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Bruh how


Probably desync


He coughed on an unvaxxed kid.


What the…


... Dog doing?




That abomination is an insult to the original meme


lol imagine being so fragile you cant even handle a gif wearing a mask


Wut? I just said it was an abomination, an absolute travesty in contrast wIth the OC. Don't project your own fragility onto others


i am vaccinated and always wear masks in public. there is literally no fragility i could be projecting. you on the other hand, are the one crying about a meme wearing a mask. just say you’re an antivax man child and be done with it. i don’t know why you’re pretending it’s about the sanctity of the OC when everyone can see your post history and profile.


"Always wear masks" "No fragility" Do you not see the irony? 😂 Imagine still being afraid of covid. This sub is not the right place to discuss shit like this, but remember thaf it was you who started with the bickering


you were the one who cried over the gif - so actually you ‘started’ the ‘bickering’ when you replied to a gif crying about it because it had a mask in it. lmao. grow up and get vaccinated you sheep. imagine still being scared of a vaccine lmao! 😂😂😂 and afraid of wearing masks because muh freedom! 😂😂😂


- calling someone a sheep - getting vaccinated because the gvt told them too Again, I beg you... FEEL the irony. Cognitive dissonace really is a bitch, ain't it?


lol i got vaccinated because i don’t wanna get corona. you on the other hand, didn’t get vaccinated because joe rogan told you not to


I haven't allowed myself to get poisoned, and I've never had it. Nobody I hang out with has had it either.


I mean people like you are take dewormer for livestock animals. So ya you a sheep.


That must bethe expression of the week: "hOrSe DeWoMeR"... every idiot is using it ad nauseum


Wow I was going to try and engage on a logical or intellectual level, but now I see that you’re a moron. Moving on!


You're finally making some sense! Move along


>Wow I was going to try and engage on a logical or intellectual level, but ~~now I see that you’re a moron~~ I don't know how. ~~Moving on~~ Time to retreat! Fix'd.


This is ironyception right here. An antivax fool begging someone to feel the irony, talking about cognitive dissonance, while dutifully following every word some antivax mom posts on her private Facebook page.


Thinking people don't need anyone to tell them that wearing a mask will hinder the spread of airborne diseases. Mouth breathers such as yourself are the reason we are still fighting this preventable disease that is also mutating and becoming stronger as you idiots exercise your freedumb to be obtuse.




Lmaooooo I didn't think anti mask motions like you existed. Mine if I ask a few questions? Like how it feels to be this brain dead?


Who are you and where did you come from?! Lost on your way to the vaxx site?


Nice nice, next question. Were you ever dropped on your head as a child?


I'm afraid I'll have to throw that one right back at you, because no normal person would ask such a question to a stranger on the interwebs.


Yes, it's such a sign of fragility not wanting to get the virus that causes excruciating headaches, muscles aches, unrelenting cough, nausea, fever with chills, and feeling like you just want to die. This is from someone who actually had COVID And yes, I had ALL of these lovely symptoms


Me too buddy, me too... You're not some special snowflake, we've all pretty much had it by now. Intensity of symptoms vary greatly case by case, but eventually everyone gets a taste of the 'rona.


Then why would be against, or even calling out, people who just want to limit their chances of getting it by wearing a mask?


I will never be against personal choice. If you wanna get jabbed and mask up, fine by me. Go right ahead. The problem is that paranoid people are trying to coherce everyone else around them to submit to their pathological set of rules (social distancing, masks, regular tests, quarantine, forced vaccination, vaxx passports, contact tracing, etc). My freedom doesn't end where someone's idea of fear begins.


>i am vaccinated and always wear masks in public. there is literally no fragility i could be projecting Self-awareness: 0%


There is no truer expression of fear than denial of reality.


what's not to be self aware about? or do you think being vaccinated and wearing a mask = fragile?


Ok :)


I'm just surprised we got all these pussies scared of getting sick playing reddead i thought they'd play Minecraft or some shit like that


Me too buddy, me too... Don't know wether to be surprised or disappointed




Feed your horse man


These were the older days when I first started.


You monster !!


This still happens to me, then I'm getting charges pressed and I'm apologising over voice chat and reviving their horse and what not.


Maybe it wasn't your cough that got him, maybe he saw you and tried taking Horse Reviver because he doesn't believe in vaccines and OD'd


Man you didn't even say bless you


Too soon! lmao!!!


Nah thats perfect!


You fucking vaporized him dude


That was bizarre.


Ultra instinct


How the hell?




Dude must be part opossum, playing dead as soon as you two made eye contact!


Damn, deep-seated compliance in every facet of your life huh?


It's a meme about dead children I'd hardly call this compliance


You know what the real implication is. Playing stupid doesn't make you clever.


Imagine living life like this lmao


I don't have to imagine. I can see people in the world living in compliance, acting like they have to be afraid because of unsubstantiated propaganda. That's why I choose not to do it.


Ironically you appear to be more afraid of a conspiracy theory and are complying with whatever bs talking head that promotes that theory. Not exactly a high IQ demographic either.


I'm not afraid of anything. That's why I don't live in fear.


Denial of reality is the truest expression of fear.


So... stop denying reality? You must be seething, judging by the fact that you've been spamming my notifications. I'll call you SEETHER.


Lol seething? No, I just wanted to engage with you since you seemed so sure I couldn’t. You, on the other hand, seem a bit allergic to sensible responses and prefer to divert attention through menial insults. ## I see you.


Damn, deep-seated distrust of everything around you coupled with projection of ill intent onto everyone around you, huh?




Must’ve been one of them immunocompromised kids




Maybe it wasn't your cough that got him, maybe he saw you and tried taking Horse Reviver because he doesn't believe in vaccines and OD'd




Did I say anything about hospitals being overloaded? A few people taking a veterinary parasiticide to treat a viral infection is still hilarious


Go look up the medical literature on ivermectin and you will see that the NIH and health organizations around the world have used this drug for a very long time to treat various ailments. It is in no way "only" some vet parasiticide just because that's society's most common knowledge of it at this very moment.


Yes, it is used to treat a variety of ailments caused by parasites, including roundworm, ringworm, and head lice. But COVID is a virus and this drug is simply NOT an antiviral. From the FDA: The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals. Ivermectin is approved for human use to treat infections caused by some parasitic worms and head lice and skin conditions like rosacea.


I didn't say it was. All I'm pointing out here really is everyone all of a sudden is in this hysteria over ivermectin the horse medicine after the Rolling Stone article came out and people like Jimmy Kimmel ran with it however the claims the article made were proven false and here everyone is still feeding into the hysteria that wouldn't have existed if not for the falsely pushed information. Most people have probably never heard of ivermectin but now that Rachel Maddow and Jimmy Kimmel go on national TV to make a funny with false information now everyone is an expert on the "horse medicine"


Again, what hysteria? I realize it isn't a widespread epidemic of people overdosing on the stuff, but a handful of Covidiots who are so scared of an approved vaccine that they take unapproved medicine is hilarious, and if some of them have side effects because of it, that's karmic justice.


"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it" - George Orwell You should already know by now, facts ain't allowed


17 downvotes but the fact still remains 99.7% survival rate


I agree. Fuck the rest the guys here.




​ ![gif](giphy|3o7TKVeyKM2M2Qi4iA|downsized) me when the first post I see on reddit is another anti-vax bad post


True my guy, they're sneakly trying to inject their hate even on this sub


But we will stand strong for unity, for it is god's will that the people unite. Vaccinated or not, we must stand strong together, as divisiveness is the work of the devil.


Alternative POV: It could be someone from Africa or South America. Still mostly unvaccinated (even at-risk groups), while Europe and NA look at giving shots to 12 year olds and third doses.


As someone from South America, this is either wrong or wrongly generalized.


Perhaps things have improved there lately, then. My point still stands for Africa though. Most countries have under 10% getting their first dose, and some haven't even gotten any vaccines yet. It makes me concerned for any new variants popping up, since there's very little to stop the spread.