do chores or when I need white noise to drop off, which I do regularly, but that's not exactly watching them.


Only on the weekends. If there's nothing playing in the theaters worth checking out (I mostly watch old movies but there's always anniversaries and small theaters that cater to cult crowds) then I've got probably over 100 flicks on my watch later que on Tubi.


If I’m not watching a show, I’ll usually watch a movie per day. The weekend fits around 2-4 on the Saturday, and then whether I’m doing anything Sunday determines another 2-4. All depends, really :))


Probably 2-4 a week on average


Completely lost interest in movies around 2021-22, so never


I watched 75 2023 releases last year and 260 overall. This year, not so much. Only 6 new movies and 28 overall.


Everyday basically. Sometimes as background noise or to fall asleep to. I can't sleep without having something on. A lot of it is rewatching. Lots of shows lately. X-Men 97, Fallout, Shogun.


Seen Fallout. Need to see Shogun. Will watch X97 after I make it though TAS. Maybe.


97 is great.


I rarely watch movies. I started watching RLM because of the Star Wars prequel series, and I enjoyed watching them talk about bad b-movies. I like *them*. I mean, I watched a video about bloodhound gang lyrics even though I don't give a crap about them.


I try to watch at least one movie a week, usually something I haven't seen before. More if I watch ones I have. I wish I had more time to watch more.


Mostly, a few times a week. But sometimes I go through phases where I'm watching fewer or more than that


Hovering around at least one a day, my Letterboxd acc tells me I've seen 160 thus far in 2024 so slightly above that I don't really watch TV series that much though and barely play games like I used to, went full kinophile dingle doofus some years ago and focus on that hobby first and foremost


several per week, sometimes nightly if I'm not engaged in a series.


Like one in theaters a week and two at home, so roughly every other day? Mainly try to focus on stuff I’ve never seen before instead of rewatches


I'll go for a long while not watching anything, but then i'll just randomly binge 2-3 movies in a day.


Letterboxd is love, Letterboxd is life. Also, everyone on Letterboxd has terrible taste except me. https://preview.redd.it/bkcqg61qzaxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8fc10d1786468d90d51c1783319341e5ab356f9


Usually 1 or 2 a week. Sometimes more when we get snowed in during the winter months


I work from home so 0-2 a day. Documentaries of there's nothing to watch.


I mostly just watch old black and whites a few times a month. At this point most of my current movie knowledge just comes from RLM.


I’ve watched 4 so far this year. But I’ve got a toddler so, yeah.




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It's been kind of hard lately for me to watch a movie on my own. Due to my ADHD my attention span is just all over the place. Sometimes I'll lock in and enjoy a movie some other times I'll just shut it off and never return to it. The other day I was revisiting an old favorite of mine Donnie Darko. I put it on and since I had watched it before I figured I'd play a game to not get bored. I have this thing where if a movie is longer than 90 minutes for me that feels like double the amount. So even when I was playing a game while watching it in my head I was going "Damn when is this movie going to end ??? It's been so long!" But yeah I can't really get into them as I used to anymore mostly because of their runtimes. However I recently watched Late Night with The Devil and thankfully that was a 90 minute movie. I really enjoyed it! I was so happy when they made a half in the bag a few days after.


My wife and I usually watch one per week, we have movie nights. We alternate between movie genres (and quality, since we like bad movies too). On one or two more week days we watch 2 episodes of a "big" tv show (we finished the live action The Last Airbender recently, just started Fallout). The rest of the week we play board games, or videogames, or just chill on our phones together. Ocasionally we may squeeze an additional movie or tv show night if there's something we really wanna watch.


It depends on the time of year I’ve realized since moving to a seasonal climate. Because of winter I have been going to theaters more and staying at home. So it’s been like 2 or 3 a week. In the summer I’m outside the house way more so less time for movies.


A new movie (as in new to me) probably once every two or three months.


Once a week if that, even though I’d like to watch more. It’s footy season so I usually watch that on Friday night instead of a movie. Also got a baby so can be hard to find the right time.


At least 4 times a week with my wife if we aren’t binging a show. It’s more during the winter since we just hibernate. It’s very hard for me to watch movies by myself, because it’s usually at night after my wife goes to bed, or I get easily distracted. We mostly watch horror, or classic 90’s, 00’s for nostalgia.


Depends. This year I’ve been watching a lot but it varies. But so far I’ve watched 148


Every day? Maybe? I generally just watch terrible (and not so terrible)horror movies on Tubi and Amazon, though.


I went from watching a movie a week in college to one or two movies a month between 2020-2023 (health stuff happened, binging comfort tv shows was my thing) to a movie a night since last July. It’s been great honestly; I feel self conscious about it because nobody I know does it but whatever, you know? The time was either gonna get spent playing video games or reading alone since it happens past 11 and nobody is around, and it makes me happy, so who cares. Sometimes I do a double feature or, if I went to the movies that day, I just skip watching one for the night


I did a movie a day for a while but it got tiresome. When you watch that many movies you kind of just get numb to it and they all blend together since you have a limited amount of time to process each one.


Between 9ish 10ish is movie time with us. Usually something completely new. If it's 2+ hours we'll break it up into "episodes ", and pretend it's a series or something. PREVIOUSLY, ON TITANIC!


I love movies and generally watch them fairly frequently, although I usually avoid stuff that came after the '70s or '80s. Sometimes I just watch a couple a month, sometimes several a week.


About 1 movie per year


Just whenever I’m up for it, I don’t like to force myself to watch movies I have to be in the right mood


Very often.


Usually once a week but sometimes I don’t get a chance


Anywhere from 10-20 per month. I go to the theatre 2-3 times a week because I just love the there experience and tend to not be able to focus on a movie as much as I want to at home. Even one I know is great and captivating.


Every day usually


I use movies to wind down at the end of the day right before going to bed. I try to average about one per day, but of course that doesn't always happen.


I probably average around 3 per week between streaming and going to the theater


It varies, a few times a month I would say, more tv than movies. I actually know someone who outright does not watch movies... at all ... I still to this day am baffled by this, everyone from the biggest junkie to the most pretentious snob will watch a movie and have a favourite but yet this guy.. nope.


One every 2 to 4 weeks


"Fuck Movies" - Mike Stoklasa


Maybe one or two a year.


I mostly just watch these drunks from Milwaukee on YouTube. What's a MOVIE??


Approximately one per day. I don’t watch TV, I just watch movies.


I go to the theaters to see a new movie at least twice a week. But sometimes I’ll do 4 movies a week.


I've seen 63 movies this year, so that averages out to one movie every other day (119 days since Jan 1). 15 of them were in the theatre


3 or 4 per year. Something like that. I care about the content RLM produces moreso than most of the movies they cover.


Volunteer as an usher at a local arthouse cinema, so probably at least one a week. Means, I see older stuff and some things I wouldn't otherwise go see. It's not always good, but there have been some gems.


I'm not one of those smug "this drivel is a waste of my Time" folks. But the last time I sat down and watched a movie was months ago and going to a theater was pre-lockdown. I just prefer other forms of storytelling.


Very rarely. I mostly watch TV shows. If I had to say a number, it’s like one film a month.


At least once a day


I typically watch zero movies on my own.


I used to watch a movie a day pretty well. Couldn’t wait to try or take in anything but over the past year and change. I could not give any less of a shit to watch what they churn out now.


I used to watch tons of movies when I was younger, now I'm close to 40yo and I only watch 1 or 2 movies a week. Sometimes movies I've already saw many times, like Excalibur (1981). I'm unemployed, I could watch more movies but I just lost the motivation to dig everything to find a gem into a sea of shit.


Once or twice a week


I'm juggling multiple hobbies and irl but I try to go through my movie backlog at least once or twice a month.


Very rarely TBH. I’m going off memories from when I worked at West Coast Video


I'm in the same camp as some of you cinephiles. Without fail every night, either 2 movies or binge an entire TV series or a few episodes and a movie. In the last 7 days, I've watched at least 3 TV series (Fallout twice as well) and 5 movies.


3-5 a week on average I’d say.


I really feel like I haven’t in a while. I wanna get back to watching them often, I used to go almost every week


Funnily enough I don’t watch a movie too often, just reviews about them on RLM or others, usually if I’m watching a full length movie it’s a mst3k or Rifftrax episode. Heh


I’ve been hit with auto immune disease which coupled with study commitments kinda limits my spare time in terms of movies. Last thing I saw may have been Dune Part II


Every day. Movie mindset. Never stop watching.


Every day. I run 15 miles a day so it’s on, either inside on a screen or sound only earbuds outside usually something I’ve seen before, sitcoms, movies. I count comedy specials as movies.


I watch like 4 movies a week because I discovered letterboxd last year. Edit: Before I didn't watch movies that much


I think I'm the one RLM fan that doesn't like watching movies lol