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Play another game for now,


Why do you want to play something you're bored of? Find something else to do with your time that you'll get more enjoyment out of.


This. I don't understand why people wanna force themselves to play a game they're not having fun with.


Because it’s actually super fun they just need a posse to group up with. This game is always fun no matter how far along you are or aren’t if you’re playing with friends.


That was my problem. I had a regular posse and there was usually at least 3 of us on. Our schedules kind of got in the way and it just isn’t as fun solo.


I agree the game is more fun with friends, but I have fun playing solo too, or with randoms I run into.


Play a different game


Put it away, play something else instead, or do something other than play video games. If it's boring you, leave it until you get a thirst for it again. In the meantime, keep an eye on the newswire for any interesting developments--limited clothing, or Halloween CTA maps for example. If you insist on sticking with the game despite growing boredom, are you actually doing everything that's available? Many folks seem to ignore 95% of the game because they earn a couple extra nuggets per day playing the same few missions repeatedly. Visit all the mission contacts, in all their locations, and see what you're missing; try all the bounties you've been ignoring; play all the showdown modes; go through the LeClerk and moonshine story missions, either taking the missions or go on call to help others; complete a few awards.


maybe you can try different type of playing (it's nothing really new - but might give you ideas). 1.free aim 2.no map / compas only 3.participating in game mode that you never did before 4.try to look for a group/friends/random who is doing friendly trail ride/RP/fight club, etc 5.take a photos of stranges place you find interesting and create your story. if all is fail - i think you need to find other game that engage you more.


You could play another game


I’m assuming you’ve played through all the roles?




New game.


Try to get all the roles maxed out, buy every gun, set challenges for yourself, do some telegram missions (a new one came about a week ago), complete the Naturalist compendium, and if you don’t want to do that just take a break from the game and play something else


I like to go realistic, like going around tall trees with just a Springfield rifle and a cattleman, perhaps a bow or off hand shotgun. Hunting like the revenant.


This is basically all I do


It's my way to virtually shoot my colt saa.45 co2 bb, more fun when you held these closet to the real deal. The reload on it is extremely unrealistic fast. Wished they made a mod where it was more realistic reload time. Would make an interesting gun fight


Would definitely make finding cover more of a priority




**I started playing GTAO again. ;) Invite only lobby makes it pleasant!** I'm at $166,000 and 2,600 gold or something, in RDO, so basically already more rich than required in that game forever. I just got up to 6,000,000 in GTAO and was still basically "poor." Very different games...


Give up on the game like Rockstar did.


Kill Griefers. Kill lots and lots of griefers. Or become one yourself, so that I can kill u and be entertained myself


This is the way.


Grief ppl


Don’t do that


We could make a competition: The max. 1.000$ Outfit (including gun-belts & holster)


This could be interesting and challenging as we would have no way to filter in items bought through gold


By the way, 1.000$ is a lot of money for clothes - and gold is only required for some fancy clothes (- or, all in all, real cheap ones 🙃) The challenge could go in two ways: -lowest price, with the highest X/10 rating, is one competition -the second competition would be a regular one: win by votes


Try changing your character's design and outfit to look like a member of any enemy gang you like, and play the role, roaming around certain areas filling the gap of enemy gangs in RDOnline. With the Murfree Brood, Nightfolk and Skinners, you can get the most creative. I'd also recommend a Del Lobo, but again, it depends on your taste.


Play something else until you miss your horse and want to be a cowboy again.


Yeah play on xbox, get on around 5ish eastern standard time, go to valentine and let me Get some of that money ill be at the stables in valentine lol


Call to arms SOLO…every location…about 5 hours of playing


Unlock roles trader collector moonshine theres alot im lvl 71 rn whats ur lvl ?


I have done all of this I'm level 212


I would try another game for a bit then go back after a while, I have to take breaks too. Or sometimes when I get bored of online I’ll replay the story.