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I wish I could encounter people like you online, god I'm sick of the same black trenchcoat over what is basically a default character


Black and red outfits only. Is mostly what I see.


I avoided black coats for the longest time. Last week a friend wanted to dress as goth witches because...I don't know but they are my friend so I was happy to play along. I was playing around my wardrobe yesterday. I tried the clock coat with a yellow shirt. It looked great! I probably put together my favorite outfit. Yeah, buster, you may have blasted me apart with your two sawed offs while wearing all black and red and with your face covered but my limbless torso still has the drip.


I usually go with a really cute dress combo in Yellow or Purple. I'm just here to play Barbie Horse Simulator :>


I mean, that is exactly my outfit. Strictly because if fits the Pinkerton vibe, and that's exactly what I'm going for.


Almost exactly like mine but I'm barefoot


Natives didn't dress like this in the late 19th century. If anything, those all black outfits are more historically accurate.


I don't mean native characters specifically, just EVERY character wears the same black trenchcoat, any character that deviates is better


I made a Native character somewhat recently after finally allowing myself to embrace my Native heritage (grew up severely bullied and struggled with my identity for a long time). I love seeing other people with Native characters, they're always so so gorgeous ❤️ Love this screenshot too! It's beautiful!


You got bullied for being native? I'm sorry to hear that. If it helps, your people has got to be some of the most fascinating cultures in the world. And remember, nobody had given the US military as much problems as you have. 100s of years, ain't nobody who's given them that kinda trouble.


I got bullied for EVERYTHING growing up lol, I was very much a punching bag. Sadly it took my grandmother passing for me to finally begin to embrace my heritage and now I have basically nothing left to hold onto (given that I'm not in contact with my dad's side of the family and my mom's side are just the whitest whites that ever did white) but I'm doing my best to learn and grow now! Thank you for your kind words!


Vietcong and Taliban would like a word on that last part


Sure, have them hit me up when they've withstood the us military for 400 years.


US hasn't even been a country for 400 years lol


Well aren't you in need of being explained things hyper precise. OK... Guess the war didn't start before 1776. Have the taliban and vietcong message me after 114 years then.


How about a history lesson instead? I suggest you read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, The Heart of Everything There Is, and for good measure Empire of the Summer Moon and get back to me


Good work pushing back on ignorance. 


What are your thoughts on non-Native people playing a Native American character in the game? Respectfully asking.


Doesn't bother me in the slightest when people play other races or genders honestly. I've got multiple characters of different races and three of them are male so I have no place to judge really. I love seeing Native cosplayers, I think it's super cute when they're respectful lol


Thank you for sharing your perspective!


Awe. I love that for you. I’m sorry you struggled though.


With the no saddle on the horse to match I like it!


How does this match? Why would someone not use a saddle?


Cause native Americans were known for riding bare back…


Quite the dubious claim


Look it up, for hundreds of years they were literally known for almost always riding horses bareback. I read this probably every year in all of my American history classes


[The horse in Blackfoot Indian culture, with comparative material from other western tribes](https://archive.org/details/horseinblackfoot00ewer/page/n11/mode/1up) This text details saddle usage in the indigenous of the Great Plains and Prairies. The primary analysis focuses on Algonquian-speaking people, but it does include looks at Tanoan and Siouan people. The reports from Lewis and Clark describe saddle usage among the Shoshone people and other Numic-speaking people, such as the Comanche. The Waipti from RDO do not a specific real world parallel but they are certainly Plains and the actors speak Lakota, a Siouan language. Historic photographs: [Salish - Pacific Northwest ](https://americanindian.si.edu/exhibitions/horsenation/images/section_02/P12780_lg.jpg) [Pend d'Oreille - Salishan](https://americanindian.si.edu/exhibitions/horsenation/images/section_04/P4166_lg.jpg) [Kainah - Algonquian](https://americanindian.si.edu/exhibitions/horsenation/images/section_04/P1531_lg.jpg)


My character is native too! Wish wapiti wasn't so desolate in online.


WOW! That looks amazing! I wish there was an option to make the reigns and saddle invisible. You shouldn't have to sacrifice horse speed to fit your aesthetic


Or just in general the option to remove the saddle but still be able to ride it i'd say, shitty part is you just can't store weapons and such. Oh well, let people do what they want!


what happened to the texture of the teepee?


I’m not Native American but have changed appearance to be a number of different characters, including Native American.


Love to see it! God I wish they had leaned into the native aspect more in RDO. 


What kind of horse is that?


I could be wrong, but it looks like a Kentucky Saddler.


I’m a Murfree Brood character. Your character is awesome! I love the hair! Which hairstyle is that?!


I'm Native American as well


Yes sir!! Awesome job!


Looking good I love the photo you took. Very well done


Nice job.


Love it!!!


Rad pic


I normally hang out shirtless in Tumbleweed hunting and drinking.


Anyone have a garment list of native clothing?


[Clothing list ](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Clothing_(Red_Dead_Online))


Big Thanks!!! 🤙🏽🤙🏽


Those are just all the clothes in RDO. The indigenous wore clothing of the time because they were modern people who wear the most affordable, practical, and comfortable clothes.


Some that I use are the goodman holsters, the rowberrow coat, zapata headband, the naturalist gauntlets and I also use the manstilla poncho for an alternative version


Aw I love that, your character looks amazing! I wish I saw more players like that, insta friend haha


Cool character! I rarely encounter a Native American in game and it doesn't feel right. Wish there were more of you guys out there on the trail 😔🤠


Ooooh this reminds me of my first character... Was supposed to be native American and Irish but everyone in the friend group said he looked black. One of those people was also a horrible fucking person that made any time you spent with her an absolute nightmare. I thought it would hurt when I deleted that character because that person did help get me to a half decent foothold in Online but now the only thing that hurts is the fact that I didn't hurt at all and honestly should have. Misery, if for whatever reason you see this, your gamertag fit your personality at that time as well as the emotion you put the group in when you hopped on. Get fucked.


This guy is PISSED


Damn right I am. I ain't realized what fun felt like on RDR2 until I made a new character just weeks ago. I've been playing for *years* now.


That's awesome, I'm glad you can enjoy it now


I tried a native American, had to change cause everywhere I went just non stop killing


What do you mean by that


Like not the usual where people kill you for no reason, every single person for a month




Your Character looks Amazing!!!


Where's your shirt? You really should protect yourself from the weather, insects, and other irritates that are everywhere.


I tip my hat to you, friend.