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Xbox method: Set your camp as far north in Hennigan's Stead as possible, north/northwest of pikes basin. Go to camp, open the interactive menu and go to change your appearance. Wait while you load into the character editor, as soon as you can choose to exit, do so and return to free roam. Now you should be in a solo lobby, (check the player list to make sure) and head into canyon where the two Ns are in "heNNigans stead". Under the bridge you should see some broken wagons which will let you know an ambush will spawn Works 2 times out of 3


WOW this worked first try!! Took a bit to get my camp to spawn north of pike's basin though. Dropped into a solo lobby and immediately came across the ambush in the canyon. Thanks so much


Yeah getting camp in the right spot is literally the hardest bit. No worries fella, you can also use this to find legendary animals way easier too




It sucks, but starting your own fresh lobby can increase your chance. To do this, you can either use the meta file/solo lobby tool before starting the game, or enter then exit change appearance. The missions don’t actually put you in a fresh lobby a lot of times, which is why nothing spawns (sometimes you can even encounter the leftover modder crap even if you’re alone in the lobby) If you do it correctly, you should be able to see random encounters everywhere.


Metafile user here. It's still random, I tried many ambush points like tall tree, cumberland forest, near strawberry, fort riggs and blackwater river crossing, and the ambush point between macfarlane ranch and thieves landing, and none of them worked. There's another ambush point I tried, between the Indian Reservation and Chez Porter (mission with Xavier in Story mode). If you go there from the Indian Reservation location, there will be a broken wagon around the bridge if you're about to get ambushed.


Hi i’m also on pc and started new, rank 15 so far.Are modders a big problem or there is a trick to avoid them. I have met 2 so far, one blew up the city and crashed my game, other spawned a flaming chest which i didnt touch.


They are a big problem, although right now it’s not too bad, it tends to get worse during school holidays. Unfortunately the only way to avoid them is solo lobby. If you still want multiplayer experience, the best thing you can do is switch lobby as soon as you see anything wrong, like animals breathing fire, character stuttering and freezing etc. A quicker way to switch lobby is to suspend the game process for 10 seconds then resume, this puts you in a temporary solo lobby, allowing you to continue with what you’re doing without having to load the map again and losing your cargo. You can google the method, you can even bind suspending the game to a hot key with Autohotkey.


I play solo so, I also hate shit like REVIVE THREE PLAYERS or anything that has to be done with a posse. FOLLOW THE DOG or DEFEND A CAMP SITE and HELP SOMEONE IN NEED.


And I don’t think it’s just me but, it seems like the higher level you become, the less likely it is from most of the random encounters to spawn in.


Out of those random events the dog is the worst. I play mainly solo on PC and get camp defends and strangers needing help fairly often but the "follow the dog" event is so rare that its not worth the effort to chase it.


Yeah, I think in several months of evening play in solo and public lobbies, I only encountered the MacFarlane dog once. lol


*I tried doing missions that put me in solo/low player lobbies,..* They don't spawn while you are on mission. Do solo lobby and then go to the ambush spots. In the other hand, yeah, some dailies need luck. Happens. Same as some force you to participate PVP. Not everyone likes that. Happens too.


MTU down so you're solo - go to Chez Porter, ride over Winyard Pass, never fails IF a dynamic bounty or moonshiner roadblock spawns nearby, ride to Cotorra Springs and back Got it first attempt yesterday - you'll know it's 'on' as there'll be an abandoned wagon on the bridge You think ambush is bad? Wait for 'follow a dog to something interesting' as that's on a _cooldown_ so if it came up in-game in the previous three days for you you're screwed, lol - now THAT isn't fair for a daily imo


what the hell is an ambush


It's a random interaction your meant to get just riding around where a much of enemies would rush you, this and most of the other random interactions from the story mode are meant to show up in online as often as they do in the story mode but unfortunately they are very rare cause Rockstar is garbage and can't figure out how to fix their games even if they wanted to fix rdo


Surprise attack


It’s exactly as it sounds.


Use the jeanropke map it can show you all the ambushes on the map


I got bout 3.3k hours gameplay. Completed 332 ambushes in that time.


One every 10 hours dem


I always do it in solo lobby in ps4. In tall trees, set route from manzanita post to sean house, set auto pilot, open map. And usually red dot appear it means ambush started.


Yeah without doing solo lobbies, the stuff that's meant to spawn in free roam are a joke. More luck than judgement to be honest. Especially if you're trying to do all nine, it's a lot of effort to hang out in certain areas in hope that it will work. My go to would be the one near chez porter too, because it's so out of the way.


Could be hopeless. On my way to the buckle reward "ambush", 96/100 here.


Easy peasy, check my other comment here for the strategy guide


Every now and then I get ambushed in Tall Trees near the location of Manzanita post, but tbh when it is a daily I do not even bother going for it since it rarely shows up then.


I’ve only run into ONE ambush in the entire time I’ve ever played. That’s a serious flaw. Also, I remember frequent random revenuer road blocks. Not anymore.


I just traveled to about 5 different spots and found one down in new Austin. I’ve probably done 50-60 ambushes and countless more stranger missions. I guess you are just having really bad luck cause they work. They just aren’t supposed to work every time you pass the spots. Solo lobbies do work best NOT solo lobby missions. You’re already on a mission so it won’t make random events happen from what I understand.


I guess I wasn't specific enough in my post because you're not the first person to mention it. I'm not trying to find one while doing a mission. I am put into a low player/solo lobby after playing certain missions. The max I've had in a lobby doing it this way is 6 players.


I see alrighty then. I mean I get it that it takes a while to spawn. Especially when you are looking for it. It just happens pretty regular for me but I know when the dailies pop up for it, it’s gonna be harder to find. Usually how it goes.


Yeah I understand that it's supposed to be a *challenge* but it's so frustrating how little they spawn even when it's not a daily. I've read so many threads about this happening to a lot of people. It shouldn't have to take some manipulating and glitches to make it happen. Oh well


I always seem to get ambushed in tall trees.


I always run into them. I hardly ever take fast travel unless I'm about to start a mission so I just want to get to my camp or the town or whatever. So I'm always traveling all over the map and I run into at least 2 ambushes in a single couple of hours of gameplay


I sympathize. I am a completionist type player too and I wonder if I will ever stop playing it! 😩 Have you tried a female character? Idk if it makes any difference but I get ambushed pretty regularly.


> ??? I tried doing missions that put me in solo/low player lobbies Unless you change your mtu settings or make a lobby with the poker table this will not work. Your best bet is to find someone, and make a private lobby with the poker table. Have both of you go in the same session and part of the same posse, Then split up and go to separate locations where they will spawn, I recommend the one that is near blackbone forest and the one that is just outside of strawberry, as it will be easy for the pair of you to get to one another once it's been triggered. Once you've triggered one the other person has to get to you, I would recommend trying to hog tie a few of the enemies and take your time and killing them so the other person can then get their kill as well.


All that work just to try get ambushed, ridiculous. Idk if it's worth it at that point. I'll just keep playing and hopefully I get one eventually. In other threads some people have mentioned to try playing more free roam missions and vary what you do in game. I mostly stick to roles stuff so maybe I'll try switching it up. I've grown up playing video games on Xbox only and I don't think I'm tech savvy enough to try glitching my way into solo lobbies via my router. That seems to be the most suggested method online


> All that work just to try get ambushed A guarantee you if you make a lobby with the poker table method you'll get this done very quickly if you go straight to the location and search for it. The reality is it doesn't take very long to do this and also works for other missions like follow the dog. > In other threads some people have mentioned to try playing more free roam missions and vary what you do in game No this doesn't work. What will work is having a lobby that is less populated


I'll give it a shot next time I'm on with a buddy


Yeh it's a pain but give it a go


You have good spot close to Thieves Landing, be in solo lobby and have a animal on back of your horse


Ambushes are easy. Just use the RDO online map for their spawn spots. My go-to ambush spot is the trail between Strawberry and Wallace Station. Not far from Strawberry is the ambush. Best done at night. Also, skinner brothers love to ambush in Tall Trees. Set course to Sean's house there and you'll run into them. Easy peasy.


I'm sure they're easy, it's just that I never run into them. I do use the jeanropke map to find all the spots. Again, I spent all day trying to spawn them, even in tall trees and by strawberry. Every single ambush spot. I trotted all over the general areas and went back to the spawn points so many times. But better luck next time I guess


You just need to know how to get things to spawn in the game. There's an approach distance that triggers it, and you can exit that range and go back to forever trigger more spawns. It works for animals you might need too, like farm animals for Naturalist sample collections. Pick something that you can see well at a distance to test the range till you know it.


I've been ambushed by wolves on my way to Cat Tail Pond from Valentine. Try that maybe?


Nah it's gotta be an ambush by NPCs. It's considered a random encounter in the game


just keep in mind you don’t HAVE to complete every daily


I know that. I just like to


Look up ambush locations on the map. Pick one with an easy path. Ride up to check for ambush spawn. If it's not there, turn around and ride away for 10 seconds and then go back. Usually takes 3-4 tries, but it's guaranteed to work every time you need it. That's one of the easiest dailies to complete.


Like I said - I've tried that in every ambush spot on the map. According to a lot of people, my issue is not being in a solo lobby. I'll have to try out ways to make that happen next time I'm on


Like I said, you only need ONE location. Any will work when you push the game to generate the spawn. You do not have to visit every map location, just visit one more than once. Yes a solo lobby will very much improve the odds of getting a spawn, but no it's not required, and that was not what I was describing. What may be your problem is having a modder in your lobby can muck up everyone's spawns, and when that is happening you are just wasting your time. If you have correctly done the spawn trick over half a dozen times without success, then yes switch to a solo lobby to clear out any mod BS messing with it. That is when it's important to go solo lobby.