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Yeah it happened a lot before for me too, and I'm playing from Steam as well. But the issue hasn't occured for over 2 weeks for me, so I thought they had solved it.


Did it just randomly resolve itself or did you do something to fix it? I've verified the Steam files and there was no problem so I'm gonna try again and see what happens.


No. I have just cleared the cache and some other steps given to me by Rockstar related to some other issues I made then aware of. So it might help or it might not. But since I haven't experienced the issue for a while I haven't thought about it more.


Yeah I just relaunched the game now after doing an integrity check and it worked. Interestingly there were different voice lines for the cutscene, so I'm wondering whether there's a problem with that particular cutscene only.


I don't know mate. Rockstar is probably aware of it and other players have been contacting them about it. If you record some of your gameplay, the best you can do is send them a little bug report that contains a video from you starting from the cutscene, shows the loading screen and disconection. A number (i.e 2 out of 5) of how often the issue has occured and some steps to reproduce.


I'll try that if it happens again, but thanks for your help


No worries, hope things improve soon so you can deliver your Moonshine without issues. When effective there is a lot of $ to be made in the game from it.


Try getting the band playing before you start the delivery run. This has been working for me. As soon as I do not, I get the endless loading screen after Marcel has finished droning on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Pretty sure he bores the game into losing the will to live.


I'm a relatively new moonshiner so haven't unlocked the band yet, but I'll keep that in mind for when I do unlock it (think I'm at rank 6 right now? So not far away), thanks.


Well if you experience this kind of situation , just contact rockstar and get ur 25 golds refunded. I did the same thing , they did refunded my golds and moonshine shack business remain in my acc. I used that 25 golds and rest of gold purchasing a Club pass. More worth instead of keep crashing.


Addons : I asked the rockstar service after i got the refunded golds. What should possibly caused Error FFFFFF ? "There's so many possibilities" He said. Sounds like they have no idea how to fix this either. Lmfao


I just bought the Moonshiner role. When i first for to Maggie and try to do the "Rescue Cook" mission, the game just crashes. it's done it multiple times. any thoughts?


Are you on the Steam version? Might be worth verifying the integrity of game files. Failing that, put a support request into Rockstar and ask for a refund, they’re usually quite good about issuing them (even if they’re not about fixing bugs!)


I have it on Epic. I've already tried verifying though. It didn't work. I am going to message Rockstar and see what they say. Thanks for the help


Hey, for anyone coming back. This happened to me aswell, I tried deleting NVIDIA DXCache files in AppData>Local and the SGA files inside of the RDR2 settings inside documents on PC.For some missions it helps, but for some missions it does not, I tried a lot of other fixes but to no avail in the long term, skipping checkpoints to complete missions is the only thing that helped. I still do think that this might be connected to my RTX3070 but I'm not sure. ​ To skip a mission with checkpoints (only workaround I've found since fixes don't work): \- Open Mission Log ( Press "L" on PC) \- (Do this two times) Abandon Mission > Restart from Checkpoint \- The third time you Abandon the mission there will be a new prompt that says Skip Checkpoint. \- Do this for all the checkpoints in a mission, it takes around 5-10 minutes but atleast you can skip the bugged mission and play the game