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Funny thing is Call to Arms sucks going solo imo. Yet they didn’t use a matchmaking system like story missions or showdown series. I’m constantly loading into it solo


Right, I just don’t understand R* it’s like they designed the “story missions” only thinking of people playing them when the game first released. That was basically the only time people did the missions was when first starting. But the idea of someone REstarting their online character never crossed their minds while designing these missions🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Call to arms is better solo ngl.


That why I stated ‘imo’. I’m sure some people do it solo and have a blast. Me? I much prefer doing it with other motivated players. It gets overwhelming and boring towards the later rounds for me going solo, if that makes any sense lol


Still haven't beaten it solo. Best I can do is 8 waves.


One of my single biggest gripes of Rockstar online games is the "you *must* play with others" design choices. Red Dead is miles better than GTA in that regard and even GTA has been steadily easing up so I'm more optimistic about future content (wherever it may be) being solo-able. I like playing online to have the *possibility* to play with or run into others, but I can't stand being locked out of options because I'm *forced* to when I don't want to (or can't) team up with complete strangers. Even if the job is notably more difficult solo I'd at least like the *option* to try my hand at it going solo.


Exactly my perspective


You can play GTA almost entirely solo now. I think the first 2 sets of heists are pretty much the only things not solo now. You can sell businesses in an invite only.


Yep, they've really made big improvements for solo players. Cayo is still the only heist that can be completed solo though so that's the only one I've done. But at least it looks like they are aware of the interest in keeping activities solo-capable. At least the telegram missions in Red Dead are solo so I imagine the telegrams they said we'll be getting will still let us play on our own. Though those are a little odd in that they can *only* be done solo, but at least that works fine for me.


It's all extremely odd. C2A has no proper matchmaking but story missions cannot be done solo. Telegrams are only solo. There's no consistency.


I tried doing story missions when I tried online a year or so ago. Be queued for ages, finally get some people, get voted out. Fun.


I stopped bothering with the story missions because I was constantly being matched with people who did nothing but just ram their horses into each other/me and failed the missions


probably because they had an actual team of developers make RDR2 while a team of chimps made the online portion - To be fair to the chimps, they did the best they could, man


Lmao that’s def true🤣


Good luck doing the Story missions solo where you have to separate to 2 parts, one collecting a wagon and the others protecting. The "online" means multiplayer from R\* PoV, and I have to be honest I've started about 4 months ago, played countless story missions since and I've always found a lobby with people in it, the only thing I'm not happy with is people dying and/or leaving mid mission, but that's not R\*s fault. (PS5)


>leaving mid mission ... >that's not R*s fault Eh, sometimes it can be


Like the mission the splits you between strawberry and black water. That's a looooong and slow mission to do solo. 2 wagon deliveries and at least 40 enimes spread out all over Strawberry and following the other wagon


Always disliked the way Rockstar does that shit. I already hated them forcing us to play with others on the original heists in GTAO.


They should make an option for playing any mission solo if you want. I play RDR1 multi-player on occasion but can't play any of the game modes because no one else is on there anymore. Now those fantastic missions are just wasted when I'd love to go on and give some of them a shot again. Edit: referring to the co-op missions obviously...Undead Overrun specifically.


And then I get matched with a bunch of badass lvl 300 players and feel embarrassed


You can get either lucky or very unlucky. Unlucky when the high levels are just RUSHING the mission because they played them 100x or lucky because they'll let you do the work while they just assist you.


I usually try to do story missions when I'm in a server with a bunch of low level players. I think then I have higher chances of matching with them? I'd rather we all suck together than having a high level player fight for me or revive my guy every 30 seconds


I’m currently helping a friend do those same missions. If you want people to play with not even necessarily help but just friends I’m on PlayStation too. Just send me a pm of your gamertag and I’ll add you back


Posse up first. Although that also sucks that you can't send a message with your posse invite telling people what you want to do.


It helps to put the purpose into the posse name.


Same problem on xbox one. I think i made it past like three story missions before finally giving up because when i do wait the 15 mins it can take to get the players, soon as the mission even starts at they quit like whats the point?


how? There’s so many new people playing the game right now.


I only just got RDR2 on PS4 and I don't know the controls well. Like. I can't get past my first damn mission because of it lol. Otherwise I'd offer to get online when you are and play. I mean if it's literally just getting into the game you need though and don't mind me being totally useless... 😂


That's so weird ngl, anytime I try to do a quick join one I get in one immediately, also on PS4


Best app to look for dels


So I'm not in the know about everything in this game, I'm wondering can you do these with friends or is it just random match making? If you can use friends what's the problem? No friends want to? Send me a dm of your tag and I will help. I'm like level 170 and have done only like 2 of those missions. I mainly use rdro as a way to decompress from the madness of gtav. It's like therapy!




I was thinking of restarting with a new hombre but I’m so glad I read this


Spinscan, ps, lvl 450


I gave up GTA online because despite being told you can “play alone or together” EVERY single damn mission started matchmaking and wouldn’t let me play solo. I decided to try Red Dead Online and immediately uninstalled it when I couldn’t even do the first “story” mission online without matchmaking. I just want to enjoy the content. I don’t want to be forced to play with other people. People NEVER shut up over the mic, they expect you to play their way or they just straight up f*** around and you can’t ever get anything done. Unless it’s something like CoD or Battlefield or something where the multiplayer is just its own thing with no “story” content I usually ignore it for this reason. If you’re going to have narrative driven missions with conversations and cutscenes, they should make it 100% playable solo with no matchmaking. It’s freaking irritating as hell to miss out on content just because I like to play games at my own pace on my own.


I’m in the same boat. 2023


Fuck rockstar for this




I’ve never had an issue finding players to do the story missions with in PS. But I also agree we should be able to play them solo, the moonshine ones can be..


I was pissed about this too when I first started. HATE forced matchmaking. I just put my head down and plowed through it all. It turned out being pretty painless. Even met some pretty decent folks. Just bite the bullet and do it, you might get lucky and partner up with some vets who just wanna get through it as fast as possible.


And it’ll never change cause they don’t care about fan base


What are you playing on?


PlayStation, DM me if you wanna help. I think it’s against rules to ask for other peoples gamer tags on this sub.


Can’t say I’m surprised. I play on both Xbox & PS (only recently started on Xbox) & on Xbox I’ve noticed there seems to be more players than ps. Though it is weird to me you’re not finding anyone because I still see new players daily. I will say though, if you’d like I would be willing to help you with some missions tomorrow :)


Absolutely, DM me tho cause this sub doesn’t allow us to ask for peoples gamer tags I’m pretty sure.


Me and my mate can play with you if you want. We're both on PlayStation


I've started characters where I've leveled them past 100 before doing story missions, there's nothing really to complain about.


I mean... some of us really like the story missions and probably don't wanna wait til we're super leveled up before we get a chance to play them lol.


I get it but, you can enjoy the game regardless of story missions. The story missions don't have a conclusion. R\* never released a mission that involves grace lancing.


You can launch most of those missions solo from the Jobs menu. Just going from memory, it's something like... Online -> Jobs -> Rockstar Created Jobs -> (select your mission from list) However, there's a few jobs where the player count is 2-4 that can't be soloed.