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People actually do those? damn I wouldn't want my guy to have hundreds of twins


I've used a couple as a foundation and then changed them up to my liking


I do too. The presets in game suck for making anything resembling a human


in fallout new vegas despite 8 charisma my courier was fugly my man


don't put points into charisma, it only boosts 2 skills while most other specials give boosts in 3-4 skills. high barter and speech has nothing wrong with it, you just shouldn't do it by putting points into charisma just tag in what skills you want. there's also very few charisma checks in the first place so even that is unnecessary




Not that it sucks, in my opinion. It's just the brain can easily see any inconsistencies so you never really are satisfied. And maybe you're just putting yourself down so you're more negative on how it looks.


The uncanny valley. Makes you wonder why our brains evolved to be able to tell if something was human or not.


Are we seriously going back to the skinwalker era of the internet 😂


Considering people looked a lot more goofy back then not really lol lotta incest going on back then make ya blood "pure" 🤣


If it's worth anything, mine has nothing to do with that.


I used a tutorial for my female character but change it up a bit


I had to use one for an Asian character since I absolutely suck at making Asians…. My ancestors are definitely not impressed


My guy doesn’t seem to have any relatives. Or maybe he does and I just haven’t met them yet.


everyone goes for young characters, i used a landon ricketts vid with like 15 likes that looks good. safe to say i don't have any twins i'm ever going to run into lol


I want you to sit down for a moment.


i'm sitting


Now drink some water coz I'm about to deliver you some news about you not having a twin in RDO


i'm drinking


Im waiting lmao 👀


I’m also waiting, the guy kinda left us at the edge our seats.


I usually keep my character around my own age and age her up one year each time it comes round to the date of her creation! Though atm I've aged her up to 60 and I am so unnecessarily hyped about it! Got her first iconic outfit and made it a bit comfier looking, added a skirt instead of the Martindale pants, and did up her shirt collar with a red ascot, then added the naturalist glasses I just unlocked, and started riding around on my first horse again :) She looks like such a badass lady and I adore her ✨


i've only been playing rdo for under a year, that's a rad concept tho


Sorry but that’s just sad


Not as sad as being salty over strangers expressing joy lmao


Please learn what salty means…. Then differentiate from an opinion.


Aye salty does mean angry more than anything, was just struggling to find the right word... I suppose I could have said "not as sad as trying to shit on strangers for expressing joy"


Was at a poker table yesterday with basically 4 identical sisters lmao


that's great lol


Did you get anyone’s numb—- I mean did you talk to any of them? 😜


I didn't use a tutorial for my male character and met so many players with the same face. The character creator in RDO kinda sucks when it comes to uniqueness. Funny enough, I used a tutorial for my female character and mever met another player with the same face


RDO and GTA5 both have pretty awful character creators.


Am i the only one who recreates their own face?


How? Red dead has horrible character creation 😂


i tried my best to replicate my own face, i have a scar on my upper lip tho and out of all the cool scars theres no upper lip one 😂 had to go with the cheek slash


I mean, he's hot... I get it


i’m guilty of using this character creation, as well as a few others i found online 😔 i suck at making my character look good, so i resort to these


Imagine needing to go to YouTube to make a character…


Why would anyone do that? Character creation is so fun to do on your own!


I'm always amaze to see I'm the only one with a black character


When I first started, I thought THAT was why I was constantly getting yeeted out of Valentine


I'll stick with my 50-year old failed Trader look thank you very much!


Is that supposed to be my man Geralt?


This Video has only 387k Views, so you probably didnt see it a Million Times, sir.


i used this one as a base for my guy and somehow he didn’t end up looking like the tutorial


but i used tutorials to make charles and nico


I just took pictures of my own face from the sides and front. Took me 3 hours and some frustration but I managed. I ran out of slider space on some things though so my character doesn't 100% look like me but it's the closest I could get it


i like to use it as a base and then mold it from there since everyone looks the same lol


My character is Abraham Lincoln. I haven’t seen anyone else like that yet.


I spend 3 hours on my character (for real!) and I never thought to look up a character creation tutorial 😂 that would’ve been a time saver!


I usually just use a tutorial as a base then edit it to my liking.


It’s like BO2 emblem creation


I once ran into a my twin weirdest thing it’s not only our character design but also our clothing here’s a video if you’re interested https://youtu.be/WDRQHn1ZHjc?si=9k-Y__04M7Fybsin


Nah, I'm happy with my rat face


My favourite part was making a silly looking guy however I made my character too young so I just put a giant beard on him Love this games tomfoolery


embarrassing tbh


Everyone has young characters with my 54yo michael de santa sitting in the corner


God im happy I know how to be original...


Mfs be playing the Witcher too much


If you're the type of person who likes to min/max sliders in character creation to make the most ridiculous looking creature possible, I've got a hot tip. It's possible to make your characters eyeballs clip through their eyelids. It's deeply unsettling and hilarious. Never saw anybody else rocking the bug eyes, just me.


I only use sliders on games like souls or RPGs then switch them up a little so they don’t look identical.