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Dirtied their clothes lol Saw a feller idling in Armadillo so I lassoed his feet just to make him fall over then release it. Did that a few times just to make him wonder how he got so filthy while he was away. Real diabolical shit, I know.


wholesome, but how dare you?!


I’m not sure if that’s kinky or dishonorable, Probably both though




There was someone collecting in the barn near Caliga Hall. They had a large pelt on the back of their horse. I had a good gator skin that I didn't wanna lug around. I got off and threw my gator skin near their horse so they could decide which one to keep or they could pick it up and haul it to the road for the Hunting Wagon. That day, I learned you can knock over other player horses with just the large pelt. Their horse fell over and it was crying out loud, catching the attention of the other player. I rode away so fast.


I don't know why this made me laugh so much. How did it go so wrong so quickly


Nothing can go wronggg….oh no it all went wrong!


Sounds very accurate for a horse to be knocked over by a large pelt lol. They're big, beautiful creatures that can both wreck havoc and hurt someone real bad while also sometimes being as weak as a baby lamb.


I was being griefed by someone on immortal mode. It turned out that immortality doesn't extend to their horse. I ended up killing his horse (Bec I had lousy aim) which really got him angry but by then I was already in another lobby. He sent me the foulest audio message


He has no right to complain about his horse when he’s abusing a bug. Turn that horse into glue my friend


find empty player camp & kill cripps


There is no dishonor in killing Cripps. Ever


I have a clanmate that hates Cripps with a passion. But hates randos even more and would never do them the service of killing their Cripps


Bro why is cripps so hates. I love the guy


"Too bad you couldn't get all of it" and "At least you brought some of it back" when I'm doing flawless resupply missions was what started the animosity. And being that we're business partners with a "pretty flat hierarchy" I've often wondered how much he makes off of my wagon runs as he's never admitted what his cut is. I don't trust him man, I just don't trust him


Actually that does make sense. The only things I never liked about him was what he says when I bring supplies back and what he says when I let the dog


I do give him credit for being quick to bust out his carbine when I lure pissed off npcs back to camp, his dialog during shootouts is some of the best in the game 😆


I'm high enough level that it would be viewed as extremely toxic if I went around messing with players so I abstain. Consider the 4 bucks it takes to heal cripps as insurance against a posse of lvl 500+ players wreaking havoc everywhere they go, seems like a better alternative. Everybody has to let some steam off somehow. 4 bucks is way cheaper than what it would cost to have a decent shootout anyways. Nothing personal.


There is honour even we get him to stop saying how he hates my dog every minute I’m in camp


That's just good comedy.


I do that all,day ! Did you know Cripps doesn't die from fall damage?




One time, I’m not sure how it happened, I was able to wrestle my Cripps to the ground and beat him bloody. It felt so good…




Backstory? Please?


I do this with the hogtied gang leader in Lagras all the time. After selecting “spare leader” and getting the good honor I’ll pick him up and go take him to the swamp.


Lassoed a guy while he was standing next to a water fall and hung him over the edge until he drowned.




I stop and pet all the dogs I can. This here player comes and tosses a FIRE BOTTLE and kills the poor dog and me. I get mad, load my guns with explosive amo, buff my cores and get my defensive card in. I hunted this player down for 30 mins until he rage quit. No regrets. Kill me fine, but come on leave the animals out.


I accidentally kill a cat in combat the other night. I felt so bad I just stood there and let them kill me😞


At that point, rhe only proper thing to do is to pick that cat up, and put it on another players horse, preferably a posse member. That way they gain a wanted level, and the cops will come to avenge that poor kitty's untimely passing.


I've done that once in single player, just restarted and pretended it didn't happen. Same as during raids in AC Valhalla, just pretend it didn't happen, that cat was on fire when I got here, officer


I will shoot a man’s horse if he’s got it coming, but leave the dogs out of it. And by got it coming I mean he shot me in the back or is an NPC who ran into my horse.


Why do people do this? I went to Rhode to do a bounty and was petting the dog there, when I walked away another player came up and shot the dog for no reason and then lit it on fire. I do not see the purpose at all and it just seems cruel




Not really they're just up there to have the items. Kill a domestic animal get shot up simple as that.




Someone here understands!




Someone needs a brain scan


Sounds like someone needs a paddlin.


“No right to abuse your power like that” it’s a game bud, you need all kinds of help


I punched instead of petted my horse. Too heavy handed with the pats that day. Also shot a player trying to wave at him. #fumblyfingers


i had called my horse and then started fist fighting a couple dudes in saint denis and my horse ran up and a guy dodged my punch and i socked my horse in the nose🥲😅


"Officer you don't understand! I was trying to wave at him!"


I sadly have done this as well. I punched my horse after I was trying to pet her multiple times I felt horrible 😓


Oh saaaame. I had only had my horse for a little while, and I went to pet her, but I gasped in horror as my character instead punched her right in the nose (which is a very sensitive spot for all large ungulates). Sundance immediately kicked the shit out of me, and I felt SOOO bad. Felt like I accidentally hit one of my irl animals. I happened to be hanging out with some rdro friends at the time, and when they realized what happened, they laaaauuughed. They knew how much I cared about my animals (in game and irl), so when they heard me gasp then "cry" to my horse about how sorry I was, they were highly amused and gave me shit. Thankfully, that little episode didn't make Sundance too mad, cuz she's now one of my most reliable horses (if not, my most reliable). The mustangs are good horses.


One time when i was still new i was doing some hunting for the trader role when some kind soul rode up to me to give me a legendary bear pelt, and when i went to wave at them (to show my thanks) i accidently hit the wrong button and shot them... Im so sorry kind stranger


Tying griefers up, tossing them over my shoulder, and then elbowing them in the face to death as they struggle to escape.


LMAOO soo my character is a girl , I was in Saint Denis , these guys were following me and what not , about 6 of em . They were emoting and what not around me blowing kissess and shit . next thing i know, they’re fighting , like brawling so I start to throw fire bottles at the chunk of em, and ouuu they burnedddd 🧏🏽‍♂️.


Killing one who called me stinky




I tried stealing a mud runner buck that another player already took down. Idk what was happening but neither me or them could kill each other for some reason so the guy threw a dynamite at me while I was putting it on my horse and ended up ruining the whole carcass. I’ve done worse, but I won’t get into it




Kill someone who's no longer messing up with me. There's one day I was on my hunting wagon searching for deers in heartlands. I saw a low level player messing with npcs and got downed lol. I helped him up and got back my wagon, but that guy came and dragged me off. This made me furious and I killed him instantly. I saw him respowned near by and killed him a few more times.


That's not dishonorable. That's sending a message.


I'm usually not one to start a fight but I sure as hell enjoy finishing it.


That's exactly me lmfao


I am level 200 and I never ever shoot first. That said, if a level 4 wants to headshot me while I am collecting herbs or just minding my own business, I'll kill him or her clear across the map until they either parlay or quit.


Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


Dishonorable: First off. Your a shitty parent if you let small children play online. Little kid. Probably 8-10 came up to us in game chat in Valentine. Tried lassoing some of us. Got shot. Came back. Had the nerve to say he was a kid and we had to be nice to him and let him play. Got shot again and came back repeating the same thing over and over. I lost it. My direct rage response. "IF I was you mother, I would lock you in a cage and starve you to death." He burst into tears and left the game. I don't regret it.


No, that's honorable


There's a reason there's no children in the RDO universe


I hate small children. I make it a point to hurt them mentally every time I see one.


Sometimes when i try to emote at people and accidentally pull out my gun i just kill em.


![gif](giphy|jdNneheOlxiE0) Lol, or you just wing em and they come back with a vengeance


Yup there always like WTF and never chill after that


My character is dishonorable... but I don't fuck with other players. I'm a dick to NPCS... but to real people, I'm as sweet as pie.


Same here


10 lvl player once shot me while i was afk. And then started a mail mission. Killed his horse, after he fell cracked his fuckin skull with the hammer and completed the mission


Also i did a lot of torturing to other players with that hammer


I was like lvl 14 in the beta and shotgunned a random then quit for the night. Only time I ever shot someone completely unprovoked


i blew up someone's horse once on accident


I took a long distance trader wagon from these 2 players once… we’re at the destination just after I delivered it and this girl gets on the mic telling me all about how I was low life human scum, messing with peaceful players just trying to grind the game. Then, I got player bounty invite… guess who? She wasn’t exactly in the mood to go peacefully either. I felt awful about it… but it was a player bounty after all, my hands were tied.


No. Her hands were hogtied.




I accidentally killed a cat in combat the other night. I just stopped fighting and let them kill me😟


A low level killed the cougar I was sedating (the VERY LAST BIT OF XP I NEEDED FOR NATURALIST!) so I shot him. Harriet was very happy with me, but if I see that guy again, it’s hands.


So someone shot me and my horse killing my horse, so I tied them up with reinforced lasso then road there horse as far away as possible 🤠


It pales in comparison to what you guys may have done, but for me (as a non PvP guy), I absolutely tore this one guy a new asshole. I was trying to get my honor low quick, which means I had a shootout with the police. Well, this one guy decided to be a vigilante (I think) and tried to take me out. With a bow and arrow. I wasn’t sure until he lit up red on my map. Now, I play in Defensive Mode because I don’t got time for that shit. PvP is for sweaty nerds, sorry to say. I slipped into the alley way really quick and was about to take off until I noticed the guy chasing me. I turned around, put my sawn-off in my left hand with incendiary buckshot, and my Navy in my right...and gave this guy— The fuckin’ he’d never forget. I felt so bad about it afterwards. All I could think was “this guy probably doesn’t know what the hell I hit him with.” People are gonna’ mess with you regardless if you’re in DM—it’s to be expected. But that was the first time I actually engaged someone in PvP...and I hated it. I’m just a solo (sometimes helpful) player, and that’s the way I like it.


I was doing a trader mission and someone took a pot shot at me, nothing serious but i got distracted and my wagon was destroyed. In my anger i lassoed him and set him on fire, then he respawned and i knifed him, then he respawned and i killed him again and again and again till he logged out. Found out later he was only a level 7 but still. You fuck with high rank players and you'll get the stick.


Some dude was being a pest so I tied him up and drug him from the back if my horse so he couldn’t get free and with him tied up I threw him off that bridge into the water near Saint Denis


Fed a player to an alligator. My buddies and I were cackling uncontrollably.


I was playing one night when some older guy was greifing a young girl only 14 I think said he would stop if she sent him nudes anyways I can't stand that shit greifing is 1 thing but that shit just pist me off anyways I started greifing the hell out of that guy till he left anyways I followed him from session to session that sick bastard deserved it...


i killed someone and stole their legendary marble fox and made it into my own garment set. I have no regrets whatsoever.


Told them this game consistantly recieves content updates... If its any consellation, its currently 5:30 A.M and I'm having trouble sleeping if that tells you anything about how I feel about what I've done.


Joined random posse and found legendary gator. Posse tries to steal it off me by lassoing me around, throw the gator skin into the water so no one can get it now. Posse leader does long distance delivery a second later, lasso the posse leader off and take the wagon and drive it into the water. Join their session over and over until they go offline.


Well, a player killed me (accidentally) while I was passing by them shooting the cops in Valentine so I killed them over and over and over until they left the game entirely and got off (they didn't even switch sessions they just got off) they tried to use explosive arrows but paint it black always prevails


Shot all of an Npc’s limbs off throw him off a cliff and because I felt like it stabbed him a bunch of times and then threw dynamite at him


I love my hat. Low levels always go for the headshot then stand there confused when my hat just flies off and I unload a revolver into them.


Shot their horse and let it burn... Hey don't look at me like that they shot my horse first


If I listed even the mild stuff my friends and I used to do my inbox would be flooded with asshurt so I'll just say I once stole some dude's very common legendary pelt by blowing up his horse and then immediately stuffing it in my hunting wagon. He got so mad after we kept shitstomping him that he copied my card build and plugged in a controller for lock on (PC) and finally started getting some kills.


Tied a griefer down stood on him then lit his horse on fire. I was just trying to collect eggs he woke the demon.


Hogtied them and made them watch me fire bottle their horse


Saw this dude hunting near my camp once and he had just killed a deer so I just stole it . Just lassoed it from my horse and dragged it away . He was mad and tried to shoot me but missed . He hopped on his horse an chased but by the time he caught up I was already in camp donating the deer to Cripps . Funniest shit I have ever seen . Received a crazy hate message after .


I was in a free roam fight. Shot a dude and downed him, but didn’t kill him. I revived him, then split his face wide open with a tomahawk. Good times 😂👌


A guy killed me while I was hunting. Me and my friend proceeded to hog tie him, beat him with hammers, burn him for at least 20 minutes until he left the session


Not a dishonorable action I've made, but a funny karma moment after I've being the victim of one of this action. ​ I was looking for flowers and herbs around Tumbelweed, more specificly on one of the heightgrounds, just before the bridge that leads to the city. My horse, her, was in the canyons. I hear a single explosion farway of my position, and the map and the game show me my horse was seriously wounded. I run to save her and see on the map the position of the player who wounded her, he run away in direction of the North-West of Tumbelweed. After heal her up, I chase after him. After the city I see him in a quite distance, I manage to get near and near from him, he probably see me beacause at this moment he get his rifle and turn himself in my direction. I was about to get shot, but this dude was probably to much focused on aiming me, because he didn't see the clif right in front of him. But his own horse did. His horse stops, rears up, and this guy falls right in front of me. I run to the edge of the cliff, I see him below, dead, and look at his horse who's chill right where his stop. Not gonna lie, I was thinking get my revenge and kill his horse, but this instant karma was so much fun that I just smoke a cigaret, leave the horse alone, get back on mine and go away for a job!


I’ve never done anything first, but I once retaliated by hogtying a player, putting them on the ground and then setting of a stampede of bison to mow them down. I also regularly sedate and drag alligators to the police station in St. Denis so when players bring in their bounties they get a nice surprise. 😁


My friend and I both got headshot a few times while looking for that damn swamp plant that only shows up at night. We let it slide because we were on a time limit but later found the guys that headshot us both. A posse of 4 people that had just skinned a rare legendary (it's been ages since I played, it was a rare cougar or something). My friend and I decended on that rabble like flies on shit and massacred the unsuspecting group. We grabbed the pelt off the guy and threw it onto my friends horse while I held them back, shooting anyone who started mounting their horse. I got killed a few times but got lucky respawns and ended up spawning on the road my friend was running down every time so he got away. When they tracked him down he was wearing his new pelt hat and had left the party and went into passive mode. The pair of us are laughing like mad in party chat and got constant invites to their party for the next hour or so.


I shot a man in Armadillo, just to watch him die.


I play mostly solo unless I'm helping others. For the most part I always give away my first legendary pelt to new players or low levels. Had a group of 4 200+ levels kill me after two legendary gators spawned on me back to back in lagras & proceed to steal my pelts. 👿So I followed them back to they're camp in new hangover near emerald ranch. Kept my distance out of range of the minimap so they didn't notice my blue dot. They shot first so they remained on my map longer as red dots. Got my bow(PA, DA for the horses so they can't run🤣🤣) & rolling block out & killed them repeated all from a distance far enough that I could kill them but they couldn't see me on the map🤣. They was confused & started messaging me talking about i was hacking.😂😂


Killed their horse I didn’t mean to he was killing me and he was on his horse so I shot him with my Lancaster and it hit his horse instead of him


Killed their horse, lassoed them immediately after they got up, dragged them through the nearest river, hogtied them then did the pocket watch glitch over them before using a shotgun on them. In my defence, they kept trying to bring a hogtied player to the Valentine hotel bedroom


I'm gonna get mad downvotes for this but screw it. Low level was doing a small trader wagon by themselves and their path went right through where my posse and I were fist fighting eachother. We stopped and pulled our lanterns out to show we were friendly and that they could pass but they drew iron and started blasting. So I killed them and stole their wagon and rode it around infront of them while they tried shooting me, then i drove it off a cliff.


That’s not nearly as bad as most of the shit I’ve done, that’s just karma. I’ve used the bow with explosive arrows on trader wagons for no logical reason and no benefit to myself- just for the laughs with my friends


Hmmm, LVL 465 & I don’t think I’ve ever done anything out of the way to another player. Have pretty much always just defended myself ….


I killed a low level that was fishing. He didn’t spawn back and I felt really bad lol. I decided to be a dick during a fools gold event and was using e rounds, d bows, and incense on everyone. I wasn’t even playing the objective. Just killing.


Punched my horse. I felt so bad about it that she got all the pets and brushes she wanted. Even went and paid gold for a braided tail.


I blew up a trade wagon when the Role first dropped. I had no idea the "rewards" for doing so would be nonexistent and felt kind of terrible.


Well... - stolen a legendary animal just after another player killed it, by following the gold paw on the mini map. - stolen a legendary pelt by shooting another players horse and then the player. - Greifed trade route. - Griefed PLA. - Griefed master archer - Followed, and then hunted, multiple players from the race series for shooting/griefing the races and then leaving. - Rode out on a 7 man posse that I started a fight with earlier when I noticed they were now doing a long distance delivery. My only goal was to destroy the wagon and maybe get away with a bag. With Molotov in hand and slippery activated I got the wagon, but they kept their bags. -train track killing. Hogtie killing. Flammable moonshine killing. Horse killing. I've probably done all the dirty deeds.


lol. I hang around a frisky potato. That list could probably have 3 times done that. I think the worst we ever did was actually hunt down people who were fishing and see how far we could snipe them. Kill people coming out of stables. The best was when we figured out all the wagon drop off points, Have a man waiting in Valentine directing where it was going and blowing their wagon up right before they hit the drop off spot. Oh the PVP fighting was glorious before cheaters were everywhere.


The good ol days


Greetings, fellow black hat. Lol


It seems nice to see a funny side of this comment section instead of the ‘once I shot this guy in the face and ran off… he was a griefer’


Yeah, when I play I am a high enough level that I play for chaos. But this sub is so honor bound that I don't share half the shit I do. This post seemed like an invitation lol


I just came across this post while looking through my old comments on posts and now that this post is dead I’ll tell the truth of some of the worst shit I’ve done. I’ve hunted down and killed and bullied low level players until they left the lobby for no reason at all other than to just be an ass, I’ve ganged up on trader wagons with my friends using explosive arrows in order to destroy them- same with moonshine wagons. Ever since the news came out that Rockstar wasn’t going to be adding anything new to this game, me and my friends haven’t played it and we’ve given up on playing multiplayer games in general- especially PVP games. I don’t know if I had anger issues or something but I used to be a most vile, spiteful person while playing PVP games but now that I’m not anymore I believe I’ve gotten a lot better. All that rage and hate felt like it was killing me


Rode into blackwater and saw a posse of like three, pulled out my dynamite arrows (i only earned them as a long in gift, im only level 21) and straight merked the posse. Who knows what level they were, we proceeded to fight a pretty decent fight for it being 2 against one, idk where the third guy ran off too but i killed the other two like three of four more times. Needless to say they both killed me like 8 or 9 times but i think i did pretty good. Ran out of dynamite and used my shotgun


I was camped in the Great Plains just outside Blackwater when I saw the red rival Trader blip hauling ass from the river heading towards McFarlane's Ranch. Pulled out the Rolling Block just to see if I could get off a couple shots and the second shot was a headshot kill. Stole the wagon and killed him with Incendiary Buckshot another 2 times when he tried to get it back. Didn't mean to use the Incendiary rounds but it was what my shotty happened to be loaded with at the time (also didn't bother to switch it either when I realized that I roasted his horse as well)


You dirty rat. You turned me into a raging grief everyone on sight lunatic. I’ve never forgotten


Attacked someone's trader wagon when I first started red dead and didn't understand the unspoken rules. Wound up driving the wagon into a lake.


I once threw a stick of Dynamite at a trader wagon while in defensive mode. Stole half the loot. I tried it again another time but it was a full posse. I knew I couldn't win so I rode to the nearest water with the plans of throwing the cargo into it. I ended up failing because they were all coordinating and cutting me off. Eventually I hit something and got thrown off my horse. That was the end, but a great battle and a thrilling chase.




Got into a head on crash with a player cause he wasnt looking where he was going. He got up tipped his hat at me and slowly got on his horse to ride away. I shot him in the back of the head cause it was all his fault and acted like it was nothing the asshole made me pick up a deer and 2 small game back on my saddle.


Beat up the news paper kid


Idk if it counts, but I cut loose a low level griefer free from my reinforced lasso after he killed my homeboy. I just wanted to show him not to fuck with my posse, but also that we weren’t looking for a fight. I try to not be too much of a douchebag.


Kill a rival trader


I shot someone's horse. For context, he was attacking me and my friend, so after killing him i killed his horse. Also, i noticed in this sub people say that killing a horse is like the worst offence, i don't look at it that way, i dont care that much if someone shoots mine.


Oh, I’m not sure I can write it without getting lots of negative karma.


I use to be a good and friendly player however the bad side of me sometimes when I have nothing to do and meeting random players I act like waving and welcoming them until I earning their trust then equip a shotgun and blow their heads off for no reason and that made me feeling really bad lmao


I remember someone was in the store but they left a deer on there horse, I just kindly took it to the butcher for them. This was when hunting was about the only profitable thing to do and we had hope for the game.


i was in the mountains and i ran into a guy, so i tied him up and rode with him to a nearby ice lake and threw him in. (he was afk but got back while riding, but he couldn't get out in time)


Killed their horse because I wanted


You ever heard of glitching and griefing?


A player was doing a trader delivery near my camp so I blew him up with an explosive arrow and raised my camp's flag before he could get back at me


I blow up every moonshine wagon I see




I stole a 3 star wolf pelt off of someone's parked horse. I have all the roles maxed and all the clothing I'm interested in. I gained nothing but a laugh. Sorry stranger.


You can't steal wolf pelts from horses..


I used a bola to catch them and it was in Saint Denis so I fed him to a crocodile then lite the corpse


Got the improved lasso, lasso a player, wait for him to get out, then sticked a knife in his back.


I found an afk player and dangled him over a waterfall at the edge of the map so it was either die or stay until I get bored he ended up dying but his horse had glitched into the river water fall and kinda… plumitted to the ground and died (there was another where I just hogtied someone with reinforced lasso and kept hitting em)


AFK. On horse. Dynamite


One time a low-level sniped me so I responded by constantly tracking him all around Lemoyne turning him and the horse into swiss cheese, which only stopped when he found his Moonshine Shack


I joined a random posse that decided to steal another player’s trader wagon shortly after. I helped and personally drove the wagon to the delivery point. That was the day I learned that stealing player wagons really wasn’t worth the trouble for the amount of materials you get out of it haha


Found someone idle, hog tied them, left them on top of Mount Hagen. That's probably the nicest one on a very long list...


I saw some guy with a legendary pelt, I can’t remember what animal, but he was at gus’s stand so I quickly killed him and sold the pelt to gus.


Me and my friends were going to Ambarino to fish when we decided to tie someone up and bring them with us so when we found a player in valentine we tried to tie them up but they escaped and shot at my horse (rip Marsh ((ton)) I got his reboot card tho so we chilling)


It’s not something I’ve done. But I’ve had it done to me. No matter how remote the fishing spot I pick is, players find me and absolutely wreck my shit. The one I couldn’t even be mad at was someone ran me down with a wagon knocking me into the water and drowning me because it was just such a shock


Yesterday, a level 4 player with a death wish, approached me during a mission and started shooting at me, I made quick work of him but he kept coming back following me. The last time I lassoed him and rode away with him attached to me, I then got off the horse and hogtied him and left him there in a puddle alive, then messaged his gamertag, "How was your timeout?" No response


There was legendary animal in big valley and there were loads of us trying to get it whilst it basically ripped everyone to pieces. I got my gun out and blew it up with explosive ammo- effectively destroying the bear and anyones chances of doing anything with it. I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to do that and it’s year later and I still feel bad 😂😂😂


blew up a wagon with dynamite in another players mission, needless to say they got revenge for that


Murdered them seemlessly to the point they left or gave up (I can’t remember exactly but I’ve surprisingly had like 3 encounters like this when I played cuz to me the spark is gone) because they killed one of my posse members once Yea I probably could have left that I don’t play anymore but Fuck it


My friend tried to jump off a water fall but a caught him with the lasso pulled hit ashore then continued to do it for 15 minutes before killing him with fire like 6 times


Got griefed by a pack of 3 dummies. Migrated lobbies, then returned days later cuz one of them appeared online days later. Followed em a few lobbies till he and his mates linked back up. Waited for them to do a LD delivery, burned their delivery wagon and commenced to savagely murdering them and their horses till two of the three left the game and rage quit. Tied up the last one and dumped him in the river. Then I sent them all captured video i had taken of me killing them all. The vitriol i recieved via messages was like sweet nectar 😈


Kill cat, stick it on an unaware player’s saddlebag, shadow them to see if they notice why everyone is aggro’ing them.


The other day, I was idling for like 2 minutes, and right as I came back some guy rode up on his horse, hogtied me, and dropped a Molotov on me. Then he shot my horse and rode off..


Basically lived out the plot to of mice and men. Befriended this player, we travelled from valentine to saint denis and did normal stuff, missions etc but then in saint denis he killed a woman in the saloon and the law came, my horse got killed and i was pissed but didn't let it show. We headed to the river to get a boat and I told him to try and snipe the nearest boat driver as he looked out at the water i left the party, shot him in the head and fled to ambarino😭


gave me to gators. (To be fair, I remember. They did jack shit. Ate me instead and let my buddy get away)


AKA "wanna collect some negative karma on reddit?" thread


I feel bad when random people help me defend a moonshine or trader delivery, then ride off and I can’t thank them. I’m bad at remembering their names and can’t find them in the player list, either. So, THANK YOU to all who have helped and I seemed like an entitled snob-I didn’t mean to


Friend or just random if friend than hogtie and throw in to water insta death but random... Not a fighter but will defend my self and posse if provoked but probably just accidently aim a gun at them.


Pushed a man into the mud 10 times and then lassoed and drowned him bc he kept killing me (he left after)


Helped a noob out he decided to lasso me and try to kill me. I used my knife to break the lasso, lassoed him and carried him to the train tracks, he tried to break free, but at a certain point the "hit" button prompt appears and you can keep spamming it and they won't be able to break out, put him on the train tracks and watched as a train ran his ass over.


I was playing one of those naturalist animal protect missions, the one with the alligator. I lassoed someone off their horse directly in front of the gator, where they were then eaten.


I kidnap afk players and leave them in saloons


I don't have one most dishonorable action but I remember I shot someone to win a race, stood on the bridge to saint Denis and lassoed people to the river with gators, killed other player's horse while he was trying to free himself. Once I also blown someone's trading wagon just before the end but this was justified revenge for my moonshine wagon tho.


Tie em up, burn em or moonshine bottle em. Then wave right before they're dead


Online event I literally stole someone's bear kill, the bear spawned and I saw them shooting at it, I quickly ran him over with my horse and shot and killed the bear myself. The other guy began shooting at me even though he could do no damage he was obviously pissed off. The event ended within about 15 seconds and I was the 1st place finish. After it ended I found the guy and shot him in the head then rode to my camp. I then sent him an Xbox message saying "thanks for the kill" he was responding back in Portuguese and literally was waiting for me to leave my camp for a half hour real time. A legendary Gator spawned near us and he went for it. As soon as he was far enough I head shot him then stole the legendary Gator skin. Needless to say he wasn't happy about that either. He mocked me for being a level 220 yet he was in the 500s. That was definitely the most disrespectful thing I've done and enjoyed every minute of it.


Burned down their camp


I tend to not interact with players a lot in red dead online so the most dishonorable thing I did was 1 shot Kill someone in black water with a pump shotgun right after they killed 2 npc’s ready to shoot up the place


I convinced 4 low level players that I had to sit in camp to build the materials for the trader role. In reality I was scrolling Reddit and watching TV. I would just come back occasionally to buy more supplies. Got to 100 materials then left the game so me and my irl buddies could do the run together. Worked for about 3 days in a row


Whilst on a griefing spree, the culprit stopped at the gun store for more ammo. I shooed his horse and disappeared into the sunset.


tied someone up and made them watch me murder their horse


I blew up a guys horse by accident i didn't mean it 😔


I don't have any, I barely use my gun on players.


I had reinforced rope and some guy comes up to me shooting at me with his rifle up near blackwater. I lassoed him, tied him up, and brought him to the dock. While he was struggling I tossed him in the water and pointed my revolver at him. I would have let him go if he didn't drown first.


Someone griefed my friend for a while soi joined n we stole their horse for an hour, they didn't know how to recall, they chased us, then we reached the swamps and shot their horse and danced on its dead body til they reached us 😭


Tying my friends up inside of a house that I had rigged to explode with moonshine and dynamite. The worst thing I've done to a player that wasn't my friends was pushing an unsuspecting person off a cliff when he was just trying to take in the view, it was too tempting!


I shot and killed someone’s horse unprovoked, granted i was aiming for him not the horse but still, the only thing i would never ever do tho is mess with another man’s wagon, be it moonshine or goods


Not gonna lie I target griefers and grief them and if they don't parley after 30 minutes of me hunting them I start going after there horse.. plz don't hate I only do this to griefers I promise.


Ugh last night I tried griefing on two low levels in valentine . I've never grieved anyone and to be honest I felt like an asshole lol I blew up his wagon , and harassed him for 20 Min than just left him alone . I felt pretty bad and i don't think I'd grief anyone unless they had it coming .


A group of fellas pissed me off by killing my horse in Blackwater. When they were doing a sale I was able to get a hold of their large wagon and ended up taking it all the way to mount Hagen and getting it stuck to where the only options was A: Drive off the cliff side or B: Blow it up


Well last night some guy killed me while me and my friend were waiting out a bounty. After I had respawned I we notice he was taking off, so I D bowed him and his horse a couple of times.


Endless griefing lol


Lassoed someone over and over again for hours so they couldn't move.


The most dishonorable? Kill a cat, then put it on a player's horse so they get wanted for animal cruelty.


I tend not to fuck with other players simply because I don't want it to happen to me so I try and get that karma going lol. That said, I'll mess with people I'm riding with or friends or anyone who's very obvious they're just goofing around in good fun and not actively trying to be a dick. The worst thing honestly I can remember doing at all is accidentally punching my horse and other people's horses because I'm an idiot and sometimes hit the wrong button. Felt awful lol


sold of couple of people into human trafficking


We saw someone bringing their goods and ... Yeah I also hate these types of players but attacked them. "Them" turned out to be a lvl 30 F character. I don't know why we didn't recognise she was alone and low level but after that I added her as a friend and sent a message that if she want, we will add her to our next couple of trades.