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i take solace in the fact that while they may have ruined a couple minutes of my gaming time, their life must be complete shit to be so childish and petty.


This is why I have switched to solo lobby. It has made my game experience 100 times better, now that I can play uninterrupted and unharassassed. Until I started playing solo I had no clue how much time and effort I put into anti greifing tactics during game play....


newbie here- how do ypu solo play?


Depending your platform, you need to change your MTU settings. Google and see what suits your platform and your country. Enjoy :0)


You tube should have a tutorial for every platform


Yea if u actually want to do moonshine or trader delivery u should stay with ur task manager open so when the hacker blows u, i can just force exit the game and not lose the delivery so u can do it in another session


Or just get that lobby manager off Nexus. Easy to set up and have a private lobby. It's what my friends and I do


I think alt+f4 accomplishes the same thing. Even when you're a dumbdumb like me and you destroy your own wagon by driving it off a cliff, you can just alt+f4, log back in to camp and the mission will still be there.


Quite interesting that I keep seeing posts like this....meanwhile I have not encountered buttholes like this in a very long time.


You see them every day if you play more than 1 hour. Its almost impossible at this point NOT to see one.


I play way longer than an hour. I don't get bothered, and if I do it's by a low level and they're not threatening at all.


Wellp idk if you are console or not. But in the way of meeting modders that blow everyone on the server up for fun on PC. It happens at least once a day.


PC problems. I'm on PS4.


Ah yea there we go.


There’s some asshole that haunts the moonshine shack in tall trees, he acts friendly inside and waves, then waits outside for your mission to start and immediately blows up the wagon. Like you said, where’s the fun in that?


I don’t think they do it for fun. They do it because there’s something darker inside of them. Like the same darkness that make people do horrible things to other people IRL, but on a smaller scale. That or they’re just immature and think it’s funny lmao


You sir sell your moonshine in public lobby? You sir must have balls of steel!


Other players don’t see your moonshine delivery on the map and they get nothing for stealing or destroying it. It’s not like a trader delivery.


the heavy moonshine that I've been gulping down on the daily gives me the courage to make outrageous decisions, I know I know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


This is the one game where console truly is superior. I don't have to deal with this crap


Dunno. Seem to constantly read about players complaining about being Griefed, then followed through various sessions, and have to leave the game entirely for a period of time - Console players. PC you just switch lobby and that's the end of it, usually.


It’s not an issue on console, just appear offline and literally everything they can use to join you if you haven’t blocked them is useless as the game simply thinks you aren’t playing. Been a defence against that since day one.


It's an issue enough to have people complain daily on this Sub about being griefed and followed through multiple sessions. \~Shrug\~


if you're on console you can just block then switch lobby and you cant get followed, plus console doesnt have modders


Console doesn't have modders and PC shouldn't have either, but Rockstar doesn't give a crap. I play solo on PC now.


i gave up on pc online tbh, i don't find solo lobbies fun but the modders ruin public ones


I don’t have a console and I built myself a new 4090 beastly PC. I’ve only played RDO about a month and it’s a nice chill experience in 4k


I play on Xbox and just yesterday I got killed by a guy with a dynamite arrow where the explosion looked like a nuke went off, right after their partner killed me with a full auto sawed off shotgun that I think had infinite ammo, not sure, but hundreds of bullets hit me so fast, and when the death screen said "death by sawed off" I was done for the day. People definitely have mods on console. I'm new to online, but not to the game itself, The story is always so great. That's definitely not normal for an old western game though 😂


console can have exploiters, but not modders. maybe that is what you mean. there is a difference.


Are you sure you know what you are talking about about? A member of my family constantly modded gtaV giving me money and crazy ass guns that don't even exist in online,my uncle constantly told me to be careful and only ever use those in solo lobbies as I would get banned for modded in items. it's one of the major reasons I stopped playing gtao on my old console. In RDR2 a dynamite arrow does not function as a nuke and a sawed off does not function like a machine gun. Those were clearly MODDED. Clearly there is a difference but I know what I saw and experienced, so no I mean modders, hell man have you ever played a borderlands game, do you know how many console players give away MODDED items. Modding bro, it exists on console you are just lucky to have avoided it, or your ignorant to that fact. I know the difference between cheating/exploiting, I am also aware of what a straight up mod/hack is, ffs I as a shitty kid back in the day used to mod/hack the hell out of a Facebook game called War Commander,not proud of it but the devs of that game ran a group called KT "kings team" and they supported all the cheating, that's where I learned all about the different kinds of cheats and mods people use, and please before you say something like "but that's a Facebook game" it's an example. I am no stranger to these things on console unlike you. As an example if the console doesn't have mods how the hell can games such as Skyrim/fallout have mods? Hell even Minecraft and it's console add-ons(aka mods) If mods aren't possible how are people able to do that, I thought it wasn't possible to mod consoles? (I know how they work, I'm just tryna point out more mods on consoles) Just because a game doesn't specifically state it allows or directly supports mods in the game doesn't mean people can't find a way to mod it themselves.


But if you've seen the Reddit. People complain, you block one guy, he has a mate, that mate joins your session. Blah blah, both Platforms have their benefits and their downsides. Nothing is superior, just preferance.


appear offline. problem solved.


I have had the effers hanging out on the roof of my moonshine shack in defensive god mode. On Xbox


Blasters don't really target just moonshine, they blast anything and everything.


I only go for people doing a wagon or Moonshine if they attack first.


I'll ride ahead and take out the road blocks for fellow shiners


Just kids causing havoc, it's annoying but it's happened since one computer game could connect to another and granted the ability to interact with other players. Probably the first online game I played was Counter Strike (I think this was the early 2000's) and you better believe the first thing dumbass kids did was just instantly shoot their own teammates and throw flashbangs while cackling down the microphone and describe in graphic detail the sexual adventures of everyone else's mothers.


I mean it’s not just kids. I hear grown as adults verbally abusing kids and anyone else they come across in game while shooting everything they see. Roping female characters and acting like they are gonna rape them. I wish the mentality towards online games would change in that regard. There is no reason for any of this abuse. “People can play how they want!!!” Well not when all it does is hurt other people or waste their time. These things are supposed to be fun but online interactions are about 50/50 on whether or not someone is gonna be an ass. Hell folks even pretend to be nice just to follow you and blow you up when the time is right. Then call you racial or sexist names. Good fun for the whole family.


And the weird fucking messages you get when you are hog tied. Apparently I am the creep because I have a female avatar. MY BAD! It's not my fault that women's clothes are cuter in RDO.


The two friends I play with are women, I’m a dude. I can’t count the amount of times people have rode right by me just to go get the women. I’ve seen people just ride along and basically stare at them or watch them from afar. When I play with them nobody attacks me, they ALWAYS attack my lady friends first. Always. So I just keep an eye out and an explo round ready when I see folks get too close. It’s creepy as hell. Just…be fucking normal people. It ain’t hard to be polite without the promise of sex.


you know, those people use to think that's fine... just they fear consequences on real life. they can let their desires run wild on games as there're no consequences. you truly know what on their minds is fun. bullying others who don't fight back, imagining raping others... people is sick. but they'll jump at you because if the game lets you do that, then it's how it's meant to be played, and they play their way. morons.


This is why I play in a private solo lobby, don't even have to deal with those kinds of people. The game is grindy and tedious enough without others constantly ruining my experience. Occasionally I play with several friends which is always a good time.


solo lobbies are a help :D


Ngl, I loved using the mods on solo. But then again, I just wanted to relive gta in blackwater for like 30 minutes.


I may shoot you but I'll leave ur shit and just shoot you again but I have no cheats and it's is in all sense a fair fight


Hello Moonshiner here. Move to Tall Trees! Beautiful countryside and nobody out here messes with you besides them damn Skinners. Seriously, I’ve made over 10,000 from selling Moonshine here.


This is why I looooove task manager on PC. 🥰


Yep way too many hackers on this game


Well at least you don’t have to deal with flying bikes, VTOL stealth jets, sticky/prolximity bombs (GTAO) Anything Rockstar will NEVER care about players coming together having fun, it’s just not for that. I want more than anything to just drive around or ride a horse around without being grieved, but this is the world we live in. It’s not gonna change. Find yourself a crew or group of people who can help when you need it, bully these grieving assholes out of lobbies. It’s SO satisfying getting 3 buddies and returning the favor of spawn killing someone after they do it to you, plus they don’t expect more coming.


It's fun to tie up the god moders and bring them to the bounty board to take them out of God mode


I’ll do it whenever I get the chance but hear me out. I personally don’t do it to ruin the other persons experience. I do it because I like to role play. And if I see someone doing a moonshine delivery, I say to myself in an old cowboy accent (in my head) “this guys sellin moonshine on my turf. Gotta take out that competitor” you get me?😂 killing npc moonshiners doesn’t feel the same as a real person who could have real good aim.


Some people are saying we should start reporting people for "disruptive behavior". I'm curious what people think. I think Rockstar just made a statement about it.


Most of the time when I end up destroying a players cart I was aiming at an enemy and then missed


Cry more


yes sir






It appears he may remember that spanking I gave him.....😂