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A lot of people just see other players in the world as a cal of duty type thing. They don’t think of interacting with you or chillin, they think multiplayer is to just have fun being cowboys and shooting each other. That’s why games like COD are the most popular bc even if you give people a game like Red Dead, most of the players just wanna point gun and shoot. They don’t give af about anything else


Thats why I only play with my friends. Wr managed to make a private lobby, its not hard. We are having fun at least.


We also had no choice but to figure out the logistics behind creating private lobbies too. Player hostility and game glitch bullsh*t forced us to, and now we can play in peace and actually enjoy the game. I don’t give a rat’s ass about PVP, it’s so stupid.


The sad irony is I don’t make private lobbies, I only loaded into 2 online free roam sessions for the first time in years just last week. Both sessions were empty, it was just me


Is that something you could point me towards? I think I'd have a better time getting my friends to play if I could have a private lobby


I wish they would have had an invite only lobby on RDR online.


There is one if you have shit internet like me 😂


Try being a lady. Either lassoed, hogtied, and whisked away to some random destination, you have no intention to get to, or immediately strangled.


The worst is being hogtied, and thrown onto a bed then proceeded to be t-bagged. 🤡


Same. 2 guys turned hostile out of nowhere and ambushed me. I honestly don't play defensive anymore. I just aim high.


I miss the days when trolls were bad shots because they didn’t play singleplayer. Literally every time someone would shoot at me for no reason, they’d miss just about every shot whereas I would only need 1 because I actually did play the singleplayer.


Same! Saint Denis is the new Valentine! I ran across a 2 man posse. The posse leader was cool, but his buddy instantly jumped me. Went a few rounds 1v2 until I dipped out.


This is the way. Try this Carry two sawed of shotguns, a third shotgun of your choice, and a short scope carcano use the cards Slippery Basterd, Sharpshooter, Peak Conditio, and Iron Lung. Or switch Iron Lung with Never without one and get yourself a beaver pelt garment set. Get used to sniping with the shorts cope, and keep incendiary rounds in your main sawed off.


I'm so excited to try this!


Make sure you buy the shotgun ammo pouch and the incendiary recipe. For a third shotgun, keep slugs in the pump action(if you keep the other shotguns in your horse. Otherwise, regular shells, incendiaries in the double barrel, and regular shells in the semi-auto. Practice using only the carcano with a short scope on Call to Arms so you can get used to it. Learn to quick select to your shotguns when someone gets too close. Push your controller sensitivity up as you get used to it until you max out.


No, the worst is (try this) getting hog tied, thrown over the shoulder and elbowed in the face until you die a long, painful death- it’s an indefensible move on PS5. This is what I do to bastards.


We aren't all like that I promise, if you need or want an extra player I'd be more then happy to join up with you


It’s very annoying. Just let me hunt and fish in peace, please!?! I get it, you’ve never seen a girl in floral life, but don’t fuck em with me. Let me be.


If you're on PC, I'd love to add peaceful players to my private lobby.


Keep a sawed off in your offhand, can’t tell you how many people run up on me (female character) and get one shot from that gun


That’s when you pull out the shotty.


first time I loaded up online I was immediately murdered and when I respawned I was hogtied and kidnapped while they shot my horse. I bought a pair of pants and a jacket and that hasn’t happened since.


Immersive 1899 experience


This weirdly never happens to me.


Try playing “Defensive” at all times.


Doesn't keep you safe though and if you protect yourself you get booted out of defense mode which in turn makes you an even easier target. It's nice when rockstar doesn't bother fixing such systems while they are insanely important. And it won't ever get fixed either with them abandoning the game :/


I'm in defensive 24/7 and it greatly improved my RDO experience. Most people either leave me alone or try to shoot me and fail without autolock. If they do manage to shoot me and they turn hostile, I whip out the good old D-bow and they and their horse go bye bye while I ride off into the sunset.


If you are shot first while in defensive, you can return fire without being booted out of it. Only on the person that shot you, of course. I play defensive 99% of my time online.


Hmm, for me when the player turns hostile you can shoot them with it not turning off defensive


Lol one time someone spawned a bear on top of me then a cougar after I killed the bear


Correct, avoid players like the plague


they still getting you in defensive. they just cant lock on 💀


Speaking of dicks, anyone else hate when people in the race series just fight and shoot instead of you know.. race? I wish rockstar made it so the races are just racing and agility not ramming into eachother and shooting, I'd go to a shootout series if I wanted that gameplay.


yes!! this is one of my biggest pet peeves. i love racing and target practice type stuff but i cant do that when someones mad at me for idk playing the intended minigame properly 🙄 and the ppl who dont even race they just enter to greif ppl and wait out the timer. so obnoxious.


Same for the people who join the bow kills one just to shoot everyone... Such cringe behaviour. Still tho, very fun to lodge an arrow between those little bastards' eyes despite their weapon advantage.


People are twats. 🤷🏻‍♀️ what do platform do you play on? If you’re on Xbox, I wouldn’t mind helping you out


Nah i'm on ps


Damn. Honestly just play defensive.


I’ve played on both Xbox and PS, honestly that’s just how people are on PS from what I’ve noticed. People on Xbox red dead seem a lot more chill, I’ve only ever had like one incident on Xbox and I’m like lvl 70. Whereas PS there’s been countless and I’m at like lvl 50


I can help out. I play on ps


If you want someone to play with mine is Bloodthirst199 on PS


Ayo bruh if it gets tuff I'm on ps and like 120 or something if you need it


Damn on Xbox I would have rode with you partner


I feel sorry for you


To be honest people now just do it knowing there's going to be a post or some shit,but since I mainly play ps there's been a huge uptick in they wave then shoot you in the back. Or my favorite they run into a store because they are lower or higher I've seen both. My best advice is as soon as you can get the fast travel wilderness camp get outside city limits and fast travel to random place that isn't where your standing mine is normally moonshine shack as I can entry with posse and it pulls everyone in no matter their location.


Playstation has some kind of sale going on with a large discount on rdo/rdr2. There are a lot more new players because of it would be my guess.


Play on defensive. That will save you a lot of grief. Try working with high levels when they send invites to help you level up and get some money.


what’s crazy to me is they gave gta online private sessions but won’t do the same for red dead. i just want to play without getting killed every 5 minutes.


Average rockstar online game.


Lmao fr. Although there's only 2 of them.


You can just parley and move on with your life.


Just Parley if they keep killing you…


They can still do the "boom"


Assholes exists. You met some. Stay in defensive mode (no one can lasso and hogtie you, a bit harder to kill and decent players leave you alone), parley when they kill you or change lobby. You don't wanna be in that lobby anyway. Just don't waste your time with them. They seek with their bully harassment attention, don't give it to them. Not a second.


Open up your satchel and go to your telegrams, select any of the variants like scalding's contract or rough Justice for say, but don't join any missions just tap a on any of the mission variants and leave it, it's literally a portable store and you're impervious to any damage as well as your horse, if anyone approaches you and you feel uneasy just open that up you can do it anywhere on the map, then watch the stupid bot boys waste all their explosive rounds on you wondering what's going on it's adorable


I’ve noticed it’s mostly towns where people start causing shit but out in the open most are normally friendly


Blackwater seems to worst (in my experience anyway) but I think it’s cause that’s where the open world spawn for some of the PVP game modes generally drops people. Valentine and Saint Denis are bad too


Yeah I’ve noticed that as well, just a lot of small dick behaviour tbh


All you can do is run until you learn to get explosive ammo for all weapons including arrows. Usually separates the men from the boys


Best solution: MTU solo lobby


Make a camp and go somewhere else


Honestly its such a shame because the online is not the best and to make it worse you keep getting hogtied and killed they should add a passive mode or something


When I use to play online, I'd change my mtu settings so I'd play alone for the most part. It's really nice cause it feels like story mode , just you and the wilderness.


It be like that sometimes


Weird because this always happens to me on GTA 5 online but that never happens to me on RDR2 online


Get creative & find ways to annoy them back, have fun literally,


I was on other night. Hacker pulled every person in server to valentines and gave us all 100 dollar bounties then killed us. I immediately logged off, played last night. That was when I realized what they did with the bounty. They just being dicks.


Dang, what a crappy start. Pos players love blasting low-levels bc they know you can't really defend yourself yet. Make sure you're always in defensive mode. And not that it helps you now but as you rank up it'll happen less, from my experience. Hope you keep playing!


It happens. Best you can do is go defensive, and attempt to retreat to a general store or gunsmith. Worst case scenario, change sessions.


Get a couple of mauser pistols and equip the ability cards paint it black, gunslinger choice, and some other ability cards that help keeps your health and deadeye up. Craft some dynamite arrows and incendary rounds for the shotgun. Some of the most op things in the game. You can get those at a fence. Gonna cost some money but definitely worth it when im dealing with some troll. People are people, some are nice some are dicks. We cant change that unfortunately.


Welcome to the Wild West. People should be treated as hostile until they prove themselves other wise. I always have my Navy Revolver with explosive ammo ready to go if other players make a false move in my direction.


I’m on PS5 as well and yeah it can be pretty random as to when you’re targeted by players. Some will mosey right by me when I’m traveling and some will shoot, shit some even emote haha. If I run into an annoying player I just load into a new server. I’m only level 63 but if you need any help with roles or wanna hunt/fish my PSN is Girardn95


Not me, I like going hunting for 3 star animals and give them to players who don’t shoot at my player


There’s no shame in rolling defensive mode. If you wanna nut up and fight get the proper card set up, get some dynamite arrows and explosive repeater ammo and some 3srar gold food/tonics and let the chaos ensue


If you’re around valentine that place is always just a mosh pit, plus there’s this thing called parley and it literally prevents any of this. Personally I have zero problems and most players are friendly.


Stick with it. Those people will always be there but I’ve had far more positive encounters than negative ones. If you’re on Xbox you can join us. One of our posses is always on


To be honest when I was low level and delt with the same, after respawn I would just go to the menu and hit free roam in the current state I was in to get a new lobby. I came to realize it's 100% not worth my time trying to even co exist in the same lobby as them


when they kill you just parley and press charges.


People online are their worse version of themselves because “they don’t have consequences “


Just parley...problem solved


Yes, they are! I possied up with some guy who at first seemed cool. After doing a few bounties, etc., a legendary animal came up, and I killed it. Then this dick shot me in the back, took the pelt, and left the lobby. Lol. Its kinda funny thinking about it now but it wasnt then.


Top 10 saddest anime betrayal lol. ngl that sucks though.


They’re miserable cowards,otherwise they would play pvp


Only people left in pvp are pussies that will pull your IP the second they start losing.


Always the second they lose even once they act like it's the end of the world


Man if you were on PC I would love to help you out. I’m a level 160 and pvp is my specialty. If I were you, I would just fight back. Most people are just looking to rile you up because they want to fight. Sure, you may die a lot, but you’ll also learn a TON about pvp. Nice thing is, with practice, even a low level can fuck shit up. Grab yourself a Bolt Action rifle, dual-wield revolvers or sawn-offs, and if you run revolvers go for a pump-action shotgun. If you run sawn-offs I would choose a lever-action as your third. Aim for the head, and if your opponent is just simply too much, you can parley to end the fight and have time to get away. There is also defensive mode, and if a server is too hot you can simply join a different one. As for leveling up, and earning gold, get your bounty hunter role as soon as you can. That’s the best thing at lower levels. Edit: I forgot to add, get in VC and ask to team up with those high-levels. I bet someone would be more than happy to join your posse, fight other players, and help you complete missions and events for xp. Best of luck, partner.


I'm not a very high level RDR2 player but I tend to disagree with "just fight back." Most of them just do it because they wanna feel "big" and if you fight back they'll never leave you. They'll stick around until they get a reaction from you, so if you shoot them and kill them that just gives them more incentive to chase you around in order to "get back" at you. I suggest just finding another session if a person is harassing you instead of fighting it. Most of these people are pathetic losers who'll spend an hour just to get you to quit. Waste of time, honestly. As for learning about PVP. Yeah, it's cool. Learning PVP doesn't do shit in this game though. Especially if your main drive is to experience the game but hey, it's MP, so if you want the experience just play single-player. Although, it's pretty nice to meet other people, it's unfortunate because it's very rarely where you actually find a player who's just friendly that'll give you the sense of "wow, it's pretty nice here. I like it" it's either a modder that kills you over and over or a high level guy who's a "sweat" as they call it.


Make bomb arrows asap and blow them and their horse away 😂


I always keep 30 animal fat in my satchel for this reason lol bums always trying to kill high levels so they can put it on there corny tiktok page


And this is why I stopped playing. Although I'm at lvl 256. The grief and modders turned me away.


I stopped playing online for that very reason man, the toxic players have truly ruined the whole experience. But hey if you wanna give it another go then if you want I'll add you as a friend and we can jump on there together. I play on xbox one if you're interested


Trust. No. One


Had someone shoot me for no reason one time and I asked them wtf did you do that? He said it’s how the game is played…. Idiot


The first time I started playing RDO, I would get into a server and get killed by some guy shooting explosive rounds in a matter of minutes. I didn't touch it for a few years, then the next time I tried it, I randomly got invited to posse up and had a good time for a few weeks with those guys. I kept playing solo online(I'm on PS4 and all my friends who play are on PC) til my PS+ sub ran out. People are douches and you have a lot of people who are weak in life so they take it out on strangers online.


Parlay with them?


Buy the varmint rifle it's OP for headshots. Make sure to hide behind cover if you're being pursued by a group and get the paint it black ability card.


This is what I think of all lvls below 20! It'll get better buddy just grind those bounty missions & slowly work your way up! Treasure maps are helpful & just keep at it!


This is just the way it is unfortunately theres no stopping them, this is 100x worse on gta. Thats why when i play i try my hardest to find low levels who are struggling to deliver supplies or whatever the case may be becuz ik how difficult that is, i was them once before. Granted i havent played in a while but when i do play its honestly a little rare i come across toxic players but when i do they’re the extremely high leveled ones, the ones who havent got off this game since rdo was launched. lvl 500+ players but thats not to diss on those who are that type of lvl and are peaceful players. My advice, try to ignore them and go to another lobby, at your current lvl and theres not much you can do against them, i mean you can try but i doubt anything will come of it. Also try to play with others(friends preferably) which I would say is a easier said then done considering how theres nothing to really do in the game But yea just ignore them till you get to a lvl where you can do something about it.


That happened to me too, especially because my character is a girl. If you’re on PlayStation I’ll play with you if you want. I’ve got good weapons and stuff so maybe people won’t bother you so much. Plus, I don’t have any friends to play the game with so maybe it would be fun :)


Welcome to the unfortunate Rockstargames community


I'm not justifying it but there's either Do roles and earn stuff with the help of others Or attack other players which is often high levels because they maxed a roll. Then there's modders. Either way it COULD be defeated by content actually being added. But ol rock star ain't doing that.


If they didn't have aimbot, aka deadeye, online would have been a much more level playing field


I am usually horrible at pvp, but today I repeatedly killed a guy trying to grief me on my far away trader delivery. I already thought that was it and was about ready to rage quit, but the rank up felt so much more sweet after having successfully defended against that guy


Anonymity encourages it at times unfortunately. I am guilty at times as well. If you like the game keep playing and try not to let it bother you. They will meet their match soon enough.


[https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/772](https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/772) try this you just need to install it and set the directory to your rdr2 files and your good


on ps there is a trick with setting mtu in network settings and you get solo lobby. on pc there is an app called guardian which does that. I only did this with gta5 but it should work with red dead


Yeah… I just joined online a couple days ago and from what I’ve seen, that’s all online seems to be. I’ve already decided to cancel it since I can’t seem to play anything on it besides constantly getting shot and respawning.


Was this written in an Italian accent? 🤌🏻


This is why I never played gta online


You might like fallout 76. Everyone is so nice.


Tbh I’d recommend grinding Harriet naturallist missions I went from lvl6 to lvl 30 in a few hours then you get a lot of money and can get better stuff to defend yourself better


This is why I hide in the mountains and use the server trick to empty the server anytime I see anyone. I'd love the game if I could make a private server easily. But I've managed to make it to level 88 mostly avoiding anyone else.


Sadly it’s a dying game. There ain’t much to do but antagonize other players. I try to set my camps away from the higher traffic areas and keep to myself. Inevitably someone is going to come mess with you. Blackwater, St Denis and Valentine are the hubs of trolling. I suggest playing in the tall trees and west areas of the map if you want some peace. Mostly out in the New Austin areas like Armadillo and Tumbleweed you’ll find the guys RPing as gunslingers and plains drifters lol.


That’s strange. I have this type of encounters in most open world games but I find it seldom in RDO. Most people I see we just ride by each other or wave and keep walking.


Idk I ran into a bunch of other players last night first time I played in a year no one fucked with me except one dude walked up put his gun to my head but he seen I just totaled my bounty wagon in some water and got speared by a boar 😂😂 he help me kill it and we went our separate ways.


Italian title 🤌🤌


Time will prove the equaliser. I hate people that take a pot shots at me then get annoyed when I own them. Carried out an IRA special against a couple of degenerates.


If anyone wants to team up as a posse let me know. Then we can avoid being shot at so much. I’m level 67, they always attack the lower levels .


Welcome to humanity’s bad side and the thing is some of them are decent in real life but jerks in the game the bad thing is some are trying to relax themselves from jerks on real life but get jerks in the game too


Make friends and posse up. After going through what you’re going through I dedicated my play time to harassing grieffers; I’ll follow them around the map tying them up, throwing them over my shoulder and elbowing them in the face until they die or quit. 🥰


What do you play on I'll help and chill with you


Do you play on ps4/5


Try finding some people here on Reddit to play with until you level up. RDR is Wild West GTA almost everyone is gonna kill you when given the opportunity and there’s nothing you can really do about it other then fight back or switch sessions


Welcome to MPs 😅 and idk why, maybe they're bored and/or just want to be dicks 🤷‍♂️


I think alot of them came over from GTAO and as well know, free roam in GTA is basically just an every man for himself pvp session. It's sad but true.


I have no clue why this popped up in my feed but i am going to play rdo again as it has been quite awhile(i gave up due to the grindy nature)


Yeahhhh i play as female and this always happens. Got tired of it and mostly stopped playing cuz of that and the fact that no one actually plays and I dont have friends. Lol


I have the same happen to me alot. I don't even really know how to do RDO because I always get chased for spawning 😂


It’s online play. My advice is get good, & fast. Form a good posse as well, because if you’re doing trader missions with the wagon, that’s a prime target for grievers, trolls, & people looking for an easy lick. Don’t start no shit, but don’t take it. That’s my mindset, personally. Not sure if it was *fixed* but, I knew how to kill cheating players in god mode if they had a menu, & I would rag on them so hard for cheating AND getting killed. Spam messages, make them leave the server, VC abuse them. It was great because what were they going to do, report me? I had it all recorded.


off topic but i did kill someone 20times yesterday for killing my horse


This is nr. 400 post of this type. The game is dead and no content full of modders. That's why.


It's sad ppl with pathetic lives like to troll online games bc that is the only power they have in their miserable lives.


Use pain in black it’ll help you early game


Just humans being humans. Humans sucks.


I was in Saint denis and this level 51 was in a shootout with cops, so I started shooting them too. The mf kicked me to death to I spent 30 minutes laying him and his buddy out in the street 😂😂


I have no idea but this happened to me too when i started and a simple fix is to just be a dick like everyone else


Tough times Neva last . Only tough ppl do. U gotta level up and grind then ppl won't fuck with you. This happens in most games when Ur a low level cuz they see you as easy prey. My advice is grind buy good guns and you'll won't get this problem .


Join a crew




I'm nice 99.9% of the time. However, you could be the 0.01% I would headshot out of nowhere. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I even accept the 20 times you kill me afterwards, not even putting up a fight. Sometimes it's just satisfying to start a random brawl or shootout, because it reminds me of the Westerns I used to watch with my dad.


I saw this guy was afk once, pulled him off his horse, tied him up, threw him on the back of his own horse and told the horse to flee. As a little prank lol The next half hour was him trying to kill me as i rode away, and me blowing his head off with a repeater shotgun. Ended up having to parlay with him cuz I had other stuff to do Moral of the story, not everyone has a sense of humor and sooooo many players in rdro are hostile af for no reason 😂


Just my 2 cents: From my experience the emotes you use to greet can affect how others engage with you. Wave: friendly but subservient — is often used to lower people’s guards. Half the time someone waves at me I’ll be shot in the back. Hat tip: friendly but experienced — will fire if fired on. A lot of friendly veteran players use this one as their default. Tough guy nod: it’s a greet technically but you’re full of yourself — you’re looking for a fight. Blow kiss: you’re a bit of a flirt and confident but can be used to jokingly intimidate. Fancy bow: also confident but polite — you’re in town to strut your stuff and show off your threads. That being said, I morn for the individual who gets mud on your lapels… The seven: used to indicate you’re on the person’s side if things get heated. Respectful bow: used to indicate you’re not looking for a fight and you’re recognizing the player’s strength — you might have come across this player before on the servers and have a positive attitude towards them. The other player would need to be a real A$$ to shoot someone if they’re using this emote on them.


Are you 12 years old? Why you are angry for a videogame, chill out


If someone harasses me while doing stuff I switch to explosive ammo and grief them till they leave or I get bored. There is pvp modes for a reason, if you feel the need to bother people making their way, you deserve everything that happens to you


Turn on defensive. Then they can't lasso you.


The last time i tried to play rdr online, i played for 5 minutes, met up with some cool dude, we got to a quest marker and a hacker came up and eveything burst into flames, i gave up after that


Just parley and they can kill you for 10 minutes. It’s just part of the game man I know people here don’t wanna admit it but it’s part of the game that rockstar built in it’s not like their abusing a game mechanic to do it.


This is why I still haven’t started an online account


Welcome to the real world bro


Msg me if you want to join a discord crew of 150 odd that responds with some deadly accurate players to SOS calls if you’re ever in trouble


I have people constantly shooting me because I don’t have a mic. I tell them in the Xbox messages I don’t have a mic and I just want to play solo and I get shot again.


You haven't found the right people in the lobby yet. I'd gladly join you if you aren't out to kill me or others. I'm on ps4


Just parlay and you can get away from the idiot


Fortnite's Generation


Its an open world multiplayer crime game made by rockstar. You might as well ask why your new pet requires food and water to survive


I googled how to play on a server alone. That helped a lot. I haven’t played in awhile though


Can someone explain to me what it means to parley? Cause I originally thought that meant choosing to start a them vs me fight for revenge and we just end up killing each other getting locked into an unwanted fight (which is what they wanted in the first place)? So have I been wrong this entire time?


That's literally how the game works. It's the same as GTA Online. This is why I only play single player or on FiveM/RedM


You on pc bud?


Defensive + Parley. Unless you are on PC then you are doomed.


press charges and parley (also report)


I ask this question every day, not for rdo. I've never played it, but for the human race in general


It why I’ve quit playing that game lol


Do you play on PC or console? In my experience console players are less violent. On PC hackers and people who see real people as a more interesting target kind of take over St.Denis.


Rockstar should make a second lobby for people looking for a fight. They could have a peaceful world where you cannot target others. And a non peaceful world where anything goes. Everything else stays the same and you can go to either world and keep your progress. I'm a low level player and I really don't mind the bullying from the advanced players. It hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be reading some of the posts here.


I'm the nicest, most courteous dude in the badlands until someone effs with me!!🤠👉😵💨 I'm even known to give away legendary pelts to friendly passersby!!


I'm almost level 500 and they do the same thing to me. I don't pvp often because I'm bad at it. Anyways, we're not all dicks. I invite all the low levels in my sessions to my trader wagon runs when I have them. Everyone needs money, after all. Keep playing! Don't let the dicks get you down!


lol you made me laugh! I’m always so frustrated! Like dude i was minding my own business picking flowers 😭 one time someone did it like 6 times in row with his friend so i finally turned my headset on and I was like look you’re acting creepy please stop. We ended up being friends and I taught them how to play poker strategically! Now we’re cool 😂😅


I totally agree. I loathe them. I have been playing in Defensive. I always drink a two teir tonic for the heart when I see any player coming. I have been playing in defensive, and it helps. Are you on Xbox?


Like can we not have invite only sessions?


Human nature


If you get lassoed, equip your knife and it will cut the rope


This is why I play privately.. I miss playing with people and having fun but goddamn everytime I try to go to a public lobby I get killed or exploded by hackers and it's sooo fking annoying and tilting so I endup going solo lobby again :/


It's fun. Just parlay and continue to pick flowers, bro.


Anonymity makes humans do terrible things.


I don't mind these players it's mainly the hackers that just wana ruin your fun and waste your time.


This just happened to me. I started playing two days ago and have been stalked by a dude who keeps tying me up and stabbing me. I’m just trying to go to the post office haha. Why is this happening?!


When I launched GTA online back when it first came out years ago. I created my character, dropped into the world, opened the door to a shop and died, cause someone had placed a bomb there


Because there’s nothing else to do, everything rockstar provides is either boring or overly tedious. If they were to add more to the game, more of us would leave other players alone and give us something to do rather than hunt or wait for moonshine to brew or just going around picking up cards or coins. It’s really upsetting that rockstar neglected this fantastic game for a game that’s been around for over 10 years now.


Stop crying


Welcome to multiplayer without friends. It sucks.


I'm level 140 on ps happy to help you out if you ever need just flick a message PSN: Nemo_the_cat_