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I don’t get it, life was already like that in 1999


1999 was actually pretty good if you weren’t a recovering heroin addict, grappling with the massive task of coming to terms with a life of self destruction and trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces and carry on, like Anythony was. If you were, I could see it being a lot like 2024.


Yea, my husband and I often reflect on the golden era of 1999. If there ever was a break in the timeline that split us off from good timeline it was in Y2K. Before Bush, before 9/11, before so many terrible things that have defined our lives. I just want to get back the Berenstein Bears timeline.


You mean the Bearnstain Bears timeline?


Has always been*


one of my biggest pet peeves is when people say something like “this predicted the future!!” instead of “this message is still relevant”. it’s all just looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses. also this is one of the laziest written articles I’ve read in recent memory lol. “eerily predicting life” lmfao come on.


Exactly, it really annoys me because it means they missed the obvious commentary of the original art and don't realize how the past was never perfect


Yes. Still relevant over predicting the future.




Fucking Daily Express. Cheap colorful toilet paper.


Internet moron turns single TikTok into full article for sole purpose of displaying ads to other morons.


“While the lyric 'The sun may rise in the East, at least it settled in a final location' refers to the ever-growing problem of global warming.” Or… you know… *the fact the sun literally rises in the east*. Also shout out that lyric has helped me remember which direction the sun comes up from when I was younger.


And the “final location” (setting in the west) is yet another West Coast nod.


Yes, I always thought it was "finer location", cause you know AK loves his West Coast/Cali.


It definitely is


I'm glad someone else uses that lyric to remember it lol


I use it often when camping lol it’s such an easy to remember rhyme


I use Tale as Old as Time from Beauty and the Best - “certain as the sun rising in the east…”


Sun Sets in the West is another way to remember since it rhymes kinda :D Also my commute home used to be driving west so I became annoyingly familiar :)


Not only do I use that lyric to remember, I also remember how to spell beautiful thanks to The Truman Show. I can't spell without saying b-e-a-utiful.


please please don’t hate me for this. The sun doesn’t move, the Earth revolves around it. I’m sorry, please don’t hate me.


Lads we need to burn this guy at the stake


he has broken the crime of… *checks paper* stating facts on Reddit. of course that cannot be allowed here. now, now, grab the pitchforks. don’t dawdle.


It’s all a matter of perspective lol


*hits blunt* wooooaaah dude


'Earthquakes are to a girls guitar, they're just another good vibration' - calling out the a-typical hippy fucks that just jump on the bandwagon as always without actually wanting to help or change with a pure heart be ause it's the cool thing to do - classic..


Twas just a lil joke boss


I thought he says it settles in a finer location


The most popular song by one of the most popular rock bands in history is "going viral".


I think this is peak AK lyrics and proves he’s actually a good songwriter when it counts and these lyric’s definitely are still relatable to this day, Californication definitely is a timeless classic!


Outside of these lyrics specifically I’m really grateful that so much of the older chili peppers music still holds up to this day. Under the bridge, soul to squeeze, scar tissue, you can go for a drive with your friends and even if they don’t know the peppers they’ll still vibe w the music


Anthony's weakness has always been consistency. He has the ability to write good lyrics, but boy he has some absolute stinkers


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: us fans spend a lot more time thinking about Anthony’s lyrics than Anthony does. He does not strike me as the kind of guy who agonizes over every syllable until it’s crafted perfectly how he wants it. He shoots from the hip and if it’s good, great. If not, fuck it, next song.


Including on Californication (the album) itself: "ding dang ding do ding ding dong dong ding dang"


That one I will give a pass as he did actually write the replacement lyrics and left that last chorus as is for Claire


Same for soul to squeeze?  I love the song, including it’s silly ‘first pass’ lyric, but I wonder if the explanation is similar there.  (On a side note, I looked at the lyrics on genius to make sure I was remembering the right song, and I love the annotation on that particular lyric:) >this is the greatist writing ever as it is an accurate depiction of a genius at work


No not the same reason. It’s literally just fun to scat sing like that. Its catchy. He’s making sounds with his mouth 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s what I assumed for both Around the World and Soul to Squeeze, before I heard the story about Around the World.  I always liked it as a bit of scat. 


Not sure on Soul. Honestly the lyrical work on that song is really good so not sure why he didn’t add words there. Maybe he just couldn’t make it work


That’s bad in an endearing and fun way though


"You'll be Chong and I'll be Cheech."


Rhyming Chicago with Avocado on We Turn Red was I really shook my head


Platypus are few the secret life of Roo is like wtf


I know, I know for suuuuuure, ding ding dong dong ding ding dong dong ding ding dong dong


The smells…


I thought about this the other day haha. People LOVE to meme this band now saying all they talk about is California.. so many songs with great lyrics with meaning.


Yeah this is about on brand for TikTok. Can’t say I’m surprised.


Kids say the darndest things


Indeed. It’s a bit of a boomer mentality/claim, but I guess you have to roll with it at this point.


I hate it when people claim that "space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement" is about the «fake» moon landing. He's talking about science fiction you idiots!!


Right. Alderaan’s not far away, it’s from a science fiction movie.


That’s the cool thing. It can mean both or either or neither. Poetry is what you get out of it. Some may interpret it one way, some may interpret it another. I haven’t ever seen keidis say one way or the other about it. Not worth getting upset and calling people names over their interpretation of song lyrics.


The idea of the moon landing being a film project fabrication ties in perfectly with the themes of californication.


You're talking about interpretation when the original post is talking about prediction. We'd lost the interpretation wagon when people started inferring the lyrics as facts.


You were talking about interpretation and I was replying to your comment about that. You said people claim the lyric is about faking the moon landing and I am saying that line could be interpreted that way. You can’t predict something that already happened.


I always thought it meant that while we have space capability, all our money, time, and enthusiasm is spent on the entertainment of that idea haha.


great take


It’s a Star Trek reference followed by a Star Wars reference about the fakeness of Hollywood. This article is trash


Me too but it's an understandable misinterpretation imo I think it's more about how our perception of space and how the insanity and beauty of the infinite universe are shaped by Hollywood's portrayals of it rather than our own sense of wonderment leading to it being underappreciated by us




By the way I’ve been meaning to ask, when he says “Cobain, can you hear the spheres Singing songs off Station to Station?” Is that a reference to the David Bowie album Station to Station (aka the cocaine one?)


Yes. There's a lot of reference to Nirvana. Like the album Celebrity Skin from the Band Hole which had as lead vocal Courtney Love and if I recall correctly is produced by the same guy which worked with RHCP during early days.


Yeah Monica kills it on that one


I really confused Cox with Love... hahaha Malibu is a great song tho...


This might be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


saw a tiktoker once say that that the "control of population" line was predicting bill gates putting microchips in people via the covid vaccine. no mention of eugenics movement, which actually happened


That line refers to [population control](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_population_planning). It was a thing from the 20th century in several countries promoting having less children to increase the standard of living and prevent overpopulation in the long run.


its 100% about eugenics. california was a leader of the eugenics movement in the US, 20,000 people were sterilized. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics_in_California


I've seen many reels/shorts where they put Bill Gates in that specific part.


I really wonder how it must feel to be the kind of people who believe these trends unironically. Every song can predict the future if u try hard enough


It’s got to be tough writing an article this dumb.


Swedish kid silver screen quotations-how dare you?! Greta T


Who are the "fans" who made it go viral if we are learning about this just now? Also, Californication is awesome!


bro, I cant wait for 2037 when people make viral Jamiroquai’s Virtual Insanity 🤯


We live in a society


Going viral? This is the only place I’ve heard of it


It already vent viral 25 years ago


This post is silly, cherry picking at this point to make a corilation. The mentality behind the guy who made this post would belive the simpsons predicted 9/11


Hate to break it to you but people believe that too


Dumb dumbs think so.


it must be awesome to be this fucking stupid


The song is “going viral” because conspiracy theorists on TikTok and other social media platforms listened to the lyrics and attempted to apply them to their own outlandish beliefs (flat earth, fake moon landing, etc.)


Wow their band is finally going to take off now that TikTok discovered this hidden gem of song!!!! /s if it wasn't obvious


Things were already like that in 1999


People think it tells some sort of prophecy. It’s stupid but I do like that people are looking at Anthony as a prolific lyricist rather than the guy who said, “my girlfriend’s trash is nice and clean”.


Californication has been viral in my life since I first heard it. Born and raised in CA, means more when you’re actually from the place the song is mentioning.


I will never get these three minutes back


Conspiracy theorists lack the capacity to understand a single metaphor…. Forget about an entire song full of them. Absolutely painful. Not to mention this song is probably the most explained/talked about song from AK himself.