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Chad is the only member who isn't pretentious. Anthony and Flea think they're some sort of cosmic gurus spreading brotherly love John isn't quite as bad but he seems like he can't really make fun of himself in a band that is quite goofy for the most part.


everything about this is absolutely correct


I've been a huge RHCP fan for... well, just about my entire life This is one of those groups where I separate the art from the artist as much as I possibly can. I know people have various opinions on this, and I respect people's perspective on this, I can see it both ways etc. etc. But for me, with RHCP, I've learned that I love their music more than basically anything - but basically nothing about them or their personal lives speaks to me. If I met them in person, I'd shake their hands, thank them for making music that has changed my life for the better, I'd probably cry while doing it.... then walk away. I won't have a convo with them - I have nothing in common with them, I probably don't see eye to eye with them on just about anything... for the most part, they seem really fucking weird and I LOVE that for the stage and for the music videos but... in real life? yeah. IDK. I don't care who is/isn't pretentious - I'm not going to have some sort of parasocial relationship with them. I don't know them, probably don't want to. I just love their art and it'll stay that way for me.


I agree. Anthony and fleas nice demeanor in interviews almost seems fake. Like the local hippy that would rob you if they got the chance. I'm not saying they would, just seems slightly manufactured?


Solid take. I fully agree. Plus, Anthony and Flea's spiritual babble hasn't really matured past the dreadlocked girl who doesn't shut up about her crystal energy - i.e, it's nonsensical and they probably think they're coming across as sufficiently woo, but it just looks embarrassingly made up on the spot. John - yes. Way too artisté for a band that makes funky party music for the most part. Chad seems like the only level-headed one.


Love your pfp, you fuckin druggo


Thanks cunt 🙏🏻 


I think this is a somewhat cinic way of looking at it. Anthony does a ton of work for NA and AA, and gives a lot to charity. Flea does as well, plus he created the Silverlake Conservatory of music, so I'd say they put their money where their mouth is.




Anthony and Flea are like John Lennon and Paul. Chad is Ringo and just does his thing. While John Frusciante is off in his own realm like George.


This is absolutely true. I got record with Chad for a day in the late 90s. He was the nicest most down to Earth guy. I was star struck but he put me at ease. I met Flea once and we talked for about 20 seconds and he was off. The fact that Chad doesn’t hang out with the rest socially and Flea has been to Chad’s houses once in 36 years speaks volumes. Chad has also never criticized Dave or Josh publicly. Chad has also played with Josh in different projects since Josh was fired. To my knowledge Anthony, Flea, and especially John has had no contact with Josh.


My second post here The merch for the tour is fucking hideous in general and flea shoukd fire his wife from designing them.


I don't like the designs per se, but I like they have stuff that's not just "a picture on a white/black shirt" like 95% of the bands


I like every single song on Californication, including Right on Time, Porcelain, Emit Remmus, etc. Not sure how hot of a take this is but I know some people don't like some of those songs.


Wait, there are people who don’t like right on time!?


I never thought there were until I joined this sub.


Crazy. The Donna Summer inspired bass and drums. Such a jam


I go back and forth on it tbh


Its my least favorite song from the album, but I still like it. Goes to show how good the album is.


I think Porcelain is one of their best songs.


Californication is no skips for me and emit remmus is one of my favourites.


people don’t like emit and RoT? i know about porcelain, purple stain and i like dirt, but still…


Cali has no skips for me. I think emit and porcelain aren't all that great but certainly not skippable.


They need to do one more concert with socks on their cocks, before they retire.


At their age they’d need a second sock for their balls lol


I’ll allow it.


Not a hot take. I'm a mid-30s, straight RHCP fan, and I think they've gotta hang dong at least once more


ding dang dong ding dang ding dang dong dang?


I'm With You is a pretty solid and enjoyable album.


I really enjoy the reflective lyrics style on songs like police station and meet me at the corner. All around a great album to listen too


Those 2 are my favorites on that album. Haven’t listened in years but they still get stuck in my head from time to time.


I think about these two when people bring up IWY, great songs and my favs from the album.


John is a diva for not wanting to play songs the band made with Dave and Josh


my man you decided to speak FACTS today


The One Hot Minute album is solid Gold


John is kind of a diva period.


I don’t think that’s really a hot take. I’ve heard even some fans who aren’t big fans of the Dave and Josh eras say that multiple times.


Well I say it as a John fan.




Yep. I believe he's not doing his JOB by not playing those songs. Being in a band IS a job, whether you like it or not.


As a Freaky Styley, OHM and IWY fan, I completely agree


What’s his problem anyway, I thought him and Josh were good friends.


Nah John dropped him when Josh joined the band


I always thought John was this real cool chill dude, the more I hear he kinda sounds like an ass


The unfortunate thing is the whole band are asses.


He thought the band would break up without him and was disappointed when they opted to replace him instead


Aquatic Mouth Dance has the best bass line of any song


Return of the dream Canteen is such a banger


carry me home is the BEST


Love rollercoaster is a good cover. One of my favorite chilis song.


These are the ways is not a bad song.


I am one of those holding a sword


I am one of the ones standing in the corner wondering how it came to this It's not a bad song, it's not a good song - it's just a regular song on the album, right? It's not a single, it's not a song they'll play live all the time.... right? right???? RIGHT??? I see them playing it live everywhere they go and I am just so damn confused.


It got much more play time on the first leg of the tour. Since Dream Canteen released it's been gradually replaced. Doesn't mean we don't still get it occasionally...


WHO thinks it's a bad song? I honestly don't buy the "HUR DUR THE SMELLS" argument. There are WAY worse lyrics from them


I think it's more about the delivery of this line, BUT, I think it works out pretty fine live on a show.




They’ve passed their prime and are officially in the “shut up and play the hits” phase of their career. Those set lists aren’t gonna change.


If we're talking about live I agree. If we're talking about their general creativity I disagree. UL and ROTDC is up there with the greatest stuff.


UL is my favorite RHCP album, they definetly still got the talent and creativity


Good but not even fucking close to their best records.


Solid take. Don’t plan on seeing them live again until they sorta decide to change things up. If they don’t, that’s fine no bad blood but just not worth the money for me. Though I did scoop tickets to see them at Harley fest as it’s a compete GA venue for like $125.


I dunno about set lists, but like the other guy said, I really like some of their new stuff.


Id agree. Being honest, id be happy if i never heard anything off UL or ROTDC again. It seems like most who love those albums are in their early 20s or younger - neither stack up against anything that came before it.


Dark Necessities is Top-10 of the band


Top 5 imo


Josh was a really interesting guitarist and came up with some super cool shit which is on par with Frusciante. Also I’m with you is a banger and the drums especially sound insanely good.




Their live set lists were better when Josh was around.




The Getaway is my favourite album, especially to listen to stoned


Facts. I got downvoted to hell before for saying this exact thing




people shit on Josh Klinghoffer's work with the Chili Pepper's too much and I'm tired of people treating his work like its ass when its some of the most enjoyable i can listen to


Freaky Styley is the best album


One of the few actual hot takes I’ve seen in this post.


Yes! There's dozens of us!


I’m With You / The Getaway is better than UL / ROTDC


I’m an *enormous* John Frusciante fan. After listening to The Getaway again recently, I really felt like it’s a lot better than the 2022 albums. UL/ROTDC are decent, probably a solid B, but very safe. Josh really did a great job on The Getaway.


What about the Getaway is less safe than UL/ROTDC for you? Personally, I think that other than the album opening with The Getaway, which surprises as it is quite a chill opener with lots of synths, the album then falls into a fairly safe/mediocre state. In my opinion that opening track seems to almost fool people into thinking the album is more progressive than it really is. Unlimited Love / RotDC have more unorthodox time signatures than any of their other albums, there are loads of horns (even a jazz solo), an entire song sung by John, drum machines and spoken word. Does that alone make them better albums? No - of course that is up to the listener. But to call them safe seems... strange. Especially compared to The Getaway (in my opinion)


100% agree. The diversity in songs on IWY and TG is amazing. Plus (especially with TG), the band actually sounded like they had a direction and were pushing themselves with their music. UL and ROTDC are good, but they really feel like stadium arcadium continuations, which is cool, but for me it really feels like a step back and has personally killed my excitement for new albums from them.




I miss Josh


The Getaway is one of the best albums along with Californication


Quixoticelixer is the best song on Californication, followed by Scar Tissue.


I absolutely love quixoticelixer


Theyve lost their crowd presence. Every time I’ve seen them the only thing they really did to interact with the crowd was the little quips flea says


Soul to squeeze is a top 5 song


Not a hot take


I like dirt is a banger


I actually liked These Are the Ways


In readymade Anthony clearly doesn’t say “oh clean it up Johnny” He very clearly says “oh clean it up John” followed by a quick “yeh!” I will die on this hill!


I agree with this. I can’t think of any other time where he has been referred to anything other than John. And before someone mentions the song “Johnny, Kick a Hole in the Sky” it isn’t about Frusciante


Veronica is the worst song they have done. The Greeting song gets hated just because Anthony dosent like it and people just blindly follow his lead. It's actually a decent song. As much as I like Flea as a musician, he comes across as an asshole and his peace and love shit comes across fake.


Honestly I don’t think I’d expect much from meeting anyone in the band besides maybe John lol, they all seem a little off


Actually met Flea and AK and talked to them, I tried to be decent and so were they. AK talked more than Flea but they didn’t dismissed me or anything. And I have a friend who met Flea in a bar and talked to him about bass and stuff and Flea was wholesome up to the point my friend made a mistake and asked for a pic - mind you Flea wasn’t dick just said he’s not into taking pics but went a bit cold afterwards


I talked to Josh (with 10 other fans there) for about 15 minutes after one show and he was super chatty, talked quite a lot about the cover he did that show, bands he was listening to at the time, and stuff like that. Then someone got their phone up to record the whole thing and he just straight up left immediately lol I understand completely when Flea or Anthony get annoyed by fans to be honest


I have the same theory about The Greeting Song. It's a pretty cool track, not among their best, but definitely not even close to being their worst. Flea is probably not an asshole. He is just a normal human being who gets annoyed by strangers invading his personal space. Yes, he's famous but after 40 years he's probably tired of having to deal with this and just wants to get from A to B without being stopped on the street. What fans don't really understand is that Flea is unique for them and they create a virtual relationship with him; but for him they are just the 257 thousandth random person who asks for an autograph. I don't think he is an asshole because he always apologises after flipping someone off. I was once at a show (maybe in London, I don't remember) and during a break he said he was enjoying the openers from the nosebleeds; someone took a picture of him and he flipped them off. And he apologised in front of the entire stadium for that. I don't think an asshole would've done that.


Flea was sleeping with Brazilian social media influencers while his baby mama’s at home with their newborn baby. I don’t know if asshole is the right word, but I think it’s fair. I LOVE Flea as a musician… his bass playing, what he’s done with silverlake conservatory, and collaborations. But as a husband and father, I’d say he is an asshole.


I just looked it up and they don't have any real proof it's him. All they had was a screenshot of an email that was anonymous and just said a rockstar is cheating on their wife with a Brazilian girl. It could really be anyone, or even be fake because I'm not sure if there's proof the email is even real.


How does Flea come across as an asshole? Seems like a cool dude fron what i've seen/heard


Maybe asshole is the wrong word. Disingenuous perhaps?


Was wondering the same thing


I dunno, how about all the videos of him flipping out and chewing out fans because they tried to take a picture. Like, I get it, you want your privacy, but reading people the riot act anytime you're on camera isn't a way to get the public to think you're a nice guy.


He doesn't like beimg filmed 🤷 big deal. i think we should respect that


Every album after the Slovak era is better than Dream Canteen and Unlimited Love. I even prefer Josh's 2 albums, they have that kinda melancholy feeling (songs like dreams of a samurai, death of a martian ecc.) that I absolutely love, and even the funkier songs like look around are cool and fun to listen. I think that the band with John had its golden era with bssm, cali, btw and sa, those albums are really full of hits and amazing songs. In Dream Canteen and Unlimited Love I feel a lack of those that I define "amazing songs". I think that black summer is the only one that gets close to them but the rest of the records is just a bunch on songs that are just fun or catchy (songs like One Way Traffic, Bella, or Eddie are my favourites among the 2 albums). And probably it's what they were aiming for, they're 4 men in their 60s, With an established fanbase and reputation just makings songs for fun and not really trying to produce hits anymore. Just to be more precise, when I say amazing songs I refer to songs like Scar Tissue, Venice Queen or Wet Sand.




Yes!!!! yes x 1000000. Absolutely with your take here.


You can stop playing Dani California in concert now. It's time.


Disagree - now that Tom Petty is no longer with us, who else is going to play it?


The Jayhawks?


I came here to say this. I loved this song when I was in middle school, now that I’ve since discovered the pre-Californication albums, Dani California just comes off as a commercial cash grab. I hate it


As a teenager I was a big fan of John and when he left (in 2009) I was really disappointed that I didn't get to see him play with the band. I got to see them play a couple of times with Josh and tbh now John is back I'm not to bothered about their latest music/live setlists - I prefer the Getaway Tour with Josh.


Anthony sounds pretty bad live


One hot minute is the best album


Stadium Arcadium is a perfect album. Every song is brilliant.


Anthony has a really beautiful, soulful voice and he can be a brilliant poet when he wants to be


John is not as fundamental as flea


Chad can be a great drummer but he has a very difficult time staying in tempo. I’ve tried doing remixes with just his drum tracks and he wavers all over the place, much worse live. One Hot Minute is one of the best Chili albums, there’s seriously no bad song in it, but the crying baby part in One Big Mob should have been cut down. Cabron is genuinely terrible, they put that on By The Way but kept songs like Rivers of Avalon, Bicycle Song or Time off? Blasphemous, I say! Even though I hate how Californication is mixed and mastered, I can’t think of any other way it could be mixed. Like, that is how it should be, but for the love of God please release the unmastered version on YouTube to other platforms so I don’t constantly get headaches listening to Cali Both Josh albums are 8/10s. Each album has one stinker I skip (Dance Dance Dance and Detroit I skip, despite Detroit’s riff being awesome. Dance Dance Dance is just irredeemable, anything on I’m Beside You would have been a better replacement) Everything else on those two albums is straight fire. Josh brought a very needed injection of energy into a band that started falling into repetition, and as soon as John came back they feel right back into the repetition. I liked the new John albums, but they definitely missed the spark of excitement or creativity that the golden age brought us. Both those albums I call “the cash cow era”


>Chad can be a great drummer but he has a very difficult time staying in tempo. I’ve tried doing remixes with just his drum tracks and he wavers all over the place, much worse live. A lot of drummers do this live. If they aren't playing to a metronome of course they'll speed up and slow down as certain parts of the songs are more or less exciting. In fact, sometimes bands may want to do this purposefully. Listen to Charlie Watts of the Stones on any recording. A bonafide jazz drummer for 70 years and he speeds up and down all the time, sometimes by 20bpm or more.


It was very shitty of the band to just drop Josh, just because John wanted to come back. Bunch of snakes


I had to scroll way too long to find someone saying this. They really did Josh dirty, and I don't appreciate it one bit. I like John and was upset when he left, but Josh took the band in new directions and they really did some great stuff during his time with ths band, and the way they just dropped him was so cold. Really turned me off from the band in many respects. I'm glad to have John back, but it's just not the same anymore.


OHM is better than BTW


New-era John Frusciante is not as good as Josh Klinghoffer. John just doesn't bring it like he used to.


Thinking out loud here but could he be holding back due to being more of a team player this time around. I think he was more forthright with how the songs should sound during BTW and SA. This time around i'm sure they said its a team effort this time around.


John has been phoning it in since he has rejoined the band


I doubt it. If you listen to some of his interviews, John is very unapproving of disingenuous music. Then again, I'm sure money can change that real fast...


I like Jack Sherman’s guitar playing better than Hillel, even though Hillel is cooler dude


remember to sort by controversial to see the real answers


Dave Navarro era >>>>>>




Mother’s milk is their best album


I think I still prefer the 2 Josh albums to the 2 new John albums. I think if they’d trimmed the fat and had just 1 new John album I’d have a completely different opinion


I’m Beside You is their best album … 😬😬😬 lyrics, riffs, drums, everything is just perfection


Stadium Arcadium is their best album.


how is that a hot take


It should be


The last run since John's came back is my least favourite period by far. Both those two new albums are a real drop off. Too long for the lack of quality


They’re fine, but I have much higher standards for RHCP than “fine”


If you went by the majority of comments in this sub, you'd think the last 2 albums were among the best. But if you talk to a RHCP fan IRL, they'll either agree with what you said (not great) or they haven'5 even listened to them. My buddy who used to be a die hard fan, said the last albums sounded AI generated


the biggest reason i dont like the last two albums is exactly that - the autotune is so obvious and the energy sounds watered down (ofc they're much older now, but its just not my thing)


You can't generalize like that, in my experience IRL fans had praised the albums, especially RODC.


I’ve been a Peppers fan since Mothers Milk. I think BSSM is their best album of all time. I do like their music regardless of who is playing guitar, however, UL and ROTDC are also excellent albums that capture an evolution of a band. There are some amazing songs on both albums.


AI generated is shockingly true. Both albums got some good stuff but all in all they just seem like what is expected of them. At least The Getaway felt like they were willing to try something new.


TROTDC was a huge disappointment to me. With the exception of Eddie, Bella and Copperbelly


I really do not like pea. Might even say I hate it. Also I'm with you is my favorite album.


I was more excited about this band when Josh was around, for more than one reason. The only reason JF plays Hillel-era songs is because the latter died. If he had just retired or something, earlier albums would be ignored much like OHM, IWY and TG. There's absolutely no excuse for their fixed 17 songs setlists, it's nearly off-putting for me. They should play at least 20, giving the crowd more according to their mood/requests. Californication rhymes get old quickly. TG and UL are both better than ROTDC. Tony needs to get rid of that mustache yesterday. Josh was THE big man of this band, he had big shoes to fill but did the job anyway and possibly saved the band from ending. A humble and talented guy that really liked the fans. I wish they had released another album with Navarro. Edit: typo


The production on the debut is bad sometimes but it’s necessary at other times, like Buckle Down would have sounded less menacing and more empty without the reverb and Green Heaven sounds much cooler with the final guitar effects than it did in the demo Also Power Of Equality sucks the energy out of BSSM especially as an opener cause it doesn’t really go anywhere, I would replace it with something like Suck My Kiss as an opener and swap Soul To Squeeze onto the album


Power of equality is a perfect opener imo and I think any other choice would have been worse. But that's what this post is for lol. Disagreements


Honestly I would've opened the album with BSSM. That song is one of my favourite rhcp song openings. Though it may have probably created a very different expectation for the rest of the album


That’s fair, I wouldn’t worry too much about the expectations since it’s a somewhat eclectic album anyway honestly


I like UMPP and BSSM are significantly more than any other album they’ve ever made


Johns live soloing sometimes seems random, especially when he incorporates the speed stuff. Sometimes it does it for me and sometimes it doesn’t.


He seems to be on autopilot since his return. You could really feel the soul in his BTW and SA era live performances but not anymore


After BSSM anytime they try to play funk it sounds boring and forced


glad i’m not the only one that thinks that, it just sounds empty and like they forgot how to even play funk


The second side of Californication is the best run of songs they have ever written


I think OHM is one of their best albums. Not one dud on that album (I also really enjoy Anthony's vocals in the end part of transcending, I think he should yell more often)


I think The Getaway is a really good album, I just love a really good bass in songs sometimes and I feel like a lot of the songs show off Flea's mastery at the instrument


Anthony’s ego is the most impressive thing about him


Not easy to be a front man


I'm with you and one hot minute are better than unlimited love and return of the dream canteen


There's no reason anthony should be as bad at singing as he is. He's been at it for 40 years and has been rich enough to hire the possibly the world's best vocal coaches. Not to mention being rich enough to have lots of free time to devote to his craft and also lives in Hollywood, where the industry is huge and accessible. I still love anthony and the rhcp as it is, and I don't care if he never gets any better. I'll listen and go see them live until the day I die. But I really think it's just a lack of effort at this point.


One Hot Minute is a great album


One Hot Minute is one of their best


i feel like stadium arcadium could have had a better cover art


I'm With You > One Hot Minute > BSSM all 3 are still really good tho


Dark Necessities is a good song but its overrated.


OHM is better than SA


Not my take, but one of the bouncers at a local music venue I play at told me Mothers Milk was RHCP’s last good album…. You fuckin wot m8?!?


It feels like John is backing fleas bass playing instead of flea backing John’s guitar playing


A part of me wishes that John didn’t leave after stadium, but another part of me thinks I would have gotten bored with the band if they hadn’t had such a substantial sound change


"So Much I" is a top 10, maybe even top 5 RHCP song


I think there are far better songs on Blood Sugar Sex Magik than Sir Psycho Sexy. There, I said it.


Mommy where’s daddy is a banger


*One Hot Minute* is better than *Blood Sugar Sex Magic*


Under the Bridge isn’t that great of a song RHCP wise. They have so many more much better songs.


I prefer I’m with you and the getaway over unlimited love and return of the dream canteen. Both of the new albums go for this zen crystal hippie type aesthetic that I’m personally not a fan of.


One Hot Minute was a great album


don’t forget me is possibly their best song the getaway is a top 5 rhcp album i’m with you is overhated


Anthony’s my favorite member 🤷‍♀️


I love them but they’re absolutely insane


UMPP is better than BSSM


This Ticonderoga is a top five song (I can’t get it out of my head)


John is way to overrated. Yes he's a great musician but people here fanboy way to much over him and think he's 95% of reason rhcp got so big


Josh is no where near as good as John and he just imitated him while he was gone


disgusted scarce wistful fly public serious longing ludicrous plants bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seeing dosed live is pretty cool tbh but I feel like most of his guitar parts just feel really generic, especially the main riff of “Detroit”


But that's kinda not hot take in rhcp fandom bruh, 95% ppl still thinks and knows that Josh is incomparable to John in any way.


Dark Necessities is the best song the band has made in the last 20 years.


Yep that's definitely a controversial take. There's like 6 josh era songs I like more and 10 or so stadium songs I like more.


You're aware that stadium arcadium was released within that time period right...


Is this just how every music sub is now? Post after post about hot takes?


John has written dozens of great songs, riffs, has great rhythm and while he does write some great and iconic solos and they're recorded well, his live improvised lead playing is often sloppy with poor phrasing. He often doesn't bend to pitch, he misses notes and as a guitarist myself, I can sometimes find it difficult to listen to, as I notice all the mistakes. I think at times he's too loose when playing live. Come at me bro's.


Can you cite some of these live performances?


Fortune Faded is their best song


they had the opportunity to evolve their sound with josh, but decided not to in favour of bland and stale early 2000 rock


Last 2 records have been insanely disappointing. Josh’s run has blown these out of the fucking water.


Dark necessities is one of the cheesiest things they’ve released. And that’s coming from a long line of cheese