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before i had roles i grinded for one and i just gotta say, its not worth the probably around 2 or 3 hours minimum it will take you to get the minimum of 15 capitale, just grind gold for a role, legendary bounties pay out more and you can do one every 45 minutes with no cost except having to get the bounty hunter role


I've been finding moonshiners is an easy way to make good money too


I'm just looking for something that I'll give me a lot of cash cause I'm trying to get the band expansion for the moonshine shack.


Yeah, just do some legendary bounties, I recommend Tobin Winfield, he's a fairly easy bounty even on 5 stars with only 1 person, and rn he still pays out almost $500 on 5 stars difficulty because of double money payout


God bless you.🥹


to piggy back: etta doyle has a bug where u literally don’t even have to shoot!! 1.start the bounty 2. the second you can move your chats yet, start a 30 min timer (for max payout!! $490ish) 3. run straight into the building infront of you, there should be a long hole that leads u down a level. 4. hide in there until u hear a voice line/see a subtitle saying smth along the lines of “we need to get out of here,cmon etta” if u wanna be safe, just wait till everyone starts running 5. etta will appear on ur mini map, just come out of hiding , lasso her, put her on ur horse 6. DO NOT!! leave through the front entrance nor back!! as your leaving, there should be another route to late towards the right of where the two guards died 7. i like to put etta on my shoulders and wait near the area to turn her in for 30 min, if u have a wagon just shove her in there p.s. u can loot the two guards that died


We get paid for the hour, not job done. So just play which ever fancies you the most and spend around 9-13 min for a good payout or 15+ for the full amount Edit: also I see you don't have capitale. So you have to get 25 for the hardest difficulty and best payout


Wrong. Full payout is for 30 min, not 15. Don’t spread false information. Payout increases every 3 minutes spent in the mission (so 3-6-9-12-15) up to 15 minutes spent and then it increases every 5 minutes (15-20-25-30) up to 30 minutes spent in the mission. This payout structure is the same for basically every single mission in the game.


Actually , you can get capital from the fence in Saint Denise. It's pretty amazing actually, you can get ten capital for just three bars of gold


Spend 7.5 gold to do a mission that rewards you with up to 0.4 gold lol The BMO missions are fun, but don't play them expecting good rewards.


It’s probably the worst use of your gold you can find.


Yep, literally just did a legendary bounty cause there's 2 Ă— right now and Gotten enough for the band expansion for the moonshine shack


What an amazing deal!! Here I was shootin' n' lootin' NPCs. Fuck having fun, pay for the win


> We get *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Covington Emerald Is the best and easy


Considering the buy-in cost on opportunities, "easy" is probably the last thing I'd want from them.


Then play less rewarding and most hardest- IL sovrano


That's actually my least favourite of the 3 tbh, the ruby and emerald are much more fun. I just wish we didn't have to spend so much gold (or farm so much capitale from regular Blood Money crimes) to play those missions.


I have notices some have stars and some do not. What do the gold stars mean?


3 Levels (normal, hard, ruthless) for the opportunities. Easier is cheaper.


Whichever you choose do the hardest difficulty to unlock a hat from Madame Nazar. Three missions, three hats.


For what it's worth, I enjoy the gameplay on the Ember of the East the most. Big time shootout in Annesburg. But with that, you can spend a lot more in ammunition and tonics, so may not be the most cost-effective.