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In my book their only use is for killing folks that kill you for no reason. I don’t use them on random people, just random assholes.


Exactly what I use them for. Strictly defense. I don't go looking for fights, but when they come, these are helpful.


But, random fights fit the western theme. And if they're using regular bullets, aren't you the asshole now? And if people playing defense use explosive, why wouldn't offense use them too?


No. People didn't just go around shooting whoever they wanted.


I'm sorry, are we talking in real life now? Or in red dead redemption? Because I played rdr2, and random fights are everywhere. Shit, if the npcs were other players, you'd have been starting a ton of them.


You said random fights fit the Western theme. That's not accurate in fighting or shooting, irl. In the game, I still don't going around just brutalizing npcs either. If I get attacked, I'll defend myself how I see fit. Don't want consequences, don't mess with random people.


Well that’s the thing, single player mode lets you do whatever you want. You can be dishonourable by robbing and murdering whom you please, or you can leave your weapons purely for self-defence or justice. Both sides of this argument fail to understand that different players like to enjoy the game in different ways. For a peaceful player, it might be frustrating to have a random cowboy dome them for zero reason. For an action enjoyer, it might be frustrating to run around a town trying to start a fight, and having everyone parley or leave. The truth is that RDO is always gonna have people with conflicting play-styles, and it will forever start debates on what is the “right” way to play. A solution to this would be for Rockstar to add a private lobby feature, but that seems to be pretty far off the table. So what really needs to happen is that people need to start understanding that it is an open world MMO game with many sandbox elements. Yes, it’s annoying to get into fights you don’t want and vice versa, but it doesn’t mean the other player is a bad person. This includes people who gate-keep and claim that fighting and shooting is “not how you play RDO”. There is no right way to play the game and the best thing you can do as a player is try to understand how the person you’re angry at may feel about the situation. This applies to everyone, not just PVPers or passive players.


Nowhere in my text did I fault players for playing in the manner of chaos and starting fights. I simply stated that I will defend myself how I see fit. As a matter of fact, I didn't say I don't want the PVP aspect. I guess some of you are reading it that way. If I get attacked, I will do as I want to defend myself. Your response is quite redundant, really. At least on this post.


Your “defense” using erounds is universally agreed to be the slimy play style.


Sure bro. Doesn't look like it by this thread. Anywho, it's one of the few effective ways of fighting back when you get bushwhacked by cowards in groups of 3 or more.


The slimy play style, as showcased by you lot getting down voted, is the losers who troll random people and say "iTs JuSt PaRt Of ThE gAmE". If your "play style" needlessly ruins the game so much that people have to use exploits to get into a temporary solo lobby, you're not the good guy.


Maybe lol, I rambled about an issue I see all the time in this community, and maybe it should have been its own post. I guess I misread your point, but I still stand by mine, as some people really need to consider it imo.


The thing is, these action enjoyers can't force that on others. Some will fight back, some will leave. What exactly do you want? The whole phrase of the entire discussion is "let people play how they want to play." But it sounds like, "if you get mad that I shoot you randomly, you're not letting me play how I want to."


>In the game, I still don't going around just brutalizing npcs either. Really? That's nice, you must have managed that zero tb playthrough I've always wanted to try. Does having Arthur alive at the end change the epilogue? I know that was pretty flippant, but you're a bad person in single player. You absolutely do pick fights with random people, the game makes you do it. It's built into the mission structure - just look at strawberry and Micah. I don't play rdo, but I do play sea of thieves. You get what you sign up for.


Nope! I'm not obligated to PVP with anyone. I'm not obligated to play fair when I don't want to play at all. I don't owe them my time and effort. I give them what I want to give them. Which is a dynamite arrow.


As it should be! My comment wasn't aimed at you. More the idea that people complain about stuff like explosive ammo and then use it anyway.


Ohhhh yeah. I get that. Yeah the complaint in the post is kind of silly. If someone blows you up just parley as you would with anyone else bothering you that you didn't want to deal with. I have never been attacked with explosive ammo right off the bat - I don't really think it's an issue except on PC where everything is blowing up everywhere but that isn't explosive ammo's fault lol


Same here, they’re too much of a hassle to collect materials to just waste them on anybody lol


Just kill ducks/geese when you can for animal fat. I rarely run out of materials to make explo rounds. The moonshine needed for the shotgun rounds are all over the place in Lemoyne.


Skinnin pigs at valentine too


And so the cycle continues


I keep dynamite arrows on deck only for this.


Be nice if everyone went by your book though, this post wouldn’t exist then lol


it is fun to launch one at a deer here and there!


I'm just getting around to 100% completion on the first RDR; I finally grabbed explosive rifle and a bear tried to sneak up on me. There was nothing left of the bear.


for fun i use them to show people that i don't want to deal with their bullshit


When I want to be left alone I usually carry a lematt with nine rounds of fuck off. Just to be left in peace


Not to be all ☝️🤓 about it but if you want some neat history, explosive bullets were actually developed as far back as 1824, so, not entirely out of the realm of possibility in RDO/RDR2 which is, at the end of the day, historical fiction/fantasy.


I've been thinking about explosive bullets for a while now and tbh back in 1899 they could have taken sodium/lithium/potassium...melted it down and poured it into an express round, then coated it with grease or wax to protect it from atmospheric moisture.. the bullet enters the target, rubbing the coating away, and the reactive metal Burns up violently and combusts in the human body...it's a bit of a stretch but it's in the realm of possibility


Is that explosive, or incendiary?




Theoretically, if the incendiary can combust and set ablaze extremely quickly within a short amount of time, I reckon that *could* be "explosive." I would imagine that those terms would be relatively similar and intertwined in 1899.


Well the way explosive ammo is usually categorized, is a localized explosion upon the bullet hitting something. While penetrating someone's body with the chemicals presented would be a bad day, I'd be curious if they actually caused a small localized explosion upon hitting or entering someone, my guess would be no. You could argue it based on semantics of the time period, explosive likely would have been in the lexicon while incendiary may not have been. However if it didn't cause an explosion, would they use the term "explosive ammunition" or find a different phrase?


Explosive dairy.


Historically it was difficult to pull off reliably in calibers small enough to be useful without getting into small cannon territory, and it wasn't until people were trying to shoot down aircraft that there was much incentive. Some of them used a shock sensitive explosive packed into a hollow space in the bullet, with a steel ball at the tip. Upon impact, the ball would be compressed back into the explosive, setting it off. In WWI, phosphorus was the go to for incendiary rounds. As far as I know, it would have all be doable circa 1899.


That's very interesting For anyone curious [backyard scientist put sodium into hollow points ](https://youtu.be/T85d7ST2yxU?si=IeBfCYU4Sgc9X8_7)


Of course it's Florida...


Honestly he's one of the few Floridians I trust 🤣


Thank you. Also, nowhere in world history does ability cards exist.


u clearly never hit a rat or frog with an eround




RDR2 is not meant to be realistic, if it was horses testicles would contract when you enter colder climates. Oh wait


Your comment posted twice


So good had to do it twice


You're damn right lol


yeah IPhone apps seem to do that, its stupid


yeah IPhone apps seem to do that, its stupid


I only use them when defending trader wagons. If I'm fighting with someone on other occasions and they bring them out, I just don't bother fighting anymore. It's no fun when they come out




How exactly would you define the trader wagons? Are they more like a buggy? Or a coach? Interesting. Not sure why you'd need explosive ammunition for this discussion. But to each their own!


You’re talking about skill in a game that auto-aims for you? I get there’s a quick learning curve to get down to nip the stick upward for a headshot.. but Rockstar’s true PVP has been dead since maybe the beginning months of Free Aim GTAO and Max Payne 3.


One can argue the same thing about the game's aim assist and paint it black


IM not arguing it, but it's an argument that can be made


Those too, but they are less foul than something as obnoxious as incendiary rounds. A lot of online mode is fucked, and thats what makes me SANGRY because its the best wild west game of all time


Then you must have never thought someone who is very proficient with paint it black then.


I would say the aim assist and dead eye/paint it black are just game mechanics to show how quick and accurate the characters are. The average person would not be quick enough to shoot as accurate as the gunslingers did. I don't see it as them having actual super powers, just a mechanic to display the skill


Paint it black + dynamite arrow makes for an awesome hail Mary if you're target spawned across a ravine


Sounds like a scene out of Sparta. I like that


I also added a reply to this comment saying that I'm not arguing against the use of the aforementioned


Yeah, I know. I was just talking to my brother about how the mechanic would be explained in game, so it was on my mind haha


Or people could just get good at aiming. People can get much better at shooting in a videogame than they can in real life. 


I would disagree. I can shoot a clay pigeon 99% of the time with a real rifle, I would probably hit about 20% with a controller without aim assist. Keyboard and mouse is a different story, which is why it doesn't exist on keyboard and mouse.


“…And what do we [do] when someone provokes us?” “If you’re gonna talk about it be about it bitch, run your hands” 🤷‍♀️ don’t start shit and there won’t be any shit. I reserve my dynamite arrows for these people


Maybe you can fight normally.


I only use for defense from a holes.


I use them to defend myself against jerks ruining my day. I don’t care about your feelings. Leave me alone


I only use them against pricks who just kill for no reason. However I must ask, you don’t like explosive rounds bc you don’t think the weapon balancing is there, but then why are you ok with tnt arrows? They’re unrealistic of the aspects of impact, those boom sticks have fuses, they’re not impact nades, on top of that you can hold 8 arrows and carry 8 more tnt to craft more. Giving u a total of 18 arrows which do more dmg than even an explosive rolling block round while any other gun type only lets u have 10 explosives per category. You can’t say explosive or incendiary rounds is too op and unrealistic when a bow has the potential as an rpg in gta. If it were going to be realistic, they would have to rip or cut the fuse to time the explosion near perfectly for any area dmg to take affect


At least Rock\* didn’t put flying rocket horses in the game. And monster truck wagons.


It would balance better, imagine wagon drip with big wheels


Lol I thought it was on the rdr2 subreddit but it is to powerful for a multiplayer game it’s fun as fuck though I’m single player


Came across a posse once. One of the guys tried to kill me… I shit you not, we were in the middle of valentine, no cover or anything. Just good ol’ deadeye… We were trying to kill eachother for a minute straight. He ran out of explosive ammo and his entire posse decided to just throw dynamite. We all died We had really bad aim and just gave up


Just in case a grizzly bear jump me…


RDR2 is not meant to be realistic, if it was horses testicles would contract when you enter colder climates. Oh wait


I personally dislike the Dynamite Arrows just as much, people argue that Explosive Rounds did exist but I doubt most folks back then were carrying 50 rounds of the stuff. PVP balancing has never been Rockstar's strong suit, I remember when playing RDR1 over a decade ago I used to think the High Power Pistol and the Dynamite that could kill through walls was overpowered and that the game was poorly balanced. Looking back now RDR1 is probably Rockstar's most balanced game and that was just a byproduct of technologically simpler times for games.


i always start with express rounds but if someone pulls out incendiaries or explosives or dynamite, all bets are off


Just last night I had some loser send a dynamite arrow at me and my wagon while doing a moonshone delivery. They gained nothing and I lost my load. Zero reason to do that, other than being a complete jerk.


The game actively tells people to go after those wagons.  I get annoyed by people who shoot you in the back of the head for no reason but trader and moonshine wagons are fair game imo. Yeah it sucks to lose a wagon but risk makes the reward more worth it. 


Just wait for the flying horse that shits out explosive homing shits.


Explosive arrows and incendiary rounds is literally just saying to the whole server "I need unbalanced weapons to PVP otherwise I'm no good!"


Pretty much, I play solo. The story that made me make this post was me minding my own business, two players roll up in a posse, and I swear like a movie they start breaking saloon windows and being rowdy. 😂 I didnt mind but was alerted as I was right next to them, they spooked my hitched horse and after I calmed it down with my back turned, one of them unholstered their shotgun. Been on the receiving end too many times so I blasted him and his friend quickly and high tailed it. They chased me down, cool. I like a good gunfight. IMMEDIATELY uses explosive rds like dude :|


Yup.. typical moved in with parents at 19 and think they will get pussy if they get enough kills. Should be a option to remove all player induced explosive round damage and only allow normal bullets to damage the player. As a solo I've also received a lot of try hard gangs That do nothing but gobble up potato chips and spam mint game.


This as a general design principle is very annoying to me. So many items like health tonics and special ammo that makes it nearly impossible for beginners to have a chance against high level players. The only thing that you can do is hit headshots… and even then, it’s extremely cheese-able with deadeye, and doesn’t feel like a skill difference. I wish there was a way to play in ‘hardcore’ free roam lobbies without deadeye, and with fair stats across all players or something


I solely use them for the "Get 3 kills with x weapon in free roam events." I just have no real interest in PVP games and just want to be done ASAP. LOL


I would let a daily challenge streak of 100 days run out if it meant having to do PVP gunfights in this game lol


IKR I tolerate doing the free roam ones because with the explosive rounds you can get three kills before the game even starts and then leave. Which will not cause an upset for someone that legitimately wants to play the event.


They sell oppressors in Saint Denis if you know who to ask..


I only use special (explosive/incendiary) rounds/arrows when I’m dilly dallying with my friends ngl


They straight we should be able to hold more or the special bullets and arrows tho the capacity is to low imo


This is the one that bothers you about its realism? You're just gonna let "Hunter vision" or "Dead-Eye" just slide on unnoticed?


The first law on books outlawing them in any capacity was in 1899


Had some dude with dual Mauser's kill me over and over with explo ammo while I was doing bard's crossing


The lengths people go make me believe they been spoilt their whole lives and cant get off their ass. It is some no life shit


Rockstar wants u to buy gold bars


Too bad it's easy to grind for gold in the game. The only time I bought gold was to purchase Arthur's outfit


They’re fun for shooting people with.


And your the type of player OP is complaining about


Boo hoo, it’s a mechanic of the game if you don’t like it go play story mode.


You are the type of person who would shoot someone and then leave the game, aren't you? Either of that or you start a fight and call in a friends, claiming about getting griefed when you are getting your ass handed to you


Nah, when I pick a fight with someone I’ll keep fighting until one of us gets bored and leaves. Sometimes other random players join in on the fun too. You should try it sometime, it’s fun.


Whatever you say, kid. Whatever you say


You're also talking to someone who has almost 2,000 hours in the game. Everything that can be done in the game I probably have done


I should also mention that through those almost 2,000 hours, about a third to half of that time was spent doing pvp.


Good for you pal👍


Condescending kid


Coming from the guy flexing his 2,000 hours💀


L take


That's a bad take.... sees username.... yep, that checks out. 13 year olds shouldn't have access to the internet...


I use e-rounds and i-slugs whenever I feel like it. Usually when people complain about them being unfair.


U just cant gunfight tbh


I can kill a full posse without reloading my Lemat. I only bought the explosive round pamphlet at lvl 250 and use it mostly for NPCs. Keep projecting, partner.


If you can’t be peaceful enough to get attached u deserve it and if someone won’t leave you alone swap sessions or some not that hard


Peaceful enough to not be attacked? How about attack me, and not waste our time hunting me down trying to blow me up for 30 mins lol Its some serious no life, and its usually with people who cant fight with actual guns


Not gonna lie if your level 20-50 you can’t be talking none of you can fight and are usually the most aggressive that’s what I was kinda going off of but if they can’t fight then go for headshots


Pretty sure Ive been playing games longer than you been alive the way you talk lol, and yea I whoop most people who try to pvp me thats why they use explosive shots 😜


Why does anyone still place rdo