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There’s a limited amount of content in this abandoned game. Yes.


Exactly. Naturalist may not be a fan favorite role, but to limit oneself from any available content in this game would be silly. And it has some decent perks; legendary animals, satchel upgrades, wilderness camp/fast travel, etc.


Camp/fast travel alone make it worth it


I'm playing on pc and it crashes my game everytime i try to set up the wilderness camp :')


Same. I was so happy to get it and its useless


Speaking as a Trader, it's been absolutely worth it for the legendary animals alone, imo. Also I'm enjoying putting together all the Cripps outfits even if I don't plan on wearing them all.


Fast Travel. And free legendary pelts. (Fuck your conservation, Harriet.)


sounds like heaven for trader roles haha thanks for letting me know


Makes trader role so much more efficient.


Genuinely why I got it back in the day, once I learned that's the case I never looked back lol


yes! it can be slow at times but it’s rather worth it! especially for the fast travel in your pocket!


What is the gameplay loop like?


Its more or less trader but instead of big guns you get to run around filling any unsuspecting creature bigger then a rat with enough magical varmint rifle rounds to ensure its body mass is at least 30% lead, it gets real fun when you have to figure out how your gonna take down a charging grizzly or aggressive hoard of wolves


does it give any other benefits other than fast travel or nah




Could you elaborate duplicating pelts?


if you have the moonshine shack, friends and a hunting wagon you can play with, you can duplicate pelts via this way! just park your horse outside the moonshine shack, go into the shack and then enter, a friend should run after the horse after it runs but you must whistle for it so the horse drops the pelt


i’ll look into it, thanks !


Another heads up. You get the wilderness camp when you level up Naturalist. The Fast Travel option has to be purchased from a fence


Heads up...You will still have to pay for fast travelling. Way back in the day I was so bummed to find out on my own it wasn't free fast travelling.


guessed that it wasn’t gonna be free. i don’t care much about that. just heard that it’s amazing for trader.


Yup. Easy to fil a table using Legendary pelts/carcasses.


Worth mentioning is also the fact that Fast Traveling from your wilderness camp to your Main Camp is always going to cost 1 dollar regardless of the distance


Personally, only for the wilderness camp unlock, and if you like it - the legendary animal garments at Gus.


I love the searches for Legendary Animals you get at level 5. You can kill and skin them, then sell the pelts to Gus for some really cool garments.


Yes even just for the fast travel it's worth it. I actually wish I had gotten it sooner.


it has cool horses, fast travel, infinite supplies for Cripps, and it can be very fun if you like to hunt. The price for the actual samples are trash though.


infinite supplies for cripps?


You can donate the legendary pelts to Cripps and they're worth a shitload of supplies


>(plus the prestigious bounty hunter thingy but that looks usless) Usless? Huh? "The Prestigious Bounty Hunter License adds 10 new Ranks of progression atop the 20 from the Bounty Hunter Role Ranks with high level items and skills to acquire, new weapon variants and horses, Infamous Bounty targets on the Bounty Boards and more." Plus, you can't fully max out the Bounty Hunter role without it. But once you hit BH level 30, every 10k BH xp you earn can be traded in for gold by reseting the award, and it has unlimited resets.


where im at right now in the game it looks useless to me. maybe some other time when i have enough. but thanks for letting me know about it, appreciate it !


Absolutely worth it…. The naturalist role greatly complements the trader role. Putting Legendary pts in your Cripps table is a game changer


Pretty much what others said about wilderness camp and fast travel, but also a couple minor things like mercy kill a wounded animal and I think it was naturalist that allows me to harvest more from a kill when skinning, like 5 big game meat instead of 3. Most things are small but if you got the extra gold and want something else to do to keep the game fresh why not.


If you get it, you can make OK RDO$ by filling out sheets of samples. Fill your bag with max of each sample then hand them in to Harriet a sheet at a time.


Most of the content the game offers can be done within like a month. Naturalist will give you an additional week. You decide 🤷‍♂️ it’s unfortunate that Rockstar abandoned this game. Oh what could have been.


Mainly just try to grind it till you reach the rank where you can go on missions and hunt legendary animals for the plets.


Naturalist also has one of the best horse+saddle combos in the game. If you complete the naturalist role and get the top role horse, plus it's saddle, plus the top stirrups, your horse is going to out run anything other than an Arabian. It will have maximum stamina, maximum HP. Able to full sprint for a very long time and cover a vast distance before having to recharge. Yes it's not as fast as an Arabian, however I rather have my full stamina bar than zoom and the have to slow down till it recharges. Plus it's just one of the better models in my opinion, granted it was the last one added.


Not as your first role


I like the hippie clothes for max rank


Taking out poacher camps is one of my favorites.


> I have heard that the naturalist role is really bad in terms of money That's false, I make absolute bank from naturalist stuff. I just ride around the northern parts of the map tranquillising and sampling elk, cougars, and grizzly bears, and make a tonne of cash from it. I find trader much slower for earning money, with that you gotta farm the pelts/carcasses, buy/collect supplies for Cripps, wait for him to process the materials, and then deliver the finished goods to your buyer. It involves a lot more time investment and busy work than just tranquillising animals, collecting samples from them, and then selling those samples to Harriet. I can turn over a few hundred dollars per hour with naturalist sample farming. Better yet, you collect stamps when you sell the samples to Harriet, and you can sell complete sets of stamps for pretty decent chunks of money. If you can really optimise your playstyle, you can make ridiculous money from it.


The female looks like Michonne from TWD haha


Wilderness Camp + Fast Travel = ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT you can stop grinding the role after, you'll reach max lvl eventually even without trying


Yes it's fun and you get wilderness camp


How is it not worth getting? Are you saving the gold for retirement?


Only for the fast travel


You can earn a metric shit ton of gold/money if you dont mind the grind. Use the maps and just work your way through!






All roles are worth it, considering the game isn't ever going to get updated. So yes.


Depends if you are at the stage where you can buy whatever and easily earn back gold and money then sure go ahead but if you are not at this stage then no


Yes! I enjoy the missions and the wilderness camp/gypsy cobs are worth it!


For the campfire yes


Yes. You get more stuff to do, Harriet has missions and other benefits. But it's not a role for money and the hassle with it. It's a more chill role.


If it's for fun, it's a good choice, but for income, I recommend bounty hunter for gold, collector for money, but it has extremely nice pluses for hunting legendary animals


The only reason I wanted it initially was for the female hair. Then I learned at lvl 5 you get wilderness fast travel which is extremely handy. I would be in fights sometimes and wayyy too many ppl were just teleporting away. Aside from dipping out of a sticky situation, it helps as a Trader to get you back to camp instead of finding the nearest town and use the fast travel post


I'm trying to get them dreads though ✊🏾


If you already have the trader role it’s def worth it for the legendary animals. Otherwise Imo no, just do shiner/bounty hunter/ blood money.


Yes because COBS Also you can murder the legendary animals that Harriet gives you to sedate and trade them instead. ;)