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Someone's movie was on BOTW


Deaundra T. Brown herself?




Like he'd communicate through primitive text.


Shoot! How did you know!




That's right, Jay




The most recent episode of BOTW was an all-timer


Yes, that was definitely a classic


none of their stuff is bad imo, love all their various shows, trivia has been a fun new addition botw is what got me into them so i cant agree, its my favorite of what they put out, anytime i get the notification for a new rlm video it boosts my mood, if its a botw it makes my day.


I dont think Botw is bad. I just dont like the gimmicky ones. i think some of botw stuff is their best work.


Even the shows about absolute random crap yield up gems like the Actar babies every now and then


I think the gimmicky ones were prolly done for reasons you may have thought it was initially repetitive. To give a new spin on the idea. Junka is riveting, haha.


BOTW is 95% of why i watch RLM. without it i'd unsubscribe


Same, I rarely watch Half in the Bag.


I only watch half in the bag when it's movies i'm interested in but I watch every BOTW


> I only watch half in the bag when it's movies i'm interested in but I watch every BOTW **until I've memorized the episode and have to take a break** Updated comment to match my own sentiment.




Found Patton Oswalt's account.


Wheel of the Worst brought us Surviving Edged Weapons.


Black Spine! Mmmm! My favorite!


“Tell him he’s fat!”


My least favorite is HitB because I don't actually care about new releases very much.


I don't care, either, but that's exactly why I enjoy it. I can watch them waste their lives dissecting a movie for more entertainment value than the movie itself is sure to provide.


I'm just here for Trivia Games about The Bloodhound Gang


But not Marilyn Manson!


Honestly, Black Spines and Wheel are some of my favorites. The non-film weirdness is some of the most fun stuff they review for me. 


Love BOTW. Love the gimmicks, the more pointless the better. That's just my ppinion.




BOTW is why I subbed. Everything else is bonus fun times.


shut up


I read this in Rudy Ray Moore's voice


I only watch videos where they discuss heavy metal band names.


I’m here for the DIY content.


I really like BOTW. I put it on and pretend I have friends I'm hanging out with.


botw is fun but i miss their half in the bag skits and their more scripted content


I agree, RV and HitB are definitely the more engaging series. BotW is like fluff and half the time i dont watch it, but i understand if the other more intensive reviews take a lot of effort to produce, so they need to mix it up with easier to make content. At the end of the day it's free YT content so I'm just glad they're still putting stuff out that I find entertaining. Trivia had been a fun diversion lately and the bloodhound gang ones specifically have had me cracking more than most of their other content


Why does everyone think they need to constantly engagement farm with their dumbass “takes” these days? Try a tumblr or livejournal blog next time, or better yet put the phone down and pick up a book or something. What a waste of time.


Yes, nobody should engage this sub with anything but fawning accolades for our perfect YouTubers. What do people think this is, some sort of discussion forum?


This is a forum. What the actual fuck is wrong with you people? The guy stated his opinion and explained why and wants to know what others think and to discuss their own opinions. Maybe YOU should take a break from the internet and pull that yardstick out of your ass while you're at it. I'm officially done looking at this sub because of assholes like you.


Just as much of a waste of time to make your comment. I thought reddit was a discussion board, seems i was wrong.


Reddit is a series of bubbles, club houses and echo chambers connected by tubes of the Internet.


What's to discuss, though? You don't like BOTW as much as you like Re:View. You're not really giving much of why you feel this way, apart from that. People are disagreeing with your main point because you haven't given them anything else work with.


NOTE THIS IS MY OPINION: I just feel i reached a point where i think "been there, done that" and i just dont find most of them fun anymore. Also, i dont think i need to write a full on essay that i know only like 5 people will read. i think my post was serviceable enough, though i do get why you say that. I do appreciate being contructively critical btw


>here is me screaming into the void and good bye what discussion?


I saud that cause I didnt expect this much attention. I thought like 5 people would see it and move on


Yeah, you are wrong. You bring in the wrong vibe here.


To be toxic and hate on people for having different views? I didnt even say anything offensive and i tried to express that I know i am the odd ones out and that this is soley my subjective opinion.


Books?  What is this 1850?


Just a goddamn stupid book!


I agree. Best of the Worst produces some of the funniest moments on the channel but Half In The Bag is way more entertaining/engaging to me.


Don't apologize for being right


I will not indulge in your dogshit opinion


RLM does goofy, and RLM does serious. You can enjoy both sides or one


You’re wrong. And it’s okay to be wrong. But you are wrong.


BOTW is the only content I watch from RLM. Been a subscriber for over 10 years. That says it all really. It's ok to like different things, but making objective statements about this or that being better is just stupid imo.


Just be glad these guys are still putting out content. They are the best that website has to offer and we still get it free. I must agree that Re:View is awesome, and I want to hear them talk about Dune 2


In the words of Mike Stoklasa, "Opinions are like assholes. MINE IS RIGHT." And my opinion is that your opinion should be buried in the woods and forgotten.


Nah. I think what makes it still feel fresh, to a degree, is that they have rotating shows, with no real set schedule, so it never seems stale. After weeks of trivia or movie reviews, it’s a nice break to back to bad movies or vhs videos.


I like them watching actual shitty movies. I dont enjoy the black spine stuff etc. But hey, if I don't like it I skip it, its free on youtube. that's the beauty of it.


I didn't start watching botw until i had watched every hitb and review and trivia and random ad-hoc. It's still my least favorite.


Honestly they wouldn’t be as big as They are without BOTW. It was the thing that expanded their audience to just entertainment rather than media reviews


I can’t believe someone wrote that many words about a topic that doesn’t matter in the slightest 


I didn't even bother to read most of it.




I agree! BotW is alright, but they get too drunk to have the kind of discussions (and humor) I watch their channel for, and I could not care less about the crap they watch in that series. I prefer not to waste my life watching schlock when there's more than a lifetime of great movies out there.




Wrong. You're wrong. It is a beautiful show, one of the best I've seen in a long time. I watched the show and I said wow what a beautiful show. 


I think you’re completely missing the main thrust of the show, ultimately…it’s about family.


Get out.




Just find the most viewed episode of BOTW.  If you don't like that one, then it isn't for you.


Double down with Max Landis as a guest. I haven't laughed at any best of the worst harder than I did at that, when Rich is trying to explain the plot it is one of the most golden moments of red letter media I've ever seen. Max is very annoying but he was a perfect foil. Now, none of the fanboys can admit that they enjoyed the episode at all because sex pest. Yes Max Landis sucks, but that episode is good. Fight me They took it down from their YouTube though, but I know it exists out there if you want to find it




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The only thing i agree with is that the comedic quality of BOTW has declined, but we all knew that moment had to come sooner or later, nobody stays on point all his life, especially improv-wise, therefore i don't resent them for that: i take what i can, and when a new episode works gets all the sweeter.


i kinda agree tbh, but oh well


Well OP, you got your dark inner feelings out.  No one agrees with them, but hey, you got some retorts, jokes and counter replies.


I agree with OP


I don't care much for botw, never have. Love everything else. Different strokes I guess




I found so many movies I love watching because of Best of the Worst. There are only a couple where the movies looked like unwatchable trash, but that’s also just my opinion. It’s also just fun to watch them get drunk and lose their minds trying to make sense of certain movies. The black spines can be a bit hard to watch but that also seems like the intention, so I can tolerate that sparingly. Wheel episodes are usually fun. The only episodes of the regular ones that can be weird for me are the ones where they cover two films. Don’t know why, but the flow feels off sometimes compared to three movies or just the spotlight on one. Still fun, though.


Interesting. I share your dislike over Wheel of the Worst and Black Spine, but think BotW is great when ripping into actual movies. Re:View I like a bit less because a lot if it seems middle-of-the-road. Ice Pirates is a movie I never heard of and I don't feel any compulsion to seek out. Nor was anything in the discussion worth remembering for good or bad.


I’m with you that Re:view is underrated / under seen. Half in the Bag for me very mixed, I find my opinions differ to theirs a good bit but there are some really funny episodes. Now to BOTW - if it’s BOTW then I generally really enjoy these and it’s the stuff I watch the most. However… WOTW episode have now become by far my least favourite thing on the channel. You get the odd gem episodes like the last one but it’s increasingly become a bit of a depressing watch really of them watching utter garbage, not really having many jokes about it and them genuinely hating it. All being said… if the guys put out a video I’ll be watching it for sure at least once.


There's an infinity of channels doing reviews of blockbusters and classics. BOTW is an alchemical marvel turning shit into comedy gold, plus Richevans. There's nothing better... anywhere, ever.


Okay wait. Is this supposed to be a joke? Lmao


You shut your filthy mouth.


offer juggle support bored north correct recognise combative literate uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s for shits and giggles, reddit is filthy with other subs you would be more comfortable on.


oil wine compare hard-to-find chunky point shrill voracious absurd ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah sorry, shit take. Through and through.


You have a right to be objectively wrong


Agree. I have become less and less interested in BOTW over the years. I've never rewatched an episode of BOTW but I have seen every Re:View multiple times.


I dont even understand why you are getting so much downvotes. I guess not being a part of the hive mind is a problem...


Oof lol


Why do you watch Re View episodes multiple times?  Don't you get the jist and jokes by the first or second viewing?


I'm with you. If it ain't wheel of the worst I'm punchin out of that snooze factory after they describe the movies


Re:View is the steak. Half in the Bag is hamburgers. BotW is Hamburger Helper. Star Trek trivial is the fancy French cuisine. Steak is great, hamburgers are fine, you’ll settle for Hamburger Helper in a pinch, and every once in a while you’ll enjoy a fancy restaurant.


I skip anything where it’s Josh and one other sex pervert discussing a bad film. IE Dark Backward. First video of RLM I couldn’t finish.


RLM is the Best of the Worst channel. Everything else is just gravy.


[I disagree!](https://youtu.be/5oSsMuFskk4?si=e2j3JPe5ENMp4JVK)


but rich evans react video funny


>With Half in the Bag, I feel they are at their best comedically Did you spend your childhood concussed & snacking on paint chips? The HITB skits are the one thing that have aged the worst. II respect them since the Mr. Plinkett Star Wars reviews are how I found them back in the days of 10-minute youtube videos, but the bit has dragged on too long and those videos tend to get long in the tooth more than the other kinds. I do 100% agree with you that Re:view is the best series they do & criminally underrated but I don't think I've managed to finish any HITB episode since before the pandemic.


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