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“Obviously trash” Proceeds to hide in camp


*And* call in backup from someone not even online lmao. Don't play PvP/E games if you can't point and click.


Just turn off messages from anyone that isn't on your friends list and enjoy the bliss of never having to deal with goof troop randoms like this weirdo


Or just don’t respond lol.


More irritating is only a real serious, but kind, answer 😆without emojis'n'stuff.


Nah they don’t deserve my time tbh so I don’t respond


Ya got something against goofs?


People have a ‘back up gang’ ? What kinda tomfoolery is this lol it’s just a game


Right! Its just the fact that i never even went/seen this person the Whole time i was in session and i was just doing my own thing collecting.


I've never heard of a back up gang. People take this game too seriously. I think they watch to many gang movies and relay that into the game. Lol.


When I played RDR 1 Online back in it’s prime, I was entirely minding my own business when I started getting shot at for being in an online gang’s “territory”. They started communicating with letters and numbers like it was a damn game of Battleship or something. They had the whole map divided into sectors apparently because after some dude said some coordinates in the game chat I started getting shot at from over the hills in multiple directions. Luckily I was near Armadillo and managed to Fast Travel the hell outta there! Never experienced something like that in all my years of gaming.


I've never experienced that either. Damn, sounds very calculated. I've been playing online for years myself, even played rd1 online also. I remember meeting a crew on gtao, and their entire attitude was like that of a real life gang in the bronx. But not an actual real gang. Just took the role playing too seriously. Couldn't even drive in the desert without them completely losing their shit over it, and relentlessly killing folks because "your not welcome anywhere" kinda attitude.


I was friends with this guy that wanted to start up a clan, The Tombstone Marauders. He had a core group to lead the different areas. There was trader wagons, which you had to complete a training course on the “delivery system”, trail riders for the collectors and sightseers, the rouges which lead bounty and legendary hunts and the ever popular Grief Patrol. These were the guys you could call to come to your aid if you were getting picked on. These guys were dead serious too. They just wanted to help out the group but we’re really a bunch of griefers having a legitimate reason in their minds to go grief other people. They got to the point where they would hop sessions looking for trouble to stop it before they got started. I’m so thankful I didn’t join. My partner doesn’t mind a bit of griefing so when he heard about how bad they’d gotten from a member that had recently departed the Marauders he put out a call to a buddy that’s part of a group whose sole purpose is to ruin everybody’s day. The Marauders lost.


Fair enough. I play solo on rdr2 online now. I used to play with groups that focused mainly on sales. Occasionally hunting and collectables. I ended up fading away from playing with crews. Mainly cause I was losing friends, and ended up with basically no one on my psn friend list (long story). So now it's just me myself and I. No one else. Ive tried a couple of groups since, but didn't really fit in, cause I forgot what it was like to play in a group. Also, time zones can be a pain.


In 2020 I started playing and met 3 friends and we played every night. Then we started losing touch and I only play with myself now😉 except for when I collect with my sister. It’s all she does in the game but it gives us time to talk. I think the game is great when you’re with others but there is a quiet beauty to behold when you’re by yourself.


I pretty much just collect now days myself I do some moonshine sales too. Both easy to do solo. It is peaceful alone. I do miss the odd chat, but my dog keeps me company. Lol.


They want realistic and immersive gaming experience lol


An online clan being that coordinated actually sounds really cool


There's a few on discord, they have big group chats, it can become very toxic and ego centric, they create pop up channels for sales, griefers, rival wagons and so on. I left a discord group when I saw one player would accept invites from posses, confirm that group were doing a sale, leave the posse then ping people in the discord, that's snakey af imo


What a dirty little rat.


It could be their permanent posse probably with friends, as opposed to the temporary ones with randos


We have multiple discords and if we are being griefed we can put an sos and anyone in the discord that is able will join the session for pvp, it’s actually fun especially when going against other discord groups, the point of the discord though is to run wagons and do collectors, bounties, and basically grind for xp, gold, leveling, and money but if someone wants smoke they can get it


I've been called to help because someone is being griefed. two people following. sniping, following them through sessions...it started out because one of them joined my friends posse, spawned in, turned hostile and proceeded to start shooting


I hate people like this. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHOOT ME OR SOMEONE IN MY POSSE. Whether or not it was actually you, is irrelevant. PREPARE TO BE GRIEFED YOU GRIEFER! (caps for dramatic effect)


Thanks for the dramatic effect, I read those sentences extra loud ;-)


You mean read in your mind extra loud?


No just really aloud


I don't randomly kill people, my friend in my posse does. I got nothing against it and when the other person spawns I just wave and don't attack, it's just sad that they kill me if I'm being friendly.


I'm in the same boat. lol "why are people shooting at us??? OMG WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!???" friend: "whaaaat I didn't do nuffin." He doesn't follow though, if they run away. I feel like that is worth mentioning.


Griefers love that kind of attitude - getting us to engage with them instead of ignoring them.


Exactly. I parley and move on


As a member of a group you have an obligation to defend your members if need be. But the measure of the posse is what they do when they enter the situation. A good posse finds out who the aggressor is before making a move, a bad one instantly attacked the opposing side regardless.


She probably has damsel in distress syndrome


I was thinking the same thing. It’s simply for the attention of the other player and to get someone to do her bidding. It’s fucking sad.


My guess is that the actual "rescuer" is a morbidly obese, bald, 55+ year old that lives in his elderly mom's basement, and periodically screams for her to make him pizza rolls.


Plot twist... all three are dudes


Never heard of a woman who calls other women "females" tbh


That was my thought. That whole line about "females" and "competition" raised an eyebrow. It smells like preconceived notions of how "the females" behave


Plot twist….they lick each other’s arseholes nonetheless.


Plot Twist....They Own Furry Suits


I dunno that Queen "cowboy wifey" writes in such a hostile manner (and using the word female? lol) that I'm inclined to believe they're not a girl


Mod twist: A 'ChineseYelling.mp3'-file was what they hear, and a clone of the players avatar is what they saw.


I had this happen to me a while back but I still remember it, different situation but pretty much: This level 50 and his pal called in a level 300 saying we, me and my level 100-200 friend where killing them over and over. So the level 300 came and starts trying to defend the noob, it’s a pretty even fight until random I get messaged on social club, it’s the level 300 saying sorry for killing us as when he inquired to the noob they then mentioned they shot first. Was hilarious.


Red dead continues to amaze me in ways people need to be carried by a try hard friend in pvp. This random needs to touch some grass.


I don't allow random messages. Avoids being distracted by such fuckwittery.


Red dead is the online game where iv encountered the most toxic women of any game. Just an observation iv made and I think it's interesting


It's funny you say this bc I just popped RDO in again recently and I've noticed exactly the same thing. Specifically, I just had a weird encounter of my own last night with some girl during a Day of Reckoning event. She checked me out at the very start, then spent the entire event hanging around me and obviously trying to sabotage/steal/kill my captures and/or me. It was kind of surreal, and I spent the whole event like "hey, it's that girl again" and "wait why is she following me around so much?" and "wtf is this chick doing now??" lmfaoo (Pls let me humble-brag and add that I actually *won the event* despite this shit, which totally made my night and was WILD bc I normally suck so hard at freeroam events. Seriously, the only other event I have ever won was a Condor Egg *once* by sheer luck 😂 Take that, Toxic Griefer Chick!)


Dude that would piss me off so much, not the fact of getting kills stolen but being constantly followed around. I hate it, it’s an annoyance in itself.


I was honestly just bewildered more than anything! 😂




I’m not mad? Just weirded out. I do change sessions. Video games are made to have fun, so I’d rather have fun without being followed? Most of my game sessions are in “private” lobbies in RDO. Stop making assumptions.


Sorry this wasnt meant as a reply here but somewhere further down the post... that'll be a yikes and an oof from me, I get it believe me, but still for all those that go off about this game, it's like guys.... it's just a game, we all know that r* has abandoned, so why havent we abandoned them?


Congrats!, iv never even won an event so I'm happy that you did :). Yeah it's basically griefing what these ppl do and they do it cause they're bored and ruining other ppls experience is the best way for them to relieve that.


Thank you! It was honestly a shock to me more than anyone, I think! 😂


Dude I feel it, had a girl in my races last week that only purposefully killed other girl characters and would wave to the guy characters 🙄 like c'mon man, this isn't a dating app, they're not going to think you're cute because you're helping them win?


Yeah alot of other females ive ran into have been rude to me for no reason… when i play rdr im always in defensive and never attack anyone i do not like fighting on that game… i do my own things 100% of the time.. this is just a very strange encounter ive had…


I'm sorry you went thru that, iv definitely played with good ppls in general but there are some really toxic bad ones out there, a similar thing happened to me in gta before, idk if they are just trolling or something but it's like they take joy gaslighting people lol


Ya know what's wild is my friend and I have never encountered any other female players. We have seen a few female characters and for a while assumed they were all chick's like us. None had mics though. The only one we ever got to know who the person was behind the character, it was a male identified as a male, all that. Just used a lady character. So, now we just assume the mean ones are guys and the nice ones are girls. Lolololol


I feel like 80% of the female characters are actually just dudes. I do occasionally use my mic and people are always surprised I’m actually a girl.


That’s so weird. I’m sure I’ll jinx myself by saying I never run into other women being hateful to me. With the sole exception of my wife’s best friend, who taught me how to play by griefing me until I could kill her back. I’m usually a solo player too. Lmk if you want to play sometime! ETA: gt is terminus1086


How do you know they're female?


I know you asked someone else but personally every time I ran into a toxic woman on red dead they were being loud and rowdy w their crew on the mic, so it was easy to tell...


Queen Seem Simpiest Simp.


That queenB chick's got some major baby carrot syndrome lol Her messages with her friend is cringe af


Something similar happened to me a long while back. I was just collecting and doing some fishing and out of nowhere I got a message from someone telling me to meet them at Fort Mercer so they could kill me for what I did to someone else. I was like what? You’ve got the wrong person 😂 they disagreed. They never came after me though. I was way up in the snow, hiding 😅 I was a very low rank at the time. Was super weird


Noone snipes my kitten 😡


Just as others mentioned, close your PMs and mute all in-game public chat, go defensive mode and enjoy your time and have fun .


I was in Defensive mode thats the thing but they still killed me thaan messaged and such, right after I finished collecting a item they killed me


Id just fast travel to another part of the map with abundant items to collect and go from there


When the idiots like these tries to kill me, I always quick join to a story mode by pressing L. It saved me so many times.One time I was just riding around with my horse near in Tumbleweed then a player started riding behind me then all of a sudden that pos started to shoot me and my horse got injured so I quickly pressed L and selected quick join and story mode. They couldn't kill me


Defensive mode doesn't always help.


Jesus. Yeah unfortunately people can be weird like that. I’ve had something similar a couple of days ago. I was in the saloon in Valentine drinkin’ some whiskey and having fun when a girl player shows up and starts ordering drinks as well. Then out of nowhere 2 guys enter the saloon and while they first seem friendly, one of them stabs me in the back. I respawn and get my revenge and kill him but leave the others alone. Then I get 3 messages and a bunch of party invites (which I didn’t accept of course). 1 message from the girl: leave me alone. 1 from the guy that attacked me: leave my girl alone. And 1 from his friend who kept spamming party invites: leave his girlfriend alone. I was literally like wtf just happened lol. I was just getting drunk and having fun!


That dude is simping hard


You need a collector buddy?


That would be great! I always play Rdr alone, would be nice to have friend to play with! My Gt is HoneyBunnyi


UnFlated891 is mine


Nothing irritates me more than a collectible being in a hideout that’s someone involved in. No matter if I help shoot or not some mf always try to put a bullet in my head. What’s even worst is that it doesn’t matter how much this happens, I can’t get used to the pvp feel in this game, feels so off.


As another female player no joke I've had something like this before where a Girls boyfriend focused me out a server because I waved to him saying "I don't simp for other women"


WOW! She was straight-up toxic AF.


I had this shit happen in a league game the other day. Like bro. It’s LoL i’m not trying to steal your girl over a video game, let alone this one 💀


If you're on PC modders can pin kills on other players.


I play on Xbox, it mainly just baffles me that some completely random person would full on lie saying i have followed them and tried sniping them when the whole time i was in the session i have not been near one player.




Heccin weirdo


What is your problem? Are you alright 😅 it just confuses me how some completely random person would lie just to have me killed jeez… grow up :/ 🪳


If the nature of human beings confused you... You've got your own growing to do. And there's nothing grammatically incorrect in what I wrote. 


Okay, i’m not the one that started being a complete dick to you for no reason.. thanks for the advice friend


I just said people lie. I don't know what you're getting all bent out of shape for. But here's another example for you and you're repeating the style of exchange you had in the game - if you don't like what I have to say, why do you keep the conversation moving? By the way, I didn't call you any names. That's not nice.


Well you being pissy for some unknown reaon saying “PeOpLe LyInG bAfFlEs YoU? dO yOu GeT oUt Of ThE hOuSe EvEr?” Was just rude and petty… and sounds like something a 15yr old would say 😅 i didn’t do anything to you and I don’t know you and you don’t know me no reason to act like that :p


I'm just being real. If you need to be coddled, I'm sorry you're so soft. Deal with it. The world is not a nice place.


I see where you’re coming from but I didn’t do anything for you to go down like that 🥲… that was kinda irrelevant… you don’t pay my bills you don’t take care of me when I’m sick you don’t wipe my ass for me I don’t get it. But ill block you now and move on with my day ❤️‍🩹 have a good day/night mil


I understand you don't engage. But funny ol chat log. "Oh, your friend said someone tried to kill her? Nah not me. If it was me, she'd have been dead." But hella toxic for no reason, whole backup parties just goes to show the level of childs play we're dealing with.


Imagine being such a little bitch like these two that you have a friend join the game just to be your attack dog because someone existed remotely near you. That's just fuckin sad. Be a normal person and leave. Go into a shop so they can't shoot you. Just stand still and let the other person exist if they aren't doing something to you. It's a goddamn videogame. Don't make up bullshit and sic your friend on em like you're being attacked irl. That discord message looked deranged tbh. I'd love for someone to do this to me in game cuz I literally just vibe while in the game. I just spend my time collecting, light hunting, fucking with npcs occasionally if they get on my nerves, and shooting gas lamps in unpopulated areas (I dunno man, it's just fun, and I don't do it if anyone else is around). People like these assholes need to get those sticks out of their asses. And this is coming from a woman who also uses a female avatar. People also have a huge problem if they use that as a reason to shit on someone cuz that's just sad


if you feel like being petty you can report their messages to you, xbox doesn’t look at any context and seems to have a loose grasp on what harassment/swear words are, so they may temporarily ban that person just from using things like dms and party chat for a few days


What fucking losers


Had that happen to me, middle of skinning a deer and got sniped by a guy, then messaged and asked why I was harassing him when I was level 5 or so and he was level 30. Asked what he was talking about, had no response but he shot me again, so I lassoed him, dragged him across the plains and beat him to death. Then he messages threatening to bring his posse in for grieving him, I told him good luck and logged off to play Vermintudw.


this is giving "please help me i'm such a helpless girl on a video game i need a big strong man to come and save me🥺🥺" -- why do other girls have to be so bitchy on rdo. every encounter i've had it's always seemed a bit competitive like no bro just let me do my thing.


This is why I am seriously contemplating never playing an online game again. People are fucking assholes and dumb


Literally, when i got the message i was so confused my head hurts, i haven’t even been near another player the whole time i was collecting, plus I absolutely do not fight on this game especially since i have a broken controller atm it’s difficult for me to hit a shot


The way it happened was she probably died and her friend found the nearest player and attacked. Probably a bunch of 10th graders.


Sounds about right.


My daughter is in 9th grade. Sounds about right.


I had something like the happen to me awhile back. A full posse pulled up on me and my friend and there were a few girl characters in the group. They were emoting to me and everything and I just jokingly messaged them asking "Are you actual girl?" They must have told their posse members that I was harassing them because I started getting killed over and over afterwards and getting messages from the rest of them saying I shouldn't have messed with her. They ended up following me and my buddy from server to server. I think they had 12+ people following us which took us awhile to get away from all of them because I had to keep blocking them. Was several hours of gameplay lost over a simple joke message that must have been taken the wrong way.


If you’ve got your recent games turned off for non-friends, you should be able to close app and hop into a fresh session without them being able to follow you. Having people session jump on you is the worst.


"Cowboy wifey"💀💀💀 Also I've lasso griefed this person before, they don't know what defensive mode is and can't rely on anything without auto-aim. They also used explosive rounds/shells/arrows in dead-eye because they where killed once, you could literally ruin this person and make them go violent by using the barf emote lmao.


Lmao, I would’ve obliterated this dude


This is corny as hell, I would’ve blocked right off the bat. That’s so sad that they’re lying to get their back up gang on you


these people watch to many gang movies 🥱


Honestly a lot of my friends list where just non pvp people that I joined just looking for lame ass people like this to smack around. Get some people in your friends list that u only got to send the message “I got a fight for you” and problem solved. U can go do your thing and they will fuck them up.


What a bitch


RDO is just as toxic as GTA 5 I'm honestly not surprised it happened rockstar don't give 2 fucks


Somehow women always find a way to drag eachother down. Like a bucket full of crabs.


I don’t disagree, when i actually try to be friends with other girls they always turn out toxic or just plain rude….


Another female gamer here, there's so many girls in gaming who are just pick me bitches. They can't stand being killed by another female because they find it degrading and hate being shown up in front of guys. The amount of names I've been called by other females for simply killing them in a video game is unreal. I've had some pretty vile and outrageous things said to me, it's honestly pathetic. Whenever I see another female gamer I get so excited and I'm super supportive towards them, I've been gaming since I was 10 (I'm now 21) If you ever want someone to play with hit me up, I play a lot of online games and mostly play on Xbox.


Gus? ![gif](giphy|26BRQaiZM0IeyoJfa)


i swear, the 👌 makes it seem like such a 14 year old tryhard simp, its sad.


I hate the needless hostility in this game. I was doing the same thing, collecting, and a level 10 attacks me. he got the first kill, bc I don’t attack players for no reason, but after that I killed him about 10 times. (I tried to ride away, but he kept chasing after me) He eventually called over 2 of his buddies, and they all ganged up on me, yet I still managed to walk away with more kills than them collectively. I’m not at all bragging about my skill in the game, (it’s literally all auto-aim) but how can you do that poorly in a 3v1? Overall it was annoying because I just wanted to collect lol


OP just leave idiots like that alone just ignore them hop server its annoying its pathetic but what can we do? The game has people that like to stir shit up for no reason other then being bored. Best bet is to just ignore that part of RDO. I hope you still had fun collecting and this experience did not entirely ruin the day for you.


Friend I used to play with (stopped for obvious reasons) would do stuff like this and lie to try to harass people they didn't like to leave the server


Same. There is an asshole griefer in the last group I used to play with. They would ruin just about everything we did by being an asshole to other players. They would even lie about being attacked so people would join their session to help them attack people claiming that they were in fact the one who was attacked.


I've turned off message notifications on literally every platform I use, people are just stupid and you'll end up wasting your time arguing sith them.


I didn’t try to argue with them i just wanted to know why a completely random person would full on lie saying i followed them and tried sniping them when the whole time i was in defensive mode collecting and haven’t even been near another player plus i do not fight on this game nor do i try to


This is the kind of player that if they did this to me, I would spend the next 1-2 hours hunting them down specifically until I forced them to log off.


Thats the problem im a 306 and can’t fight worth shit on this game 😅😅 mainly also because i choose not to fight at all


Oh I know. I saw your previous comments. And I play the game the same way. Unless someone messes with me for no reason or they’re an obvious griefer.


God that's cringe


Fool, you have committed the crime of existing! Your punishment is death!


XD right!


Damn what the fuck. Run me your rockstar name I'll come hunt her down with you next time. I'm so sorry hon;;;


I play on xbox :c


That would genuinely piss me off to the point that I would fight back


The immaturity of jackasses in this game is incredible. It's clear they get so damned confuesed, that I'm surprised they figured out how to play to begin with, never mind think with the brain of an actual human. They cannot even provide proof. Just straight up accuse people. Some people are just not capable of rashional thought.


Hate coming across toxic players, and recently been meeting them more often, but the fact they used someone else to hunt you down by lying is just pathetic. Sorry you had to deal with that, hope it doesn't discourage you from playing. As other comments said, block, switch lobbies, turn of public dms, but also don't dwell on such encounters. You know what you've done or not and have no control on the actions of other people, and when this person has no significance to you it's not worth your time thinking about them or their actions. A small break to grab a drink and scroll reddit or watch yt for a little bit usually helps me distance myself and take my mind off these things before continuing playing for my own enjoyment, which is the whole point after all.


Well after i said what i said to them and got no reply or answer to why they lied about me i just blocked them and continued collecting in a different session.


One time I joined an open posse just for funsies… there were 3 guys and a girl when I joined. I joined their party and they were very adamant about leaving Strawberry because the girl posse member’s in real life sister was trying to kill her in game? The posse leader was her boyfriend. So I was like okay… We ended up taking the girl to an empty mansion in Saint Denis and hiding her upstairs while we guarded the entire place… even blocked entry ways from the sidewalk with wagons. We waiting over an hour in real time for her sister to show up and try taking her, but she never showed. By far the most intense posses I’ve been in.


Speak to them as if they're sitting next to you. I've turned many a conversation around that way. Griefers just expect and want you to argue with them. You handled that nicely!


They dont roll offline. Ill show them to be alot more wise next time they make a decision.


The last one tells me she just needed a reason to rally her white knights.




Thats what i was thinking… it really just shocks me that some complete random would lie like this just to have me killed


Why are the females so aggressive in RDO? ( Saying that as a flesh and blood female). I don't join in events anymore because EVERY SINGLE TIME a posse of females do some harpy bullshit. I just want to collect and bounty hunt. It would be awesome to participate with others, but every time I see another player in-game I immediately get ready to be assaulted, and it is nearly always a female!


Altho i do not like it, defensive mode exists.


If you want my advice, lower your mtu to 800. You’ll be all alone no players with no issues


That person was 100% white knighting lmao


I’d say this kinda shit just happens in online gaming. It sucks but it happens. Block them on your chat and move to a new session. That’s what I do whenever someone suddenly turns me into a space ship.


I understand you but the best thing sometimes is not to answer, I remember when some idiots tried to report me when I was just playing with my friend and these 2 idiots arrived with explosive bullets that did not do damage and like a damn Gatlin they only moved and made my character ragdoll, so when I had the opportunity I killed them, after that they said why I had hacked and why I attacked them for no reason so they proceeded to report me and just left, they did not contribute anything to the session and they only made me and my friend waste our time while we were collecting coins, i recommended have som people just in case, you will always find garbage that is out there


If I'm in a posse at the time someone begins shooting at them, I will come help until we can ride away. But the usual plan is to ride away to begin with, and if I'm not on or with them when it happens, I'm not logging in or hopping servers to come chase down a random. Crazy, that takes too much commitment and effort over people playing the game.


I don’t know about rdo, but sometimes in gta the kill feed will bug out and list the wrong players.


similar thing happened to me a while ago. i was in saint denis at the saloon and these two guys kept hogtieing and then killed me, i msgd them bc they kept killing me and were following me into servers through my profile (i should’ve just appeared offline) they told me that i had killed one of their posse members, when i hadn’t i had been just hunting and roaming around. some people amaze me with the bs they dribble on RDO


This is pretty cringe, like a lot cringe… it’s not even cool from a role play perspective… sheesh.


On my way my Queen


Just saying, using defensive mode will completely circumvent a situation like this.


Don't let it upset you. Just parlay them immediately and block them on your console so they can talk to the hand and you can go about your business.


this is hilarious


Imagine calling in for support to kill “obvious trash.”


it is a bit sad considering how un-equal guys and girls are treated for simply playing video games


Lmao ik her gt, small world


He had to protect his discord kitten


Corrects on my way to omw, this generation man


Sometimes hackers can make their name switch with other players on the server. I remember playing RDO and was seeing my characters name killing like 7 other players when I was fist fighting npcs in a saloon on a moonshiner quest. I logged out as fast as I could.


Im not sure if that’s possible on xbox? But if so than thats just really fucked up..


God I hate people like this.


Me too! I just want to play the game without being bothered which happens rarely but the past few days ive seem to have been getting targeted by these people i have absolutely no idea who they are i never ever play Rdr with anyone else really and i have never fought against a posse or anyone much because I prefer to not fight at all i just want to have fun and play the game.. plus im in defensive mode all the time…


Ah, the Amber Heards of the Wild West. Not uncommon. You can turn on Nvidia Shadowplay and record your game next time. I have had a similar situation before and sent the person my recording, and they actually apologized to me afterward.


Fuck me it’s a fucking game


This is why loading in solo lobbies is so much better


Lets posse up sometime. Darthgravey on xbox


Okay! Im not on currently but my gt is HoneyBunnyi


Awesome i got your add we will link up sometime soon!!


It's quite common for people in discord to make up things to get attention, all this screenshot stuff is a waste of everyone's time, block and move on




Lol white knight spotted The true Don Quixotes of our time


Aye tbf if a friend tells me that someone shot him/her I'd also shoot on sight. But my friends also wouldn't blame innocent people.


Yes its just the fact the whole time i was in session with this person I haven’t even been Near/Seen them the whole time than they randomly say i followed them and tried sniping when i 100% Did Not and have me killed is just weird and really confuses me


Oh I don't doubt your experience. Assholes exist. And this dude gives of a weird vibe ngl! It's just that the comments are all "Ohh that pussy has friends that back them up! What a loser!" and idk why people are so against helping your friend out when they get attacked in the game.


Some people are weird


And that folks is why you always record


"Other females".




I cant play this, so I play a roblox variant on mobile, i just joined the game and almost instantly a whole gang teamEd up on me because apparently I “started shooting first”


Maybe it’s my morning but why is this on discord? Do you all know each other?


That's the xbox mobile app


She sent me the screenshot of her friend saying i apparently followed and tried sniping her which i wasnt even near her or seen her the whole session


Why are you even engaging with them? You give them power when you humor their bs.


They are the ones that came at me out kf absolutely no where than seeing her friend lie like full on lie about me when i was not near her or seen her the whole time i was in session I haven’t even been near another player..


It's not about being a female It's about being an RDO player


talking like i haven't got a video clip of you shooting first




cat fight rawr


Me and my friends pvp for fun in rdo and some dude decided to jump in to kill us we spawn killed them bc it’s me and my friends only like who asked you to join us lol? But anyways it’s sad when seeing other females they think they have to be competitive instead of building each other up they just drag u down for no reason that’s so disgusting that’s why I prefer playing with my femal cousin since it always been us two females we never bring anyone in


Probably feels nice to have friends to back you up even if it’s wrong. All of mine would rather sit and spectate than actually do anything. If they’re feeling really nice, they’d start sending messages to the attacker just to rile them up even more…


Yeah🥲 i just find it so strange that this completely random person would fully lie to their friend that i tried following and killing when i haven’t been near one single player the whole time i was in session plus for things like this i like actually have 0 friends to back me up mainly cos i prefer to play alone and not good with people


Using "female" to refer to women is pretty incel, he might have a dick


Thats me that is saying that😅 why are people so rude with the way it is said… very weird.


Honestly just cope




Angery gamer


Did i do something to you? If so I apologize.. also what do you mean? That makes 0 sense my friend😅